When I got home from school on Monday I couldn't wait for this week to be over already. I will be graduating Friday and I couldn't wait. I liked school allot but now everything with the pack kids was ruined. When I walked inside a vase full of roses on the roses. My eyebrows furrowed together as I sat my bag down on the couch and walked over.
"Sofia." I called out. She walked in from the kitchen confused and I pointed at the two dozen roses, "What's this? Clyde get you these?"
She shook her head, "There's a card, you should read it."
Arching my eyebrows, I looked down at the yellow roses with pink tips. I saw the card sticking out from them and I reached down grabbing it. I brought it up to my eyes and read it-
You remind me most of roses. Beautiful but have some thrones. -Zakaria
Sofia walked over grinning, "Beautiful, aren't they? They arrived like an hour ago. I also thought Clyde might have gotten them for me. A certain European Wolf has his eyes set on you, Ellie."
"Stop it." I said as I looked at her. I picked up the flowers and Sofia grinned at me. I grimaced at her, "Seriously, we're only friends."
"Friends who stay up all night talking." she said. "Ellie, you have allot to learn still. When a guy wants to be friends and he sends you roses he wants to get the hell of the friendzone."
I scoffed, "He's in Georgia, Sofia. The country, not the state." I reminded her. "A very large distant."
"He can move here." She said. "He was such a handsome wolf, he stuck up for you, and took you to prom."
"You just want me out the house." I teasingly said and she chuckled. I looked down at the flowers wondering what I should do with them. Okay, it was sweet of Zakaria to get me flowers. I knew he was trying to be smooth with me but I see it pointless. He was all the way there and I was here. It'll be impossible. Also, the note was a little corny. Comparing me to thrones? I shook my head,Oh stop it, Aeriela. Just be nice for once and accept them.I raised my chin, "This doesn't mean anything if I accept them. They'll like nice in my room for a couple of days." She shook her head smiling before I walked pasted her going towards the staircase. It suddenly hit me as I remembered it's been two days since Mat been gone. I turned on the staircase and she raised her eyebrows, "Did Mat make it back home yet?"
She looked uncomfortable now and she turned her head away, "Uh...yeah, she got back early morning."
I scoffed, "And you're just telling me?"
She shrugged as she picked up a magazine, "You had school-oh!" I stepped down the staircase and set the flowers down on the coffee table. She ran in front of me towards the door, "Aeriela, stay here. Don't stress her out, she already had enough."
"I need to go, Sofia." I told her. "I couldn't stop her from the raiding but I can go see what's happening."
She sighed heavily, "Aeriela, don't worry about it. Mat taking care of it finely. None of them were killed. We're going over to her house later to celebrate, you can talk to her there."
"Celebration? For what? Taking them from the only world they know?" I questioned. I reached for the knob but she stood in front of it. I breathed out heavily as I glared at her.
"As you foster mother, I won't let you go. I don't care you're almost eighteen, you will listen to me." she said. "Hey, lets go get our nails done! Mat never gets her done and I always go with Emily. When are yougoing toget those toe nails done? I'm sure dirt from when you were nine are still buried in them."
"Seriously?" I questioned and she raised her chin. I breathed out heavily before I turned, "Fine, fine. You win! Is there anything to eat?" I asked as we walked into the kitchen.
She went over to the stove, "I'm just now making dinner." she said.
I opened the basement door, "I'mgoing togo down to the freezer to grab some ice cream for tonight. What kind?"
"Oh mint chocolate chip sounds good." she said.
I nodded as I walked down the staircase and I turned on the lights to the cold basement. I looked at the small window above the freezer box. I bit the inside of my cheek for a moment before hurrying over. I crawled on top of it and I opened the window. I really hope I'll be able to slide my body through it. I lifted myself up and wiggled my top half out. This is when I wish my boobs were still tiny. Food in the modern world sure gone to certain places in my body. Sucking it, I pushed myself out-until my butt got stuck. I breathed out heavily, cursing this small window.
"Ellie?" I heard Sofia voice and my eyes widen.
Gulping, I wiggled my hips and it helped me climb out the window more. Once my knees touched the ground I lifted myself up and I ran away from the house.
When I arrived at the police station, I went inside the building. I went over to the desk, brushing my hair out of my face, "I'm Matilda Vaughn sister, she knows I'm coming."
"Does she?" the lady asked, not believing me. I nodded quickly and she held up a long finger with a fake nail on it as she picked up her phone. "Matilda Vaughn, will you please come to the front please? Thank you."
I stepped back and waited by the doors impatiently as I tapped my foot quickly. I soon saw Mat walking on the other side of the double door windows and the police officer let her come out.
"Aeriela," she said. "What's wrong? Why are you here?"
"I wanna go see them." I said. She sighed heavily as she closed her eyes in frustration and shook her head. "Mat, please. Just wanna see them."
She opened her eyes, breathing out heavily, "I'll only let you if you promise not to do anything stupid."
I nodded, "I promise, I will."She stared at me for a moment before nodding. She knocked on the door and the guard opened them. I walked beside her as we walked down the hallway. Guards lets us go past them as we walked further into the prison. Mat asked the final guard to let us go through a door he opened with a card. When the doors opened, I heard shouting and yelling. Mat turned to me, holding her hand out for me to go in with her eyes looking at me as if she was daring me. I turned around, stepping inside where I saw metal doors. I stepped further inside as Mat following behind. I went over to the first door where a small window was, enough for me to see inside. I looked through, wondering maybe if my old pack was inside yet but none of the three woman inside looked familiar. They sat on the floors, staring blankly up at the ceiling.
"More will be arriving later tonight." Mat said next to me, leaning against the wall. I looked at her as she turned to look at me, "The raid went well, no one died. They sure gave up a fight but we expected that."
I looked back through the window, "They looked miserable." I said. "They're like animals in a zoo. Taking from their homes, no room to run around, and miserable."
She turned her whole body my way, "And sometimes those animals need to be rescued. Wolves are superior to humans but they know how to be a step ahead. It's what made us hide in the first place because they were getting better weapons. And these days, they have guns. We don't want to become extinct. At least for those wild wolves for now until we become at risk." She reached out, taking my arm in hers and pulled me to face her, "Aeriela, I know it's hard for you to watch but you need to trust me when I say this is the right things. Yes, there'll no longer be wild wolves but it's not like we're forgetting where we came from. It's. . .it's their time to evolve with us now."
I pulled my arm away, "I wonder what it's like to ripped away from the only world you know and suddenly be forced into follow ways of what other people think you should do." I coldly said.
She narrowed her eyes on me, "It's sucks." she said coldly back. "Everything comes at you so fast. When you thought something was right one way, it does actually turn out to be wrong."
"You were different-"
"How?" she asked. "I never even knew about wolves until no so long ago. I spent most of my life in the dark! Then I watch allot of the people I grew up changing into giant dogs one night.But look at me now-I'm the Alpha! I learned to accept this life, my role. They'll accept it also."
We both glared at each other for a moment until a cry broke it. I turned my head around to look at a door a few feet away where the blood crying scream came from. Mat rushed past me over towards the door, looking inside. Her eyes widen as she took in a sharp breath and reached into her pocket. I ran over, trying to lean over towards the window to see what's happening. Mat tried pulling me away but I saw a wild wolves tearing the throat of another wild wolf. They must have gotten in an argument, fought, and only one could survive.
"You need to go now." she said, pushing me away from the door.
"I just don't know what to do with her." I told Killian as we cooked inside the kitchen. "I have never met such a stubborn person. She only gets worse as she gets older."
"You let her do what she needs to do." Killian said, tossing the spices in the noodles.
I groaned, "That isn't helpful. Ellie is a sensitive girl, I wish she'll understand I'm trying to protect her."
"Protect her from exactly what though?" he asked, confusing me. "Mat, she's not fifteen anymore. She adjusted to this world already, she's strong enough to handle things. She isn't sensitive anymore, she grew up allot now. I think if you two maybe just talk to each other-not yelling or fighting-maybe you both could resolve the problem. She believes if you take them away from the forest, you're destroying thousands of years of traditions. Calmly reassure her that isn't your plans, you're just changing their homes."
I held the knife up that I was cutting meat with, "You know us both well enough we both can't keep our temper. We're not patient like you are."
He laughed, "True. Want me to talk to her?"
I shook my head, "No, she'll get over it eventually. Maybe Zakaria could get her head into some clouds and distract her."
He picked up the bowl and walked over to me, "Lets not play match maker, Mat."
I grinned, "Just trying to settle her future. Isn't that an Alpha job, to sign up matches?"
He rolled his eyes as tapped my chin, "Not you though." he said before walking out of the kitchen. I wouldn't do that like he said. Sure, I hope Zakaria steps up his game with Aeriela but I wouldn't force anything.
There was a knock on the kitchen door and I turned to see Ulric walking in. I pointed at the plate on the counter and he walked over, picking it up, "Thanks." he said. Ulric couldn't cook to save his life and he can't eat take out his whole life. He turned to leave and took a step away but paused. I arched my eyebrow as he turned and smiled, "You know, Alpha Matilda I really don't wanna eat alone. I miss Killian and you, it's always nicer to eat with family. And you know, that's what we are. Second cousin-in-laws."
I set my knife down on the table and put my hand on my waist, "Really because you always spent nights running until twelve then you come in, heat up your food, and fall asleep. I'm guessing your know Aeriela coming over soon with our parents."
"No, I didn't know that." he said. He walked over, "Can I stay, please? I promise to be on my best behavior. You know I'm different now, I changed allot."
"I know you still got your sneaky side though." I said, narrowing my eyes on him. I growl deeply in my throat, "And I can smell your bullshit a mile away. It took Aeriela a long time to move on from you, I don't plan watch it all over again."
"I just wanna stay, I'll stay quiet the whole time." he said.
I stepped towards him till I was only an inch away and I bared my teeth, "Don't do anything stupid, Ulric. Watch yourself."
It was nice to have the family for dinner. Clyde, Devin, and Killian were all talking about how the construction business was coming along, sharing this week story about things. It felt nice to hear things other than about Alpha. I loved my job but it was nice to step away. It was nice to have the family together and just talk. I always dreamed of this. A big table with the family talking. Zoe, Sofia, Emily, and I were all talking about the list of wedding coming up. There's always a wedding in the pack we had to go to.
Aeriela stayed away, on her phone texting the whole time. She slowly ate her food, her attention focused on her phone. Killian looked at me, pointing at her as he gave me a hard look. I got up from my chair, walking over to her. I sat down next to her and she looked up at me.
"Lets go outside so we can talk." I said.
She picked up her phone, "I have nothing to say."
Her attitude quickly irked me as I back stiffen at her sass but I stopped myself from being cold back to her. I took a deep breath, giving her a small smile, "Ellie, please. We've been through allot with each other and I don't think we should let this drift us apart. Please?" She stared at me for a moment before breathing out heavily. We both got up from the table and walked out onto the backyard porch. We sat on the swing set but she refused to look at me, "You know, it's common for sisters to bicker and fight with each other but at the end of the day we gotta remember we love each other."
"I really wish you would stop treating me like a child, Mat." she said. Her head snapped to face me with a cold look, "I'm not some little girl, you need to stop that."
"I know." I said, her face remaining hard. "I know I treat you as if you can't handle these kind of situations. I do know what it's like for other to think you're stupid or too young to understand. I need to remember you know how to live in the modern world now and you don't need me to always protect you from things. You're right, you're about to be eighteen soon. You can handle things, I should start treating you like a grown adult."
Her eyes narrowed, "Killian talked you into your senses didn't he?" she asked and I shrugged. She scoffed as she turned her head away, "Well bless him, he's the only one you seem to actually listen to."
"I'll start treating you like an adult for now on." I said.
She stood up as she turned to face me, "Then let me handle Aydin. I know Melinda was promised when he'll get the drugs out of him but I grew up with his torment. You shouldn't deny me that."
I stood up, "I'm not denying you anything." I said coldly. I closed my eyes getting really frustrated now and took deep breaths. I opened my eyes, "It takes allot to kill a man, Ellie. I do it when I need to, when I feel like I need to protect myself. I don't like killing, some nights I stay awake just thinking about it. I knew if I would have kill Cortez, it would haunt me forever. I'm so glad Killian talked me out of that. Aeriela, trust me it's not something you wanna do."
She threw her arms up in anger, "There you go again treating me like a child! I can handle it, I want to do this."
I couldn't handle my anger anymore since this whole thing been going on for too long. I breathed out heavily, "You're not doing it. I will treat you like an adult but I won't let you do something that can hurt you only more."
She growled at me, her arm rising as she pushed me. I only stumbled back once but it was enough for me to feel threatened by her and my eyes to turn Sapphire-Amber. I growled, grabbing her arm and I brought my foot out. She fell to the ground with a cry of surprise. She brought her hand up to her knee, rubbing it as she glared up at me. She grabbed me by my legs and brought her mouth to it, biting me. I cried out, grabbing her by her hair and pulled her away. She quickly stood up, tackling me down to the ground. Ugh, I hate how strong she's getting! Before she would never be able to do this but now that's her birthday near her strength getting stronger. That Alphaness in her stronger.
She crawled on top of me and I grabbed her by her shoulders as we both growled. She grabbed me by my hair, pulling at it so I grabbed her. I took one hand away to grab her shoulder and I turned us around, holding her down as the backdoor flew open. Killian grabbed me, lifting me up from her as Sofia held onto Aeriela who tried charging at me. We both growled at each other, trying to break lose.
Clyde came over between us, holding apart us by our shoulders, "Enough! This has gone way too far now! You two never got into a physical fight before."
"Take her away!" I yelled. "If she won't listen, I don't wanna see her right now! I'm Alpha, she should listen to me!"
"I have Alpha blood also!" she growled. "So no, I won't listen to you!"
I cried in frustration, trying to break free from Killian and Devin even had to help him hold me back. "You ungrateful little brat! Take her home, now!"
I held my head on shame with my hands in my office. I had tried to come to work on some paper works but I felt bad for fighting with Aeriela like I did. I didn't want it to go like that. I just wanted to talk to her but we both lost out cool. What made me feel even worse, I felt like Lincoln. Trying to use my position of Alpha to make her do what I want made me feel like him. Am I really turning into Lincoln now? He tried to hold me back from so many things and I realize now I'm doing the same with Aeriela. I wanted to believe I'm protecting her but it is something she wants.
Someone knocked on the door. I looked up from my hands to see Ulric coming in, completely forgetting he was even still here with Killian. I put my hands down as he came over and sat down in front of the desk."I think you should involve Ellie with trying to help the wild wolves." he said, confusing me. "Take her along with you, let her help you trying to get them use to the modern world. She is after all an example how a wild wolf can change. Maybe she just doesn't feel like you want her to help."
"Aeriela needs to move on from that life, Ulric." I told him.
He nodded, "I know but do you really think she's going to? She's so concern about them. I don't think she wants to move on. No matter what, it's where she came from and it's not wrong of her to take pride of where she comes from." he said, his words hitting me strong in the face. He stood up, "I'm only here to ask you to consider it. I know what I did to her was wrong but I want her happy. She most likely wants to help you so maybe get her involve? I don't know, it's just what I think. I should head home, work tomorrow. Goodnight, Alpha Matilda." I watched as he turned around and left my office. Did Ulric really just come into my office and-and make me respect him so much more?
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