Chapter 16

Adore's POV:

I wake up with an astonishing headache. It's like there is a pounding bass in my head. Even though I drank heavily throughout the night, I remember everything so vividly. Bianca and I were having fun. Fun is something I haven't had with her in a long time, and I hope it continues. I drag myself out of my sleeping bag, which is filled with a variety of chips, my phone and headphones. I'll deal with it when I feel better. I walk upstairs, and nobody is in their sleeping bags, but I hear insignificant whispers coming from the dining room. I walk in, and all eyes are on me. I look around for a moment, and there is nowhere to sit. Damn. I nervously smile, then back out of there, then rush to kitchen, where Darienne and Bianca were chatting. They, soon stopped talking and looked at me. "GOOD MORNING ADORE!" they scream, and I cringe at the pain that is pounding through my skull. They laugh, as I shoot them my middle finger. I hold my head as hard as I can, trying to make the pain stop. Once it stopped, I head to the cabinet for a cup, and I see, Bianca and Darienne laughing at something on Darienne's phone. Since they're "blocking the cabinet", I walk in front of them, causing them to be startled. "GOOD MORNING GUYS!" I screamed at them, making them shuffle back, away from my morning breath. I laugh, then motion for them to move out of the way. They move, and I get the cup, then go back to the fridge to look for food. Suddenly, I hear Darienne ask me a question. "So, Adore, why aren't you sleeping up her with all of us?" "Well, I moved down to the Multi Media room." I respond, getting out of the fridge. They both respond with a head nod, and they go back to looking on Darienne's phone. It's getting to the point where I want to take it, because it's starting to get annoying. I filled up the cup with some water, and then I went over to them. "Ok, what is on that phone that is so funny and interesting that it keeps your brain preoccupied?" I ask, crossing my arms. "My my, look who's using big words now." Bianca says. "Don't change the subject. What are you guys looking at?" "Some videos of people acting a fool." Darienne says, while both of them snicker. "Whatever, I just think that if 'if it's some people acting a fool', then you wouldn't have a problem with me seeing it." I say, holing my head, trying to stop the pain. But, the pain is getting stronger, so I ask them where the aspirins are. "Ask Courtney, she knows where they are." Like mind reading, Courtney walks in. "Ask me what?" she asks, wrapping her arm around Bianca. I smile, and say "Oh I just need some aspirins." I say. "Oh, they're in the upstairs bathroom." "Ah, thank you." I shoot them a smile. While doing so, I see Courtney looking at me with sultry eyes, and I'm creeper out. I walk out, and I can hear therm talking. "So, I'll be right back."Darienne asks "What? Why?" Bianca asks. "Because when you two are together, you get all touchy feely, and I can taste my past food in the vomit in the back of my throat when it happens." "Oh. Like this?" Courtney says, indicating that they were about to get "touchy feely." I walk away, not wanting to listen to anymore of their conversation. Darienne was right; it does get stuck in the back of your throat.

I go upstairs to get the aspirins and take them, yet the pounding is still there. I go back downstairs to the room, and Darienne is sitting on one of the seats watching a TV show. I guess she heard me coming, because she stops the episode ands looks at me, then motions for me to sit next to her. I, first dimmer the lights to help with the hangover, then sit next to her.
"So, what brings you to these neck of the woods?" I ask, receiving a weak laugh from her. Something must really be on her mind. "Well, I just to talk about Dela. Word is you two broke up." she says, avoiding eye contact with me. "Well, yeah. Why?" I ask. "Because, I also heard that ...she liked me." "Where are you hearing this shit from?" "Does it really matter right now?" she looks at me , then back down. "Well it's true, she does like you. And it's true, we did break up." "Ok." " feel the same way?" "Maybe I do." I squeal in excitement, as she sighs and looks at me. "I just need help talking to her. Every time I tried last night, it was always some 1 minute conversations about randomly anything." "Well...ask her to go somewhere, just the two of you, and just tell her how you feel. But, you need to pick the right time." She gets up and sighs, as she takes a moment to think. I don't know why I'm nervous, this can't emotionally effect me. Finally, she comes to a decision. "Ok, it can't be that hard, since she feels the same way...right?" "Oh my God, stop doubting yourself. It's going to work out." "Okay, thanks." She starts to leave, and an idea comes to me. I should be getting something out of this, too. So, I stop her in her tracks. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. I want something from you in return." "You do, do you?" She chuckles, as she already knows what I want. "Well, don't say anything to Bianca, but we've been watching... clown porn, just to make her happy." I'm horrified, and my face shows it. She exits laughing, and I sit back down. Man, it's only 10 something in the morning, yet it feels like midnight or something. Then, I hear my phone buzz. Like, can I have a moment to myself? It's Laganja.

L:Hey, what are you up to?
A:Finished talking to someone, hungry as fuck.
L:Well just come up and get something to eat.
A:There is nothing to eat in there. Plus I'm about to make a quick run to McDonalds.
L:Oh, can I join?
A: Sounds like a party. First I need to get ready.
L:Ok. See you in a few.

I tossed my phone onto my sleeping bag, and move next to my bag to pull out everything i need to get ready. I get everything, and make my way up to the bathroom on the 3rd level of the house. I get in the shower, and feel the warm water flow all on my body. It makes me feel better. Nothing is making me contemplate anything. Everything, for the most part, is fine. I've squashed all tension concerning me, and nobody has a problem with me, at least I think. Let's see... Laganja's cool, no problem with Darienne, Dela and I are friends, Bianca and I are talking again, and Courtney's good too. Except for those sex eyes she gave me in the kitchen. That threw me off a little, but I guess it meant nothing; Courtney is always a slut, but in a fun, joking way.

I step out of the shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, straighten my hair, and head downstairs to see an anxious Laganja. "You ready to go?" She asks giving me a hug. "Yep. Let's go." I say letting go of her. We walk out the house, and it is so bright. Once we get into her car, I take her spare pair of sunglasses out of the passenger's side compartment, knowing she wouldn't mind. Once we start to leave, start talking. "So, how was your night last night?" She asks me. "Ugh it was a variety of things happening last night." "Ooh, tell." "Well, after we squashed the beef with Bianca, I talked to Dela, and we are cool now. Um, after I cleaned up everything and everyone, I played cards with Bianca and Darienne, although I was drunk off of my ass. Next thing I know, I wake up back downstairs." "Oh, honey. That sounds like a good time, right?" "Yeah, better than I thought it was going to be. What about you?" "Oh, it was a very chill night for me smoke some, drank some, ate some. Not a bad time." "Oh, well at least you had a good time. Oh, it's right there." I point to a McDonald's on my right, and we go in once she was done parking. We walk in, and there's a few people here, but nobody is behind the counter. What a classy establishment. We wait there, and I can't wait any loner. I yell back there and say"HEY! A LITTLE SERVICE PLEASE!" I look at Laganja, who is shaking her head repeatedly and disapprovingly​. "What's up with the head shake?" I ask her. "Nothing. It's just the way you yelled back there was completely inappropriate for my taste" she says in a low voice. Is she serious right now? "So what did you suggest we should've done? Wait here until someone felt like coming up here to serve us? You can do that, I'm not." I respond. "Well maybe something important is happening." "Is something so fucking important that is has the whole staff away from their position? No." Suddenly, a short girl comes from the back. "Sorry for taking so long, but please, next time, don't holler like that again. You can scare away our business like that." the girl says, and I lost it. "Oh really? I thought the only thing that could scare away your 'business' is that mask of a face you have on." I say​, walking out of the restaurant, Laganja following right behind me. She pulls my arm, stopping me from reaching the car. "What the hell was that, Adore? You were completely rude to that girl!" She says. "I know I was rude, next time, she'll learn not to mess with a hungry bitch." I say. "Since when did you become like this? You ate never this mean to people." "Me? What about you? You didn't have my back in there, and you would always have my back. Don't talk to me about switching up on myself." She rolls her eyes. "You know what? I think that Bianca coming back into your life is affecting who you are as a person. During the summer, you weren't like this. You acted like you had some goddamn sense, and now she's back, and you are starting to slowly act like her. For what reason, I don't know." I'm taken aback by what she's saying to me. Right now, I can only say one phrase to summarize everything I want to say. "Go fuck yourself. I'm done with you." I say back up then walking away from her. I can hear her calling my name in the distance, but I don't care.

15 minutes later:

I walk all the way back to Courtney's house, and I have not cooled off. I'm still just as mad as when I started walking. I see Laganja's car, so I know she's here. I don't think that me fighting her I'd going to solve anything, but she Just got me so mad, I don't know if I can hold in my anger any longer. I walk in, and everyone that's in the living room is staring at me. Out of anger, I shout at them. "WHAT?" I say, receiving blank stares in return. A few people try to stop me, but I push pass them, going downstairs. After just sitting there for a moment, I realize that I need to leave. For me, and for the sake of the general population. I clean out my sleeping bag, then pack it up. Then, I realize that I left some of my things upstairs, so I plug my headphones into my phone and pretend to listen to music so people won't stop me. I go upstairs, get all of my things, and go back downstairs. I pack all of my stuff up and start to call an Uber. While it is ringing. Someone ends my phone call. Before looking at them, I yell at them, not trying to face them. "What the fuck is your problem?" "Well, for starters, you were going to leave without saying goodbye to me." My eyes widen, as I am wishing I could take back what I just said. I then back to see a stone faced Bianca. Shit.

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