Chapter 29 pt.2

Time check: 7:34 pm.

Bianca's POV

"Alright. It's time to get ready for your first ever school party!" Darienne says all giddy and excited. She's more excited about me going to this Winter Wonderland Dance than I am. "I honestly don't know why this is so exciting for you. It's just a dance." I say, sinking deeper into the sofa. I would much rather stay home on a cold December Friday than going to a party, to be honest. "It's not just a dance, Bianca; it's your first dance. And I want you to have as much fun as possible tonight. Actually, you're going to have fun." She replies, closing my door while holding her dress up against her, smiling. This is the most I've seen her smile like this since before Tuesday, and it's good to see that.

She looks over at me and asks, "Well, which dress are you wearing? I didn't get a chance to see it yet." "Yeah... I didn't buy any dresses at the mall." I get up from the bed and walk over to my closet. "Well, what dress are you going to wear?" She sounds a little hesitant about my choice making skills. I open my closet and pull out the I got from Villa, then I go and place it on the bed. She's looking so hard in my bag, so when I pull out my first item, I lightly smacked her forehead with the side of my hand, making her jump back and me chuckle. "Oh fuck yo-- oooh. You're going in boy clothes?" "Well, yeah. I heard around that we had choice to go as either boy or girl, and I'm always in drag during school, so why not?" I shrug. She starts taking the stuff out. "You know how cold it is? It's December, Bianca. Holes in your jeans while it's December can freeze your ass off." "But I spent $50 on these, Dar." I was whining at this point. She rolls her eyes and laughs, then gets up and walks to the closet. "You have the same pair except grey and with less holes," she pulls them out and I'm perplexed. I didn't even know I had them. "Here
That way you can fit the theme and not get full blown frostbite." I chuckle, only because she's right. She throws the jeans at me and says, "Now go get ready. I don't want to be too late because of you." The emphasise on the "you" made me put my middle finger up.

Time Check: 8:20 pm.

"Ok, before we get there, we should talk about some things." Darienne says, her eyes glued on the road, but I roll my eyes and prop my elbow up on the car door. "Darienne, it's just a dance. It's nothing I can't handle." I appreciate her concern, but I'm 17 years old; I can handle a few hormonal teens and loud, obnoxious music. To my surprise, she smirks and says, "You're right, Bea. You can handle it." She shakes her head a little, and it makes me a little nervous. Is there something I should be worried about? "...Ok what should we talk about?" I ask. She makes a right turn and I know we're close to the school, like 2 minutes away. "Oh no, you can handle it. You'll be fine." She replies. All the more reason to make me nervous, but I'm not gonna let her see that.

It's quiet until we arrive at the school parking lot, and since most teachers and students with cars aren't here, Darienne has plenty of spots to choose from. He chooses a spot in the middle of the lot, which isn't a bad walk from here to the front doors. "Ok, time to get out." Darienne exclaims. I don't pay it any thought and I open the car door, the cold air immediately hitting me. It's nothing I can't handle, considering that New York is 10 times colder than this, but it's still very cold. This is what I get for wearing rips in my pants.

I get out fully and immediately zip up my sweater and my jacket while waiting for Darienne. Eventually, she turns the car off and gets out to meet me on the other side. We start walking in silence until we enter the building, which makes me groan in happiness because the
heat feels so good. I take off my jacket and my sweater, Darienne mimicking my actions, and we start walking down the hall towards the cafeteria. The music is so loud I can hear it from here. That's just... lovely.

From what I see, there are tables set up on either side of the lunch room doors, one side having 9 and 10, the others having 11 and 12. You would've thought that the student council would be posted outside, but no, for it was the principal, vice principal, Ms. Visage, and Mrs. Luzon. "Hello, ladies." Ms. Rupaul announced as the others either smiled or waved. I just smile a casual smile and handed my ticket to Mrs. Luzon. I didn't want to have a conversation with any staff of any sort after hours, so I rush in, a little too fast to where Darienne was calling for me, but I was immediately hit with the music with EXTREME volume, and bass that's making me vibrate from the inside out, which practically draws me in, and I don't look back. The vibration feels good for a second, but then it starts to feel weird and annoying.

I felt an arm loop around mine on my right side, yanking me and forcing me to walk with them. When I realize it's only Darienne, I start to walk willingly. "I know we agreed that you can handle it, but I'm going to give you the biggest advice you'll need tonight: do not touch anybody unless you want to get danced on. If you so much as even bump into somebody, they will pull you in and start dancing on you and create a giant circle and enclose you in it." she says loudly in my ear, because the music is too loud to talk normally. I start to laugh; that is most fabricated thing I've ever heard and I don't believe it. But just because I don't believe it doesn't mean I'm gonna go around and dance. I do like to keep myself away from large crowds.

I guess she sees me laughing, so she says, "Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you." with a sly smirk. I ignore it, as I finally pay attention to where I'm being pulled to. She's pulling me past everybody on the dance floor to go and sit down at the tables in the back. It seems like all of the tables were filled with other people's shit, but one had a familiar silver clutch purse-- it belonged to Dela. I pointed over to the table for Darienne to see; she nods and we walk over to it and sit down. It would be really embarrassing and funny if this wasn't Dela's. I look out at the sea of students and take in my setting: the music blasting some type of dancing music that I'm not familiar with; the theme colors of blue and silver are almost everywhere, but it blends beautifully; there's a healthy mix of boys and girls here; most of them are twerking and up a storm, and the ones who weren't were either sitting at the tables (like us) or standing around judging the others; and teachers are making sure there's no drugs or drinks being snuck in. Overall, it wasn't bad.

Time check: 8:47 pm.

For almost the past twenty minutes or so, Darienne has been urging me to get up and dance but away from the crowds. A few friends from my grade came over and asked me to come and "join the fun". On top of that, a few bold kids from lower grades asked me to dance with them as well. All of which I have declined with less attitude than expected. If I wasn't being asked to dance, I was on my phone, and playing games. But, that wouldn't last, as every 5 minutes, Darienne keeps trying to get me to move.

Like right now. "What was the point of coming to the dance if you are just gonna sit around on your phone? You can do that at any time." she says to my ear. "You know I don't like to dance. Plus, I'd rather look at my phone than look at that." I say as I wave my hand past everyone in the room shaking their ass. To be completely honest, I'm not saying that twerking is bad, I'm saying that almost everyone is doing it badly and incorrectly, and it's a sad sight to see. "Please Bianca? After this we can go anywhere you please... if it's open." she says. Earlier tonight I was talking to Darienne about we were going to go get some food afterwards, possibly with Dela, mostly because my mom made her spinach casserole tonight. She said by the time we get done with the dance, we'll be too tired to go and get something to eat, to which I called bullshit. We agreed that she would take me to lunch tomorrow and spend the day with me. I called bullshit again.

I was going to offer a place to eat, but I feel something for some reason. I feel eyes on me. I let my eyes wander, but my head staying still, and they land on somebody walking away, but I know that they were watching by how quickly and stiffly they were walking. I look over and see her pulling somebody from out of the crowd, and I wouldn't have thought twice about looking away... had it been somebody else and not Laganja being pulled. So it only had to be Adore pulling her. My eyes go wide. Adore's here! How did forget that she comes to these things? In fact, I haven't thought about her all week. Not a single thought, glance, or mentioning, which is very weird to me. I even forgot about me being mad at her and Courtney.

Thinking about it now, I haven't had a real conversation with either of them in months. As much as I want to continue being petty and not talk to them to show them how much they hurt me, I think this has gone on long enough. Unless they like us not talking.

All of a sudden, I feel a slap on my arm, which makes me turn my eyes back around. "You look like a stalker, you know." Darienne says with a grin on her face. I roll my eyes and say, "Fuck off." She completely ignores what I just said and says, "You know, watching her like a hawk isn't gonna make her come to you... or for you." I'm not trying to have this talk right now, so I try and shift to a different topic. "Would you look at that-- your girlfriend is dancing by her lonesome. You should go and fix that." I don't even know where Dela is right now, but I just want the spotlight off of me. Darienne turns her head and asks where. I finally find Dela actually dancing with nobody, so I point to her for Darienne to see. She looks and nods her head. "She's not my girlfriend, but I'll be back in a few. And when I come back, you're going to come and dance, whether you like it or not." Before I can protest, she walks away. Hmph, we'll see about that.

I get up and grab my phone to stop it from falling out of my lap. Then I start taking steps towards the bathroom. As I'm about to walk in, my nerves start to build up a little. I don't like walking into things blind-- it makes me clueless and angry, but if I want to get anything done, I have to stop being nervous. Although I'm already walking in, I kind of get pushed into the bathroom by some rude kids I don't even know. When I get in, I see Adore and Laganja move to the back of the bathroom. I was going to go up to them, but I see how many people are in here, close to 10, and I realize that I'm in over my head. I quickly and calmly walk into the stall in front of me, as the door was crowded and I couldn't get out without drawing attention. I took a deep breath and sighed. I'm a punk.

Suddenly, I hear the words, "Where is she?" come from Laganja. I think they were trying to talk quietly, but it wasn't working. I hear Adore say, "At the table with our stuff! What should I do? I mean, should I talk to him? Dance with him? Dance on him?" I believe they're talking about me. "I'm sorry, are you saying 'him'? As in he's out of drag?" Laganja asks. Adore doesn't say anything, pretty sure she nods though. I then hear Laganja talk about how she hasn't seen me in drag in a while, curious as to see what I look like. She then apologizes, I guess for going offtopic, and says, "But do you really want to talk to her? I mean, she could probably still be angry. She hasn't had a decent conversation with you in some months." I mean she's not wrong, but that's the thing. I've been wanting to talk with Adore, and even Courtney, about everything and how to move forward from it, but I guess I was waiting for them to come to me for once instead of me going to them, like always. I guess that kind of backfired because it's been almost 3 months without conversing.

I didn't hear anymore talking between them, and I hear heels walking towards the door, making me think they left out of the bathroom. And even though they left, I'm still where I was to begin with. I start thinking of how to approach this situation the most effective way I can, because I do want to talk to Adore, and she wants to talk to me. Unfortunately, I don't think she'll be coming up to me anytime soon, so I guess I'll have to do the confronting. But, I don't want to just straight up talk about it, I wanna ease into it. So I'll go up to her and strike up a convo about the dance, most likely she'll question my being here, and I'll pull her to the side and talk to her for real. Either pull her to the side or talk to her afterwards. That sounds alright.

Having faith in my plan, I walk out of the stall and back out to the dance. I look around and see Adore by herself at the table I was sitting at. I give myself a little confidence boost and start walking over her. I can see she's tensed up and whatever, but I'm more focused on her outfit. It's a blue, longsleeved jumpsuit  with bellbottoms at the legs. The waist hugs her curves perfectly. The waist and the collar are studded with rhinestones that shined under the light. The shoes are... I can't see them on the account of the legs of the jumpsuit being at floor level. The makeup is beautiful, goes great with the color of the outfit, and she has big hoop earrings. And the black hair is slicked back into a long, low ponytail with a middle part. Everything about this look was really sexy.

I go back to noticing that she's very focused on her phone rather too intensely. The closer I get, the harder it is for her to focus. Oh, I get it now. She's not trying to look at me. And she's trying to avoid me, but I don't think that's what she wants, looking at her now, but I'm not too sure. I keep walking towards her, and I guess she couldn't take it anymore, because she suddenly gets up and walks over to the dance floor. I walk quickly into the crowd, making sure she can't see me. She stops, so I sneak up behind her. As soon as I get about arms length towards her, I think to myself. Am I handling this the right way? I can think of so many scenarios where this can play out well, but instead, I'm choosing one that has very many faults to make me think this isn't going to end well. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this. Maybe I should. All I know is I don't want to wait until we come back from break and I don't wanna do this over text.

Suddenly, my thoughts are put to a halt as Adore almost backs up right onto me. At first I'm stunned, but I can't let her see that, so I start smirking at her. She quickly locks eyes with me while looking down at me-- she's, like, a couple of inches taller than me, though.

Adore looks stunned in her own right, and like she's about to puke. I kinda wanna ask if she's ok, but what does come out of my mouth is, "Looking for me?" all cheesy and shit. I can tell she's shitting herself.

Poll next chapter, definitely.

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