Chapter 36

Darienne's POV:

B: "....and he's staying with us, too! That fucker weasled his ass back into our house!"

Bianca finally finishes after her 4 minute rant/monologue and I can't do anything but feel for her. Last thing she ever wanted was to be bothered with her father.

D: "But at least he gave an apology right?" I say, trying to keep a positive outlook.

B: "But I don't want him to apologize!" she whines and I chuckle a little. "If he apologizes then I'll have to try and move forward and I don't want to. I want to keep hating him for all the shit he's done to me and my mom. I just--" she sighs.

D: "Well, of course not now but eventually you'll need to let bygones be gone. I'm right and you know it." She rolls her eyes.

D: "Doesn't mean I have to say it." I just smile at her. I love her too much. It'll be so sad to let her leave for college.

B: "You ok?"

I probably look how I feel. I'm not ready to tell her yet. I just can't. I know she'll be sad even though she might not show it. And knowing her "condition" she'll throw her future away to stay with people she cares about.

D: "Yeah. I'm really happy. Dela's coming back from Seattle tonight." I'm not lying, I am really happy I get to see her.

B: "Aww. That's disgusting." she says with a phony smile. I just flip her off.

*next day*

Bianca's POV:

I'm sitting in my car, freezing my tits off because I'm waiting for Darienne to haul her ass on so we can get breakfast before school. The weather called for "light snow" but it's so cold, it might be a goddamn blizzard.

Finally, she comes out and closes the front door, rushing to get inside. "Took you long enough." I say as I turn the engine on. "Sorry," she replies with a smile. "But we have to make a stop." "Where?" I say skeptically, looking in my mirrors before driving off. "Dela's. Her brother's car is snowed in from the time she's been away." I guess that's a valid reason, but she lives kinda the opposite way, so at the first stop light, I make a left.

"How are you feeling?" she asks. I don't know how I feel. Last night, I couldn't sleep for a while. I couldn't help but think of how the next few months are going to be with "dad" being back. I always tend to overthink and over imagine possibilities of things, and this was no exception.

After a moment, I just sigh and say "Definitely emotional. He brings the emotion out of me-- more bad than good." I see Darienne nod out of the corner of my eye as she's typing away on her phone. "I mean, he's your father, so of course." "He is not my father. He hasn't earned that title back yet. Refer to him as Sperm Donor #213." I mutter under my breath. She just laughs it off. I'm so serious, though.

After a few moments of driving, she randomly blurts out, "You never told me the rest of the sex story! I need to know." I chuckle, yet cringe, and start from where I left off. "So we started talking and before we left we exchanged to hang out later that night..."


"I'm outside." I'm standing outside of the door she text me. I'm a little nervous, I've never really done something like this before-- meeting up with somebody I just met nor know nothing about. But Alex seems nice... those are usually the ones not to trust.

Suddenly the door swings open and it's Alex. He smiles and let's me in. Looking around, it looks like my room, but the table on opposite side near the window.

"Want a drink from the minibar? My treat?" She asks as she bends over to reach down. I look away, and my eyes land on 2 empty bottles on the bed. "Oh, no thanks. It seems like you already drank enough for me, though." I decline as I peel off my sweater and put it on the chair. She looks up at me with shock as she stands up straight with two bottles in his hand. "Hmm... more for me then!" I just smile and sit on the edge of the bed, and he sits in the chair and rolls over to me.


"So where is your family? I've been here for over an hour and nobody has called nor came busting in." I question. Alex just laughs and waves it off, "It's just my parents, and they're out living life like it's their last. A recent scare in the family pushed them to." He blankly takes another swig of mini Jack Daniels. "Enough of me, though. Let's talk about you."
He slightly tumbles over and sits close to me. A little too close. Our knees are touching. Definitely not awkward at all.

"Well, what do you wanna know? I'm kind of an open book. Depends on the chapter." I shrug off. "Well my first question is 'How does your boyfriend handle all feel about talking to a random stranger?'" He slyly transitions. I roll my eyes but smirk. "Bold of you to assume that I'm gay." I lie. Who am I kidding? I'm about as straight as a circle. "Oh come on. I've been coming onto you since we first met. Either you're gay or desperate for some attention." He laughs off. I join in, "Oh is that what you call it?" He just shrugs and take another swig. Wow, what an alcoholic. "Answer me," she says looking into my soul. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He drags out then lays back on the bed. "You are pretty bold, huh?" I stall, shifting to take the remote and turn on T.V, trying to take my focus off the attractive guy trying (dare I say succeeding) in seducing me. "When I see something I want, I can be."  He crawls back out of my vision and I settle for a random show.

"As for my status... it's complicated." Complicated would be an understatement. When we left before break, it seemed like Adore and I were on the verge of getting back together. Now, she won't even give me a text back; and that's saying something, because it's been hard trying to find service around this region.

"Well whoever he is, he's a fool to let you go." I feel the bed dip behind me. "I know," I reply smugly. "But he's lost me before, I don't expect him to do it again." I hope I'm right about Adore. "Oh. W-what happened?" I hear him slur a stutter out. Oh what do I have to lose? Telling my business to a stranger I'll never see after this. So that's what I did. I turn around and cross my legs and spill.

I feel like I let out this built-up... animosity for everything that happened out. It felt good to just vent. Well I did to Darienne, but in pieces. Alex over here was too busy staring to interrupt.

"Well," I hear Alex chirp up. "If i was him, I'd do everything to keep you. Never make you angry." He rises to his knees and crawls to me. He's practically in my lap. Suddenly, he leans in for what I know is for a kiss, but I lean back a little and get up. "I'll be right back."

I quickly rush to the bathroom and pull my phone out. I need to hear Adore's voice. Just a little reminder to never give into temptation. I click on her name, and after 3 rings it goes to voicemail. That's weird, it's usually 6 before voicemail. I try again, and it goes to voicemail again. 'What the hell, Adore? Pick up pick up pick up!' I whisper to myself. I text her: "I really need to talk to you, please text me back." I don't know why she's doing this to me, blocking me out. What did I do? I thought we were good. But she's treating me like I fucked her over many times, not vice versa. It's funny, the time I need her to show me some affection-- any type-- she ignores me.

Yet there's somebody outside of this bathroom who's taking time to talk and listen... albeit he's trying to sleep with me, but still. You know what? What she doesn't know won't kill her.

I open the bathroom door, and walk over with purpose. If I don't do this now, I'll just chicken out.

"I didn't hear that toilet flush. Nor that water run." He smiles up at me. "Oh shut up." Is the only thing I say before kissing him.


"The rest of the night, I don't need to tell." I say stopping the car in front of Dela's house. I look over at Darienne for the first time and she's jaw dropped. "What?" I ask uncomfortably. She shakes her head before saying. "I... just can't believe you had sex with a stranger. That's so unlike you." She starts texting Dela. "Well he's not a stranger anymore now is he?" I look out the window, my eyes landing on (Dela's brother's) frosted car. "Shit, looks like Elsa had a field day with his car." I state. Before I know, Dela comes out of her house in a black and blue snow suit, a duffel bag over her arm. I look at Darienne and she is beaming. "Control yourself, you lovesick puppy." "Excuse me. Didn't you ever look at Adore like that? Or even Courtney?" "Didn't you ever make fun of me for looking like that?" I retort in the same fashion. She just sticks her tongue out.

The door on my side opens as Dela slides in, her usually bubbly self. "Bianca! I missed you so much," She exclaims as she leans up and gives me a face hug. She then leans to the right and kisses Darienne on the lips. "I guessed I missed you, too." She says to Dar. I look at the time, 7:38, and we're gonna be late, let alone get breakfast. I put my hand gently on her face and push her to the backseat. "Alright, alright. We missed you, too, but we gotta get to school, so sit back as I... endanger our lives." I joke as I start to drive off, making them both groan.


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