Chapter 31
Time Check: 7:50 am.
Adore's POV:
It's the first day back after winter break and I'm nervous. It's still cold as shit, so I'm bundled up with extra warmth right now as I'm trying to get my shit together. I haven't seen any of the girls or talked to them over this break. Scratch that-- I haven't seen them if they didn't come into the Starbucks where I work. Well... there was Bianca who continuously called and text me, but I ignored it all. I walk into the school and head upstairs to quickly get ready, because in 5 minutes all the other kids come up.
*5 ish minutes later*
I walk in the classroom, and of course, the desks are rearranged in a new way. It happens every new quarter. But, I still sit down at the first seat I come to and wait for class to start.
"Adore, welcome back. How was your winter break?" I hear Ms. Visage asks as she enters the room holding stacks of paper. "My break was pretty boring. Nothing much really. Yours?" I respond. "It was ok. I went to the Poconos with friends." "Sounds great." I say.
I start to drift off into thinking territory. How I left off with and Bianca wasn't great-- I didn't even give Bianca her crown from the Winter Wonderland dance. I still stand by what I said about not thinking about dating her, but after my talk with Dela, I understand her side and how she would feel.
Things with Dela weren't good, either. I can see how upset she was about things I said but I can't take it back. I just hope we can just move away from our spat.
Time skip...
Students are piling in the classroom and getting comfy while talking about what they've done over the break. Even Joslyn and Violet asked me what I did.
It's been about a few minutes before I see that Bianca walks in. Oh dear. I'm not ready to face her yet. I try to make myself smaller and hide in my hoodie and unable to be seen. Doesn't work though, because as soon as a few kids stop asking her about her break, she locks eyes with me and walks right over to me and sits in front of me. "I see your phone is working, and you seem unharmed," she says in an annoyed tone. Oh fuck. "So what's the reason you've ignored my texts and calls all break?" she asks, getting straight to the point. It's true; I've ignored her calls and texts. I'm not proud of it, but I'm really trying to lay low from her as much as I possibly can.
"Is it because you think I don't trust you?" Is what I hear after forgetting to give her an answer because I'm so caught up in my thoughts. "You could say that, yeah." I finally respond quietly. Besides the general talking from others, I can hear the tapping of her boot to the floor-- that and the thumping of my heart beating out of my chest. "Well... instead of making me waste my limited time with finding internet on trying to reach you, why didn't you tell me you felt this way? And why did Darienne have to tell me, asshole?" She asks. "Because I didn't feel like talking about it then." I'm trying really hard to brush her off and away but it's really hard. "Talk to me about it now, then." she says with a small smile. That damn smile. Oh lord, it will be the death of me. It makes me feel so bad.
Thankfully, Ms. Visage calls everybody to attention. "Alright, you know the drill. Get up and get ready for you new seats. Yay." she says flatly. Everybody who was sitting gets up and moves to any wall in the room.
All in all, I'm sitting next to Dela, who still isn't here, and Violet, so... I don't know how well I'm going to adjust to this new seating.
Once everybody is seated, Visage calls everyone back to attention. "Another announcement, your new schedules for report periods 3 and 4 are coming around." she says, already passing them out. The only thing that's changing is our enrichment, (maybe) our advisory periods, and commercial classes (gym, cooking, technology, etc.) Even though little is being changed, I'm very excited. I'm done with my drama club, it's full of people I don't know and it's not as fun as I thought in the beginning; advisory was cool-- it's my first period class again, but without learning, but Bianca is in that class, and I'm trying to steer clear from her, honestly; and they should've taken me out of home and economics class the 3rd time I almost burnt my microwave.
The sudden slamming of a peice of paper on my desk pulls me from my thoughts. I pick up the paper and scan it quickly for only those 3 things. Apparently, I'm in Photography for enrichment, staying in advisory, and finally transferring from home and economics to art class. I guess I'm cool with these changes.
All of a sudden, I tune into a conversation I hear. "Ms. Visage, please. Even with glasses, I still can't see from here." I believe Violet says this. Visage says back, "I'm sorry, Violet, but unless you could find somebody to mutually switch with you, then that's your new seat for the year." I hear her heels click away. But, when she walks away, Bianca comes over to me, looking very irritated. "I got switched from design class to SGA. Like I know the first thing about politics or running shit," she says while sitting on Dela's empty desk. "What about you?" she continues. "I got changed to photography for enrichment. I'm really happy about that. And--" I'm cut off by Violet standing in front of both of us. "Sorry to interrupt, but Bianca I was hoping that you'd switch seats with me? I can't see the board from back here." Violet flashes a desperate and pleading smile to her. "Where do you sit?" Bianca asks skeptically. "Right here." She points at the desk next to me. I look up at Bianca's eyes and they show a lot of excitement, though her face remains solid. On the outside, I slightly smile. On the inside, though? I'm ready to scream. This is just what I was afraid of. "Yeah, sure. Why not." Violet walks right in front of Bianca and hugs her tight. All I hear from her is muffled "thank you's". They let each other go and they both go to start packing up their stuff then going to their new desks. Bianca sits down next to me and smiles brightly at me. I give one that just barely passes off as a smile. She opens her notebook up and starts writing something. "What are you writing?" I ask. She looks up and points at the board, which shows a Back to school Do Now. Well, it's time for class to start, I guess.
*Time Skip*
Time Check: 9:37 am.
My new enrichment wasn't that bad. I mean, it could always be better, but for the first day of photography, we got a pretty good amount of work done today. But now it's time for science, which I hate. I walk in to the class and everybody was given new seats based off of the seating chart on the board. I look at the chart a few times before I realize my name isn't on the board. My impatient gets the better of me, so I go up to Mrs. Luzon. "Excuse me, Mrs. Luzon." I say, making her look at me confused. "Adore? Did you leave something?" she asks. Wait what? "Um, no. I don't see my name on the board." "Did you not get a new roster?" "I did, why?" "It says you are in Calculus II now." "What?!" She can't be serious. I open my binder and take my schedule out. Well shit; I have Calculus II now and ..... Honors Biology? The fuck is going on here? "Why am I in higher classes now?" "Us teachers thought that you were doing very well in your normal classes and that you weren't be challenged enough." she offers a small smile, but I still have confusion on my face. "So I have no say in this switch?" She sighs in disappointment. "If you really want to switch back to your old classes then you could... but I think you give them a shot, Adore. You've worked much harder and pushed yourself further this year." I nod. I guess she has a point-- I having doing better this year. But why switch me out now? I don't get it. I look at my schedule to see the classroom numbe to see what room I have to go to. It says room 204, so that's where I have to go. That's on the 2nd floor. Typically for 9/10 graders. I sigh and give Mrs. Luzon a last look into her eyes, to where she gives me a good luck as I walk out of the classroom.
I walk slowly to Calculus II. I'm already late so why not. As I make my way up the stairs, realization slaps the shit out of me: Bianca, Dela, AND Courtney are all in this class. Fucking shit. What the hell, man? And just like that, my plan of a avoiding Dela and Bianca go out the window.
I am right outside the classroom and I can hear the teacher already teaching. My nerves are getting the better of me, making me very nervous to walk in. "You can do this, Adore. It'll be over before you even know it." I think to myself. I mean I could skip this whole class all together. I mean, it is just a review day. Yeah, I'm gonna go. But for some strange reason, my feet walk close to the door and I grab the door handle and open the door. Well... there's no turning back now.
Adore's new schedule is as follows:
P1: AP Literature
Enrichment: Photography
P2: Calculus II
P3: AP US History
P4: Art
P5:Honors Biology
P6: Composition/ Literature
Advisory: Home room, basically.
We hit 6.02K reads!! Should I do a face reveal, epic giveaway, or.... just continue writing!!!! I like the 3rd idea most.😂😂
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