Heckity heck, I crave death


my babyyyyy look at hiiiiimmmmmm 🖤🖤

who else here is a severe pyrophobic (fear of fire)

because I am and my parents act like it's the most ridiculous thing

I noticed a lot of you guys agreeing with Quinn last chapter when he said he was afraid of the oven

A reference from the Moving On video is in this chapter, let's see who finds it first


Roman POV
I slowly became aware that I was waking up.  But I didn't want to open my eyes.  Everything was uncomfortable.

My suit that I was still in for some reason was incredibly itchy and uncomfortable.  Their were way too many blankets on me.  I had a pounding migraine in my forehead.

"Virgil," I mumbled, feeling his presence next to me.

He rolled over, already awake and scrolling through tumblr on the phone my parents bought him for Christmas. Virgil has already changed into lazy clothes but he still looked exhausted.

"What's wrong?"  He asked, propping himself up on his elbow. 

"My head hurts,"  I complained, rubbing my eyes.

"Well no shit," Virgil laughed. "You were drunk off your ass last night."

"How bad?" I asked, gratefully taking the Advil and water that Virgil handed me.

"Do you remember anything?" He countered, not answering my question. There was a frown and a worried expression on his face.

I stayed silent and thought for a bit. Slowly things started coming back to me in flashes. Having a great time at the party and getting pretty drunk.

Then the happiness changed a bit. Drunk me went to Virgil but sober me watching through my memories instantly recognized that it was Jackson.

He got me drunk and the last thing I remember was being asked to go upstairs. I couldn't remember if I agreed or not. A panic filled me.

"Did Jackson rape me?" I whispered, looking wide eyed at the ceiling. My hands clenched into fists around the sheets.

"No, you realized and I found you crying in the kitchen," Virgil explained. "Do you remember that?"

"Nothing else," I sighed.

"You said 'let's have sex' to me once I dragged your drunk ass up here," He laughed.

"Oh my fucking god," I grumbled, placing my hands over my blushing face. "I'm so sorry Virgil."

"It's okay, you fell asleep the second I got you into bed," He told me gently.

"That's good," I whispered, but then I realized what I said. "Not that I don't want to have sex with you, I'd love to eventually, but I was drunk and I'd like to remember our first time..."

I trailed of while Virgil gave me an amused expression with his eyebrow raised. I sighed and blushed again.

"And I made it awkward again," I sighed.

"Ya sure did princey," Virgil laughed.

I slowly forced myself to sit up and throw the blankets off myself. I am way too hot in this suit. Both ways.

"I want out of this suit right now and I need a shower and more water and...oh I don't know, I just need to be pampered right now," I said, already trying to get out of my suit.

"Well I'm not your servant," Virgil told me, helping me out of my suit. "So you're not laying in bed all day while I wait on your every need."

"You're so mean," I whined while forcing myself to stand up. I stripped of my pants and was left in my boxers.

I pretended not to notice Virgil staring while I searched for sweatpants and a clean shirt. A light blush dusted across his cheeks.

"You need food," Virgil commented with a worried frown.

"I'm pretty sure I'd throw up if I ate anything," I mumbled. This is going to be a bad hangover.

"Ro, you are still underweight," He chastised. "And then you drank half your weight in alcohol last night."

"Fine," I pouted.

"Roman! Remus!" Mom's angry voice screamed from downstairs. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HOUSE?!"

"Shit!" I exclaimed. "I forgot to clean."

"Remus!" Dad yelled next. "Get your ass back in here!"

I heard laughter from outside. Virgil and I looked out the window just in time to see Remus, Damien, Quinn and Evan running around the house to the driveway.

"Well this is just great! Fantastic! Perfect! No one wants to help me clean up!" I yelled sarcastically.

"I'm right here," Virgil said.

"We better get down their quickly and clean up the collateral damage," I sighed, not too excited.

I led the way downstairs. My head and stomach were killing. I'm dead. It'll be weeks of grounding for me now.

Mom was standing at the island while tapping her foot. She was very obviously pissed. The look she gave me when I walked in confirmed that I'm a dead man walking.

"What were the three rules I gave you?" She asked me.

"No alcohol, no one upstairs, and clean up afterwards," I sighed, mentally preparing for the lecture.

A whole fifteen minutes later, Mom and Da finally finished yelling at me about being irresponsible, trust, and all the negative effects of alcohol.

"Well that was an adventure," Virgil sighed, sweeping empty bottles off the island and into the trash.

"You can say that again," I joked half heartedly.

I was about to continue talking when the front door opened. Damien came storming in with actual tears flowing down his face. I don't think I've ever seen him cry before.

"Woah, Damien, what happened?" Virgil asked worriedly.


Damien POV
"You don't recognize your own father Dee?" The man asked. "Surprise, I'm home."

Instantly my mind was flooded with horrible memories of what happened three years ago. Being stabbed multiple times. Having my fave cut up. The scars started to burn with phantom pain.

Harold Atticus.

My dad.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" He asked with a sickly sweet smile. "Son."

I could barely process the question. I just stared at him in absolute shock and horror. I thought I wouldn't have to see him again.

He had grown older since I last saw him three years ago. The dark brown hair on his head had begun to grey. There were more wrinkles on his face than I remembered.

Otherwise he looked the same. All black suit. The same hateful look in his eyes while he stared at me. His brown eyes that were exactly like mine. The air of power and prejudice that surrounded him.

"What...how...?" Was all I could choke out.

"Managed to pay off my sentence," He purred with a sly smile. "Aren't you happy to see me Dee?"

I couldn't handle it. At my name, I turned and bolted. I heard my boyfriends following me but I didn't stop.

~~~end of flashback~~~

Roman POV
"My dad's home," Damien choked out, actually sobbing. Remus, Quinn and Evan followed, all seemed to be extremely worried.

"Holy shit," Virgil breathes, obviously knowing something I didn't. "How?!"

"Money," Damien hissed angrily despite the tears.

"What happened with your dad?" I asked.

"The scars Ro...on his face," Virgil mumbled.

"Oh," I breathed. I always wondered how he got those scars.

"He's going to try to kill me again," Damien cried falling to his knees.

"No he's not, you've been getting better and you're an adult now..." Virgil tried to comfort him.

"No I haven't," Damien whispered. "Virgil you know what's wrong with me."

"Yeah, you're bipolar but you're better now," Virgil answered.

"And..." Damien numbed.

"You're a compulsive liar," Virgil answered softly.

"He knows everything about me and he's going to use it against me to hurt me," Damien said with a chocked sob.

"Like what?" Virgil asked. "There's nothing he can do."

"Yes there is," Damien admitted. "I've been lying about everything."

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