I wanna die lol
What are you guy's favorite Sanders Sides quotes?
From any of them, Thomas, the sides, remy, emile, any character created by Thomas
It can be as ridiculous or meaningful as you want
littlecastiel for the character Pandora
Mercy_Virgo for the character Atlas
I've been very excited for this chapter for a really long time
Remy POV
"Best fucking day ever!" I yelled, punching the air.
This is the one time I'll ever except money from the others. Emile deserves the wedding and honeymoon and fucking of a life time. Today will be perfect.
I gave myself finger guns in the mirror and smirk. I looked myself over from probably the millionth time. I was wearing a traditional tuxedo and ditched the fancy shoes for my heels that Emile bought me.
"Lookin' good," I talked to myself. "'Bout to marry the best bitch alive and be the happiest dumbass in existence."
We decided to hold our wedding at this old library that was renovated into a wedding hall. It looks pretty cool and there was enough room for the small amount of family and friends in attendance.
It's just our group of friends, Emile's parents and the rest of his extended family, my grandparents, Emery and Anton. To be petty, I sent an invitation to Spencer. He is still my actual father...and maybe I just want to rub it in his face that I'm happy without him.
"You ready?" Patton asked, popping his head in the rom.
"Of fucking course," I responded with a smile. I touched up my lipstick and then walked over to Patton.
"Language kiddo," Patton reprimanded me.
"Nah," I laughed.
"Emile's almost ready," Patton told me. "Evan was just worrying a lot about the flower crown."
"I can't wait to see him," I mumbled with a smile.
Emile and I haven't seen each other since we woke up this morning at the hotel. The place were the wedding is taking place was pretty far from where we lived.
Apparently Patton and Emile made a pact when they were younger to be each other's best man's. But I didn't know who I wanted to be mine so now Patton gets to be the flower boy.
Everyone was milling around the venue. I made my way down the isle, stoping to talk to people. Grace and Charles expresses a lot of pride in me. Emery and Damien seemed to be avoiding each other at all costs. But everything seemed to be going smoothly.
"Remy," Said a deep voice behind me.
I turned around to see Spencer and the rest of his family. Hunter the homophone as Roman and I call him now had the most plastic girl I've ever seen. I could see blatant disgust and hatred in her eyes.
"Oh, hey," I said awkwardly.
"Congratulations," Spencer told me, Eliza smiling along and nodding. "And thank you for inviting all of us ."
"Thanks," I said with a smile. "And you're welcome."
"Where's the...other groom getting here?" He asked. "I don't know how a gay wedding works."
"Emile's getting ready," I told him. "But the ceremony is starting in like a minute so you'll find out soon."
I turned away from them and headed up towards the alter. The officiator was standing there with a little book. He smiled at me and directed me where to stand. No amount of practice ceremonies could make me any less nervous than I am right now.
Slowly but surely everyone started sitting down. Emile has a large and loud family so it did take a while. I took a deep breath while the officiator started the wedding.
Then the music started and Emile stepped into the room with the most adorable smile. He was wearing a beautiful wedding dress with a flower crown of light pink and white flowers with a long lace and mesh veil.
I smiled to myself and we made eye contact. Emile walked down the isle and then stopped across from me. We smiled at each, Emile blushing a bit.
"Do you, Remington Dormir, take Emile Picani to be your lawfully wedded husband, through happiness, pain, joy, suffering, sadness, and health, to death do you part?" The officiator asked me.
"I do," I vowed confidently with a smirk. But I couldn't help but cringe when the officiator said my real name. Emile slid the wedding ring on my finger.
"Do you, Emile Picani, take Remington Dormir to be your lawfully wedded husband, through happiness, pain, joy, suffering, sadness, and health, to death do you part?" The officiator asked Emile.
"I do," Emile vowed in the most adorable voice. I don't think I could be more in love him. I slid the wedding ring onto his finger next to the engagement ring.
"I know pronounce you husband and husband," The officiator declared.
I wrapped one arm around Emile waist and cupped the side of his face with my other hand. Then I pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
We pulled apart, smiling and laughing happily. I could head people clapping. I pulled Emile in for another kiss.
This is happiness.
~mAgiCaL tiMe sKiP~
"Remy put me down!" Emile squeaked, trying to wiggle out of his arms.
"Nope," I laughed, pressing a kiss to his face.
I continued to carry Emile up the wooden stairs to our honeymoon location. A beach house right on the ocean.
There were a ton of stairs to get to the balcony and the front door. Once I got to the top, I let Emile stand on his one. But it took a while considering how many layers of skirts there were in his wedding dress.
I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my chin on his head. The ocean was beautiful. I could hear the waves crashing against the beach. The sun was starting to set. It was nice and warm here too, much better than October back home.
"This place is beautiful," Emile mumbled.
"Not as much as you," I laughed, pressing a kiss to his neck.
Emile grabbed my hand and then held it up so that the three rings were visible. I smiled, feeling so much happiness in my heart. I ran my fingers over the two rings on Emile's finger.
But then I couldn't help but grind against his ass a bit, making Emile let out a mix of a moan and a squeak. I continued to grind against him, now pressing kisses down his neck. I slid my hand down his check and started rubbing him through his dress.
"You're getting the fucking of your life tonight," I purred in his ear. Emile moaned in response, his back arching against my chest.
"Can we at least see the house first?" He whispered, hands gripping tightly to railing.
I hummed and thought for a few seconds, not bothering to stop grinding against him or rubbing him. The little moans Emile was letting out almost made me just hike up his dress and fuck him right here.
"Fine," I sighed. I pulled away from Emile but kept my hands on his hips.
Emile pushed open the door and stepped inside. We stepped into living room with a large couch on one wall and a large tv on the other. I shut the door and followed Emile into the kitchen. There was a four person table next to a breakfast bar. Then there was a good sized kitchen in the back of the house. A hallway was across from the table with led to a bathroom with a large shower and a large bathtub. There was a laundry room across from the bathroom and at the end of the hall was the bedroom. It was pretty nice with a large window facing the ocean and a good sized bed.
"This place is really nice," Emile smiled, running to the window and looking out at the sunset.
"Much better than our crappy apartment," I couldn't help but comment. Emile frowned and turned towards me with his hands on his hips.
"Yeah, it's not the best place, but things will get better now," Emile told me, putting his hands on my shoulders. "I have one more semester of collage and then I'll be able to get a real job. Eventually we'll get good jobs and save up enough to get out of that place. But for now, we're on our honeymoon, let's me happy."
We hugged and kissed. But then our boners rubbed against each other and we let out groans into the kiss. Instantly I pushed Emile down on the bed, and tried to get the wedding dress of him.
"How the fuck?" I breathed angrily, looking at all the ribbons, buttons and the zipper on the back of the dress.
"It's corseted weird since I'm a boy," Emile told me. "Try you're best but if you rip it than no sex."
"You are much meaner than you think you are," I growled, trying to get the dress undone.
"Oh I'm plenty nice," He laughed. "I just don't want my wedding dress ripped."
"Fuck this!" I yelled angrily, biting down hard on Emile's shoulder. He squealed, tensing up.
I pulled away from his neck and tried to work again on this impossible dress. How the fuck does one dress have so many goddamn ribbons?!
"Oh my goodness," Emile laughed. He pushed me away and then tired to undo the dress himself.
A few seconds later and he was done, without even looking at it. I stared dumbfounded at him. Emile laughed so I pushed him back onto the bed and stripped both of us as quickly as possible.
"You're getting the fucking of your life," I reminded him.
"How much?" Emile asked worriedly.
"Until you can't handle it," I answered before smirking. "You're not gonna be able to walk tomorrow."
With that, I kissed Emile passionately.
~~~Le Magical Time Skip~~~
Emile POV
"How sweet fucking home," Remy growled, opening the door to our apartment.
I can't say I'm not disappointed to be back here because I hate this apartment. It does feel better now that we're married.
Remy opened the door for me and I quickly went over to the bed and pulled my wedding dress out of my bag. I hope it didn't get too wrinkled.
I hung it in the closet carefully. This is one of the things I will cherish. I gingerly sat down on the bed and picked up the Stitch plushie that Remy bought me for our first Christmas together. Everything's a little sore because of how much sex we had.
"After a week of eating and living nicely, we're back to this bullshit," Remy said, motioning to our mostly empty cupboards. "Cereal for dinner it is."
"That's okay," I mumbled, resting my head on the plushie.
"Sorry babes," Remy mumbled, pressing a kiss to my forehead. He handed me a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.
Remy flopped down on the bed next to me, somehow managing to not spill the cereal. He pulled off his sunglasses and then sat up. I moved to face him, wincing a few times. Remy laughed a bit and then pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead.
"Sorry baby," He laughed. "Didn't know you'd still be sore."
"Yeah, I totally wouldn't be sore after having sex like three or four times a day, every day, for a week," I said sarcastically.
"You're the one that packed your lingerie," Remy teased.
"You're the one that told me too," I defended myself.
"Yes, but," Remy said sassily. "You're the one that kept putting it on."
"Because, again, you told me too," I accused, throwing my stuffie at him.
"You love it," Remy laughed with a shit eating grin.
"Maybe," I said slowly.
We both burst out laughing and Remy threw the stuffie back at me. I held the stuffie like a baby and glared at Remy.
"You hurt him," I pouted.
"It's a stuffed animal," Remy deadpanned, raising an eyebrow.
"They still have feelings," I defended.
Before Remy could respond, someone knocked on the door. We both quickly looked at the door and then back at each other.
Remy then got up and unlocked the door to peek outside. He always complained about there not being a doorbell on the front door but neither of us knew how to put one in.
"Hello?" Remy said to whoever was out there.
"Are you Remy Picani?" A person with a male voice asked. "The grandson of Grace and Charles Dormir."
"Uh, yeah, that's me," Remy answered.
"I am Mr. Rossetti with the Hawkins Law Firm," The man said next. "May I come in."
"Sure," Remy said, opening the door. The man stepped inside and looked around the apartment with a frown.
The man set a briefcase on the counter and then turned towards us. I stood up and walked over to Remy worriedly. He quickly slipped his arm around my waist, obviously not trusting this guy.
"I have some not to great news," Mr. Rossetti said with a frown.
Oh goodness, this is it. We're officially broke and now we're probably going to be evicted.
"Last night you're grandparents, Grace and Charles Dormir died in a car crash," He told us, mostly looking at Remy.
"Wait what?!" Remy yelled.
The man opened his brief case and handed Remy pictures of the crash and the autopsy report. I stared at the picture in horror. The car looked like it had been crushed and burned.
"How did that happen?" I asked.
"It was a bad crash with a semi truck carrying gasoline," Mr. Rossetti explained. "The truck exploded and eight people were killed in the explosion, including your grandparents."
"Oh," Remy said.
"I'm here to read the will," Mr. Rossetti explained. "They were both exactly the same, so I'll just read one."
He pulled two papers out from his briefcase and set them on the table. They did look identical. He took back the photos and autopsy reports and then picked up one of the wills. He cleared his throat and started to read.
"Last will and testament of Charles William Dormir," He stared. "I, Charles Dormir, being of sound mind and body, do hereby make and publish this to be my last will and testament, hereby revoking all future wills and codicils created."
Remy and I exchanged a look while Mr. Rossetti turned the paper. Remy looked ready to break down into tears but I didn't know how to help with another person we didn't know present.
"Article one; I direct that all my debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon as possible. I also request to be buried with a photo of my wife, Grace Elizabeth Dormir. Article two; I hereby bequeath to my grandson Emery Lambe, the deed to the Dormir Estate and Manor. Article three; I hereby decree that my fortune be split equally between my two grandson's Emery Lambe and Remington Dormir and my youngest daughter Caroline Lambe. Giving $1.5 million to Remington Dormir, $1.5 million to Emery Lambe, and the other $1.5 million to Caroline Lambe."
Mr. Rossetti finished and sat the will back down. For a while, Remy and I were silent in shock. I can't believe what I just heard. At first I was a little disappointed we weren't being given the estate but $1.5 million? All our worries are literally over.
"Did you say $1.5 million?" Remy asked, eyes wide in shock.
"Yes, $1.5 million," He answered, handing us the two wills to look. I stared at the number in pure shock.
"Oh my god Emile we're rich!" Remy yelled, grabbing my by the shoulders. "Oh my god the only family I had left is dead..."
Remy sat down on the barstool next to the counter. I gently rubbed his back, the excitement over the money wearing off. Mr. Rossetti slid some papers towards Remy.
"I need you to sign these papers," Mr. Rossetti told him. "Then everything changes."
~~~~magical tiME SKIP~~~~
Remy POV
I stared up at the three story townhouse with a smile. It's finally done being renovated, and just in time for Emile's birthday. I've been keeping this a surprise from Emile for almost seven months now.
After the funeral, Emery and I talked. He was happy with getting the Estate and honestly, I'm fine with just the money. Of course I miss Grace and Charles but I wouldn't be able to do this without all the money. I feel horrible for feeling like this.
I'm tired of living in that crappy apartment and I promised Emile I'd move us out as soon as I had a house. The time has finally come and it makes it even better that today is Emile's birthday.
"Okay babe," I said, turning back to the car and helping Emile step out of the car. "Time to see the new house."
Emile smiled, still holding his hands over his eyes with a smile on his face. This is it. No more crappy apartment. No more nights going hungry.
"Okay babe," I said, putting my hands on his shoulders and looking up at the house. "Look."
He quickly removes his hands from his eyes. Then he gasped and covered his mouth with his hand. I looked up at the house with him.
The house was three stories including a basement. It was on the end of the row of townhouses so it was better than the others. It was painted a light grey with white shutters and a white door.
But the basement had been renovated into a bar where I planned to work. The first floor was now a cafe and a both the bar and cafe are registered at LGBTQ+ safe spaces. The top two floors were there actual house.
"I know it doesn't look like much from the outside right now," I said. "I wanted to wait for you to decorate the outside."
"Remy this is amazing," Emile breathed.
"The basement is a gay bar and the first floor is a cafe," I reminded him. "Wanna see that first or the house."
"The house," Emile said excitedly. He turned around and pressed a passionate kiss to my lips.
"The front door is in the back," I told him.
We walked hand in hand down the sidewalk to the back of the house. There was a garage for us and a long driveway full of garages for the other townhouses.
I opened the garage and headed to the stairs in the back, they led up to a little patio and garden on top of the garage. Another white front door led into the house.
Emile grabbed my hands and quickly headed to the door. He pushed it open and stepped inside. It led to an open concept living room and kitchen. To our right was a curved staircase up to the second floor. To our left was a bookshelf and a large comfy chair.
At the far end of the first floor was a really nice kitchen and island. Then a six person table. Then a large comfy couch on one side and a tv on the wall. A coffee table between them. The floor was hardwood with a large rug in the living room.
"Oh my goodness Remy this is amazing!" Emile squealed, pulling me in for a tight hug. I gave him a quick kiss, unable to stop myself from smiling.
"I'm glad you like it," I told him, leaning my forehead against him.
For a while we stayed like that. But then Emile pulled away quickly and ran up to the stairs to the second floor. The stairs led to a loft and hallway. There were four doors. The master bedroom which was the closest, a bathroom and then two guest bedrooms.
Emile looked in every room, saving the master bedroom for last. I just smiled and watched him from the stairs. Then he opened the master bedroom and I followed him.
Inside was a large grey bed with lots of pillows. A master bathroom to the right and closets to the left. There was a large window over the bed.
"This room is soundproof," I told him, pushing Emile down on the bed. "Wanna break in the house."
"Yes," Emile mumbled, pulling me down for a kiss.
~~~magical time skip~~~~
Emile POV
Finally. After months of begging Remy and more months of classes, Remy and I are finally eligible to adopt a child.
"Today's the day!" I squealed, grabbing Remy's arm.
"Shit Emile you're gonna make me crash!" He yelled, shrugging off my arm.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I apologized. "I'm just so excited!"
"Yeah I know, you haven't shut up since we woke up," Remy sighed.
"Aren't you excited?" I asked.
"I still stand by my belief," He mumbled, refusing to look at me.
"Remy," I said, resting my hand on his arm. "You're not going to be a bad dad. You're not your mom."
"We don't know that yet," Remy whispered. I sighed and slid my hand into his, gently running my fingers over his knuckles.
It's been a full year since we moved into our new house. Our business has taken off and it brings in so much money each month.
Remy loves being a bartender, especially for a gay bar. It makes him happy, especially now that we have employees and Remy doesn't have to work the bar as much anymore.
I graduated and was almost instantly given a job at the therapy center in the city due to how I was top of my class. I specialize in couples therapy but I also do normal sessions and work a lot with teens struggling with their sexuality and gender.
I also run the cafe. Quinn works there part time so that he has a job but not a super demanding one. The bar and cafe is called Rem&Em's Bar and Cafe.
"How many kids are we gonna adopt?" I asked.
"One," Remy said sternly. "And it's not going to be a baby. They're too loud and way too much work to take care of."
"That's okay," I agreed.
We pulled into the parking lot of the city's adoption center. I got out of the car pretty quickly and led the way up to the front doors. Remy followed, slipping his hands into mine.
Remy pushed open the door for me and then signed us in with the receptionist. Then we headed down the hallway towards the main room where all the children were.
"Imma run to the bathroom real quick," Remy said. "You go on without me."
"Okay," I said, not paying too much attention. There were lots of adult milling around along with younger kids running down the halls.
I made my way down the hall, clutching my bag to my side. There were surprisingly a lot of people here during this visit day. But I guess that's pretty good.
Lots of door into small bedrooms were open. But something in a bedroom caught my eye. There was a teenager there with haphazardly cut short dark brown hair and green eyes. They were binding but in a way that wasn't safe.
I knocked on the door, getting their attention in the mirror they were looking in. They looked at me, eyes narrowing and a slight blush on their face.
"Hi, sorry, I don't mean to intrude, but," I started awkwardly. "I couldn't help but notice that you're binding in a way that's going to get pretty painful soon and that's really bad for you're spine."
"Yeah, sure, what do you know boomer?" They asked in an angry voice.
"I don't think I'm that much older than you," I laughed. "And I'm a therapist and I work with a lot of transitioning teenagers. It's kinda my job to know."
"I...uh..." The mumbled. "Okay I don't know how but I don't want some random dude teaching me."
"That's understandable but I would suggest wearing multiple sports bras to start before actually trying to bind," I advised, not being able to help myself.
"Thanks," They mumbled.
"I'm Emile Picani," I said cheerfully, holding out my hand. "Do you how do?"
"You're weird," The commented but then shook my hand. "I'm Carolyn Gryme but I prefer the name Colton and I'm a boy so don't fucking call me a girl."
"I won't," I promised. "Colton's a nice name, can't think of anywhere where I've heard that before."
"You're really weird," He said again.
"Yeah, I get that a lot," I laughed.
"How old are you?" He asked.
"I'm only 27," I told him. "And you?"
"I'm sixteen," Colton answered.
Then I felt a presence behind me. I turned to see another person standing there. They were much shorter than me but look similar to Colton. Short dark brown hair but with brown eyes.
"Colton...wh...why's there a st-str-stranger in our r-room?" They asked in a very timid voice. I noticed a stutter right away. I wonder if it's nervousness or a speech impairment.
"He's just leaving," Colton said with a glare.
But I ignored them and turned to the smaller one. I smiled but they seemed really anxious. I think they have an anxiety disorder. They were wearing black leggings and a large dark blue hoodie.
"I'm Emile Picani," I introduced myself. "I'm here with my husband Remy and we're looking for a kid to adopt. I'm a therapist and I just stopped in here to give advice on binding."
"Wh...what?" They mumbled.
"Sorry I can be a handful," I laughed. They smiled a bit at that.
"Hey, fuck off," Colton said, stepping in front of the other.
"Am I not allowed to talk to them?" I asked.
"Why are you saying 'them'? Do ya know something?" He asked, getting defensive of the smaller.
"I just call everyone that until I know they're preferred pronouns," I explained. I think Colton has anger issues. "Are you too siblings?"
"How'd you know?" Colton asked, seeming to relax after my first statement.
"You two look similar, you're blatantly protective and defensive of this one and I'm guessing you're the older sibling." I said. "Again, I'm a therapist and it's my job to notice things, put together the pieces and make inferences."
"I...I'm Pandora," The smaller one said, stepping forward. "I'm non-binary and on-only fifteen and I-I'm sorry about m...my stutter."
"Nice to meet you Pandora," I told them. "And I don't mind
"Fine we're siblings but that doesn't mean we trust you," Colton said. "Why are you being so nice?"
"You two seem like you could use some niceness in you're life." I told them.
I think these two are a product of an abusive and homophobic home. The protectiveness that Colton has over Pandora and his slight limp. The nervousness that Pandora has and the stutter. How defensive Colton became over his preferred gender.
"So you're not...disgusted by us?" Colton asked.
"Why would I be disgusted by you two wanting to be in you're preferred bodies?" I asked gently. "I work with plenty of teens like you two."
"Would y-you adopt...us?" Pandora asked, looking up at me.
"I'd have to talk to my husband first," I answered. "Where did he go."
I grabbed my phone, only now realizing that Remy had sent my many texts. He was lost and he couldn't find me. I quickly gave him directions to the room I was in.
A couple minutes of awkward silence later and then Remy was there. He gave me a quick kiss, apologizing softly for getting lost.
"Meet Colton and Pandora," I said, motioning to the two. Remy nodded, pushing his sunglasses up on top of his head.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Remy Picani," Remy introduced himself. "I see you've met my husband."
"Uh, yeah," Colton mumbled. "What are you like? I know Emile's a therapist and he's extremely weird and extravagant." Remy burst into laughter at that.
"I'm the gayest, sassiest bitch you're ever gonna meet," Remy laughed. "And Emile's just hyper because he's excited."
"Maybe you two aren't as bad as I first thought," Colton said.
"Then let's talk adoption," Remy said.
~~~magical time skip~~~
"Do you have everything packed?" I asked Pandora and Colton.
They looked around the bare room for a few seconds but then turned back to me. Remy walked back into the room, done carrying all the bags out to our car.
After many months of meetings, home visits, and lots of paperwork, Colton and Pandora we're officially adopted by Remy and I. I've learned a lot about these two.
Pandora seems to like me a lot, confiding in me about any dysphoria, asking for advice and just in general seeming to feel at ease around me. They still seem a little nervous around Remy but he is pretty loud.
They hate their stutter but it causes headaches to try to fight it off. Pandora was born male but told me they always felt that they were non-binary. They're incredibly shy and timid, reminding me a lot of Quinn. They also get pretty bad panic attacks and yelling tends to trigger the attacks.
Pandora also opened up to be about their birth parents and original home. And it honestly reminded me of Quinn's childhood. Extremely abusive and manipulative parents. Beat both of them and often locked them in their rooms for days on end without food. It only got worse when they came out as their preferred genders.
Colton and Remy get along amazingly. I learned he got his limp from when his birth parents beat him badly for coming out at trans and badly breaking the bone. They didn't let him go to the hospital and that caused it to heal wrong.
But he doesn't let it stop him. He's very adventurous and outgoing. He does have anger issues and often snaps at people and curses. He obviously idolizes Remy, even admitting that Remy was a lot like how he wanted to be. Confident.
"I'm ready to go home," Colton said with a smile. Pandora nodded along.
I smiled and let Remy lead the way back to the car. We all got in and a half hour later, we were home. I grabbed my phone to order some pizza while Remy and Colton dragged all the luggage upstairs to the two other bedrooms.
Once the pizza was ordered, I sat down my phone and sighed. Today's been a long day. Suddenly someone leaned against me and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.
"I'm tired baby," Remy whined.
"I'm tired too," I mumbled. "But today was fun."
"You're not the one building shelves and putting together beds," He growled, glaring angrily at the Ikea boxes by the front door.
"But now we have a family," I said happily.
"I guess we do," Remy laughed, giving me a kiss.
"S-sorry," Squeaked a soft voice. We both turned to see Pandora standing at the stairs. "Uh...Emile c...can we talk?"
"Yeah, of course," I told them. I gave Emile another kiss and then followed Pandora up to their bedroom.
The room was coming along nicely, lots of darker shades with white carpeting and lots of plants. We sat down on their bed.
"S-So, Uh...I had a qu...question," They mumbled.
"You can asked my anything," I told them gently.
"Could...could I may-maybe start therapy?" They asked incredibly softly.
"Of course you can," I answered. "You can go where I work. Would you rather it be a different therapist or would you rather me?"
"M-Maybe some...someone else at f-first," They answered.
"I'll make some calls then," I promised with a smile. "Is that all?"
"N-Not really," The stuttered. "But...but it's n-not my business."
"Is there something wrong with Colton?" I asked.
"I...I'm just worried about h-him," Pandora sighed. "He d-doesn't eat enough because h-he thinks it'll get r...rid of the...the...curves...I g-guess. It's not healthy and the...the anger issues h-he has. He's a-still really hurt by...by our birth parents and h-he isn't moving on."
"The process of moving on is extremely long," I told them. "But the other thing is worrying. I'll talk to him and try to set up a session for him."
"G-Good luck," Pandora laughed.
"C'mon, pizza for dinner," I said, standing up. "Let's celebrate being a family."
It's been three years since adopting Pandora and Colton. Besides the occasional family argument, everything has been going pretty well.
Pandora and Remy are actually getting along now. Colton has fully transition and I couldn't be more proud of him. The cafe and bar have been doing pretty well.
It's senior year for Colton and he's working on college application. Despite adopting two teens that were only ten or so years younger than myself, I still feel like their my children. I don't want to see them leave the house.
Both of them had to restart high school. Neither had a proper education with their birth parents or the adoption agency. But we manage.
I cried the first time Colton and Pandora called my dad. It just started happening one day after they got home from school. Remy didn't cry but I could tell he was extremely happy and proud.
"I'm glad I didn't go to work today," Remy said, pressing kisses all over my bare chest.
Whenever I don't have any sessions to go to, Remy usually stays home that day too. There's no one to stop us anyway since we have employees and we're our own bosses. It only helps that the kids had school today.
So that means lots of cuddling and sex for Remy and I on days like this. The tv was playing a horror movie but neither of us were really watching it, too caught up in each other to pay attention.
"I'm glad you stayed home too," I mumbled between kisses.
"These are the best days," Remy sighed happily, rolling over so that I was straddling him. I started to give Remy a lap dance and we were both horny very quickly due to both being naked already. But then the front door opened.
"Hey dads!" Colton's voice echoed through the house. "We're home! Pandora has news!"
I whined and moved to lay down next to Remy. We just stared at each other for a bit in silence, somehow communicating. Neither of us wanted to leave the warm bed and tangle of each other's bare limbs.
"We have to go," I finally mumbled.
"I expect this to be finished before bed," Remy said, pushing himself up.
We both got out of the bed, me on more shaky legs. Slowly we got dressed, stopping many times to kiss. But eventually we headed downstairs.
Pandora and Colton were standing in the kitchen, the two of them raiding the fridge for snacks. I sat down at the table quickly, not wanting Colton and Pandora to know.
"Pandora has news," Colton said again, nudging them.
"What's going on?" Remy asked, resting his forearms on my shoulders.
"Uh...I...I don't kn-know I'd you'll be happy about I," Pandora said softly, ringing their hands nervously.
"I'm sure it's not that bad," I said in a calming manner.
"Okay, um, I...I have a...a boyfriend now," Pandora said.
~~~to be continued~~~
~~~~sorry this is being split into three chapters, it would've only been two but then you guys really wanted Remile to have kids so I wrote that~~~
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