Chapter 32
Time Check: 8:54 am
Bianca's POV:
1st period is over so now it's time for my new enrichment, Student Government. I'm so confused as to how I'm in this class, seeing as though I didn't even choose this as one of my four picks for an enrichment. I'll see to it that I ask about this damn mishap.
I go over to my locker, to which Darienne is already there. "Hand it here." She immediately says. I pull out my schedule, I know this is what she wanted, and hand it to her. She pulls hers out as well, putting them side to side as she compares them. After what feels like 30 minutes rather than 30 seconds, I impatiently remind her, "Come on, Dar, I'm not trying to be late." "Apparently they put us both in SGA--" "Oh, great." "--but they switched my Advisory period into yours. What a crock of bullshit!" She exclaims causing me to give her a confused look. "Thanks. That really made me smile." Her taking note of the sarcasm in my voice causes her to look back up at me. "Sorry, it's just that I like my advisory and 1st class periods. They're full of us making jokes and stuff. Your class is tough as shit." I guess she has a point. I take back my paper and we head into SGA.
Once we get there I sit in the first open seat available, wanting to be out of here as quick as possible. Student Government is not something I want to be in, although my mother says that with the mouth I have, I'd be perfect for it. Darienne sits across from me while someone I didn't expect to see in here sits down next to me. She looks at us wide eyed, "What are you two doing in here?" she asks. This has to be a prank or something. I groan very loudly as I hear Darienne reply, "Gia, did you apply to be in here? Or did they put you in here?" "What are you talking about? I've been in Student Government since the beginning of the school year I was VP." Well fuck. I'll be damned if I'm gonna be stuck here.
Suddenly the bell rings and the door closes as Mrs. Luzon appears in the front of the room and the room settles down.
"Alright, welcome to Student Government Association, or welcome back, for those who've had SGA before." she says with a warm smile. "I see that a lot of you don't have the same Chemistry class with each other, so why don't we play "Two Truths and a Lie" in groups of... 4. I'll count off by fours and you'll get in those groups and play. Sound good?" she finishes. A few kids get excited, while others, like me, stay silent; if they were actually me, though, they'd saying that this was all bullshit. Eventually I got the number 3, along with Gia, Vivacious, Kelly and Trinity... people I already know.
"Ok I'll go first." I volunteer once my whole group comes over. I smile a little. "This class is shit; I didn't sign up to be here and I don't know why I'm here. Which one is the lie? Oh wait, they're all the truth." I finish and I'm glad to see my bitterness is so amusing to them, mostly Gia. "You're supposed to say 3 facts about yourself, Bianca." she says while laughing the hardest. I roll my eyes and try to think of 3 facts about myself, but I can't, so I say pass.
Eventually everyone in the group has went and it's back to me. "Uhhhh..." I try very hard to concentrate on facts about me. "Uhhh... my dad's in the military, I have one sibling and no pets." I say. "The first one's the lie." Vivacious immediately says. "Mmm, I think 3 is the lie. You sound like you'd own a big dog or two." Kelly states which makes me chuckle a little bit. "I agree with Kelly." I hear Gia say. Trinity just stays quiet. "........ Vivacious was right my dad's not in the military." "Well what does he do? " Kelly asks. I stay quiet for a second. Last time I checked he owned a strip club, but then he owned a bar, and then he was a manager at this maple syrup factory shit. I don't even know anymore. I haven't kept tab on all of his lies in a while.
"Okay. You can go back to your seats, now." Mrs. Luzon announces, making me snap out of my thoughts. With a heavy sigh, I get up and go back to where I originally was. "Well now that we have ourselves situated, let's get right into our agenda. Our current president, Bendalcreme, has decided that there should be more... incentives for 12th graders, seeing as though this is your last year," Obviously Luzon is speaking for Dela since she's still in Seattle visiting family. "So today's task is to think of 3 unique dances, two unique trips, and 5 ways to advertise/ pay for these functions." Is she fucking kidding me? All of this on my first day of SGA? I can't believe it. I can feel it in my gut that this isn't going to go well. I have to switch out.
"Bianca." I hear somebody say, snapping me out of my thoughts to quit this class. I look up to see Luzon sitting right in front of me. "I would like to talk to you independent from everyone else." she says gently. I don't seem to be in any trouble, so I slightly nod. "I've spoken to Dela before break, and she advised that if would be a good idea to put you in this Enrichment on your behalf, along with some other students." Well that explains why I'm in here, but I'm gonna have a talk with Dela when she comes back from her vacation. "Ok.... Is that all?" I see that I've caught her off gaurd. "I'm sorry?" "Well, what you just said could've been told at the beginning of class, so it makes me curious if that's all you wanted to tell me." She sighs and lightly smiles. "You're right. There is something else." Ah shit, there it is."It's nothing bad, I promise; there are some new students coming for a tour around the school before they start here, and since Dela knew she wasn't going to be here, so she to do it." She gives a wide and pleading smile, and it makes me laugh. "Why me though?" I say quietly. "I mean, couldn't you choose one of the staff members? Or the VP? Or somebody who's been in this class before today? You have so many other options." She lowly laughs, "There is no VP, Gia stepped down. We chose you because you have a heart of gold that can really shine through of you wanted it to and you can liven up the tour." "Um, I'm not good with parents." I actually am for some reason, but I'd rather not deal with both a student and their parent. "Great that you mentioned it, because I would be taking the parents on a separate tour." I just stare at her blankly for a moment. Everything sounds legit, but I have this gut feeling that something is up with this. It can't be that I was picked because of my award winning personality, or a strong recommendation from Dela and Luzon. There are plenty of other kids who could have both qualifications and more "What would I get out of this? All I'm hearing is missing class and if I wanted to, I could." "The kindness in your heart should be enough." She bats her fake eyelashes, then laughs when she sees me lean back in my chair unimpressed. "Ok, name your price." My eyes widen. She shouldn't have said that. I think for a hard moment. My grades are fine, I don't have any ill will to anybody... that much. So... what do I want?
"An I.O.U will be placed. I don't want anything at the moment." She laughs and smiles while putting her hand out for me to shake. "It's a done deal." I shake her hand and nod in response. "So when does this happen?" She smiles weakly and says, "Today." My eyes go wide. Why is everything being handled so late?! I mean, it wouldn't be the worst thing to skip almost the rest of the day. "I'm not happy about it." I roll my eyes as she smiles and sweetly says "Thank you, Bianca." She gets up and goes to her desk, coming back with a folder in hand. "Here's an itinerary for the tour. It should end in my room with the parents. Any questions about it?" I shake my head no as I look over the 3 papers. This actually doesn't seem that hard to pull off.
After looking over it for quite some time, I look up to see that Mrs. Luzon is replaced with Darienne and it startles me. "What's this?" She asks, trying to snatch the folder from my hands. She fails, though, as I reply. "This is a folder, Darienne. It holds paper inside of it." I smugly smirk at her. "You know what, fuck you. What's inside the folder, genius?" "Nothing. Just," I shrug trying to make it seem like it's nothing. I love her more than anything, but I don't need Darienne to inject herself into this situation. Plus, she's been a little clingy lately, which is fine, but I need a breatheair for now.
"Ok then. But what was she talking to you about? Are you in trouble again?" "What? No. I'll tell you about it later. Promise." I look down at my phone and see that there's only 15 left in class so, seeing as though I'm sure I'm not gonna see this class permanently again, I'm just randomly talking and joking with Dar until class ends.
When the bell rings, I'm held back by Mrs. Luzon. Fuck.
Sorry it took sooo long since last chapter. I'm working on the new one right now while I have time.
14 quarters
1 dollar coin
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