13 | Religious Gathering

It's just now that I've realized how ambitious this fanfic really is.. @.@

][ Previously: Mob meets Eri. Reigen takes Mob to the store for fitting clothes. There, he runs into Mineta, then Elyse. Elyse buys Mob some clothes instead while Reigen suffers from lostness. Finally, Mob starts texting Tsubomi. Oh also Ritsu's religious now. ][

      Serizawa came into the office wearing a cast, walking with the help of a single crutch.

     "Woah, woah, woah there, Serizawa! You don't have to come in to work today!" Reigen stood from his desk in a hurry. It was a slow day, after all.

     "Oh, the doctor said I'll be alright." Reigen's employee smiled. "And with my power speeding up the healing process, I should be good as new in no time!"

     "Well that still doesn't negate the fact that you should rest today! You just got back from the hospital after all!" Reigen stood before his one consistent employee. Consistent to a fault as proven here..

     "Hmm.. I guess you are right. I just felt bad about not being here!" The man sighed. "But, I guess it would be good to at least rest a little more." Reigen helped clear an easy path for him to make it to the couch. Once Serizawa was seated, Reigen offered him a fresh cup of tea as well. "What's all this for?!" He laughed. 

     Solemnly, "I...heard about your contribution to the fight.. How you nearly lost your life facing off that Shigaraki guy... For that, I'm really thankful... I don't think we would have been able to rescue Mob otherwise..." Reigen looked up from the floor, a little surprised to see the older man's eyes full of tears, a big smile on his face.

     "...Thank you..."


     There was hardly a piece of furniture in the pristine office building. High above the rest of the secluded city, on the twentieth floor, Ryo Shimazaki emerged from the elevator. A guard stood on either side of him on the elevator and more stood outside. Even more men in flashy suits and sunglasses rimmed the sunlit space. Hardly a piece of furniture resided in the room but a single desk and chair. It was a corner office as well, meaning not one, but TWO walls were complete with spotless glass.

     At the head of the desk, where all eyes met, was the Liberation Army leader himself. Yotsubashi, or just Re-Destro, stood in front of his office chair, hands meeting behind his back. He certainly was a flashy creature. With a chin and nose that point out so, there was hardly a need for his black and white striped suit finished with a green tie to make him stand out.

     "Right on time, Shimazaki." The man smiled. "At last, someone I can openly chat with. How has it been on your end? I heard you had quite the clash a couple days ago~"

     Ryo smirked as he exited the elevator, guards following. "Your plan worked wonders!" He expelled, arms rising at either side of him in greeting. "If not for a few factors outside our control, The League would be in shambles and behind bars as we speak. I'd still say it was a win, though. Both Tomura and Reigen are without power...thanks to you~" Ryo bowed elegantly. As his head was lowered, he sensed a shift in Re-Destro's attitude. The big boss was stiffer than usual. His heart rate steadily increasing. Yes... He could see every vein- every cell of stress in the other man growing.

     Ryo sighed and stood straighter. Of course... All of the guards surrounding the two men were stiff as well, their heartbeats unsteady. "So anyway. You wanted an update on the drug, correct?"

     "That is correct." Re-Destro exhaled, shoulders dropping a tad. "It is working...correct?"

     "Splendidly." Ryo smiled. "Our supply of blood is near-infinite, and with the lead in research we have, it'll only be a matter of days before shipment will be ready for order worldwide!.. Only problem is we need a little extra funding if we want this to reach the big markets.."

     Re-Destro's eyes wandered to the side as he thought. "Mm, yes, I guess I can throw in a little more funding. But prove to me first that this is worth the effort. I need to see the drug." Ryo fished a small box from his back pocket and held it between two fingers.

     "Simple enough. This is your purchase, after all..." Ryo continued forward and set the box down on the desk. Re-Destro grabbed it just as casually as it had been set down and opened it with care. Inside were five tightly packed red bullets. The boss smiled deviously to himself. Ryo remained calm as the man before him loaded all of the bullets into a magazine and fixed that into a pistol.

     "I thank you... After all, I wouldn't be the owner of such a fine enterprise if it weren't for your assist." Out of the blue, the pistol was risen and aimed at the other, barrel pointed between the Esper's eyes.


     The boss gasped when Ryo remained standing, unharmed. The bullet rest gently in the air, hovering so close to the man that it could nearly prick his skin. Without saying a word, the Esper picked the crimson bullet from the air and set it down on the desk before him. "Here you go. Would hate for you to waste something so expensive."

     "HO-HOW?!" The boss stumbled back. Patches of dark, charred gray speckled his skin as his eyes dashed between his guards. "I thought your quirk was teleportation!!"

     Ryo chuckled in amusement. "Oh, how I wish it were that simple.." His eyes opened, revealing the dark abyss beyond. "But no. Espers are in an entirely different league of their own for a reason."

     Re-Destro made the first move. His body grew twice its original size and he threw his desk to the side. Ryo jumped back and pulled two canisters from his jacket pockets.

     "I KNEW YOU WERE PLOTTING TREASON, BRAT!" The boss charged. Ryo teleported away, leaving the two canisters in his place.

     "Tfh. Says the one who tried to put a bullet in my head." He pressed a button and the two canisters opened up. Out spewed a thick fog of bright pink gass. Re-Destro was quick to cover his nose and mouth, but it still had an affect on him. "Like the free Psychiatry visit?" Ryo smirked. Even as the gasses reached him, he took a big breath and smiled pleasantly. The boss noticed immediately how his power was failing to work just right. For some reason, despite being pretty angry about this, an overwhelming sense of calmness took over his body. "Benzodiazepines. They're sure to relieve you of any unnecessary stress." Ryo calmly walked through the mist and fought the gun out of the boss' hand. Such a thick mist made it impossible for all of his guards to aim their guns on the enemy and not the boss himself. And just like that, the tables were turned with the gun aimed at Re-Destro instead.

     His anxiety was turned into anger. "You seriously think you will get far without me?! You seek to take my place, huh?! You are foolish to assume my role! Not when you are so pathetic at forming simple plans! No way could you ever expect to lead my army!"

     "So you do have an army..?~" Ryo smirked. "It's funny, really... I had a mole planted on your side to find your weakness, and you had a mole planted on my side to discover my true plans. So, at the end of the day I'd say a plan means nothing in the end. Nothing compared to being able to think on your feet and fight for yourself."


     "So I could decide right now that I simply don't need you. You'd be dead or quirkless and nothing would change for me.

     Or.. perhaps you could apologize~

     I might consider finding a place for you among my ranks if you simply give up." The gun was touched to the boss' forehead. Even in such a diar situation, the man's quirk wasn't activating as it should.

     "######." The boss cursed under his breath. No matter the scenario, he was trapped, and so easily too! No way did he want to fight the very man who took on two opposing forces in one battle; not with the state he was in! "I- ..I yield..."

     The gun lowered in time. Ryo's eyes were closed, but he still somehow managed to peer down at the other with satisfaction. And as the thick mist cleared, all the guards saw was their boss bowing down to the very man he had tried to kill not minutes before.


     "So you're absolutely certain your homeroom teacher gave you permission for this.?" Reigen asked his student. The two were walking around in a pet store, specifically the fish isle.

     "Yeah.. He said that-- Can you help me up?"

     "Uh, sure." The man grabbed little Mob and picked him up off the ground so he could see one of the tanks better.

     The boy continued as he studied the bright colored fish swimming inside. "Yeah, he said that as long as no one was allergic to it, then I could get a pet like Kouda. I don't think anyone would be allergic to a fish. Can you put me down now?"

     "O-of course." Reigen's arms were beginning to shake anyways. He set the ten year old boy down and had a look around at all the options himself.

     "Hey, Mob, how about this one?!" Serizawa, a little further down the row, pointed up at a big black one with massive eyes. "It looks pretty cool!"

     Mob stared up at it for a few seconds. "...Nah. It's too big. The tank I picked out is only a five gallon one."

     "Right-right!.. Nevermind." The eldest of the three didn't really know why he was here, other than that he had worded wanting to join and Reigen insisting that he should..despite being told by the same man earlier today not to move very much.

     Mob was walking by a tank when something caught his eye. He turned his head and smiled. A little guppy was staring at him through the glass, uncannily still but alive and well. It had a big tail, was mostly white with orange and black spots, and a derpy looking face. Mob stepped closer to the glass and stuck his finger out. He traced his finger back and forth, the guppy following it.


     "Huh?" Reigen looked over his shoulder. "That the fish you want?"

     "Yeah." The boy decided. He continued to play around with the fish, wondering if he could teach it any tricks. While he did that, Reigen called up an employee, who caught the fish and put it in a plastic bag for them. "It's okay, Freckles." Mob got to hold the bag. Thankfully, it wasn't too heavy for his small body.

     Since the employee (who is canonically "Fish For Thought" on YT) saw that the men and boy were just now buying the tank, filter, and plants with the fish, he gave them some extra advice on how to set up the tank. When all was ready, Reigen gestured Katsuya toward the register.

     "Wait-wait, you want ME to go up there?!"

     "Calm down." Reigen pat the man's shoulder. "This'll be good practice for you. I'll provide the money and guide you through it."

     "Oh-oh-ok-kay.." Sweating, Serizawa realized this was a trap all along. The blond stood watch as Serizawa stuttered over his words to the woman at the front desk. "I-I-I- uh, yes, change!" The woman was a little confused but didn't make a big deal about it. "S-SORRY!" He felt like explaining himself was a necessity at this point. "I-I- was a shut-shut in for the longest time!"

     "Owh.." The woman worded behind the counter as she prepared the change. "You know, my son hasn't left his room in months. I've been really worried for him.. What made you leave your room in the end?" She looked up at him with genuine interest.

     "He what?? That-that's terrible! I sure hope he gets better... To be honest, how I got out is a little complicated, but I-I-I could try to give a few tips.." He then proceeded to babble on in general terms about his own story for the next ten minutes, then gave whatever little advice he could.

     "So what you were a little awkward back there? You did great!" Reigen slapped Serizawa across the back as they exited the store. Mob quietly walked beside them, very careful not to slosh the bag in his hands around as he walked. "And you were able to help someone else too!"

     "I..don't know... I think all I did was ruin everyone's day.." The brunette mumbled pitifully.

     "Nonsense! That woman obviously took your advice to heart! At the very least you gave her hope, which in some cases is better than practical tips and tricks. No doubt you helped her out today."

     "Yeah, Serizawa, I think that lady really liked your story." Mob joined in from the sidelines.

     "I-if you say so.."


     "You know, my quirk seems to work in percentages too sometimes." Mob commented to his classmate. Before the day was over, Izuku had asked him to assist so he could practice a certain shooting move. The greenette had taken notice of Mob's ability to draw energy from other people's quirks, as well as give it back, so he wanted to see if, with Mob's help, he could train better without having to worry as much about going all out and hurting himself. Mob was of course willing to assist however he could. In return, he took this time learning how to do some basic kicks from him. He was terrible, but at least it was entertaining to watch.

     "Yeah, I've been wondering how exactly your energy sharing quirk happens. If you take too much, can you completely remove someone else's quirk??" Izuku stopped and panted for a moment. The two were standing outside in the forest, safe and out of the way of any other student's judgemental eyes -- cough, Bakugo, cough.

     "No, I don't think so at least. My quirk doesn't work exactly like Eri's.." Mob stopped a moment to think. The two took this time to break for a little bit. "To me, it seems like there are two aspects that come together to make a quirk. Energy and DNA." A graph magically appears in the air to demonstrate. "Like, your cells are what create the energy for your quirk..like a factory. I can take away that energy, but eventually your cells will regenerate it. Eri's quirk, however, can completely remove the part of the cells that makes the energy in the first place."

     Izuku scratched his chin. "Yeah.. that makes a lot of sense, actually!.. What about something, like, uhh, power built up over a long period of time..?" He asked nervously..for some reason.

     "I don't know exactly what you mean. Espers are able to charge up their powers for decades at a time, though."

     "Really?? That's gotta come in handy!"

     "I guess."

     "Hey, can you give me a little more of my power back. I think I'm getting the hang of it!"

     "Okay. Just be careful."

     After a little bit, it was getting harder to see thanks to the overcasting trees.

     "Hey, do you think we should head inside now?"

     "I dunno. Show me a roundhouse kick first!" Mob did a decent one. "Not bad! Now do a roll! Just like I showed you!" Mob, very carefully, rolled over his shoulder in a robotic fashion. "Hey, you're getting the moves down at least!"

     "Just don't expect me to do too many of these. I get motion sick pretty easily." The boy smiled.

     "Alright. It's still good to learn to stay fast on your feet! Can I have the rest of my energy back by the way? I think we can head inside now."

     "Uh, sure. Here you go." Mob stuck out his hand and the two glowed very briefly. Mob led the way out of the forest, since he was in a hurry to call his parents and Ritsu again.

     The two walked side by side without speaking a word to each other for a while. Izuku kept side-eyeing the smaller one, though. A question obviously on his mind.

     "Hey, um... I've been wondering this for a while now, but why do you hold back on using your quirk so much? I've seen what all you can do, and it's amazing! But..when you're with us, you are almost always losing competitions I know you could win."

     Mob sighed. "I just don't really think my quirk is that big of a deal, to be honest. I mean.. you can't really do the stuff you want to with them, like getting muscle or knowing what to do in social situations."

     "What do you mean?? Your quirk is awesome!"

     "But it isn't what makes me awesome." Mob stared ahead, even as Deku's head leaned, raising a brow at him. "Quirks are just like any other talent. Some people are smart, some good at sports, and some are great at reading people. I'm not special because of my power... Just different."

     "Hm..." Izuku hadn't ever really thought of it like that before. He was always the one feeling like he was missing out, not having a quirk growing up. This was an interesting perspective, though, coming from someone who had been born with such a special ability.

     "What's the matter?" Shigeo noticed the scarily distant look in his classmate's eyes.


     "No, it's okay. You can tell me." Mob's faint smile was so warm and assuring. Izuku gave in after only a short while.

     "Okay.. Fine... Truth is, I'm...confused. I was deemed 'quirkless' as a kid and grew up bullied for not having one. I-I- later awakened my quirk, but-but it-uh it-it took a while!"

     "Oh, like my brother?.. That's funny." Mob smiled. "I grew up in Seasoning City: the place known for quirkless people moving to to escape that kind of treatment."

     "Wait what?? I didn't know there were cities like that!"

     "Maybe you should come and visit. Hardly anyone even has a quirk."

     "Re-really?!" Izuku realized he was more excited by this concept than he expected to be. "Wow.." he scratched the back of his head, "Kind of funny to think that we both had similar experiences despite being on opposite sides of the spectrum. I guess prejudice isn't biased after all!" He laughed. Finally, the two exited the forest where the light coming from the dorms was prominent against the dark field of grass.

     "Yeah.. I guess it all depends on what people deem 'normal." The boy smiled.

     ...What an interestig concept...

     To think his powers may be normal after all...


Knock. Knock. Knock.

     "Y-yeah?" Mob jumped, his shirt halfway over his head. It was early morning and he was still getting ready for school.

     "It's really important." Mr. Aizawa voiced from the other side of the door. "Dress into your old uniform." He had been borrowing Mineta's extra pair in the meantime. "If we hurry, you'll still be in class on time.

     "Oh-- o-okay!" He did exactly that, dressing into his previous uniform and rushing out the door within the minute. "I'm ready! Where are we going?" Behind his teacher, some of the other boys were exiting their rooms as well, either already in their uniforms or shuffling around in their PJs. Almost every eye was turned to the teacher and youngest student immediately.

     Aizawa turned and started walking away. "Eri said she was ready to help you." That shocked Mob for sure!

     "Wait, already?!" The boy ran after his teacher. Everyone they passed glanced their way, confused but not stopping to ask. Only a couple minutes later, the teacher and student were on the road driving to the hospital. Mob fidgeted with his hands, swinging his legs as he sat impatiently. Had Eri really gained the courage so soon? Only a couple days after last talking to her?

     After what felt like an hour long drive, they came to the hospital and shuffled right in. Mob could hardly believe it when they entered the girl's room, still having a hard time believing she was ready.

     "Mob!" Mirio exclaimed, also in his school uniform. Before Mob could even register the fellow, the senior struck the child across the face! The boy stumbled back despite not actually feeling anything. 

     "Behave yourself!" Aizawa was triggered by the sudden violence.

     "Oh-oh, sorry! I was just having a little fun is all-- but look, Mob! I- I got my quirk back!" The teen exclaimed, showing off again by phasing one hand through another. The boy's eyes widened.

     "Woah, Eri, you did that??" He turned to the equal in height little girl. She nodded with a little, bashful smile.

     "Here, let me fix you real quick." She walked up to Mob.

     "Don't forget to take off your shoes!" Mirio added.

     "Right.." He was so nervous for some reason. An excited kind.

     When the boy was ready, Eri touched him on the forehead.


     He shot up a couple feet. Shigeo wavered briefly. He stared down at his feet, his socks were ripped a little. Good thing Mirio thought to warn him about his shoes. He looked at his hands, which were now bigger and a tad rougher too. He stumbled toward the nearest mirror and checked that he was back to normal. He touched his face to make sure it was real. Indeed...it was. Mob smiled. He was back to his old, fourteen year old self!

     "Wow, Eri, thanks! What made you so confident all of a sudden?"

     "I know right?! You were so shy about using your powers before!!" Mirio added. The little girl giggled and ran over to the window sill in her room. Sitting in it was a little basket. She brought it to the other three.

     "One of the nurses brought me some candies!"

     "Wait, what?" Mob.
     "Huh??" Mirio.

     The basket was half full of little green wrappers, each with a small candy inside. The girl continued excitedly. "Before, I was really afraid and lonely..but now I know that The Divine Tree is there for me!"

     "What...tree?" Mirio.

     "Want one??" She held up the basket for the two. Aizawa stood a little further back with his arms crossed.

     "Uhhh, sure!" The blonde grabbed one, not wanting to upset  the girl.

     "Um. No thanks. I'm good." Mob wasn't in the mood for sweets right now. He was still in a bit of shock that all of this had happened so quickly.

     "I'm good as well." Aizawa passed on the offer as well.

     Mirio plopped the green orb into his mouth. "Huh.. Doesn't taste half bad!... Ohh, I see what you mean now, Eri!"

     "Huh?" Mob and Aizawa. The two were equally confused and a little weirded out when the two started talking about things they didn't even understand.

     "I think we should go." Aizawa said.


     "Wait!" Eri called to the two. She shifted, a little worried now. Her hands fidgeted as she stared longingly at both Mob and Mirio. "...I know I fixed you guys and made you feel better..but..do you think you can still come and visit me sometimes..?"

     "...-Aww." The blond kneeled to the girl's level and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Of course we will Eri! You don't have to worry about us leaving just because we got what we wanted! You're still our friend after all!" Mob nodded from behind. The little girl's eyes watered and she hugged the senior again.

     Aizawa and Mob left soon after.

     In the car, it was especially quiet.

     "...-I'm not the only one who thought that was a little weird, right?"


     "The thing about the candy." Aizawa clarified. Mob recalled his recent memories about that. He hadn't really given it much thought.

     "I..guess it was a little strange. But at least it seems harmless, maybe even helpful."

     "You know anything about this sacred tree?"


     "...Hm." Aizawa gripped the steering wheel a little tighter. He was clearly giving it some serious thought.

     Both were a little late to class.


     Later that day, Mob got a text on his phone. "Huh?"

Hey, brother. I have something to ask you.

Sure. What's up?

I want you to come back home. It's something really important.


I want you to attend a religious meeting.
Wear your best outfit.

You're the special guest.


Freckles' tank:

(Closest image I could find that doesn't look like a freaking masterpiece.)


Oh also I wrote the second half of this chapter while I was in line for my driver's test. Woke up at 5AM and waited until 8. But right as I got there, literally, no joke, the guy standing right in front of me took the last slot for today... >.<

Update from a few months later. I tried again and the same thing happened. Screw Socialism. >.<

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