Chapter 14: Its going to be okay Part 2
Song: Tears- LeeSsang
-Kang Gary-
"Gary, you're here?"
I looked up and saw HaHa and Kwang Soo walk into the coffee shop. I sighed and started to drink my fifth cup of coffee.
"We... heard what happened." HaHa sat down in front of me and Kwang Soo sat beside him. "Ji Hyo told us."
"You guys talked to her?" I asked, not knowing that they became friends.
"Well, she had nobody else to talk to. Jong Kook has been ignoring her and Joongki isnt even here." Kwang Soo noted.
"Jong Kook is ignoring her?" I asked. "Why? Aren't they a couple?"
"A couple?" HaHa asked. "Why in the world would those two become a couple?"
"Why would anyone want to date Jong Kook?" Kwang Soo asked.
"I saw them kiss." I said.
"Ji Hyo said that she was sorry, and she really wants to talk to you about it but you just keep ignoring her. She feels like you're acting the same way that Jong Kook used to act with her." Kwang Soo told me.
I sighed. "I'm not the bad guy though. They're the bad ones. Ji Hyo and I were in a relationship, yet Jong Kook and her still kissed. Do you guys think that's fair?"
"No." Kwang Soo and HaHa both answered simultaneously.
"See? So why should I forgive them so easily?" I asked.
"Because you and Ji Hyo are meant for each other!" HaHa said. "I have this gut feeling that no matter what you two will always be together."
"You should go to her." Kwang Soo said. "Or I will."
HaHa looked at him. "Yah, do you really like Ji Hyo?"
"No." Kwang Soo answered then quickly said, "I meant that I'd go to her and bring her over here."
HaHa patted him in the shoulder. "Yeah, right."
I stood up. "Okay. I'll go to Ji Hyo. And if she has a good explanation for me than I will forgive her. But I'm not saying that I'm ready to get back together with her."
"Yeah, don't do that. Just forgive her, okay?" HaHa said.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Kwang Soo asked.
"Yah, quiet!" HaHa said sounding annoyed.
I waved to both of them than went outside. Jong Kook's house wasn't that far from this coffee shop so I just decided to walk there. By the time I reached the house, it turned dark outside. I stood in front of it and debated whether I should ring the doorbell or not. I stood there for about five minutes before shaking my head and heading back to the coffee shop. I couldn't do it. I can't face Ji Hyo. I called for a taxi and told the driver to take me home. That's when I started to come up with rap lyrics. This was weird because I never thought that I'd be a good rapper, but my lyrics were pretty good. I found a pencil and paper and started writing down the lyrics. I titled it 'Tears'.
-Song Ji Hyo-
"Jong Kook, I don't understand why you're not talking to me." I said. I knocked on his room door, but he didn't open it. "You can't just shut me out. I know we aren't close, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends..."
The door opened and Jong Kook looked at me. "What do you want Ji Hyo?" He asked coldly.
I stepped back. "Why aren't you talking to me? Is it because of what happened?"
"What happened was a mistake." Jong Kook said. "You shouldn't have done that Ji Hyo."
"I thought that's what you wanted me to do!" I said.
"Yeah, but that was before I realized that what I was doing was stupid. There's no way I can date you without becoming Gary's enemy." Jong Kook told me.
"You're already an enemy of Gary's." I told him. "And Gary and I aren't dating anymore. So.."
"Really? Are you really being serious right now?" Jong Kook said in shock.
"No, I'm sorry I just..."
"I was never able to catch your heart Ji Hyo. If I couldn't do it then, I can't do it now." Jong Kook said slowly. "And I have already agreed to marry Eun Hye. So you need to leave me alone."
Jong Kook closed the door and locked it. I stood in front of door in silence. What was happening to me? Why do I keep chasing after Jong Kook like this? Gary's right. Jong Kook was the one that ruined my life... but still. he's changed and I like the new Jong Kook better, but I also love Gary. Aish. This is probably what Park Shin Hye is feeling with her situation. Min Ho and Woo Bin both want her, but she chose Min Ho because he was the one that was kind to her from the beginning. Then maybe I should choose Gary instead. But does Gary even want me anymore? I sighed, went outside and sat down on the doorsteps and cried.
"Song- Ji- Hyo."
I looked up and saw Eun Hye walking towards me.
I quickly wiped my tears, "What are you doing?"
"Haven't you heard?" Eun Hye smiled. "Jong Kook and I are going to get married."
"Yeah, I've heard. So what?" I asked.
"Stop crying over him okay? Because it's never going to happen." Eun Hye crossed her arms. "Maybe you should go back to being the outcast Ji Hyo."
"Why would I do that?" I asked, standing up.
"Things were so much better back then. Everyone hated you, including Jong Kook. And you wouldn't have to be in this situation anymore." Eun Hye smiled. "The best thing that you can do is transfer schools. That way everyone will be happy."
Transfer? I haven't thought about that at all, but it does sound like a good idea. I'd be able to get away from all these problems, and I could forget the horrible past at Running Man High.
"To where?" I questioned.
Eun Hye smiled again. "As far away from here as possible. Is Jong Kook inside?"
I nodded and watched Eun Hye go inside.
-A few days later-
-Kang Gary-
"Why hasn't Ji Hyo been coming to school?" I asked Lizzy.
"I haven't talked to her in weeks." Lizzy answered. "Jong Kook might know. You should ask him."
I saw Jong Kook sitting on the opposite side of the class with Eun Hye. I walked towards him and sat down in the empty seat beside him. "Where's Ji Hyo?"
"What do you mean?" Jong Kook asked.
"Come on, don't lie to me. Where is she?" I said.
"She told me that she was staying at your house. Ji Hyo said you guys finally made up." Jong Kook said.
I raised an eyebrow. "Ji Hyo never came to my house."
Jong Kook stayed silent. After a few minutes he said, "Where is she?"
"I don't know that's why I'm asking you!"I said getting frustrated. "You two lived in the same house, and you don't even know where she went?"
"Maybe she went on a vacation with her mom?" Jong Kook scratched his head.
"Ji Hyo is gone." Eun Hye said.
We both looked at her and asked, "What?"
"She said that she was going to transfer schools so that she doesn't trouble you two anymore." Eun Hye answered.
"She told you this?" I asked. "When did she leave? Where did she go?"
Eun Hye sighed. "Aish, you ask too many questions. She left about a week ago. And I think she went to Ilsan."
"Ilsan?" I glanced at Jong Kook. "Thank you." I left the classroom.
"Yah, where are you going?" I heard Jong Kook yell from the class.
I ignored him and ran out of the school. Jong Kook came out a few seconds later, "Where are you going?" He repeated.
"Where do you think I'm going?" I asked.
"You're not going to get there without a ride." Jong Kook reminded me. "Let me take you there."
I scoffed, "No thank you. I can get there myself. Besides, I don't want Ji Hyo to see you."
"You think she wants to see you?" Jong Kook asked. "Ji Hyo left because of the both of us. She left because of us."
I looked at him. "I just want to go see her. I want her to tell me why she did what she did..."
Jong Kook interrupted me. "She did it because I wanted her too. And she knew I wanted her to do it. I was upset and she did that, hoping that I would feel better."
"How is a kiss supposed to make somebody feel better?" I asked.
"Doesn't it though?" Jong Kook walked towards me. "I'll take you to Ji Hyo, and then I'll come back to Seoul right after dropping you off. I promise."
I sighed then nodded. "Okay. Do you drive?"
Jong Kook shook his head. "No, I have a driver. Let me just call him."
There was absolute silence in the limo. I looked at my phone and debated whether I should text Ji Hyo. I know that I shouldn't be seeing her, but I miss her. And I'm going to try my best to convince her to come back to Seoul. I sighed and started humming the song I wrote a few days ago. It actually came out pretty good, and I'm proud of it. I should probably work in the music industry after I graduate...
Chanyeol broke the silence, "Do you want me to play a song?"
"Sure." Jong Kook said.
Chanyeol smiled and put in a CD, "My friends and I formed a group together, and we started writing and singing our own songs. They're actually pretty good, listen. This one is called Growl. Oh and we named ourselves EXO. Pretty cool, right?"
The music started playing and Chanyeol started to dance to the beat. It was actually a good song.
"What else do you have?" I asked.
"We have a song called Overdose. It's one of my favorites." He put the song on and smiled. At one point he said, "Listen! That's me singing! I'm good, aren't I?"
"Yah, why don't you just become a singer?" Jong Kook asked. "You wouldn't have to work for me anymore."
"You know, that's not a bad idea." Chanyeol smiled. "Thanks Jong Kook."
I glanced at Jong Kook. For some reason I feel like we could be really good friends, but with the whole Ji Hyo situation we don't stand a chance. I wish he just left her alone.
We arrived in Ilsan and I got out of the limo.
"Thank you." I told Jong Kook. "I'll.... see you at school."
Jong Kook nodded and drove away. I looked around and sighed. Song Ji Hyo, where are you?
-Kim Jong Kook-
"So, do I take you back to school?" Chanyeol asked.
"Actually, can you just drive around here for a little bit?" I looked outside.
"Um... okay. Do you want me to play a different song?" Chanyeol asked.
"Sure go ahead."
"You know SNSD right? This is Genie. I love this song." He played the song.
I looked outside as Chanyeol drived around, but I couldn't see Ji Hyo.
"There's a fish market!" Chanyeol said. "Wow!"
"Can you stop the car?" I asked.
Chanyeol nodded and parked the limo. I got out of the car and headed towards the fish market.
"Wait up!" Chanyeol ran after me. "Are we looking for Ji Hyo? I thought you said you were going to leave after dropping Gary off."
"Can you be quiet?" I asked getting annoyed. I looked around the crowded fish market and saw her. I stopped walking and looked at Ji Hyo, who was looking around the store with her mom. She was carrying plastic bags and she was laughing with the market people.
"Oh look!" Chanyeol pointed at Ji Hyo.
I put his hand down and hid behind a garbage can. "Shh.. Don't let her see you!"
Chanyeol looked around and hid behind a pole. "Am I noticeable?"
I sighed and peeked over the trashcan. Ji Hyo was waving to the people in the fish market and she was starting to leave. Good, she didn't see me.
"Ah!" Chanyeol cried.
I looked up and saw him swatting a bee away from his face. Aish, this kid.
I stood up. "What are you doing?"
"There was a bug!" Chanyeol said. "I'm going to go back to the car."
"Jong Kook?"
My eyes widened and I slowly turned around to see Ji Hyo standing in front of me.
She raised an eyebrow, "What.. what are you doing here?"
I glanced at Chanyeol who was slowly walking back to the limo. "Um... I came to get some fish. I heard it's best in Ilsan." I grabbed a random fish from a stand. "This one looks good. Okay, I'll leave now." I looked around, put the fish back, and went to the limo. I sat down inside and Chanyeol started to drive away. I looked back and saw Ji Hyo watching me leave.
-Kang Gary-
"Ji Hyo!" I shouted. "Ji Hyo!!"
I looked around and sighed. Where is she? I sat down on a rock and took out my phone. I went to my messages and clicked on Ji Hyo's number.
Gary: Ji Hyo, where are you? I'm sorry...
I looked at the message then quickly deleted it. Just then, I saw her walking towards me. I quickly stood up. "Ji Hyo!"
She stopped walking. Her mom was also with her, and she looked at me confused. Ji Hyo looked at me.
"Ji Hyo." I repeated quietly then started to walk towards her. Ji Hyo also started to walk towards me, and I could see that she was crying.
We both stood in front of each other and looked at each other in the eyes.
I wiped away her tears, "Ji Hyo ah." I couldn't think of anything else to say. I was just so happy to see her.
"Gary." Ji Hyo smiled. "You... you're here. You came..."
"I miss you Ji Hyo. So much." I admitted. "I can't live without you. The days I wasn't with you killed me."
"Gary, I'm sorry for everything that I've ever done to hurt you. I promise that I'll never do it again Gary. Please forgive me." Ji Hyo said.
"Only if you agree to come back to Seoul." I said. "Everything's going to be okay."
Ji Hyo looked down. "I can't. I caused too much trouble there..."
"No, you didn't. You need to come back. Come back to Seoul. To Running Man High..." I said. "Please."
"Eun Hye told me to transfer. She told me if I transferred things would go back to normal." Ji Hyo said quietly.
"Eun Hye told you that?" I asked getting angry.
Ji Hyo nodded slowly.
"Yah, Song Ji Hyo. What happened to you? Remember when you always stood up for yourself? You stood up for your friends as well. And now? You need to go back to Running Man High and show Eun Hye who's boss. You can't just transfer is she tells you to." I told Ji Hyo. "If Eun Hye tells you to stop loving me, will you do it?"
Ji Hyo looked at me and smiled. "You're right. I'll come back to Seoul."
I hugged her. "I love you Ji Hyo. I'm sorry."
Ji Hyo hugged me too. "I'm sorry too."
Author's Note:
Awh, happy Monday Couple! Will things get better for them? What's going to happen with Jong Kook? This is part 2 of It's going to be okay and the theme song is TEARS! My absolute favorite LeeSsang song and I think it fit perfectly with these two chapters. What do you think? If you haven't heard it, the video is on the side so make sure you listen!
Who do you want to see more of in this story?
Who do you think Ji Hyo will end up with??
Do you want this story to end?
Tell me what you guys thought about this chapter! And if you thought it was any good then give it a vote! I don't really know what else to say. This chapter was written off the top of my head, meaning I just wrote it as I typed. There was no pre-writing or anything before posting this chaptery, so I don't know if it was any good or not. So once again thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter! Don't miss out on Running Man High :)
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