I found Killian in the basement lifting weights. I walked over towards him and sat down on the ground next to him, "I heard Ulric found an apartment and he's moving out soon."
"Sometime next week." he said as he brought the heavy weights down. "Aeriela and Emily getting ready for prom?"
I nodded, "Sofia took them to get their hair done."
He sat up breathing heavily, "Did you want to go to prom?"
"Ew, don't say gross things Killian." I said, making us both laugh. No, prom was never a dream of mine. The last few months of high school for me was with a tutor who barley taught me much so I didn't have a prom. "Even, we got to dance at our wedding. But I came down here because we can finally talk about our honeymoon. Sorry I took up something that delay it. Again."
He sighed, "We get to have one eventuality."
I sat up on my knees and wrapped my arms around his neck, "I just wanna let you know how much I think your a great husband. You're to good to me."
"Makes you happy to think your saving the world." he said, making me shrug. "Why shouldn't I be good to you? I love you."
"You're also to perfect." I told him. "I never thought a guy like you would be brought into my life." I grabbed his cheek, "So glad you're my soul mate."
He chuckled, "I love you also." he said. The smile on his face was lifted up, but I didn't miss the vacant look in his eyes. I knew Killian was upset he had to cancel the honeymoon. I'm sure Killian never expected to marry an Alpha and he would just have sit back and watch me do my job. I feel bad, knowing it was Killian dream to have a simple life, lovely wife, and children. It's just I'm not a simple girl, I never have been and I can't change that.
I was watching Sofia help Emily get her dress on. I wasn't paying much attention though since I was getting worried a little. I really hope during this night, my first shift doesn't happen. How awkward would that be.
"And you are ready to go!" Sofia said as she zipped up the dress. Emily looked beautiful with baby pink prom dress. The top was covered with diamonds and laces sleeves that went to her elbows. It had sort of a low back, not to low going pass school rules. Her black hair was straightened down past her chest and her makeup was kept natural. Her shoes and jewelry was silver, going along with the diamonds.
"Oh I'm so nervous!" Emily said as she clunched her pocket book. A big smiled appeared on her face, "I never thought I would be able to go. Thank you!" she said as she hugged Sofia tightly. Sofia chuckled as Emily snuffed a little, "I know I'm not a wolf but thank you for taking me in."
Sofia pulled Emily back and wiped her face, "Hey, that's good makeup on your pretty face. And of course, you were there with Matilda plenty of times when she needed a friend." Sofia wiggled her finger at me, "Your turn, Ellie." she said.
I walked over as she grabbed the skirt of my two piece dress. I stepped inside of it and she tighten it around my waist to make it fit. My red hair was up in a voluminous bun with thin strains out and dark eyeshadows around my eyes to make my green eyes appear even more bright.
"Sofia, what if something goes wrong tonight?" I asked as she put the top across my chest.
It was similar to a corset and she had to string it up, "Aeriela, I'm sure it's gonna be okay. Your senses would have started to heighten if it was near. And if all goes hell, run out before you wolf out." she said, trying to make a joke I could tell by her grinning but it disappeared when my face remained blank. She tighten the ribbon to make sure the too would stay up. She brought the lacey high neck part up and tied it around my neck.
Clyde pulled up to the park with Sofia quickly setting up her camera with excitment. Emily waved to Bryon quickly who walked over to the truck dressed nicely in his suit. She jumped out of the truck and attacked him with a hug. They compliment each other, saying mushy things to each other that made me want to puke.
I saw Mat, Killian, Tamaz, and Zakaria near the fountain. Zakaria back was facing my way but I could see him tell he was wearing a black button shirt that was a slim fitting so it was tight on his body. It only made his muscles appear. He had on black dress pant with a black belt and black shoes.
Mat smiled at us and pointed at the truck. Zakaria turned around and I clunched the handle of the door. His face was free from a beard, his skin smooth and clear. He actually looked younger now, he looked twenty years old. His light brown hair was pushed back neatly instead of the usual 'I-Just-Got-Out-Of-Bed' look.
Sofia and Clyde had already stepped out of the car while I remained inside. Sofia arched her eyebrow at me from behind the window and I didn't wanna leave the truck. I wanted to stay in here, tell Clyde to take me back home, and not leave my room until Zakaria was out of the country!
God, he looked handsome.
Sofia forced the door open, "Don't make me drag you, little girl." she said, giving me a look that told me she wasn't playing. I looked at the others who were coming over and my hands felt moist.
I crawled out of the truck and nervously held my hands together.
"Wow!" Mat said, smiling brightly. Emily came over and Mat chuckled, "God you both look amazing. Bryon, you better make sure Emily home by the time Clyde gave you or I'm getting you." she said teasingly which Bryon laugh but Emily glared at her because Mat would track them down.
I tried to aviod eye contact with Zakaria but I couldn't help but take a peek at him which he caught me and grinned. I quickly turned my heated up face as my eyes widen a little.
Alpha Tamaz smiled at me, "What a beautiful dress, Aeriela. You're sure to make allot of girls jealous tonight."
I shrugged, "I'm just happy to be going. Even if I was just in a potato sack."
"Sorry I could not get you one of those flowers that go around your wrist." Zakaria said, stepping into view.
I cleared my throat, "It's fine, I don't need one."
"You look very beautiful." he said. "I have never seen a dress like this before."
I looked down at it, "Yeah, newer types are coming out. You look nice to. . .I guess." I stupidly said so now I just wanted to hit myself. Stupid Ellie, you guess? We both stood there then quietly as the other talked.
Sofia was quick to snap pictures. I let Emily and Bryon go first since I was a little camera shy. Emily and Bryon did allot poses, allot of cute and funny ones. Then with some Mat before Mat took photos of her with Clyde and Sofia.
"Ellie, your turn." Sofia said as she took the camera back and skimmed through the photos she took of Emily and her date.
I just stood there for a moment before Zakaria put his behind my back and moved us towards the fountain. My eyes widen a little and I turned to face him.
"Okay, please don't look so stiff." Sofia said, looking annoyed. "Ellie." she warningly said.
I groaned before looking up at Zakaria and put my hand on his shoulder. He put one arm around my waist. I heard Sofia snapping pictures even before we turned to look at the camera and I forced a smile. It seemed to go on forever, Sofia wanting to do this and that.
I was more than glad when it was finished. It felt kind of awkward in the beginning. I didn't think it would be but if Zakaria didn't have to make himself look so good it would be easier. If only one of them could tell my awkwardness right now was me trying so hard to control my emotions on the inside.
More pictures were taking with Mat then Sofia and Clyde and Emily. It was so much easier to take pictures with them than Zakaria.
Emily left inside Bryon car so it was Mat job to take us. I walked over towards the door and when I reached for the handle Zakaria grabbed it. He opened the door and I blushed.
"Er, thanks." I said as I quickly sat inside.
Zakaria and Alpha Tamaz spoke for a moment. Alpha Tamaz reached out and fixed Zakaria collar with a smile as they spoke in Georgian. He tapped Zakaria faced, "You never looked more handsome. Now go on, have a good night. Hopefully I will see you one more time tomorrow Aeriela. Enjoy your night, tell me if I need to kick Zakaria arse later."
I forced a bright smile, "Thank you, Alpha Tamaz."
Of course Emily just went to hang out with her human friends when we arrived. I didn't mind though, it was her time to have fun and not to worry about anything.
I walked into the hotel ballroom where kids from school were sitting at tables eating and having fun.
Zakaria held his hand up, "Are they your friends?" he asked as he pointed at the pack kids who were messing around and doing their usual picking on human students.
They noticed us and unlike the others didn't look at me weirdly. But I made the mistake of looking at Elliot and he looked at Zakaria then me confused. I felt so much guilt as he looked upset but soon anger before he turn away.
"So I am guessing we are not going to sit with them." Zakaria said. I bit my bottom lip before I walked over towards a free table near the back and he followed me.
We sat down at the table and I awkwardly cross my arms. I noticed allot of girls checking Zakaria out and probably wondering who he was.
"Why do you not hang out with the pack teenagers?" he asked.
I shrugged, "I do, it's just lately I haven't. I uh, broke up with one of them. You know how it goes, they take the male side. He wanted to get married and be mates but I'm not ready for that."
"Not ready for what? A happy life and a family?" he asked, making me look up at him. He breathed out, "I guess I know where he is coming from. Hurts when a girl refuses to be with you for the rest of your life."
"You boy can get over it quicker." I said, scoffing. "You're wolves, you're not suppose to feel those kind of emotions."
"Ah but I am also a man with feelings. You see that is you women problems, you think you are the only ones who are capable of feeling heart break. Yes, most of the time it's you girls who get hurt but so can us boys." he said. "My brother is Alpha but I am just a pack member. So yes, I do want a wife and children I can take care of one day."
"And how long ago was this breakup?" I asked.
He frowned at me, "A year ago and half ago. She was from Russia but apparently her family did not think I was good enough and made her believe I was not good enough. It's a terrible feeling, not feeling like you are not good enough for someone ." he said. "I could have just moved on, found another girl from my own country but I did love her. I was ready to give my whole life to her."
I lowered my head, feeling bad a little now since the way Zakaria looks now it seemed to really hurt him. Can boys really get heartbreaks? I grew up believing men couldn't get those emotions because they had to be manly men.
Zakaria sighed, "We are not here to bring up failed relationships. We are here to have fun." He reached out and grabbed my hand which suprised me. "I see some food over there. Hungry?"
Alpha Tamaz, Killian, and I were all around a camp fire in the backyard. We were just talking about stuff, how the whole week went.
"Hopefully next time you can bring your wife and children." I told Tamaz.
He smiled, "Of course. My wife will love the beaches. I can't wait to be home. Felt like a long two weeks."
"Troubles of being an Alpha." I said as I broke a marshmallow up to my mouth. "I hope your visit was fun and you got to see allot of Oregon has to offer."
"By far the best Alpha friend we met." Killian said. "Most were older and really boring."
Alpha Tamaz grinned, "Well thank you. Hopefully one day you both would like to visit my country, it'll be a very good trip. We have allot of mountain and the countrysides are big." he said, making eye contact with Killian.
I chuckled, "I looked it up on Google, has nice old midevil look to it. Lots of grassy lands also." I said as I brought another one up to my mouth.
"How about next month?" Killian said, making me freeze and turn to look at him suprised. He turned to look at me, "I really wanna go on a honeymoon Mat. Do it for me, do one thing for me."
I frowned at him because I saw in his begging eyes he wanted to go. I felt bad because he was right, we hardly do anything for him. And right now, we have no baby. This raiding of wild wolves shouldn't take forever, they'll be take under control. How hard is spending a week or two in Georgia?
I swallowed the marshmallow and sighed as I took his hand, "Next month? Sounds good."
Alpha Tamaz smiled, "Wonderful. My wife would enjoy the company and even being almost eight months pregnant she's not gonna stop from giving you a tour of the towns." he said.
"It should be fun, I'm excited." I told them both. "My first time out of the country, this should be interesting." I set the bag of marshmallows down and stood up, "Up for a run to celebrate your last night here Alpha Tamaz?"
Both guys stood up and we ran into the woods.
Zakaria was showing me pictures on his phone of friends or places back home. Everyone around was having fun and dancing. We stayed near the back, talking to each other and I learn allot about him since he mostly did the talking. I didn't care since I wasn't ready to share my sad life with him.
The pack kids were on the other side messing around doing their usual things. I peeked at the them to see them having a good time and I sure did miss them.
I looked back down at the phone but he was putting it away, "Want to dance?" he asked.
My eyes widen a little, "Oh, huh. I'm a clumsy dancer so no thanks."
"Seeing how you don't watch while your walking, I can only imaging." he said, making me grimance. "How about slow songs? You awful also at that?"
"Well no but we don't need to dance so you don't have to worr-"
"What is the point of going to a dance if you don't dance?" he asked. I brought my hand up behind my neck as I stared at him. The two buttons from his shirt was open, showing slight chest hair.
"Okay, fine. When a slow song comes on." I told him.
He brought his drink up to his mouth, "So what is your failed romantic story that made you so locked up?"
I narrowed my eyes at him, "You know, you are noisy."
He grinned a little, "If we are going to be friends, I think we should know each other."
I crossed my arms over my chest, "What makes you think we're friends?"
He shrugged, "Alpha Matilda and my brother became good friends. We'll be seeing more of each other."
"Mat became friends with allot of Alpha. It's all business mostly, like stupid politics." I told him.
He snorted, "It is stupid. So much pressure on an Alpha, I'm glad my brother was born with that title and not me. But I agree, wolves are similar to humans in politics. Must be that human part of us. You are avoiding the question though, why do you hate men?"
I awkwardly brought my fingers up to my hair as I scoffed, "My father left my mother before I was born then she died giving birth to me, my uncle wanted to give me to his second in command and then betrayed me, the first guy I ever had truely feelings for broke my heart. Oh, also that second in command had been trying to force me to come back to the wild until he was put in a jail cell."
"Wow." he said, leaning on the table. "And I thought my life was horrible."
I rolled my eyes, "I come from the wild, I learned to remain strong. You need a hard soul when you're someone like me. Everyone always looking down at you because your different. Or you don't meet the social standards. Everyone thinks Mat should have never took in such a stray lost pup like me."
"I think you're amazing." he said, smiling at me. How badly I wanted to slap that smile off his face. "You're a diamond in a pile of rocks."
I quickly stood up, "Don't you start flirting with me. You're ruining it-."
He grabbed my wrist as he stood up and my eyes widen, "I am not doing anything." he said as he got real close to me and I pushed him away a little but he held a firm grip on my arm. "I am only saying--this boy, he really shattered you did he not? Left a big mess for the next boy who will spend so much time trying to put you back together." he said, stepping towards me and I nervously stepped back but he pulled me towards him that I had to put my hand against his stomach to stop me from running into him. "A boy, who probably does really care for you and try to fix as much as possible but you are stubborn to see how hard he is working. A boy who would do so much for you."
I raised my chin, "And do you think that boy could ever be you?" I asked as my hard green eyes stared into his hazel ones. He didn't answer as he stared down at me but it was like his eyes were saying yes. "It won't ever be. We're worlds apart. So let go of me." I said as I tried to pull away but he held on so I glared at him.
"Slow song on." he said, making me focus on the music and it sure was on. He slid his hand down to my hand and gripped it. He pulled me out to the dance floor where everyone was dancing. He stared down at me, "I am not a bad guy, Aeriela." he said as he let go of my hand to put them on my waist. "Stop treating me like I am."
I brought my hands up around his neck as we stared to sway, "I don't know you enough to trust you. Made many mistakes of trusting people to quickly without truly knowing them."
He sighed, "Well like I said, we don't need to fall in love with each other by the end of the night. We are from different countries after all." he said as he pulled me real close to him and I stared at his chest to aviod looking up at him. "I only want to prove to you not all us wolves arrogant twits. You wolves here have such a strong idea of this family life where the man take care of everything, be the leader of the families, and you women stay home to be the pretty housewives. Something like from an old black and white television show. You want perfection."
"Perfection isn't realistic." I said as my hands rested on his shoulders. "Learned that the hard way."
"Hm, finally something smart coming from your mouth." he said, making my head snap up and glare at him. "I find you so interesting, Aeriela. Not because of appearance but because of who you are. I heard so much about American wolves but you do not act like one of them. You are not boring."
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