12- The tease

Caleb had a big grin going on as he looked at Tiffany until she said that he was going to have to wait until they got home.

"Now why would you come here dressed like that, dance like that for me knowing what it would do to me and then tell me that I have to wait?"

"I wanted to show you what you have been missing lately." She reached down and picked up his jacket handing it to him. "Now hurry up and finish what you're doing and come home, I'll wait up for you." She smiled cupping the side of his face and giving him a kiss.

His arms wrap tightly around her, looking at her lips "You're evil you know that." He says with a half grin.

"Well now you what you have to do when you get back to the worksite, and you know what you're looking forward to." She smirked.

His cock was hard and throbbing wanting to be inside her, he tried to push his cock down but with no success. "Come on Tiff can't we just have a little thrill before I head back? He begs.

"Nope." She teased, she knew it was killing him but she didn't care, she knew if she had done something like this he would hurry up and get home. Placing her hand over his cock softly massaging it "Now hurry your ass up and get home."

She turned on her heel and walked away knowing he had a chubby, she was smiling knowing she got to him and wiggled her ass as she left him standing there in awe. His mouth dropped as he watched her walk away Damn he said quietly under his breath.

Putting on his jacket with a sigh, he walked over to the door and stood there waiting for her. He didn't want to wait until he got home and wanted her right then and there.

She was dressed and smiling as she walked towards him. "I take it I didn't need to grab what Adam sent me here for."

"Nope, he did this for me, he was in on the whole thing." She says kissing him passionately. "I'll see you when you get home." She smiled.

Caleb unlocked the door and let her out, as she walked past him he slapped her ass "That's for being so evil, and giving me a bad case of blue balls." He says to her as she jumped and turned around giving him the look.

Walking up to him she grabbed a hold of his jacket pulling him in for a kiss. "If you think you have a bad case of blue balls now, just think of how they will feel if you don't get your ass home." She grinned as she rubbed him below. He gulped and let out a soft groan, she turned around not saying another word and walked over to her car.

She had to laugh when she drove the car out from the back of the station, he was sitting at a red light, when the light turned green she heard him squeal the tires driving as fast as he could. After getting a laugh she headed home, picturing his face the entire time when she denied him sex at the station, as well as when she walked away from him to get in her car.

Caleb drove in hot at the work site, Adam watched him get out of the vehicle and walked towards him. "Back so soon?" Adam grinned

Caleb gave him an evil grin "I could beat the shit out of you right now." He says wrapping his arm around him tightly, pulling him down to give him a noogie.

"What? Was she not there?" Adam asked surprised.

"Oh... she was there all right, gave me a tease show and told me to hurry up and get home."

Adam covered his mouth and laughed hard, he had to turn away from Caleb to try and quit laughing. He couldn't help it the more he saw the look on Caleb's face. He looked like a little kid that had his favorite toy taken away from him.

"I'm glad that you think it's funny. Because I sure don't." He said mockingly with his hands on his hips. "So if we're almost done here I'd really like to get home before I lose another chance with her, what she did was pure evil and you're a part of it."

Caleb starts walking to a pile of debris in the middle of the road and starts tossing it into a dumpster. Adam looked at him curiously jogging up to him to find out what he meant by that. He knew he was no part of her teasing him.

"Me? How am I?" Adam chuckled. As he ran up helping him throw the debris into the garbage.

"You were in on her plan, same as Tyler."

"Whoa whoa whoa, she called asking for help that she needed to talk to you, and that she wanted to see you since she hasn't seen you for a few days."

"Uh huh."

Adam starts walking away shaking his head still trying not to laugh, he couldn't believe that Caleb was acting the way he was, stopping he turned around and yelled to Caleb "Oh.... she did mention that she wanted to slide down the pole for you." He laughed.

"She slid down it alright, she moved on that pole as she'd done it before." He says as he still picturing Tiffany dancing on the pole. He just couldn't get that out of his head, and even started to think that he wanted one at home.

"Oh MAN! I knew I was missing something good." Adam grinned.

"You didn't miss anything, besides what she did do I wouldn't have let you watch anyways." He says giving Adam a playful shove. "That's for my eyes only." He says walking up to Adam after cleaning up the debris, hoping that he was done and could go home, there wasn't much more that they could do being that it was really dark out. Not only was he starving, he was extremely thirsty.

"You can actually go home, I actually wasn't expecting you back tonight anyways." Adam says to him knowing that's what he wanted to do anyways.

"Well. If you say that I can go home, then I'll go home." He grinned, walking back towards his truck.

Caleb taking his jacket off the closer he got to the truck, tossing the jacket on the passenger seat as he got in.

Tiffany kept looking at the time and had started to sigh he's not coming home any time soon.. I was so sure that would have worked. She mumbled to herself sounding bummed. She decided she would give it fifteen more minutes she started to put his food into the fridge and cleaned up the rest of the kitchen. She set the coffee so that it would be ready for Caleb in the morning.

After waiting another twenty minutes she didn't think he was able to come home and decided to take a shower and head to bed.

Caleb walked in the house, sighing and dropping his jacket to the ground kicking it. "Son of a bitch." He snaps turning the light switch on.

He walked in the kitchen and saw a note on the counter that his dinner was on a plate in the fridge. Feeling bad he didn't feel so hungry anymore after going to the fridge and looking he shut the fridge and started walking towards the bedroom, he stopped when he spotted light coming through the crack of the bottom door and the floor.

Smiling as he approached when he heard the shower going, slowly opening the door trying not to make a sound he stripped his clothes off. Peaking through between the shower curtain and wall her back was facing towards him.

Quietly climbing in the shower he wrapped his arms around her placing kisses along her neck. She let out a gasp at first, realizing that it was Caleb she turned around and smiled. "You're home." She said softly, her heart melted the moment she looked at him. Feeling as if it had been forever since she saw him.

She never felt this way about anyone before and it was killing her to not see him everyday like before.

Cupping his face she got close to his lips wanting to feel the heat of his breath while looking in his eyes. "I didn't think you were coming home. I was ready to give up and go to bed." His hand cupped the back of her head and pressed his lips against hers, their kissing flowing in sync, he then took charge and started kissing her hungrily while placing his hand over her breasts, gently massaging them.

He felt her hardened nipples and moved his mouth to her breasts grazing his teeth along her nipples, arching her back her fingers went through his hair, grabbing a hold of his hair as he flicked his tongue on her nipple and moving to the other one.

She was feeling all warm and tingly inside, happy to finally be naked and in the arms of Caleb, his touch gave her butterflies, his lips the way he kissed her had her throbbing at the core sending jolts throughout her body. She let out a moan as his hand slowly moved to her pussy thrusting his fingers inside her, making her want his cock even more.

"Caleb I want you inside me." She moaned out. Lifting her up she wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing her up against the wall kissing her lips with so much love, he missed this with her and now he was going to tease her for what she did to him earlier.

Kissing her neck he hit her soft spot and she let out a moan "Caleb please I can't take it anymore." She cried out.

Pecking her lips with a grin "How does it feel to be teased?"


Caleb started to laugh a little, not caring if they were wet, with her still wrapped around him he turned the water off and carried her into the bedroom. Placing her on the bed and climbing over her, both drenched from not drying off, spreading her legs "I'm super thirsty." He moaned out.

Parting her lips he slid his tongue softly on her clit causing her to arch her back the moment his tongue touched her swollen button. Flicking his tongue and sucking on her clit until she reached her peak, her body twitched violenty, thrusting his tongue inside her swirling it around as she had her orgasm releasing her sweet juices onto his tongue.

Her pussy felt like it was on fire and need the flames to be put out, pulling him up begging him for his hose.

Kissing her hard, he teased her opening with his hard cock, whispering to her "How bad do you want this?" Asking as he rubbed his cock against her swollen throbbing pussy.

"No more teasing each other, I want you to make love to me." She said quietly.

Placing his cock at her opening he slowly thrusted inside her and stopped. "Missed this did you?" He grinned.

"Caleb.. please." She panted.

Slowly moving in and out of her he couldn't keep his eyes off of her, watching her expressions and just looking at her thinking how beautiful she is and how someone so beautiful could be in his life. Thinking about how voluptuous she was.

Leaning down he kissed her lips passionatley while thrusting deeply inside her until she was highly aroused and had hit her orgasm.

Letting out a loud grunt and a groan while he released himself inside her. Thrusting in deeply until he released it all.

Tired and wore out as much as he wanted to go another round with her, he pulled her into his arms, caressing her arms, and playing with her hair.

"You have no idea how I've hated coming home so late this week, but I had to, hopefully you understand that." He said quietly kissing the top of her head.

"I know... I know you have to do what you have to do, I was just missing you this week that's all. I've got a lot on my mind."

"Oh believe me when I say this to you, but I've been missing you too. It's been driving me crazy, I had said to Adam earlier today that if I wasnt home at a decent time I would be finding myself single again."

"What are you saying? Do you consider me as your girlfriend?" She asks as she tilted her head back to look at him.

Looking down at her he smiled and shook his head, leaning down he gave her a kiss on her lips "Of course I think of you as my girlfriend you silly woman you."

She took a deep breath and sighed, shifting her body she laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arm over his stomach holding him tight.

She loved hearing him say that and hoped that Michael finally signed the papers. She knew what she had to do the next day. Lifting her head up she looked in his eyes "I want you to know that I love you, I have never felt this way before about anyone and it scares me to think that I could easily be taken away from you."

"Not going to happen." He assured her. There was no way he was going to let anyone harm her or anywhere near her. He wondered if that was why she was afraid to go anywhere different, in fear of being seen.

"Caleb?" She asked in a whispering voice, but nervously.

"What's up hun?" He asks with his eyes closed.

"Remember when we talked about protection."

"Yes, I remember, what about it?"

"Well I told you that I had two months worth of pills, I haven't seen them since I was at the hotel. You haven't seen them have you?" She asked nervously waiting for him to flip out.

"So you haven't taken anything?"

"No." She says shaking her head, still waiting for him to flip out.

"Well that's a shame, that means no sex until you go back on the pill."

She turned around and snapped at him "What? It's not like you can't wear anything, I cannot believe you just said that!" She yelled feeling hurt at his choice of words. She turned her body and laid at the edge of the bed.

Caleb grinned placing his hand on her shoulder he leaned over and whispered in her ear. "You know I was kidding right."

"No you weren't, you wouldn't have said it." She pouted, tightly holding the sheets over her, refusing to look at Caleb.

"Look at me." He says taking her chin and turning her to look at him. "I'm tired Caleb."

"Tiff I want you to know that I could care less if you're on the pill or not, I only brought it up that day because I was worried about what you were thinking, with your situation it got me nervous, hell if you got pregnant I would love it actually so don't think I wouldn't do anything with you if you weren't on the pill."

Letting go of her he rolled onto his back, wishing he hadn't said it in the way that he said it to her and had said it differently. She then rolled over leaning on her elbow "You really mean that you don't care?"

"Of course I don't, especially with you, I see something in you and I have a feeling that once we know that you're free from ahem Michael, whatever his name is, I do see a future for us."

He reached his arm out for her, rolling into his arm he held her close "Sorry it sounded that way, I didn't mean to upset you, besides since you haven't taken the pill in a while you can't start up a new dose of it anyways until you know for sure that you're not pregnant already."

It was the next day, Caleb had just called Tiffany on his lunch break to see how she was doing, hoping that she wasn't still upset with him. After hanging up with him she called David.

"David." She said nervously when he answered the phone. He filled her in that his phone might be tapped and to watch what she had to say.

"I want to know if Michael finally signed those papers."

"No, he hasn't and he still refuses to, Tiff you need to let me know where you're at, Michael's men are out and they insist on finding you, I'd like to get to you before they do."

"I'm safe so it doesn't matter, David I met someone.... and I'm in love with him, I really need for Michael to sign those papers."

"I wish I could force him, and what are you out doing meeting men when you've got a mess on your hands anyways?"

"It just happened, I wasn't out looking for it, I wasn't expecting for it to happen but it did."

David let's out a sigh, not sounding happy for her. "You can at least be happy for me, I actually met someone that cares about me."

"I am happy, just wrong timing. Michael is on the rampage you need to watch yourself. There has to be a way you can tell me where you're at."

"Bye David." She says hanging up on him.

Growing more upset that Michael is still refusing to sign the papers she picked up her phone and called Michael, she figured she would finally let in to him and hope she can change his mind into signing the papers.

"Hello Michael, long time no see or hear.... We need to talk."

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!😍😍😍😍

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Will she get him to finally sign the papers? Or was it bad for her to call Michael?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

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