Virgil POV
I sighed, rubbing my eyes. I survived the weekend. Thank god.
I turned and shut off my alarm clock. Now to just make my way to school, without waking up my parents.
I heard a gentle meow. I raised my head to see my cat sitting on my piano. I smiled gently, watching as she pawed at the air and meowed at me.
"Morning Luna." I said gently. She was stray that I found one day. She was just a tiny kitten the day I found her as the edge of the woods.
I just stumbled upon her and I couldn't just leave her there. But my parents would never allow me to have a cat. So I kept her my room and out of sight of my parents.
It was now almost two years since I've found her, making her about a year and a half years old now. Luna jumped off the piano and onto my bed.
She walked over to me and nuzzled her face against my cheek. She purred as I pet her. She had black fur with a few little brown and white splotches here and there. She had one blue eye and one green eye.
I pulled myself out of bed. I quickly changed out of my pajamas. I pulled on my ripped black skinny jeans, my Green Day shirt, a black flannel, and a beanie. I pulled on my combat boots and tried to fix my hair. I looked in the mirror and put on my foundation and than my eyeliner.
Luna mewed again, pawing at my legs. I hated having to leave her here. I always feared my dad would find her in here and take her from me.
I ignored for the time being and dug around my desk drawer. The container rattled as I grabbed at what I was looking for.
Back before high school, right when everything went to shit in my life, both my mom and I were put into therapy.
I was supposed to take depression pills, but I never did. I just stored them away and added to the stash every week when I get the bottles refilled.
Nowadays I live off these pills. When I run out, I just steal mom's depression pills. My hands were shaking a bit as I opened the container.
I shook about five or six pills out into my palm. I grabbed the bottle of water on my desk and quickly downed all the pills.
I let out a sigh and hid the pill bottle. Luna sat down on the desk. She looked at me with that look that said she knew what I was doing. Like she knew how self destructive this was.
I gave her a pet and than turned away from her. I grabbed my bookbag off the floor.
I opened my door and took a deep breath. I peeked my head out the door to make sure no one was in the hallway.
I crept out of my room and down the stairs. Dad was sprawled out on the couch, surrounded by beer cans. I quickly headed past him to the front door.
I shut the front door with a sigh of relief. I made it out.
I quickly headed towards the school, hoping the rest of the day would also go off without a hitch.
I entered the school building, getting more stares than usual. This put me on edge.
I knew they were talking about me, even thought I was blasting MCR in my headphones.
I pushed past people, trying to get to my locker. Every time people saw me, they either laughed or gave me sympathetic glances.
I reached my locker, only to stop dead in my tracks. My heart sped up and I felt an oncoming panic attack.
Spray painted across my locker in big letters was 'FAGGOT', 'GAY EMO FREAK' and 'ROMAN AND VIRGIL SITTIN IN A TREE, K I S S I N G'
I started shaking. People were crowding around me, trying to read what was on my locker. They were all talking about me, not even bothering to whisper.
I pulled my headphones off my head. Who did this. Why? Why did someone do this? Why Roman? I've never even told anyone I was gay.
"What the fuck?!" I heard Roman screaming farther down the hallway. "Who did this to my locker?!"
I turned to see Roman staring at his locker, his face bright red in anger and embarrassment. Our lockers looked the same.
Roman turned and looked at me. I felt tears in my eyes and then I couldn't breath.
I turned and bolted. I don't even know where I was running. I just had to get away from everyone.
I sprinted into the bathroom and right into someone. I started crying, despite how much I didn't want to. I couldn't stop myself from shaking.
"Hey? Are you okay?" Asked the guy, holding me at arms length.
"No..." I chocked out, shaking even worse. I was starting to hyperventilate.
"Hey, take deep breaths for me." He said calmly. "Breath in for four seconds, hold for seven seconds, breath out for eight seconds."
He kept repeating that to me until I calmed down. Eventually, my vision cleared and I could see who it was. The guy had semi curly light brown hair, lots of freckles, big round glasses that framed his pale brown eyes perfectly. He worse bright pastel clothes.
"Are you okay now?" He asked. I nodded.
"Thank you." I whispered.
"Your welcome." He said. "My name's Patton."
"Virgil." I told him. He smiled gently. Something about Patton made me like him instantly. He seemed like a literal ray of sunshine.
"Oh wait." He whispered. "It was yours and Romans lockers that were vandalized."
"Yeah." I whispered, wiping my tears away.
"Are you gay?" Patton asked casually. I stiffened up instantly.
"It's okay if you are." He said gently, rubbing my arm. "I'm pan myself, so I'm not gonna judge." I smiled gently, feeling more comfortable. Slowly I started nodding.
"Your not alone here." He told me. "We can be friends. My friend Emile is also pan. And my other friend Remy is gay and likes to crossdress a lot, so you'd fit right in."
"Really?" I asked, not really sure if I wanted to do that.
"If that's okay with you of course." He said comfortingly. The bell rang. "I'll see you at lunch." He said with a smile.
With that he walked out the door, leaving me by myself. I rubbed my eyes, trying to make it look like wasn't just crying.
I shuffled out of the bathroom, trying to avoid the stares from other people. I quickly got to the classroom and sat in my normal seat.
I took all my self control to not go running out of the school.
After all morning of being laughed at and avoided like the plague, lunch time came.
I entered the cafeteria. My gaze flickered around and I saw Patton sitting at a table with two other people.
They didn't notice me, so I didn't bother going over to them. I walked over to my usual table, and sat down.
I was sitting there in silence for a few good minutes before a happy voice shocked me out of my thoughts.
"Hey Virgil!" Said a cheery voice. I looked up to see Patton smiling at me. "Come sit with us."
"Why?" I asked. His smile faltered for a second and I felt bad for making him sad.
"Please." He begged, giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Fine." I mumbled. I stood up, sighing.
Patton smiled again, jumping up and down a little. He headed back over to his table, dragging me with him.
"Guys this is Virgil." Patton said giddily, when we reached his table. A guy drinking a Starbucks pulled his sunglasses down his nose a bit to look at me.
"Sup gurl, names Remy." He said with a smirk.
"Do you how do? I'm Emile." Said the other guy. He seemed to have a soft pastel closet much like Patton. Patton sat down at the table and I sat next to him.
"You're the guy that got his locker spray painted right?" Asked Emile. I nodded slowly, starting to shrink in on myself.
"And you said he is gay right?" Added Remy, looking at Patton. I looked over at Patton.
"Sorry." Mumbled Patton.
"We're all gay in some aspect so it doesn't matter." Said Emile softly.
"Okay," I started. "Why are you three being nice to me all the sudden? Especially after what happened today?"
"Well...we've been afraid of what Jackson might do if we helped before." Explained Patton. "But this morning when you were having a panic attack, I decided we were going to be your friend no matter what."
"Thanks." I said softly.
"Salutations everyone." Said a voice from behind me. Patton and I turned to see Logan. "Remy invited me to sit with you today, but I see you three already have another guest."
"Nice to see you too Logan." I said lowly. Not too keen about having to talk with Logan. Considering that it's been years since we talked and his parents ripped us apart because I was "becoming to emotional", "a bad influence", and "not good enough for their son".
"No, sit down." Said Remy, sitting up in his chair. Logan sat down next to Patton.
"We're all gonna be best friends now!" Said Patton cheerfully. "Please." He added, looking back and forth between Logan and I with puppy dog eyes.
"I don't see why not." Said Logan. "It would be a nice change in pace to join your group of friends."
"Virgil?" Asked Patton, turning to me. I sighed.
"Sure, not like I had any friends before this anyways." I told him. Patton squealed, pulling into a tight hug. I flinched and tensed up instantly, not liking the contact.
"Oops sorry." Patton apologized with an awkward laugh. He pulled away. I smiled gently. It didn't bother me that much.
Patton turned and pulled Logan into a hug. Logan didn't struggle against the hug, instead he just looked down at Patton with a loving look in his eyes. Oh?
"Um...excuse me." Said Roman's voice from behind me, send a bolt of fear through me. "Virgil I need to talk to you."
(This starts right after Patton arrives to Logan's hours to work on the project)
Emile POV
Once Patton was out of the car, I quickly hoped up into the passenger seat. I waved to Patton when he turned to wave to us.
Patton was barely to the porch steps before Remy was driving away.
I smiled and turned to Remy. He didn't say anything, just keeping his eyes on the road. My face grew a little hot. Remy and I were hardly ever alone together, Patton usually being here to make things less awkward.
"So...where are we going?" I asked, having no clue what Remy had planned. I thought back to how giddy I felt when Remy Said he had plans for tonight.
"Starbucks first, I need coffee." Answered Remy, pulling into the Starbucks parking lot. He got out of the car and waited for me before we headed into the Starbucks.
Remy already was taller than me, but his heels were adding on a good four more inches. I don't know how he does it. It's impressive considering I can barely walk in one inch heels.
I struggled to keep up with him. I couldn't help but admire what else he was wearing. (Just what Remy usually wears in the videos he's in)
He looked completely fabulous. Unlike me in my jeans, pastel pink shirt and soft brown cardigan.
Remy held open the door for me. I walked in, the warm smell of coffee filling my nose.
"What do you want, I'm paying," Remy asked.
"I know what your gonna say, don't even bother trying to pay for your coffee." He added on with a smirk. I laughed a bit, he knew me so well.
"Umm...a white chocolate mocha." I told him with a smile.
"But it's hooottttt out." Whined Remy. "Why do you want a warm coffee?"
"Because I just do." I answered with a shrug. "I'm gonna go find us a place to sit."
I turned away from Remy with a smile. I headed a unoccupied two person booth by the window. I sat down and looked out the window.
I started to wonder yet again what Remy had planned. I wonder if it was something romantic or platonic. Gosh I hope it's romantic. I'm completely head over heels for Remy but I have no clue if he likes me back.
A coffee cup was set down next to me on the table, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Remy slide into the booth across from me.
"What did you get?" I asked, grabbing my coffee to take a sip from it.
"An iced caramel Frappuccino with as much espresso as they can legally put in it." Remy answered with a smirk after taking a big sip from his coffee.
"Your not going to be able to sleep tonight." I said, slightly worried for him.
"Eh already an insomniac so it doesn't matter." He said casually.
"Oh okay." I said lowly.
"Perk up babe, we got the whole night ahead of us don't go getting sad on me." Remy told me, pushing his sunglasses on top of his head.
I blushed a little when he said babe. I know he calls everyone that but I can't help it. It makes me happy!
"C'mon." Remy said while standing up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up with him.
"Where are we going?" I asked while Remy dragged me out into the parking lot. He didn't let go of my hand until we got back to his car.
"It's a surprise."
"Can I look now?" I asked again.
"No!" Said Remy forcefully. I wasn't sure where we were right now. All I know was that Remy was leading me somewhere and I couldn't open my eyes.
Another few minuets passed, with me managing to trip over everything including my own two feet. We headed up some stairs and than cams to a stop.
"Okay, open your eyes." Remy said while letting go of my hand.
I opened my eyes and let out a loud gasp at what I saw. We were now in what I assumed to be the attic in Remy's house.
Barely any sunlight filtered into the attic, due to it being dusk now. But fairy lights and tiny lanterns lit up the room.
There was an old couch with a large ottoman pushed up against it to make it kind of bed like. There was a bunch of blankets and pillows around the couch and the rest of the room. A small table next to the couch was covered in an assortment of snack foods and desserts.
There was a large flat screen tv across from the couch with dvds with all the seasons of Steven's Universe laying next to it.
"Oh my gosh this is amazing Remy!" I squealed. I turned to see him with his sunglasses perched on top of his head again. He was smiling but seemed a little nervous.
"Before we sit down or anything," Mumbled Remy. "I wanted to get something off my chest." My smile fell, confusion evident on my face.
Remy laughed uncomfortably and sat our coffees down on the small table. He turned back to me. I've never seen Remy this nervous before, it was unsettling.
"Emile," Remy started. "I know we've only been friends for a few years now but it's senior year and I need to do something about these feelings I have for you."
My heart sped up. I felt my face flush. No, he doesn't mean...?
"Wow, I suck at this." Remy said with a laugh. "Look, hon, I's hard to say, this is embarrassing...usually I'm so confident..."
I couldn't help but giggle at how flustered Remy was.
"Fuck it." Remy sighed. He smirked and walked over to me, regaining his confidence.
He grabbed my cheeks and slammed his lips onto me. I stiffened a bit in shock, but instantly it was overwhelming by a strong feeling of happiness.
Remy pulled away, looking flustered again. I stood there, still a little shocked.
"Shit sorry, I shouldn't have..." Remy trailed off, refusing to make eye contact. "I just ruined your first kiss didn't I?"
I answered by wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down into another kiss. Remy was quick to return the kiss and wrap his arms around my waist.
It felt amazing. I couldn't explain it. It just felt right. Like everything was right in the world when his lips were on mine.
When we pulled away, we were both out of breath. I smiled up at him before hugging him tightly and burying my face in his chest in embarrassment.
"Does this mean you like me too?" Asked Remy with another laugh.
"Yeah." I answered sheepishly. Remy kissed the top of my head.
"Well the tea has been spilt, I think it's cuddle time." I nodded along to what Remy suggested.
I pulled away from him, still a little flustered. Remy headed towards the couch, kicking off his heels. I pulled my own shoes off before following him to the bed.
Remy jumped on the couch and patted the spot next to him with a smirk. I sat down on the couch and snuggled up against him.
"Does this mean we're boyfriends now?" I asked hopefully.
"Yeah." Answered Remy. "You're mine now you little eccentric puffball." I let out a little 'aww' at the nickname and smiled brightly.
Remy wrapped his arm around me. I started to smile, but let out a squeak as he swung his leg over me and straddled my hips.
I blushed heavily as Remy leaned his face down to me and kissed me gently. I kissed back, but was still a little surprised by his actions.
"Don't worry baby," Remy told me. "I'm not gonna hurt you." Remy continued to press light kisses across the rest of my face.
"Than what are you doing?" I asked. Giggling a little, the kisses tickled.
"Listen hon, your the first guy I've dated that I've really cared about this much." Remy admitted. "Like I really like you so I'd be damned if I'd let anyone steal you from me. So I gotta mark my territory." He purred the last part in my ear, causing me to shiver a bit.
Remy moved and trailed kisses down my jaw and down my neck. I let out a little gasp when I felt his lips against my neck.
He kept kissing my neck, moving around it as if in search of something. Than he kissed a spot that made me let out a sharp gasp before I could stop myself. My faced blushed bright red and I could feel Remy smirk against that spot.
Than Remy started to attack that spot it seemed like. He kept sucking and nibbling on it, pressing soft kisses around the spot.
Eventually Remy pulled away and looked down at my neck as if admiring his work. I can only imagine the giant hickey he left there.
He reached up and gave me another kiss before flopping back down next to me. I laid my head against his chest and cuddled against him. He put his arm around me and than grabbed the remote to start Steven Universe.
"Bye bye!" I said with a wave and smile. Remy smiled and quickly gave me another kiss before turning and heading back to his car.
"See you tomorrow babe," Remy said while waving back. "Goodnight!" With that he got into his car and drove off to go pick up Patton.
I smiled giddily and turned to open my door. I felt light on my feet. Remy likes me! A lot! And we're boyfriends now!
When I opened the front door, my mom was right there with a smirk. I jumped a bit but laughed before shutting the door behind me.
"Who was that?" She asked while raising her eyebrow.
"Just Remy." I answered, unable to stop the blush that came to my cheeks.
"Mhm." Mom answered with a knowing smile. "You two sure did seem to be a little more than friendly out there." She inquired.
"Mom stop!" I laughed, blushing even more.
"It's fine if you two are dating, personally I think Remy's a great guy for you." She said befor I could explain anything.
"How did you?" I asked, a little shocked.
"Well I could hear everything you two said, you two kissed, and you sure aren't doing a good job of hiding that." She told me while pointing at my neck.
I blushed heavily and immediately slapped my hand over the hickey on my neck.
"Sorry." I mumbled.
"It's okay honey." She said gently. "I already knew you were pansexual so I doesn't bother me if your dating Remy." With that she turned and headed up the stairs to her bedroom.
Well I guess she supports it than. That's good. The giddy feeling returned and I quickly ran to my room.
I shut the door and jumped on my bed. I quickly pulled out my phone and scrolled through my phone for Patton's contact.
I called him and held the phone up to my ear. I anxiously awaited him to answer. I was practically jumped up and down unable to control my happiness.
"Hey Emile!" Patton said when he answered the phone.
"PATTON!" I screamed. "You won't believe what just happened!" I heard Patton faintly laugh.
"Hold on, I'm gonna put you on speaker." Patton told me. "I have a feeling this is gonna be great news."
There was silence for a few seconds.
"Okay." Said Patton, his voice sounding a little farther away now. "Logan's listing too is that okay?"
"Yeah." I answered quickly. "Hi Logan!"
"Salutations Emile." I heard Logan say.
"Okay, the most amazing this happened!" I said, almost screaming in excitement now.
"Tell me!" Said Patton.
"REMY KISSED ME!" I screamed, dancing around my room. "We're dating now!" Patton let out a squeal.
"Oh my goodness yes!" Patton yelled. "I shipped it so much! I'm so happy for you two!"
"About time." Logan grumbled. "Remy has been pinning for you for a while now, glad to hear he finally did something about it."
"You knew?" I asked. Gosh Logan sure is smart.
"I could tell." Logan answered. "He wasn't very good at hiding it. Everyone but you could tell."
"Oh." I said. "Okay! Remy's on his way to pick you up so I gotta go now! See you tomorrow at school! Bye!"
Both Patton and Logan said goodbye and I hung up. I jumped onto my bed and curled up on it.
I've never been happier.
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