Chapter 26

Time check: Monday, September 26, 8:02 am.

Adore's POV:

It's Monday morning, and I'm sitting in the lunch room with Laganja and Dela chatting about random stuff, as I'm trying to let all of my worries wash away from last week. "Okay, but what about Veronica set the house on fire while David was still in there? That's a savage move in my book." I say, defending Veronica Harrington until the day I die. "That, as well as sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette, not even caring if she would get caught." Laganja says, as I nod my head. Dela shakes her head and says "She was being too reckless and messy. I stand by what I said: I like Hannah Young better. She's humble, caring, loving, loyal, honest--" "Yeah yeah yeah." I interrupt, rolling my eyes. "But you can't lie," Laganja says, "Candace is a boss bitch." We all agree. The rest of the time is just mindless babbling about The Haves and The Have Nots. It was one of the few shows us three have in common. Laughing, having fun, not really worrying about things, is keeping me cool.

But... that cool just went out the window, as Courtney walks into the lunchroom and sits with us. I've never talked to her about the shit that happened last week, although I have received numerous amounts of text messages and phone calls from her; all of them, I ignored. This has been going on, as well as her trying to walk up and talk to me; again, I ignored, except for the most recent time when she said she was done apologizing and she'll respect my space. I said thank you and walked away, like a mature adult. So yeah, she's kinda dead to me.

Laganja stares, and Dela just smile. They know what happened, abd they approached it differently: Laganja doesn't really talk to Courtney, so nothing will change. Dela still talks to her, because nothing involves her, so she's neutral. All of this I am fine with, as long as no Kumbaya shit happens.

Courtney just nods at Laganja and I, which I return with the same gesture, and Laganja with a smile. She says "How was the weekend?" to Dela, and she replies with "Oh, same old same old. You?" "Parents gone again for business." she says. I look at my phone and see that it's my usual time to go upstairs early. I motion to them to show that I'm heading up. Them smiling is the last thing I see before I turn my back and head upstairs.

I reach my locker to unpack my bookbag and take out stuff I need for Literature. Then my phone chimed. I have an email saying I got the job I applied for (Starbucks). It says when I start, how much I get paid, etc. I squeal in excitement. I really thought I bombed that interview, but whatever. I'm just excited I can support myself, and not my family helping me. I'm on cloud nine. I finish getting everything together and I walk into Ms. Visage's classroom , music blasting in my ear and a big ass smile on my face. I sit down in my assigned seat without a real care in the world.

Time check: 8:22 am.

Dela finally comes in the classroom and sits down across from me before class starts. "I know what's gotten you so happy." she says, taking in my happiness. "Really? Bet you won't." I say like a toddler. "I mean, she's coming back, it's too obvious." "What? No, I just found out I got the job I applied for. What are you talking about?" "I'm talking about Bianca coming to school today."My heart rate speeds up. "How do know that?" "Darienne said that 'we' just got here." "'We' could mean anybody." I'm could be worrying for nothing. I hope I am. I'm not ready to see her again. I'm having first day flashbacks all over again, and to top it off, Laganja comes in the class straight to me and says "Mama, I just saw her at the front desk. She's here." then rushes out. And here I am thinking that my heart rate can't go any faster, but no, it's still rising. But why am I panicking? She's the one that hasn't been returning anybody's calls or messages. She's the one who went rogue on everyone. What did I do wrong? All I did was smack her in the club when she was only trying to help me... I'm probably dead to her.

I look over at Dela, who sees my worried face, tries to reassure me by saying that everything is gonna be okay. We both know that's a load of shit, but I give her a small smile. Class doesn't start for another few minutes, so Dela goes to her seat, leaving me with Joslyn; Magnolia isn't here yet. I start talking with Joslyn to pass time until the bell rings.

The bell is about to ring any minute, and there is no sign of Bianca yet. I have to let up a little. By this time, Ms. Visage is at the door greeting students the Do Now is projected on the board. We get started on it, as well as talking to Joslyn. There's a lot of conversations happening, but one in particular caught my ears. "Welcome. I haven't seen you since last week." Ms. Visage says. Fucking shit.My heart drops but speeds up at the same time, as if that's possible. I need to shake it off, play it cool, and calm down, but I can't. I look up at the doorway to see Visage talking to Bianca. She's smiles and says "I've just been really busy with things." she says. Bullshit. I turn back around and continue my work, but also eavesdrop. "Well it's good to see you back." "Thank you. Also, I need to come after school and catch up on everything. Is that okay?" "Of course." I hear heels clacking then stop as Bianca stops at her seat. I see that Dela eagerly hugs her, which she happily returns, then she sits down. The bell rings, and Visage closes the door, indicating that class is starting, so all conversations stop and everybody goes to their seats.

Time check: 8:52 am.

Class is over in 5 minutes, and I'm so thankful. The class was okay-- there was more teaching than independent work, which means I had to pay attention to Visage more. But when we were doing work, my focus was on Bianca, per usual, but she hasn't looked up at anybody. Her eyes were down the whole time. I wanna ask her if everything was okay, but she would probably ignore me.

While working on the article, the bell rings, and almost everybody rushes to get up and out of the door. I quickly grab my stuff and head to my advisory. As I'm walking to Ms. Sanchez's class, I feel somebody loop their arm with mine. I look over to my left to see Gia. She sighs and says "Remember the talk we had?" I nod my head. "It rings a bell. Why?" I ask. We reach Sanchez's room and walk in and sit down. "Well, I've been watching you on the low, and I've finally figured out what's going on." she says. I say "Enlighten me." while leaning back and raising an eyebrow. She tells me everything that she thinks has happened, and she couldn't be anymore wrong. "That's the nuttiest shit I've ever heard." I say while laughing.

Bianca's POV:

Before, the bell rings, I start packing up early. I have successfully avoided talking to anyone except teachers, Dela and Darienne; not because it isn't "healthy for my health", as Darienne said, but because there is no point. The bullshit is at it's highest, and I'm done being in it. I just have to take a step back from people for now.

I grab my stuff and head out of the door as soon as the bell rings. I go to my locker, and start to put things away and take things out, when Darienne approaches. "No problems?" she asks. "Nope." I respond, closing my locker. Haven't talked to anybody? Like...Adore?" "Nope. The only person I have talked to is Dela, and I barely said anything to her." She nods. We start to walk to Mr. Belli's class for Enrichment and we continue talking. "You know... you'll have to talk to one of them eventually." "I'll wait for eventually. I just need time." We walk into the classroom and sit all the way in the back where Dela is. "Hey guys." she says as we sit down. We start talking for while after the bell rings. Then, Courtney walks in. I try to not make eye contact, but I can't look away in time, as her eyes are locked on me. I look away, but I can see out of the corner of my eye that she's walking this way. Before she stops, I hear Darienne say "Eventually is here." I roll my eyes as Courtney stops and sits down in the empty seat across from Darienne and next to Dela. I just keep my head down, not trying to make eye contact with her. Finally, after a few moments of silence, Dela speaks up. "So Bianca, where were you last week?" she asks, trying to be her positive self. For a second, it tripped me up. "Out and about. Busy with things." I say, finally looking up. "Doing what? I mean, you never miss school." she asks. I look at Darienne, and she's looking at the sky like a dumbass. "Well, Ms. Nosy," I look back at Dela. "I was just driving around. Went here, went there, went everywhere, went nowhere." "For a week?" "Is that a problem?" She shakes her head no. That's what I thought. She looks at Courtney, who is looking down at her phone, then at me. She whispers to me, "Holding in your emotions doesn't do you any good. You need to talk to her." I shake my head and say "I don't feel like talking to her right now." "Well you're going to." "Oh yeah? We'll see about that." She sighs. "Look this is gone on long enough. You don't have to to accept anything she says, but the least you can do is hear her out." I roll my eyes, only because she's partly right. Courtney looks up and over at Dela, and Darienne looks down and over at me. She gives that. "I got it." look and says, "Look, my client feels that an apology or whatever she says isn't enough to correct her wrongs, nor is it enough for my client to hear what Ms. Act has to say." They were going back and forth with each other, neither me or Courtney saying anything. Suddenly, my phone buzzed, and I see that Courtney just sent me a message. I open it, and it says,

Babe💞: I didn't ask Dela to defend me in any way. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, and I want to give you your space.

It takes me a minute to think. For one thing, I have to change her contact name. I look up at her and she looks at me, giving a small smile. I just blink back, because I don't know what to say. Suddenly, I hear Darienne asks "So, if you were in Courtney's position, would you have done what she's done?" We both look at Dela, and she doesn't say anything--she just keeps looking between Courtney and I. Silence takes over the table. I look back at my phone, and decide that I wanna be nice, but I don't want to lead her on.

Courtney: I didn't ask Dela to defend me in any way. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, and I want give you your space.

Me: I appreciate you giving me my space. Thanks.

That's as far as I'm willing to say. I look at Courtney, who is looking at her phone and she smiles. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see Darienne smirking, so I kick her and started smirking.

The bell rings, and us four are still sitting there, surprisingly. "Darienne, unless you want to be marked late, I advise you get going." Mr. Belli says, since we all have this class next except Darienne. She rolls her eyes and gets up, as well as grabbing her things. She smiles at us and walks out. I take this opportunity to go to my assigned seat. Soon enough, the bell rings, and class is starting.

Time check: 11:34 am.

2nd and 3rd period came and gone, and now it's time for lunch. Us seniors have the option of either staying in the school for lunch or going out for lunch. Even though I think giving teenagers this much freedom is stupid, but that's just me. After debating it a lot, I have decided to go out and come back. It'll give me time to myself. I go to my locker and put my things away. "Alright, where are we going?" a voice says from behind. I don't need to turn around to know who it is-- who it always is. "Not today, Darienne. I wanna be by myself for lunch." I say, closing my locker. "Suit yourself, text me when you are back in the school." she says, walking away. I yell an okay back at her and make my way downstairs to the front desk, where I have to sign out before I leave. Afterwards, I walk through the doors and start walking, not even knowing where I am going.

Time check: 3:18 pm.

Adore's POV:

School is finally over, and I couldn't be happier. I thought about it, and I decided that I have to talk to Bianca today. I have waited all day, because it would be easier to talk to her rather than in between classes, and I think (hope) that now is my chance.

I grab my stuff quickly head to my locker, gathering my stuff and putting them into my backpack. I close my locker and peek my head around the swarm of students at their lockers. But, above all of them, I see a curly black hair, meaning she is still here. I breathe in and out, trying to find some confidence. I think that I have enough to start walking towards her, but no, I am still here. I am such a loser.

Suddenly, Laganja starts walking to me, and she couldn't have come at a better time. "Hey, girl. You ready to go yet?" she asks. I look over her shoulder as quickly as I can to see Bianca talking to Darienne and Dela by her locker. "Yeah... I guess." I say, still looking. She turns around to see what I'm looking at. "Did you two talk yet?" she asks, turning back around. I shake my head. "Well you need to." "I know." I sigh out. "Today." I roll my eyes. "I mean, she seems busy right now. Plus she needs to get her stuff from Visage's class after. Last thing she needs is me coming up to her bringing her mood down." "You're thinking way too much about this, mama. I think I know what you need to calm down." I see the look in her in her eyes, and I know that look. "You go and have fun without me. I'm sticking to just the sticks right now." "Oh come on, Adore. One blunt won't hurt." I make a face where I pretend to debate it. "Nah. You enjoy one for me, though." With a shrug, she says "Suit yourself. So you're just staying home tonight?" I nod my head. It's not a fun thing to do, but it's a Monday, and I  usually like to leave partying to the weekends.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see somebody walking up to us, only for it to Dela, and I see that Bianca left. That's great, becauseI was so close to panicking. She walks up and hugs us both. "So, Adore," she starts off, and I know that voice; that's the voice she uses when she is about to give some relative bad news. So, before she gives it, I stop her. "Dela there's no need to tell me that she doesn't want to see me, talk to me, whatever. You don't need to tell me. I already know." I say her starting to walk. Laganja says goodbye and walks over to Gia and friends, leaving just Dela and I walking. When we reach the doors to the stairways, she says, "Can I tell you what she said?" I wave my hand to motion for her to continue. This makes her smile. A little too wide. "Well, we were talking and you 'somehow' came up," she puts emphasis on somehow. "And I asked her when she was she going to be open enough to listen to what you have to say and," she makes a dramatic pause, which makes me roll my eyes. "She said that she's dealing with things right now, and that if she could, she would deal with what happened. And I quote, 'As much as I don't want to avoid it forever, I have to for now, for my sanity.'" I don't know how to feel about that. I don't know if I should be happy, sad, worried, or all three. "Is she ok?" Dela sighs. "Bianca says she's fine, but she isn't being herself, you know?" I nod my head. From what I saw today, she's been a little down, distant, quiet, the opposite of her usual self. "So what do I do?" We both stop at the front doors of the building. It's a quick silence, but she perks up. "I think that you should give Her time and space. She'll come around. She's a softie." I give a light chuckle and hug her. "Thanks for helping me and putting up with my shit, Dela." We both laugh and let go. "Of course." We walk out of the school and start walking down the steps and we part ways. My head has a million things going through. Maybe I should let Bianca figure shit out. Maybe I should take a step back and let things play out, although I am very worried for her well being. I mean, that's what friends do. But does she even consider us as friends? I guess I'll find out in due time.

So, I'm positive the next chapter is going to have a large time skip (maybe months), only because this book isn't moving fast. It's chapter 26 and there's been only 3 weeks at into the school.

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