C++ programmer language 7
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Module 11
The C++ I/O System
Table of Contents
CRITICAL SKILL 11.1: Understand I/O streams .............................................................................................. 2
CRITICAL SKILL 11.2: Know the I/O class hierarchy.......................................................................................3
CRITICAL SKILL 11.3: Overload the << and >> operators ..............................................................................4
CRITICAL SKILL 11.4: Format I/O by using iso member functions............................................................... 10
CRITICAL SKILL 11.5: Format I/O by using manipulators............................................................................. 16
CRITICAL SKILL 11.6: Create your own manupulators ................................................................................ 18
CRITICAL SKILL 11.7: Open and close files...................................................................................................20
CRITICAL SKILL 11.8: Read and write text files............................................................................................23
CRITICAL SKILL 11.9: Read and write binary files........................................................................................25
CRITICAL SKILL 11.10: Know additional file functions.................................................................................29
CRITICAL SKILL 11.11: Use randon access files I/O .....................................................................................35
CRITICAL SKILL 11.12: Check I/O system status ..........................................................................................37
Since the beginning of this book you have been using the C++ I/O system, but you have been doing so
without much formal explanation. Since the I/O system is based upon a hierarchy of classes, it was not
possible to present its theory and details without first discussing classes and inheritance. Now it is time
to examine the C++ I/O system in detail. The C++ I/O system is quite large, and it won’t be possible to
discuss here every class, function, or feature, but this module will introduce you to the most important
and commonly used parts. Specifically, it shows how to overload the << and >> operators so that you
can input or output objects of classes that you design. It describes how to format output and how to use
I/O manipulators. The module ends by discussing file I/O.
Old vs. Modern C++ I/O
There are currently two versions of the C++ object-oriented I/O library in use: the older one that is based
upon the original specifications for C++ and the newer one defined by Standard C++. The old I/O library
is supported by the header file <iostream.h>. The new I/O library is supported by the header
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<iostream>. For the most part, the two libraries appear the same to the programmer. This is because the
new I/O library is, in essence, simply an updated and improved version of the old one. In fact, the vast
majority of differences between the two occur beneath the surface, in the way that the libraries are
implementedâ€"not in how they are used.
From the programmer’s perspective, there are two main differences between the old and new C++ I/O
libraries. First, the new I/O library contains a few additional features and defines some new data types.
Thus, the new I/O library is essentially a superset of the old one. Nearly all programs originally written
for the old library will compile without substantive changes when the new library is used. Second, the
old-style I/O library was in the global namespace. The new-style library is in the std namespace. (Recall
that the std namespace is used by all of the Standard C++ libraries.) Since the old-style I/O library is now
obsolete, this book describes only the new I/O library, but most of the information is applicable to the
old I/O library as well.
CRITICAL SKILL 11.1: C++ Streams
The most fundamental point to understand about the C++ I/O system is that it operates on streams. A
stream is an abstraction that either produces or consumes information. A stream is linked to a physical
device by the C++ I/O system. All streams behave in the same manner, even if the actual physical devices
they are linked to differ. Because all streams act the same, the same I/O functions and operators can
operate on virtually any type of device. For example, the same method that you use to write to the
screen can be used to write to a disk or to the printer.
In its most common form, a stream is a logical interface to a file. As C++ defines the term “file,†it can
refer to a disk file, the screen, the keyboard, a port, a file on tape, and so on. Although files differ in
form and capabilities, all streams are the same. The advantage to this approach is that to you, the
programmer, one hardware device will look much like any other. The stream provides a consistent
A stream is linked to a file through an open operation. A stream is disassociated from a file through a
close operation.
There are two types of streams: text and binary. A text stream is used with characters. When a text
stream is being used, some character translations may take place. For example, when the newline
character is output, it may be converted into a carriage returnâ€"linefeed sequence. For this reason, there
might not be a one-to-one correspondence between what is sent to the stream and what is written to
the file. A binary stream can be used with any type of data. No character translations will occur, and
there is a one-to-one correspondence between what is sent to the stream and what is actually
contained in the file.
One more concept to understand is that of the current location. The current location (also referred to as
the current position) is the location in a file where the next file access will occur. For example, if a file is
100 bytes long and half the file has been read, the next read operation will occur at byte 50, which is the
current location.
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To summarize: In C++, I/O is performed through a logical interface called a stream. All streams have
similar properties, and every stream is operated upon by the same I/O functions, no matter what type of
file it is associated with. A file is the actual physical entity that contains
The C++ I/O System
the data. Even though files differ, streams do not. (Of course, some devices may not support all
operations, such as random-access operations, so their associated streams will not support these
operations either.)
The C++ Predefined Streams
C++ contains several predefined streams that are automatically opened when your C++ program begins
execution. They are cin, cout, cerr, and clog. As you know, cin is the stream associated with standard
input, and cout is the stream associated with standard output. The cerr stream is linked to standard
output, and so is clog. The difference between these two streams is that clog is buffered, but cerr is not.
This means that any output sent to cerr is immediately output, but output to clog is written only when a
buffer is full. Typically, cerr and clog are streams to which program debugging or error information is
written. C++ also opens wide (16-bit) character versions of the standard streams called wcin, wcout,
wcerr, and wclog. These streams exist to support languages, such as Chinese, that require large
character sets. We won’t be using them in this book. By default, the C++ standard streams are linked to
the console, but they can be redirected to other devices or files by your program. They can also be
redirected by the operating system.
CRITICAL SKILL 11.2: The C++ Stream Classes
As you learned in Module 1, C++ provides support for its I/O system in <iostream>.Inthis header, a
rather complicated set of class hierarchies is defined that supports I/O operations. The I/O classes begin
with a system of template classes. As you will learn in Module 12, a template defines the form of a class
without fully specifying the data upon which it will operate. Once a template class has been defined,
specific instances of the template class can be created. As it relates to the I/O library, Standard C++
creates two specific versions of these template classes: one for 8-bit characters and another for wide
characters. These specific versions act like any other classes, and no familiarity with templates is
required to fully utilize the C++ I/O system.
The C++ I/O system is built upon two related, but different, template class hierarchies. The first is
derived from the low-level I/O class called basic_streambuf. This class supplies the basic, low-level input
and output operations, and provides the underlying support for the entire C++ I/O system. Unless you
are doing advanced I/O programming, you will not need to use basic_streambuf directly. The class
hierarchy that you will most commonly be working with is derived from basic_ios. This is a high-level I/O
class that provides formatting, error-checking, and status information related to stream I/O. (A base
class for basic_ios is called ios_base, which defines several traits used by basic_ios.) basic_ios is used as
a base for several derived classes, including basic_istream, basic_ostream, and basic_iostream. These
classes are used to create streams capable of input, output, and input/output, respectively.
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As explained, the I/O library creates two specific versions of the I/O class hierarchies: one for 8-bit
characters and one for wide characters. This book discusses only the 8-bit character classes since they
are by far the most frequently used. Here is a list of the mapping of template class names to their
character-based versions.
The character-based names will be used throughout the remainder of this book, since they are the
names that you will use in your programs. They are also the same names that were used by the old I/O
library. This is why the old and the new I/O library are compatible at the source code level.
One last point: The ios class contains many member functions and variables that control or monitor the
fundamental operation of a stream. It will be referred to frequently. Just remember that if you include
<iostream> in your program, you will have access to this important class.
1. What is a stream? What is a file?
2. What stream is connected to standard output?
3. C++ I/O is supported by a sophisticated set of class hierarchies. True or false?
CRITICAL SKILL 11.3: Overloading the I/O Operators
In the preceding modules, when a program needed to output or input the data associated with a class,
member functions were created whose only purpose was to output or input the class’ data. While there
is nothing, in itself, wrong with this approach, C++ allows a much better way of performing I/O
operations on classes: by overloading the << and the >> I/O operators.
In the language of C++, the << operator is referred to as the insertion operator because it inserts data
into a stream. Likewise, the >> operator is called the extraction operator because it extracts data from a
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stream. The operator functions that overload the insertion and extraction operators are generally called
inserters and extractors, respectively.
In <iostream>, the insertion and extraction operators are overloaded for all of the C++ built-in types.
Here you will see how to define these operators relative to classes that you create.
Creating Inserters
As a simple first example, let’s create an inserter for the version of the ThreeD class shown here:
The C++ I/O System
To create an inserter function for an object of type ThreeD, overload the << for it. Here is one way to do
Let’s look closely at this function, because many of its features are common to all inserter functions.
First, notice that it is declared as returning a reference to an object of type ostream. This declaration is
necessary so that several inserters of this type can be combined in a compound I/O expression. Next,
the function has two parameters. The first is the reference to the stream that occurs on the left side of
the << operator. The second parameter is the object that occurs on the right side. (This parameter can
also be a reference to the object, if you like.) Inside the function, the three values contained in an object
of type ThreeD are output, and stream is returned.
Here is a short program that demonstrates the inserter:
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If you eliminate the code that is specific to the ThreeD class, you are left with the skeleton for an
inserter function, as shown here:
Of course, it is permissible for obj to be passed by reference.
Within wide boundaries, what an inserter function actually does is up to you. However, good
programming practice dictates that your inserter should produce reasonable output. Just make sure that
you return stream.
Using Friend Functions to Overload Inserters
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In the preceding program, the overloaded inserter function is not a member of ThreeD. In fact, neither
inserter nor extractor functions can be members of a class. The reason is that when an operator function
is a member of a class, the left operand (implicitly passed using the this pointer) is an object of that
class. There is no way to change this. However, when inserters are overloaded, the left operand is a
stream, and the right operand is an object of the class being output. Therefore, overloaded inserters
must be nonmember functions.
The fact that inserters must not be members of the class they are defined to operate on raises a serious
question: How can an overloaded inserter access the private elements of a class? In the preceding
program, the variables x, y,and z were made public so that the inserter could access them. But hiding
data is an important part of OOP, and forcing all data to be public is a serious inconsistency. However,
there is a solution: an inserter can be a friend of a class. As a friend of the class for which it is defined, it
has access to private data. Here, the ThreeD class and sample program are reworked, with the
overloaded inserter declared as a friend:
// Use a friend to overload <<.
Notice that the variables x, y, and z are now private to ThreeD, but can still be directly accessed by the
inserter. Making inserters (and extractors) friends of the classes for which they are defined preserves
the encapsulation principle of OOP.
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Overloading Extractors
To overload an extractor, use the same general approach that you use when overloading an inserter. For
example, the following extractor inputs 3-D coordinates into an object of type ThreeD. Notice that it also
prompts the user.
An extractor must return a reference to an object of type istream. Also, the first parameter must be a
reference to an object of type istream. This is the stream that occurs on the left side of the >>. The
second parameter is a reference to the variable that will be receiving input. Because it is a reference, the
second parameter can be modified when information is input.
The skeleton of an extractor is shown here:
The following program demonstrates the extractor for objects of type ThreeD:
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A sample run is shown here:
Like inserters, extractor functions cannot be members of the class they are designed to operate upon.
They can be friends or simply independent functions.
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Except for the fact that you must return a reference to an object of type istream, you can do anything
you like inside an extractor function. However, for the sake of structure and clarity, it is best to use
extractors only for input operations.
1. What is an inserter?
adjustfield basefield boolalpha dec
fixed floatfield hex internal
left oct right scientific
showbase showpoint showpos skipws
unitbuf uppercase
2. What is an extractor?
3. Why are friend functions often used for inserter or extractor functions?
Formatted I/O
Up to this point, the format for inputting or outputting information has been left to the defaults
provided by the C++ I/O system. However, you can precisely control the format of your data in either of
two ways. The first uses member functions of the ios class. The second uses a
special type of function called a manipulator. We will begin by looking at formatting using the ios
member functions.
CRITICAL SKILL 11.4: Formatting with the ios Member
Each stream has associated with it a set of format flags that control the way information is formatted by
a stream. The ios class declares a bitmask enumeration called fmtflags in which the following values are
defined. (Technically, these values are defined within ios_base, which is a base class for ios.)
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These values are used to set or clear the format flags. Some older compilers may not define the fmtflags
enumeration type. In this case, the format flags will be encoded into a long integer.
When the skipws flag is set, leading whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, and newlines) are discarded
when performing input on a stream. When skipws is cleared, whitespace characters are not discarded.
When the left flag is set, output is left-justified. When right is set, output is right-justified.
When the internal flag is set, a numeric value is padded to fill a field by inserting spaces between any
sign or base character. If none of these flags is set, output is right-justified by default.
By default, numeric values are output in decimal. However, it is possible to change the number base.
Setting the oct flag causes output to be displayed in octal. Setting the hex flag causes output to be
displayed in hexadecimal. To return output to decimal, set the dec flag.
Setting showbase causes the base of numeric values to be shown. For example, if the conversion base is
hexadecimal, the value 1F will be displayed as 0x1F.
By default, when scientific notation is displayed, the e is in lowercase. Also, when a hexadecimal value is
displayed, the x is in lowercase. When uppercase is set, these characters are displayed in uppercase.
Setting showpos causes a leading plus sign to be displayed before positive values. Setting showpoint
causes a decimal point and trailing zeros to be displayed for all floating-point outputâ€"whether needed
or not.
By setting the scientific flag, floating-point numeric values are displayed using scientific notation. When
fixed is set, floating-point values are displayed using normal notation. When neither flag is set, the
compiler chooses an appropriate method.
When unitbuf is set, the buffer is flushed after each insertion operation. When boolalpha is set,
Booleans can be input or output using the keywords true and false.
Since it is common to refer to the oct, dec, and hex fields, they can be collectively referred to as
basefield. Similarly, the left, right, and internal fields can be referred to as adjustfield.
Finally, the scientific and fixed fields can be referenced as floatfield.
Setting and Clearing Format Flags
To set a flag, use the setf( ) function. This function is a member of ios. Its most common form is shown
fmtflags setf(fmtflags flags);
This function returns the previous settings of the format flags and turns on those flags specified by flags.
For example, to turn on the showbase flag, you can use this statement:
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Here, stream is the stream you want to affect. Notice the use of ios:: to qualify showbase. Because
showbase is an enumerated constant defined by the ios class, it must be qualified by ios when it is
referred to. This principle applies to all of the format flags.
The following program uses setf( ) to turn on both the showpos and scientific flags:
The output produced by this program is shown here:
+123 +1.232300e+002
You can OR together as many flags as you like in a single call. For example, by ORing together scientific
and showpos, as shown next, you can change the program so that only one call is made to setf( ):
cout.setf(ios::scientific | ios::showpos);
To turn off a flag, use the unsetf( ) function, whose prototype is shown here: void unsetf(fmtflags flags);
The flags specified by flags are cleared. (All other flags are unaffected.)
Sometimes it is useful to know the current flag settings. You can retrieve the current flag values using
the flags( ) function, whose prototype is shown here: fmtflags flags( );
This function returns the current value of the flags relative to the invoking stream. The following form of
flags( ) sets the flag values to those specified by flags and returns the previous flag values: fmtflags
flags(fmtflags flags); The following program demonstrates flags( ) and unsetf( ):
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The program produces this output:
showpos is cleared for cout.
Setting showpos for cout.
showpos is set for cout.
Clearing showpos for cout.
showpos is cleared for cout.
In the program, notice that the type fmtflags is preceded by ios:: when f is declared. This is necessary
since fmtflags is a type defined by ios. In general, whenever you use the name of a type or enumerated
constant that is defined by a class, you must qualify it with the name of the class.
Setting the Field Width, Precision, and Fill Character
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In addition to the formatting flags, there are three member functions defined by ios that set these
additional format values: the field width, the precision, and the fill character. The functions that set
these values are width( ), precision( ), and fill( ), respectively. Each is examined in turn.
By default, when a value is output, it occupies only as much space as the number of characters it takes
to display it. However, you can specify a minimum field width by using the width( ) function. Its
prototype is shown here:
streamsize width(streamsize w);
Here, w becomes the field width, and the previous field width is returned. In some implementations, the
field width must be set before each output. If it isn’t, the default field width is used. The streamsize type
is defined as some form of integer by the compiler.
After you set a minimum field width, when a value uses less than the specified width, the field will be
padded with the current fill character (space, by default) to reach the field width. If the size of the value
exceeds the minimum field width, then the field will be overrun. No values are truncated.
When outputting floating-point values in scientific notation, you can determine the number of digits to
be displayed after the decimal point by using the precision( ) function. Its prototype is shown here:
streamsize precision(streamsize p);
Here, the precision is set to p, and the old value is returned. The default precision is 6. In some
implementations, the precision must be set before each floating-point output. If you don’t set it, the
default precision is used.
By default, when a field needs to be filled, it is filled with spaces. You can specify the fill character by
using the fill( ) function. Its prototype is
char fill(char ch);
After a call to fill( ), ch becomes the new fill character, and the old one is returned.
Here is a program that demonstrates these three functions:
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As mentioned, in some implementations, it is necessary to reset the field width before each output
operation. This is why width( ) is called repeatedly in the preceding program. There are overloaded
forms of width( ), precision( ), and fill( ) that obtain, but do not change, the current setting. These forms
are shown here:
char fill( ); streamsize width( ); streamsize precision( );
1. What does boolalpha do?
2. What does setf( ) do?
3. What function is used to set the fill character?
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CRITICAL SKILL 10.5: Using I/O Manipulators
The C++ I/O system includes a second way in which you can alter the format parameters of a stream.
This method uses special functions, called manipulators, that can be included in an I/O expression. The
standard manipulators are shown in Table 11-1. To use those manipulators that take arguments, you
must include <iomanip> in your program.
Manipulator Purpose Input/Output
boolalpha Turns on boolalpha flag Input/Output
dec Turns on dec flag Input/Output
Outputs a newline character and flushes the
endl Output
ends Outputs a null Output
fixed Turns on fixed flag Output
flush Flushes a stream Output
hex Turns on hex flag Input/Output
internal Turns on internal flag Output
left Turns on left flag Output
noboolalpha Turns off boolalpha flag Input/Output
noshowbase Turns off showbase flag Output
noshowpoint Turns off showpoint flag Output
noshowpos Turns off showpos flag Output
noskipws Turns off skipws flag Input
nounitbuf Turns off unitbuf flag Output
nouppercase Turns off uppercase flag Output
oct Turns on oct flag Input/Output
resetiosflags (fmtflags f) Turns off the flags specified in f Input/Output
right Turns on right flag Output
scientific Turns on scientific flag Output
setbase(int base) Sets the number base to base Input/Output
setfill(int ch) Sets the fill character to ch Output
setiosflags(fmtflags f) Turns on the flags specified in f Input/Output
setprecision (int p) Sets the number of digits of precision Output
setw(int w) Sets the field width to w Output
showbase Turns on showbase flag Output
showpoint Turns on showpoint flag Output
Table 11-1 The C++ I/O Manipulators
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Manipulator Purpose Input/Output
showpos Turns on showpos flag Output
skipws Turns on skipws flag Input
unitbuf Turns on unitbuf flag Output
uppercase Turns on uppercase flag Output
ws Skips leading whitespace Input
Table 11-1 The C++ I/O Manipulators (continued)
manipulator is used as part of a larger I/O expression. Here is a sample program that uses manipulators
to control the format of its output:
Notice how the manipulators occur in the chain of I/O operations. Also, notice that when a manipulator
does not take an argument, such as endl in the example, it is not followed by parentheses.
The following program uses setiosflags( ) to set the scientific and showpos flags:
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The program shown next uses ws to skip any leading whitespace when inputting a string into s:
CRITICAL SKILL 11.6: Creating Your Own Manipulator Functions
You can create your own manipulator functions. There are two types of manipulator functions: those
that take arguments and those that don’t. The creation of parameterized manipulators requires the use
of techniques beyond the scope of this book. However, the creation of parameterless manipulators is
quite easy and is described here.
All parameterless manipulator output functions have this skeleton:
Here, manip_name is the name of the manipulator. It is important to understand that even though the
manipulator has as its single argument a pointer to the stream upon which
it is operating, no argument is specified when the manipulator is used in an output expression.
The following program creates a manipulator called setup( ) that turns on left justification, sets the field
width to 10, and specifies that the dollar sign will be the fill character.
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Custom manipulators are useful for two reasons. First, you might need to perform an I/O operation on a
device for which none of the predefined manipulators appliesâ€"a plotter, for example. In this case,
creating your own manipulators will make it more convenient when outputting to the device. Second,
you may find that you are repeating the same sequence of operations many times. You can consolidate
these operations into a single manipulator, as the foregoing program illustrates.
All parameterless input manipulator functions have this skeleton:
For example, the following program creates the prompt( ) manipulator. It displays a prompting message
and then configures input to accept hexadecimal.
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Remember that it is crucial that your manipulator return stream. If this is not done, then your
manipulator cannot be used in a chain of input or output operations.
1. What does endl do?
2. What does ws do?
3. Is an I/O manipulator used as part of a larger I/O expression?
File I/O
You can use the C++ I/O system to perform file I/O. To perform file I/O, you must include the header
<fstream> in your program. It defines several important classes and values.
CRITICAL SKILL 11.7: Opening and Closing a File
In C++, a file is opened by linking it to a stream. As you know, there are three types of streams: input,
output, and input/output. To open an input stream, you must declare the stream to be of class ifstream.
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To open an output stream, it must be declared as class ofstream. A stream that will be performing both
input and output operations must be declared as class fstream. For example, this fragment creates one
input stream, one output stream, and one stream capable of both input and output:
Once you have created a stream, one way to associate it with a file is by using open( ).This function is a
member of each of the three stream classes. The prototype for each is shown here:
Here, filename is the name of the file; it can include a path specifier. The value of mode determines how
the file is opened. It must be one or more of the values defined by openmode, which is an enumeration
defined by ios (through its base class ios_base). The values are shown here:
You can combine two or more of these values by ORing them together. Including ios::app causes all
output to that file to be appended to the end. This value can be used only with files capable of output.
Including ios::ate causes a seek to the end of the file to occur when the file is opened. Although ios::ate
causes an initial seek to end-of-file, I/O operations can still occur anywhere within the file.
The ios::in value specifies that the file is capable of input. The ios::out value specifies that the file is
capable of output.
The ios::binary value causes a file to be opened in binary mode. By default, all files are opened in text
mode. In text mode, various character translations may take place, such as carriage returnâ€"linefeed
sequences being converted into newlines. However, when a file is opened in binary mode, no such
character translations will occur. Understand that any file, whether it contains formatted text or raw
data, can be opened in either binary or text mode. The only difference is whether character translations
take place.
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The ios::trunc value causes the contents of a preexisting file by the same name to be destroyed, and the
file to be truncated to zero length. When creating an output stream using ofstream, any preexisting file
by that name is automatically truncated.
The following fragment opens a text file for output:
ofstream mystream; mystream.open("test");
Since the mode parameter to open( ) defaults to a value appropriate to the type of stream being
opened, there is often no need to specify its value in the preceding example. (Some compilers do not
default the mode parameter for fstream::open( ) to in | out, so you might need to specify this explicitly.)
If open( ) fails, the stream will evaluate to false when used in a Boolean expression. You can make use of
this fact to confirm that the open operation succeeded by using a statement like this:
if(!mystream) {
cout << "Cannot open file.
// handle error }
In general, you should always check the result of a call to open( ) before attempting to access the file.
You can also check to see if you have successfully opened a file by using the is_open( ) function, which is
a member of fstream, ifstream, and ofstream. It has this prototype:
bool is_open( );
It returns true if the stream is linked to an open file and false otherwise. For example, the following
checks if mystream is currently open:
if(!mystream.is_open()) {
cout << "File is not open.
// ...
Although it is entirely proper to use the open( ) function for opening a file, most of the time you will not
do so because the ifstream, ofstream, and fstream classes have constructors that automatically open
the file. The constructors have the same parameters and defaults as the open( ) function. Therefore, the
most common way you will see a file opened is shown in this example:
ifstream mystream("myfile"); // open file for input
If, for some reason, the file cannot be opened, the value of the associated stream variable will evaluate
to false. To close a file, use the member function close( ). For example, to close the file linked to a
stream called mystream, you would use this statement:
The close( ) function takes no parameters and returns no value.
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CRITICAL SKILL 11.8: Reading and Writing Text Files
The easiest way to read from or write to a text file is to use the << and >> operators. For example, this
program writes an integer, a floating-point value, and a string to a file called test:
The following program reads an integer, a float, a character, and a string from the file created by the
previous program:
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Keep in mind that when the >> operator is used for reading text files, certain character translations
occur. For example, whitespace characters are omitted. If you want to prevent any character
translations, you must open a file for binary access. Also remember that when >> is used to read a
string, input stops when the first whitespace character is encountered.
Ask the Expert
Q: As you explained in Module 1, C++ is a superset of C. I know that C defines an I/O system of its
own. Is the C I/O system available to C++ programmers? If so, should it be used in C++ programs?
A: The answer to the first question is yes. The C I/O system is available to C++ programmers. The
answer to the second question is a qualified no. The C I/O system is not object-oriented. Thus, you will
nearly always find the C++ I/O system more compatible with C++ programs. However, the C I/O system
is still widely used and is quite streamlined, carrying little overhead. Thus, for some highly specialized
programs, the C I/O system might be a good choice. Information on the C I/O system can be found in my
book C++: The Complete Reference (Osborne/McGraw-Hill).
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1. What class creates an input file?
2. What function opens a file?
3. Can you read and write to a file using << and >>?
CRITICAL SKILL 11.9: Unformatted and Binary I/O
While reading and writing formatted text files is very easy, it is not always the most efficient way to
handle files. Also, there will be times when you need to store unformatted (raw) binary data, not text.
The functions that allow you to do this are described here.
When performing binary operations on a file, be sure to open it using the ios::binary mode specifier.
Although the unformatted file functions will work on files opened for text mode, some character
translations may occur. Character translations negate the purpose of binary file operations.
In general, there are two ways to write and read unformatted binary data to or from a file. First, you can
write a byte using the member function put( ), and read a byte using the member function get( ). The
second way uses the block I/O functions: read( ) and write( ). Each is examined here.
Using get( ) and put( )
The get( ) function has many forms, but the most commonly used version is shown next, along with that
of put( ):
istream &get(char &ch); ostream &put(char ch);
The get( ) function reads a single character from the associated stream and puts that value in ch. It
returns a reference to the stream. This value will be null if the end of the file is reached. The put( )
function writes ch to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
The following program will display the contents of any file on the screen. It uses the get( ) function:
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Look closely at the while loop. When in reaches the end of the file, it will be false, causing the while loop
to stop.
There is actually a more compact way to code the loop that reads and displays a file, as shown here:
while(in.get(ch)) cout << ch;
This form works because get( ) returns the stream in, and in will be false when the end of the file is
encountered. This program uses put( ) to write a string to a file.
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After this program executes, the file test will contain the string “hello there†followed by a newline
character. No character translations will have taken place.
Reading and Writing Blocks of Data
To read and write blocks of binary data, use the read( ) and write( ) member functions. Their prototypes
are shown here:
istream &read(char *buf, streamsize num); ostream &write(const char *buf, streamsize num);
The read( ) function reads num bytes from the associated stream and puts them in the buffer pointed to
by buf. The write( ) function writes num bytes to the associated stream from the buffer pointed to by
buf. As mentioned earlier, streamsize is some form of integer defined by the C++ library. It is capable of
holding the largest number of bytes that can be transferred in any one I/O operation.
The following program writes and then reads an array of integers:
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Note that the type casts inside the calls to read( ) and write( ) are necessary when operating on a buffer
that is not defined as a character array.
If the end of the file is reached before num characters have been read, then read( ) simply stops, and the
buffer will contain as many characters as were available. You can find out how many characters have
been read using another member function, called gcount( ), which has this prototype:
streamsize gcount( );
gcount( ) returns the number of characters read by the last input operation.
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1. To read or write binary data, you open a file using what mode specifier?
2. What does get( ) do? What does put( ) do?
3. What function reads a block of data?
CRITICAL SKILL 11.10: More I/O Functions
The C++ I/O system defines other I/O related functions, several of which you will find useful. They are
discussed here.
More Versions of get( )
In addition to the form shown earlier, the get( ) function is overloaded in several different ways. The
prototypes for the three most commonly used overloaded forms are shown here:
istream &get(char *buf, streamsize num); istream &get(char *buf, streamsize num, char delim); int get(
The first form reads characters into the array pointed to by buf until either numâ€"1 characters have been
read, a newline is found, or the end of the file has been encountered. The array pointed to by buf will be
null-terminated by get( ). If the newline character is encountered in the input stream, it is not extracted.
Instead, it remains in the stream until the next input operation.
The second form reads characters into the array pointed to by buf until either numâ€"1 characters have
been read, the character specified by delim has been found, or the end of the file has been
encountered. The array pointed to by buf will be null-terminated by get( ). If the delimiter character is
encountered in the input stream, it is not extracted. Instead, it remains in the stream until the next input
The third overloaded form of get( ) returns the next character from the stream. It returns EOF (a value
that indicates end-of-file) if the end of the file is encountered. EOF is defined by <iostream>.
One good use for get( ) is to read a string that contains spaces. As you know, when you use >> to read a
string, it stops reading when the first whitespace character is encountered. This makes >> useless for
reading a string containing spaces. However, you can overcome this problem by using get(buf, num), as
illustrated in this program:
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Here, the delimiter to get( ) is allowed to default to a newline. This makes get( ) act much like the
standard gets( ) function.
getline( )
Another function that performs input is getline( ). It is a member of each input stream class. Its
prototypes are shown here:
istream &getline(char *buf, streamsize num); istream &getline(char *buf, streamsize num, char delim);
The first form reads characters into the array pointed to by buf until either numâ€"1 characters have been
read, a newline character has been found, or the end of the file has been encountered.
The array pointed to by buf will be null-terminated by getline( ). If the newline character is encountered
in the input stream, it is extracted, but is not put into buf.
The second form reads characters into the array pointed to by buf until either numâ€"1 characters have
been read, the character specified by delim has been found, or the end of the file has been
encountered. The array pointed to by buf will be null-terminated by getline( ). If the delimiter character
is encountered in the input stream, it is extracted, but is not put into buf.
As you can see, the two versions of getline( ) are virtually identical to the get(buf, num) and get(buf,
num, delim) versions of get( ). Both read characters from input and put them into the array pointed to
by buf until either numâ€"1 characters have been read or until the delimiter character is encountered. The
difference between get( ) and getline( ) is that getline( ) reads and removes the delimiter from the input
stream; get( ) does not.
Detecting EOF
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You can detect when the end of the file is reached by using the member function eof( ), which has this
bool eof( );
It returns true when the end of the file has been reached; otherwise it returns false.
peek( ) and putback( )
You can obtain the next character in the input stream without removing it from that stream by using
peek( ). It has this prototype:
int peek( );
peek( ) returns the next character in the stream, or EOF if the end of the file is encountered. The
character is contained in the low-order byte of the return value. You can return the last character read
from a stream to that stream by using putback( ). Its prototype is shown here:
istream &putback(char c);
where c is the last character read.
flush( )
When output is performed, data is not immediately written to the physical device linked to the stream.
Instead, information is stored in an internal buffer until the buffer is full. Only then are the contents of
that buffer written to disk. However, you can force the information to be physically written to disk
before the buffer is full by calling flush( ). Its prototype is shown here:
ostream &flush( );
Calls to flush( ) might be warranted when a program is going to be used in adverse environments (in
situations where power outages occur frequently, for example).
NOTE: Closing a file or terminating a program also flushes all buffers.
This project develops a simple, yet useful file comparison utility. It works
by opening both files to be compared and then reading and comparing each corresponding set of bytes.
If a mismatch is found, the files differ. If the end of each file is reached at the same time and if no
mismatches have been found, then the files are the same.
Step by Step
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1. Create a file called CompFiles.cpp.
2. Begin by adding these lines to CompFiles.cpp:
Notice that the names of the files to compare are specified on the command line.
3. Add the code that opens the files for binary input operations, as shown here:
The files are opened for binary operations to prevent the character translations that might occur in
text mode.
4. Add the code that actually compares the files, as shown next:
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This code reads one buffer at a time from each of the files using the read( ) function. It then
compares the contents of the buffers. If the contents differ, the files are closed, the “Files differ.â€
message is displayed, and the program terminates. Otherwise, buffers continue to be read and
compared until the end of one (or both) files is reached. Because less than a full buffer may be read
at the end of a file, the program uses the gcount( ) function to determine precisely how many
characters are in the buffers. If one of the files is shorter than the other, the values returned by
gcount( ) will differ when the end of one of the files is reached. In this case, the message “Files are of
differing sizes.†will be displayed. Finally, if the files are the same, then when the end of one file is
reached, the other will also have been reached. This is confirmed by calling eof( ) on each stream. If
the files compare equal in all regards, then they are reported as equal.
5. Finish the program by closing the files, as shown here:
return 0; }
6. The entire FileComp.cpp program is shown here:
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7. To try CompFiles, first copy CompFiles.cpp to a file called temp.txt. Then, try this command line:
CompFiles CompFiles.temp txt
The program will report that the files are the same. Next, compare CompFiles.cpp to a different file,
such as one of the other program files from this module. You will see that CompFiles reports that
the files differ.
8. On your own, try enhancing CompFiles with various options. For example, add an option that
ignores the case of letters. Another idea is to have CompFiles display the position within the file
where the files differ.
CRITICAL SKILL 11.11: Random Access
So far, files have been read or written sequentially, but you can also access a file in random order. In
C++’s I/O system, you perform random access using the seekg( ) and seekp( ) functions. Their most
common forms are shown here:
Value Meaning
ios::beg Beginning of file
ios::cur Current location
ios::end End of file
off_type is an integer type defined by ios that is capable of containing the largest valid value that offset
can have. seekdir is an enumeration that has these values:
The C++ I/O system manages two pointers associated with a file. One is the get pointer, which specifies
where in the file the next input operation will occur. The other is the put pointer, which specifies where
in the file the next output operation will occur. Each time an input or an output operation takes place,
the appropriate pointer is automatically advanced. Using the seekg( ) and seekp( ) functions, it is
possible to move this pointer and access the file in a non-sequential fashion.
The seekg( ) function moves the associated file’s current get pointer offset number of bytes from the
specified origin. The seekp( ) function moves the associated file’s current put pointer offset number of
bytes from the specified origin.
Generally, random access I/O should be performed only on those files opened for binary operations. The
character translations that may occur on text files could cause a position request to be out of sync with
the actual contents of the file.
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The following program demonstrates the seekp( ) function. It allows you to specify a filename on the
command line, followed by the specific byte that you want to change in the file. The program then
writes an X at the specified location. Notice that the file must be opened for read/write operations.
The next program uses seekg( ). It displays the contents of a file, beginning with the location you specify
on the command line.
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You can determine the current position of each file pointer using these functions:
pos_type tellg( ); pos_type tellp( );
Here, pos_type is a type defined by ios that is capable of holding the largest value that either function
can return. There are overloaded versions of seekg( ) and seekp( ) that move the file pointers to the
location specified by the return values of tellg( ) and tellp( ). Their prototypes are shown here:
istream &seekg(pos_type position); ostream &seekp(pos_type position);
1. What function detects the end of the file?
2. What does getline( ) do?
3. What functions handle random access position requests?
CRITICAL SKILL 11.12: Checking I/O Status
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The C++ I/O system maintains status information about the outcome of each I/O operation. The current
status of an I/O stream is described in an object of type iostate, which is an enumeration defined by ios
that includes these members.
Name Meaning
ios::goodbit No error bits set
ios::eofbit 1 when end-of-file is encountered; 0 otherwise
ios::failbit 1 when a (possibly) nonfatal I/O error has occurred; 0 otherwise
ios::badbit 1 when a fatal I/O error has occurred; 0 otherwise
There are two ways in which you can obtain I/O status information. First, you can call the rdstate( )
function. It has this prototype:
iostate rdstate( );
It returns the current status of the error flags. As you can probably guess from looking at the preceding
list of flags, rdstate( ) returns goodbit when no error has occurred. Otherwise, an error flag is turned on.
The other way you can determine if an error has occurred is by using one or more of these ios member
bool bad( ); bool eof( );
bool fail( ); bool good( );
The eof( ) function was discussed earlier. The bad( ) function returns true if badbit is set. The fail( )
function returns true if failbit is set. The good( ) function returns true if there are no errors. Otherwise
they return false.
Once an error has occurred, it may need to be cleared before your program continues. To do this, use
the ios member function clear( ), whose prototype is shown here:
void clear(iostate flags = ios::goodbit);
If flags is goodbit (as it is by default), all error flags are cleared. Otherwise, set flags to the settings you
Before moving on, you might want to experiment with using these status-reporting functions to add
extended error-checking to the preceding file examples.
Module 11 Mastery Check
1. What are the four predefined streams called?
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2. Does C++ define both 8-bit and wide-character streams?
3. Show the general form for overloading an inserter.
4. What does ios::scientific do?
5. What does width( ) do?
6. An I/O manipulator is used within an I/O expression. True or false?
7. Show how to open a file for reading text input.
8. Show how to open a file for writing text output.
9. What does ios::binary do?
10. When the end of the file is reached, the stream variable will evaluate as false. True or false?
11. Assuming a file is associated with an input stream called strm, show how to read to the end of the
12. Write a program that copies a file. Allow the user to specify the name of the input and output file on
the command line. Make sure that your program can copy both text and binary files.
13. Write a program that merges two text files. Have the user specify the names of the two files on the
command line in the order they should appear in the output file. Also, have the user specify the name of
the output file. Thus, if the program is called merge, then the following command line will merge the
files MyFile1.txt and MyFile2.txt into Target.txt:
merge MyFile1.txt MyFile2.txt Target.txt
14. Show how the seekg( ) statement will seek to the 300th byte in a stream called MyStrm.
39 C++ A Beginner’s Guide by Herbert Schildt
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