Chapter 25 pt. 3

Darienne's POV:

Time check: 6:30 am.

I wake up a little earlier than everybody else, and it's so quiet. That is... until my dog starts running diem the stairs barking. "Shhhh. Bad boy Elijah, Bad boy!!" I whisper to him. He jolts over to me and tackles me down and starts licking me. It tickles a lot. Eventually he gets off and goes over to his bowl. I get up and brush all of the slobber off of me. Suddenly, my mother comes down. "Morning momma." I say "Morning baby. Why are sleeping down here?" she looks over at the messed up sheets on the couch. "I was just watching a marathon. on TV and I fell asleep." "Oh OK." she says and walks into the kitchen. That was a close one. She likes Bianca, and doesn't mind her staying over and stuff, but not when she doesn't know that she's over. I walk upstairs to check up on Bianca. She's still asleep, so I go back downstairs, where my mom and my brothers are sitting and watching TV. "Alright time for school, kids. Let's go." Mom says. The boys groan, as they want to continue watching SpongeBob. She picks them up and let's them from the couch and takes them upstairs. From their bedroom, she yells "You too, Darienne. Let's go!" I roll my eyes and walk upstairs. I go into my room and lock the door so nobody can barge in. Bianca is still asleep, so let her sleep and I take a shower.

Time check: 7:45 am.

I'm all dressed for school, even though I'm not going. I decide to make a quick stop at her house. I look at Bianca, and she's still sleeping, but I gently take her necklace with her house key from around her neck, trying not to wake her. I successfully grab it. Then, I leave a note for her on the nightstand just in case she wakes up and I'm not here. Then I make my escape out of the house, taking Elijah with me because why not?

Time check: 9:15 am

I decide that, since I am a nice human being, I'm buying Bianca some coffee and breakfast to brighten her day. I get get a breakfast plate from Burger King. Then I head over to Starbucks and get her a Venti Espresso, adding some cream and sugar to her liking, as well as grabbing myself a honey citrus mint tea. I walk out of there and head over to my next destination. Once I get there, I walk up to the door and I knock on the door a few times. After about 3 minutes, nobody answers, so I take the key out that I took from Bianca and let myself in. I look over to the alarm to see that it's not on. Thank god, but it also tells me that somebody could be here. I yell out "Hello?" and "Is anybody here?" a few times while walking upstairs to Bianca's room. Nobody says anything back. I walk in to her room in search of things she may need. I grab her charger, a change of her clothes for the weekend (also a drag outfit, makeup, a set of wigs, a pair of heels, and some accessories for her to go to school in on Monday.) her backpack for school on Monday, her wallet, and some toiletries. Once I finished packing some of that into her Adidas duffel bag, the real search begins. I look all around her room and I can't find it. I am so close to giving up on finding it because she is so secluded and wants to hide stuff. I walk into her bathroom to see if my luck could change. Searching high and low, I couldn't find it, so I walk out of the bathroom defeated. As I make my way to the bedroom door, I walk past her closet, where I see a yellow-orange package with a silhouette of a bottle on the top shelf. I grab it and open it, seeing a large bottle labeled Lamictal. I smile, as I just found what I've been searching for. I pack this delicate item in my pocket, as I don't want it to get lost, Bianca would literally kill me. I grab the duffel bag, as well as the things I couldn't fit in the bag, and head downstairs. I open the door, but before I walk out, I set their alarm for them, because they're like family to me. I set it, lock the door, and head to my car. I load everything into my car, and that's when I heard Elijah barking. I walk over to him and say "What is it, boy?" I look in the same direction as he's barking, only to see Courtney getting out of her car (he doesn't know her; he does that to most strangers). Well shit. I hurry up and close the trunk and hurry inside my car. I don't want to draw attention, so I can't turn on my engine, and that means I have to sit here until she leaves. I look back to see my dog and tell him to hush and don't make a sound; he just stares back. I look over and I see Courtney sticking a pink note in their mailbox then walking to her car. Once she gets in the car and drives off, I quickly get out of my car, rush to the mailbox, grab the note, and get in my car. Me being a nosy person, I couldn't help but read the small piece of paper.  From there, I rush back home. All of this took longer than I anticipated.

Time check:  11:14 am

I finally make it back to the house, after about 2 hours of driving, running errands, and the shittiest traffic. I get the bag and the rest of her things, as well as let Elijah out of the car which made him make a beeline for the door. I walk slowly to the door, making sure nothing was going to drop. I make it to the door with success, but I had to drop the duffel bag to get the keys out. I get them and open the door, as well as go in and set everything down on the couch. Then I go back out to get the food and drinks. I finally come in, close the door, and sit down and chill out. My daily agendas are 72% done, and it's almost 11:30. Speaking of, I have to go check on my houseguest, but before I get to her, I  go and  heat up her food and drink, as well as my drink. I head upstairs to my room to see Bianca STILL asleep, or at least I hope she's asleep. I walk over to the dresser next to the bed to set the food d down. A thought comes to mind, and I immediately act on it. I rush downstairs to the kitchen and grab a pot and a wooden spoon, then I head back upstairs. "Bianca, wake up." I yell, giving her one more chance. Oh well, she asked for this. I get close to her: close enough so she can hear it, but not go deaf. I start banging the spoon on the pot, making some loud ruckus. I'm making the noise, as well as yelling her name in a very obnoxious way. After a moment, she starts to stir a little, making me sigh a relief.

She sits up in the bed looking dead, and irritated more than usual, though. She has dark circles around her eyes,  hair's sticking up in about 10 directions, like I said, sounds normal. I put the pot and spoon down, pull up a chair near her and sit down. "You... look absolutely horrible." I say. She looks at me and mumbles "No shit." Now I feel bad, because she usually responds with something clever. "How are you feeling?" I ask. "A little better than before. Although I was sleeping peacefully ." She sighs. "Oh, I'm sorry that you've been sleeping for over 12 hours and I thought you were dead." She raises an eyebrow. "I went to sleep around 4 in the morning. I couldn't sleep right away." "That... makes sense." I grab the food and coffee off of the dresser and pass it over to her. "I'm not hungry." "No, you're going to eat. I don't care if you're not hungry. Eat." "Yes, mom." She opens the bag and pulls out the plate, but before she eats, she grabs for what she thought was hers, but she grabs my tea and takes a sip. "You got me tea?" She makes a weird face. "No, I got me tea, you have coffee." I pass her the cup. "Oh, sorry." She smiles a goofy smile. Now that's what I like to see.  I wipe off her saliva from her cup and drink. "Let's talk." I say, putting my drink down, which makes Bianca put hers down, too. "About?" she asks. "You're not dumb." she sighs. "Do we have to do this now?" she asks. "It would be nice." She groans, but accepts by saying "Ok". "Alright, let's start with what caused you to spiral out of control: you missed school, weren't texting or calling back. A simple 'I'm fine' would've sufficed." "I'm sorry it's just..." There's a slight pause. "After I dropped Rayne off at the bus stop, I wondered around to the park, I didn't feel like talking to anybody at all. I started thinking way too hard about things, which made me stress out even more than I was. So, I thought that being away for a while would ease my mind. I was so wrong. Thursday, I went home and..." She sighs, I can see she's trying not to cry. "my dad was there and we got into an argument to the point where he hit me. I was so angry that I snapped a little and came here, but I ended up sitting in the rain crying." she finishes, and I feel for her; her dad was never around, and he never approved of Bianca's lifestyle, so he left, but he still shows up once in a blue moon. I give her a great big hug for a long time. I want to give her as much love as I possibly can. I let go and she mumbles a thank you. I smile and say "So, if you weren't home, then where were you?" "On Tuesday, I was  at a bar for a while, then I was just driving around the town until Thursday." "You just drive--didn't eat or sleep for over 48 hours?" "I stopped for food along the drive, and I got an hour of sleep." I roll my eyes  at how she treated herself the past few days. "So, I'm taking it you're staying the weekend?" "Is that OK?" " Yeah, it's okay." "Thanks." "Don't thank me yet. When do you plan on  going to school?" She takes A moment to think. "Right now, I just need to relax and chill. Going to school will stress me completely out." "Well, you don't have that much time to relax, because you're going on Monday." "Fine, mom." "You're also going back home on Monday." Fine, mom." "You're also gonna give me 10 bucks." "Nice try, bitch." We both laugh.

Once it dies down, I start to get serious. "OK, now we have to talk about what happened at the bar." I say, and I receive a loud grown in return. "I already told you what happened." she says. "Well, Adore told me what happened afterwards." "Is that right?" she seems unimpressed. "Yeah." I told her everything that Adore told me, and told her about what happened on the phone, though she still has that resting bitch face. "So, let me get this straight: Adore was drugged, 'kidnapped', and held hostage by Courtney; Courtney went around and told people different versions of what happened; all of this... because she 'loves' Adore?" "Basically. We were surprised by Courtney." She sighs and falls back. "And to think: you loved her once before. You claimed her." I tease her. She smirked. "One, she claimed me, asked me I more than 'claimed'. Second, I didn't 'loved her', in that sense. I always loved her as friend, no more than that. But now, since she's acting nutty..." We start laughing. It stops, and I say "Yeah, she has been acting pretty bip--" I catch myself before I say the whole word. Bianca sees this and smiles a little. "You've said it before and I've never said anything, so it's ok." She laughs. I feel slightly better hearing that. "Well, in that case, she's been acting pretty bipolar lately." She nods. "Yeah. And after all of that happened, I wouldn't be surprised if she came by my house to try and 'talk things out' and other garbage." she rolls her eyes, while I have that "that's exactly what happened face, and she sees it. "She was at my house, wasn't she?" she asks. I nod my head. She puts her hand on her forehead and says "Why was she there?" "I don't know, but I saw her put this in your mailbox. Oh, and did you know your alarm wasn't on? Thank goodness I set it after I left." I say. She looks confused. "You went there? What time?" "This morning, around 10:30, close to 11:00." She thinks for a moment. "Wait, nobody is in the house then, so how did you get in, and why?" I position myself to get her key out of my pocket. I take it out and hand it over to her, as she stares blankly. She opens her mouth, but I beat her. "You are a very heavy sleeper, dude. Get it checked out," I joke, but continue. "I took your key to go and get some of your clothes and other stuff you need for now.When I was leaving, I saw Courtney go to your door. Then since nobody answered, she wrote you a note." I pull it out and pass it to Bianca, who's a little hesitant. She starts reading it out loud.


It's been days since I have seen you. I miss you, not as a boyfriend, but as my best friend. I hate the way we left off, and I. think we should sit down and hash everything out and resolve everything. Again, I miss you.

                                         Courtney .      

It's not everyday when Bianca has an expressionless face, but today wasn't one of those days. The whole time she was reading, she was making this stink face, which is hilarious. She crumbles up the paper and throws it in the trash. "I think it's time for me to get up and ready." I chuckle at the fact she is so quick to dismiss the topic. She yawns very big, and I catch a big  whiff of it and it makes me jump a little. "Bianca I'm bored, you wanna go drink some mouthwash?" I ask, covering my nose as she cackles. "Fuck you! I'm going already" she says while moving everything out of the way and getting up from the bed.

Suddenly, I get a phone call from Adore. Bianca turns around and gives me a look. "It's Adore." She rolls her eyes. "Where's the stuff you got from my house?" she asks. "Downstairs." I say. She walks downstairs, and I press answer.

D: Yes, Ms. Delano?
A: Hey. I was just calling to see if you we're okay, because you didn't show show up to school.
D: Oh, I'm fine, just taking care of something. Thanks.
A: Oh, ok. See you next Monday.
D: See you.

I hang up and turn on the T.V. Maybe it can give me some information on some fun things to do with Bianca, maybe the family, too, this weekend. Speaking of, she comes in lugging everything with her. While rummaging and pulling out stuff for the bathroom, a good thought comes to mind on what to do. "Would you be interested in going to the boardwalk Sunday?" I ask. She looks at me. "For what?" she asks. "To have fun." She bods and smiles. She grabs everything she needs and heads to the bathroom, but I stop her. "Here." I say as I grab the small pill bottle out of my pocket and toss it to her.  She catches it,  and smiles and says "You're awesome." "I know." I say.

It's moments like these that I love to have.

Let me know of any errors I have made. Major one's, not any of those grammar Nazis.

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