"Suddenly, they heard something down the hall, in the dark. Oooh...It came into the torchlight. And they knew...The blade of Wing-Fun was haunted! Aah-ah..." Sokka yells, drawing his sword in an attempt to scare the unimpressed crowd in front of him.
Currently, the group of six were sitting around a campfire, a waxing moon hovering above them, nearly full. The mountain range, well a single mountain, shadowed behind Sokka, making a sense of serenity settle within the group.
"I think I like 'the man with a sword for a hand' better." Aang yawns, stretching one his arms out behind him-- careful of the content girl, and animals, in his lap. Asha had her head laid on his thigh as Aang laid on his side-- Zulu and Momo in her lap. Beside them, Raiko and Toph sat side by side, the Earth bender laying on Raiko's shoulder, his arm wrapped around her. Katara sat beside her brother, her knees bent to her chest as she watched Sokka put his sword back.
"Water Tribe slumber parties must stink." Toph snorts, pushing herself further into Raiko's side.
"No, wait, I've got one, and this is a true Southern Water Tribe story." Katara readjusts herself so the fire illuminates very little of her face.
"Is this one of those 'a friend of my cousin knew some guy that this happened to' stories?" Sokka groans, sitting back in anticipation.
"No, it happened to Mom. One winter, when Mom was a girl, a snowstorm buried the whole village for weeks. A month later, Mom realized she hadn't seen her friend Nini since the storm. So mom and some others went to check on Nini's family. When they got there, no one was home, just a fire flickering in the fireplace. While the men went out to search, Mom stayed in the house. When she was alone, she heard a voice, 'It's so cold and I can't get warm.' Mom turned and saw Nini standing by the fire. She was blue, like she was frozen. Mom ran outside for help, but... when every one came back, Nini was gone." The ambience was created and tension hung thick in the air as Katara's eyes dart from person to person. She watches as Toph and Raiko look unimpressed, Aang readjusting his (and consequently Asha's as well) position, moving so she was now completely in his lap. Asha, too, looks unimpressed as she scratches behind Momo's ear. Sokka hides behind a tree trunk peering over slowly. Water tribe warrior everyone.
"Where'd she go?"
"No one knows. Nini's house stands empty to this day. But sometimes, people see smoke coming up from the chimney, like little Nini is still trying to get warm."
"Wait. Guys, did you hear that? I hear people under the mountain, and they're screaming." Toph furrows a brow, pulling away from Raiko to place a hand on the ground. Raiko gives her an odd look, only to look away at the sound of shuffling; he's met with the sight of an irritated looking Asha, the poor girl being crowded by Sokka, Katara and Aang.
Sokka is quick to pull away after being spotted, trying to regain his composure. "Pft. Nice try."
"No, I'm serious, I hear something." Toph glares in Sokka's direction, furrowing her brows.
Asha leans forward, placing her own hand on the ground as her eyes close in concentration. She can feel the shaking from Aang and Sokka behind her, the slight nervous patter of Katara's fingertips on the ground, footsteps from where she doesn't know, and finally very small, blink and you'll miss them, vibrations; much like that of a scream from underground. One covered by pounds of dirt, rock and such.
"I hear it too." Asha opens her eyes slowly, looking behind her to the terrified trio.
"You two are probably just jumpy from the ghost stories." Katara tries to reason, her fingers continuing to drum.
"I don't get jumpy." Asha rolls her eyes, a small smile plays at her lips, but she forces it back to the neutral look she's grown used too. Momo and Zulu remain in her lap, awake but content with staying in the warmth they've created.
"It just stopped." Toph sounds near disappointment, Raiko giving her back a small rub.
"All right, now I'm getting scared." Aang fiddles with his fingers, eyes darting around.
"Hello, children." An older woman's voice breaks through the over laying silence that had fallen. Aang, Katara, and Sokka let out a scream as they run off, cowering behind Toph, Raiko and Asha. The three look unimpressed as they each have someone clutching their backs in fear (Katara on Toph's, Sokka on Raiko's and Aang on Asha's). The woman only smiles as she walks into the light.
"Sorry to frighten you, my name is Hama. You children shouldn't be out in the forest by yourselves at night. I have an inn nearby, why don't you come back there for some spiced tea and warm beds?"
'Stranger danger-'
'Asha please-'
"Thank you for letting us stay here tonight. You have a lovely inn." Asha offers a small smile as she holds the warm cup between her small hands.
Hama was quick to take them back to her inn and starting tea and allowing the teens to settle at a large table.
"Aren't you sweet? You know, you should be careful. People have been disappearing in those woods you were camping in." Hama pours Katara's tea as she looks to the rest of the group.
"What do you mean, disappearing?" Sokka takes inquiry, watching as Aang snorts a laugh (his girlfriend had choked on her tea at the mention of disappearing).
"When the moon turns full, people walk in, and they don't come out." Hama takes an ominous tone as a shadow covers the top half of her face, the shadow dissipates as she looks up with a bright smile thought. "Who wants more tea?"
Hama's good mood is seemingly let down by the fearful expression on the kids' faces, even Toph and Asha have furrowed brows.
"Don't worry; you'll all be completely safe here. Why don't I show you to your rooms, and you can get a good nights rest?"
Asha's bright eyes watched the moon in a serene curiosity, silent as her brains runs a million miles a minute. The curiosity reminded her of the times before she was a leader to the world. A time where she could make a mistake and shake it off. A time where she only had to worry about air bending, feeding Gumi, and not falling out of bed in the morning. She still had to worry about those things, but they seemed so miniscule in the grand scheme of things
Did she regret anything? Not at all. She has a loving boyfriend, a caring family, and hundreds of people who believe in her, more than she believes in herself. But there always will be a time when hero's doubt themselves, leaders question their abilities, where the best of the best fall to an all time low. Maybe this was Asha's time. A wave of nausea and anxiety rushes through her gut, the girl taking a deep breath to calm herself. She knows Aang can feel it, but doesn't look back.
Her eyes continue to stare at the moon, which was nearly full, the time when her water bending would be at it's strongest.
Her strongest? She let out a snort at the thought, thinking back to what Onsra Tanna told her about her Avatar State. Her strongest state was actively trying to kill her as of right now. Dope.
Asha nearly jumps as a cold arm snakes around her exposed waist, a chin setting itself on her shoulder; raven hair tickling her own chin.
"You okay?" Aang's tired voice seems to soothe any doubts Asha was just having; something that commonly happened. Maybe its why they were made for each other. Humming, Asha debates whether or not she should lie, but ever since their connection, it's been damn near impossible to get anything past him.
"I-I don't know." Her voice falters, wavering with a small crack. Aang's grip tightens slightly, Asha leaning back into his chest
"I'm here when your ready." His voice is deep as he continues nuzzling into Asha's neck, the girl sending him a thankful smile, the moon's bright face shining onto the two.
After a day of yet more shopping-- at this point Asha was certain the world was against her-- they were back at the inn, the boys trying to convince the former that some sort of spirit was at play. She didn't buy it though, instead trying to ignore the soft throbbing in her head.
Turns out, Hama was a water bender. Which was fine and great and dandy, until someone (Katara) had convinced Asha to play along and act as part of the water tribe. While it would make sense for Aang to play along too, it was in Asha's genes to be stronger under the moon-- therefore the better option.
"I'd steer clear of the 'sea prunes'." Aang grimaces in disgust as he leans over to Toph, Asha grimacing at the mention of the dish. She purposefully ignores the sea kumquats or ocean prunes or whatever the hell they were-- less she get some unpleasant blasts from the past.
"I thought they were ocean kumquats?" Raiko leans over as well, his blond hair just barely hanging over his eyebrows.
"Close enough." Once more, Aang shivers with a grimace, sitting up.
"Who wants five-flavor soup?" Hama beams brightly, bending out seven portions into the bowls before her.
"You're a water bender! I've never met another water bender from out tribe." Katara bounces excitedly in her seat.
Asha was beginning to smell something fishy and it wasn't the dishes. Aang seemed to sense it too, as he gave a small squeeze to her shoulder, a soft smile playing on his lips.
'I'll be right here the whole time.'
'I'm glad.'
"That's because the Fire Nation wiped them all out. I was the last one." Hama's attitude seems to dim, her voice turning sad.
"So how did you end up out here?" Raiko looks up from his bowl, a small dribble of soup falling from the corner of his mouth.
"I was stolen from my home. It was over 60 years ago when the raids started. They came again, each time, rounding up more of our water benders, and taking them captive. We did out best to hold them off, but out numbers dwindled as the raids continued. Finally, I too was captured. I was led away in chains. The last water bender of the southern Water Tribe. They put us in terrible prisons here in the Fire Nation. I was the only one who managed to escape." Hama spills her story easily...Almost too easily. It made Asha's 'what the fuck and who the fuck' radar go off.
Pop off though.
"How did you get away? And why did you stay in the Fire Nation?" Sokka pushes after Hama pauses, the older woman holding a hand to her eye.
"I'm sorry. It's too painful to talk about anymore." Asha is quick to get out of her seat, quickly comforting the older woman, Katara joining her. Even if her 'bullshit' detector seemed to go off like a fire alarm, Asha wasn't heartless enough to watch the older woman cry.
Maybe it was her old person charm.
"We completely understand. We lost our mother in a raid." Katara whispers, Hama placing a hand on both of the girls' hands.
"Oh you poor things."
"I can't tell you what it means to meet you. It's an honor, you're a hero." Asha smiles, hoping to lighten the heavy tension that hangs in the room.
"I never thought I'd meet another Southern Water bender, let alone two." The group sends a nervous glance to Asha and Katara, the actual Water bender giving a subtle nod to play along., just like they planned.
"I'd like to teach you what I know, so you can carry on the Southern Tradition when I'm gone."
Katara and Asha look to each other excitedly, bright smiles appearing on their faces.
"Wow, these flowers are beautiful." Asha smiles, her fingers holding up a petal to a nearby flower with two gentle fingers. The Northern temple had very little plants, and the ones they did have, not as pretty as the ones surrounding them right now.
"They're called Fire Lilies. They only bloom a few weeks a year, but they're one of my favorite things about living here. And like all plants, and all living things, they're filled with water." Hama's voice takes an edge that Asha picks up, Katara blissfully remaining unaware. The Onsra narrowed her eyes as her 'danger' and 'bullshit' alarms went off.
"We met a water bender who lived in a swamp, and could control the vines by bending the water inside." Katara references back to the swamp, Asha shivering ever so slightly at the memory. Why they did half of the stupid shit they did, she'll never know.
"You can take it even further." Hama smirks, waving her hand in a large circle, bending the water straight from the lilies. The petals blacken and shrivel in Asha's hand, the girl not noticing as she watches Hama slice a thick rock with the recovered water.
"That was incredible!" Katara continues to beam, looking to the destroyed rock in awe.
"It's a shame about the lilies..." Asha frowns, looking to the dried out petals in her hand.
"They're just flowers. When you're a water bender in a strange land, you do what you must. Tonight, I'll teach you the ultimate technique of water bending. It can only be done during the full moon, when your bending is at its peak." Hama places a hand on Asha's shoulder, forcing the girl to meet her gaze.
"Isn't that dangerous? I thought people have been disappearing around here during the full moon." Asha nearly growls, but keeps a calm facade, her brows do furrow however as they meet Hama's dead eyes.
"Oh, Asha. Three master water benders beneath a full moon? I don't think we have anything to worry about." The elder forces a smile that pulls her wrinkles with it.
"Loosen up, Ash." Katara pulls Asha to her feet, the two teens following Hama.
The shit Asha did for friendship. She swears-
"Can you feel the power the full moon brings? For generations, it has blessed water benders with its glow, allowing us to do incredible things. I've never felt more alive." Hama takes a deep breath, a seemingly relaxed one as Asha and Katara stand behind her.
"What I'm about to show you two, I discovered in that wretched, Fire nation prison. The guards were always careful to keep any water away from us. They piped in dry air, and had us suspended away from the ground. Before giving us any water, they would bind our hands and feet so we couldn't bend. Any sign of trouble was met with cruel retribution. And yet, each month, I felt the full moon enriching me with its energy. There had to be something I could do to escape. Then I realized that where there is life, there is water. The rats that scurried across the floor of my cage, were nothing more than skins filled with liquid. And I passed years developing the skills that would lead to my escape. "
Hama takes on a darker demeanor, a shadow covering her already dark eyes. Asha furrows her brown in concentration, trying to think of what could possible be next to learn.
'Asha?! Are you with Hama right now?' Aang's voice is heard in her head as she tries to figure out what Hama is hinting at. Panic flushes into her gut, tightening her stomach with knot after knot. Aang seems to be scared- making her even more desperate to get to the bottom of this.
'Yeah? Why?'
'Hama isn't who we thought she was, she's-' Aang's thought is cut off by Asha coming to a realization to what more there could possibly be to water bending.
"Your talking about blood bending!" Asha shrieks, taking a step back.
"Your smart, Asha. Yes, Blood bending. Controlling the water in another body. Enforcing your own will over theirs. Once I had mastered the rats, I was ready for men... And during the next full moon, I walked free for the first time in decades. My cell unlocked by the very guards assigned to keep me in. Once you perfect this technique, you can control anything... or anyone." Hama smirks, looking up to the moonlight.
"But, to reach inside someone and control them? I don't know if I want that kind of power." Katara sounds uneasy, Asha herself looking nauseous at the very thought of blood bending. She was sure Aang could feel it.
"The choice is not yours. The power exists... And it's your duty to use the gifts you've been given to win this war. Katara, they tried to wipe us out, our entire culture... Your mother!" Hama snaps, turning to the brunettes.
"I know..." Katara rubs her arm, stepping behind Asha, the girl growling with narrowed eyes.
"Then you should understand what I'm talking about. We're the last Water benders of the Southern Tribe. We have to fight these people whenever we can. Wherever they are, with any means necessary!" Hama steps forward again.
"It's you." Asha's voice isn't anywhere above a whisper. "You're the one who's making people disappear during the full moons. You-" Asha starts getting more nervous, her voice raising.
"They threw me in prison to rot, along with my brothers and sisters. They deserve the same. You two must carry on my work!" Hama interrupts, her voice matching Asha's.
"I won't." Katara steps to stand proudly beside Asha, both brunettes glaring at Hama.
"Neither will I. It's not morally right. We won't allow you to keep terrorizing this town." Asha yells defiantly.
Both girls' defiance is stopped as Katara's arms is twisted around, throwing her from side to side.
"You should have learned the technique before you turned against me. It's impossible to fight your way out of my grip. I control every muscles, every vein in your body." Hama smirks again, pulling Katara to shield her, facing her against Asha.
"Stop...Please!" Katara lets out a plead, her own hands working against her as she pulls water from the grass below her.
The water is quickly fired at Asha, who only throws a hand up, deflecting it with ease. She was the Onsra under the full moon, she was beyond strong. She was invincible.
"You're not the only one who draws power from the moon. My bending is more powerful than yours and Katara's Hama. Your technique is useless on me!" Asha smirks brightly, standing with her arms at her side.
The two girls, forced to fight each other, don't let up. Attacks are fired from both sides, defenses being put up. A determined look is set on Asha's features, small sun spots scattered over the bridge of her nose reflecting against drops that splash away from two attacks that collided. Truth be told, Asha was struggling for control right now, she could feel the power try to break through her Chakra, but she remained firm.
With a final attack, Asha flipped over Katara, going to the source of Katara's struggling--Using a water whip to flip Hama, breaking the concentration and hold she had over Katara.
Soon Aang and Sokka are running up to the brunette's, Aang latching onto Asha tightly with a grateful smile.
"We know what you've been doing, Hama!" Sokka glares, his voice firm and authoritative.
"You're outnumbered." Aang growls, still holding Asha.
"No. You've outnumbered yourselves." Hama lets out a cynical giggle.
Aang is quickly torn from Asha, the girl looking to him in shock as he is, Sokka being pulled from Katara as well. The boys are quickly flung towards the girls, only for them to leap over with a graceful flip. Katara sends an attack towards Hama, but it's deflected. The boys are thrown at the girls once more, sending the girls' further from Hama.
With a grunt, Asha pulls water from the surrounding grass, using it to deflect Aang into a tree, freezing him to it.
"Sorry, love." She sends him a smile with apologetic eyes.
"It's okay." Aang blushes at the pet name, but smiles nonetheless.
Looking over, Asha can see Katara freeze Sokka's arm to another tree, pinning him there.
"Don't hurt your friends...And don't let them hurt each other." Hama gives a sinister smirk, throwing the two boys at each other. Only this time, Sokka's sword is pointed out, towards Aang, forcing the girls to do nothing but watch.
Or so Katara thought.
Just before the sword can impale Aang, they stop mid-air, dropping shortly after. They flex their fingers at the sense of returned control, only to look to at Hama. The older woman stiffens with a couple of twitches, her eyes full of fear. Her eyes focused in front of her.
The boys and Katara look back, watching Asha stand with her arms out and brows furrowed, blue eyes focused and concentrated. Her hands slowly fall, bringing Hama to her knees, the older woman struggling but nonetheless falling. The two girls glare at each other, in a duel so severe that neither notice Raiko and Toph (the prisoners as well) run up behind them. One of the prisoners tightens shackles around Hama's hands, forcing her up as Asha drops from her bending stance.
"You're going to be locked away forever."
"My work is done. Congratulations, Asha. You're a blood bender." Hama turns her hand as she chuckles, those soon turning to full on evil laughter.
The group watches as they take Hama away, only looking back as Asha falls to her knees. Aang quick to rush to her side as sobs escape her. His hand runs up and down her back with small whispers of sweet nothings in her ears as he pulls her to his chest, not minding the wet spots that form on his shoulders. His only concern being the girl holding onto him tightly as sobs rack her body. Her greatest fear becoming a reality.
She had fallen to someone else's will yet again, becoming the weapon she hated the most.
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