Chapter 52
"What exactly happened while I was out?"
I asked Roman as he walked towards me.
It was now Sunday , he had spent all week babying me. He didn't let me leave the bed unless it was for a nice long bath before which was my morning sickness.
Roman had googled it and for some women it only affected them until about three months into the pregnancy and I hoped I would be one of them as I felt horrible.
I wanted him so badly its like he was torturing me walking out of the bathroom in his towel draped around him each time. I didn't let him know though as I wasn't sure if he'd want to..
Aaron and his goons were roaming wherever and yet I was worried about my sex life.
"What do you mean?"
"I find it weird that everything was randomly sorted once I woke up" I narrowed my eyes and he shrugged.
"Ah you're awake !" Randy and Shane walked over to hug me and I smiled brightly as I was still happy due to the baby news.
While the rest of my family stood awkwardly in front of me. Paul sporting a blue eye which I remembered was probably a result of being punched by Roman.
I honestly didn't even know that they were here as I remembered Shane and Randy coming after us before everything just became a blur.
"So you guys don't need to be concerned the doctor simply said that she has just been having too much stress and not been eating properly so she has to take it easy.."
"What stress ? You've been at home for all this time.. We even had to push back your return as Roman said you weren't ready" I glanced over at Roman as we hadn't discussed what went on while I was gone.
"I wasn't ready as I was too anxious when I tried training again, that's when I hurt my arm a couple weeks ago as well.. I'm just rusty that's all"
I hated that I wasn't wrestling any longer, I knew my dad loved it as neither Shane nor Stephanie were wrestling any longer so he liked that he had a McMahon in the ring, a McMahon publicly running the show and another privately running it but all I had done was basically disappear.
"I'm sorry dad .. I know you love when I wrestle and now I can't and "
I could feel my tears falling again and Roman mouthed 'hormones' to me with a smirk as my dad hugged me.
"Its okay sweetie, don't worry you'll be headlining Wrestlemania before you know it. Just a bit more practice"
I nodded.
"Anyway so please I would appreciate it if everything that happened today not happen again " he narrowed his eyes at Randy and Paul and I felt like I was missing something.
Each of them smiled while I was completely lost.
He leaned down and kissed my forehead as he leaned over me with his hands placed next to each side of me as I sat against the wall while I wanted so much more..
"I'll be back on Wednesday so you can take off your cast..."
"Don't you have Smackdown on Tuesday?"
"So?" He looked at me as if I wasn't making sense.
"With the time difference.. I don't want you pushing yourself just to be with me"
I sighed.
"Did you just hear yourself Mia?" He laughed a bit and shook his head.
"Its to be with you!" He nudged his nose over mine and I smiled.
"Do you even want to be with me?"
"What do you mean I'm.." he raised his eyebrow as I could see the confusion.
"No I mean" I said slowly so he could realize what I meant.
"What kind of a question is that ? of course! I just wanted to give you some time you know the doctor said you need to take it easy and we both know with my skills in bed..."
I burst out laughing and he kissed me as we both smiled into the kiss.
This was my Tarzan I had a million things to be concerned about but he could make them all go away with his silliness.
"I'm still trying to get used to this.."
He whispered.
"What?" He ran his fingers through my hair.
"The whole blonde short look" he shrugged.
"I mean while you were blonde before , your hair has never been short.. I'm sure Renee will like it" he smiled.
"You don't?"
"I do.. Its just going to take awhile"
"I don't like it that much, I just did it so in case Aaron found me he'd be looking for purple locks and not this" I shrugged.
He sighed as he looked the other way and then looked at me.
"When did you go off the pill?" He asked as his hand crept up to my tummy and he gently rubbed the barely there bump that made me look like I was simply bloated.
"I never really.. These last .. Ever since I woke up I haven't been on it" I bit my lip and he looked up at me.
"What do you mean?"
"When I woke up it wasn't really the first thing on my mind and everything else happened I just forgot.." I shrugged.
"You could have been pregnant while wrestling and.."
He frowned and I looked away as I know I shouldn't have forgotten something like that, "you know what it doesn't matter.. You are now and you are here with me so is little Anoa'I " he smiled.
"Little Anoa'I ?" I smiled.
"What a bride I'll be .. With a big bump and swollen feet and.."
"You are going to be beautiful baby girl even if you'll be about 5months pregnant then.." He smirked.
"You are biased.. You'd think I'd make a good bride at 9 months!" He laughed.
"I doubt I could wait any longer for you to be Mrs Anoa'I " he smiled brightly and I moved forward and kissed his lips gently and he leaned his forehead against mine as he broke it.
"I love you Future Mrs Anoa'i"
"I love you future husband" I smiled.
"Come on .. Close your eyes and get some rest before I forget about doctor's orders and take you right now" he stood up and grabbed a sweatpants and headed back into the bathroom denying me the view of Roman in his birthday suit.
I heard a loud noise as something fell and my eyes immediately darted open and I sat up.
I saw the room was a complete mess and my heart stopped.
"Roman.." I whispered but then cleared my throat.
Still no answer.
I could feel my heart slowly beginning to race as I needed to hear his voice.
I stood up being careful not to step on anything I saw the front door wide open as the rest of the house looked fine and I was seriously confused.
But relief flooded over me as Roman burst through the front door.
His eyes looked wild and he was out of breath..
"Roman what's..." I was cut off as he breath out something.
"Who? Roman what happened?"
He slammed the door closed.
"He fucking put cameras in our home Mia"
I raised my eyebrow and Roman went over to the kitchen counter and showed me a small black thing with a camera inside it.
"I switched it off.. " He said as he looked it at it and he then threw it on the floor smashing it with his feet.
I realized it was still dark outside which meant it must've been the early hours of Monday morning.
"What were you even doing up?"
He sighed as he breath in slowly to calm himself.
"I.. I was busy cleaning up the kitchen and I had slipped off my engagement ring and placed it on top of the kitchen cupboards and when I tried to get it I pushed it back and I got onto the counter and I didn't just see my ring I saw that thing. "
He leaned forward and ran his hands through his hair.
I tried not to get worked up as I didn't want to end up back in the hospital but he was watching me , he definitely knew I was back.
"Its the only one in the house.. I checked everywhere"
"Roman.. Come to bed please.. I thought something happened to you when I didn't hear.." He finally looked at me and pulled me into a hug, clutching me tightly against him.
"I'm going to get him Mia.. He thinks he can come into my home and.."
I held him tighter and he kissed the top of my head and I closed my eyes as I prayed he would calm down.
"I'm not leaving you alone, I'm calling Paul and telling him I.."
"And say what Roman? That you can't come to work because you have to protect me from Aaron?"
"I can't leave you here alone Mia.. Not when he can clearly get into our house.. I mean how else could he have gotten your phone as well.. I can't"
"We can call Shane .. He'll be here..."
I tried to reassure as him missing work would be weird especially since he had a major storyline.
"But he doesn't know Mia , what's he going to do if.."
"Roman it will be okay , just trust me.."
"You've been keeping this from me for months , disguising your bruises as accidents how am I suppose to..." He shook his head.
"I don't want to fight with you Roman. I said I was sorry for lying and I meant it I..."
"I know Mia I just I want to be here with you.. The last time I came back from a show you.."
He didn't finish as he gazed into my eyes and traced his thumb over my cheek.
"The last time you came back, you didn't know about Aaron, my secret affair with Paul wasn't exposed, we didn't know that I was pregnant or well close to being... A lot happened since then but you and I are the same we were before you left for the show then. We are engaged "
"I'm yours and you're mine baby girl" I nodded.
"Come on you have a flight at 11.. You need to get some rest please?" I walked ahead and felt him hug me from behind.
"How are we going to explain this mess to Shane?" He whispered as we entered the room.
"Frustrations of a guy who hasn't gotten laid in awhile" I teased.
"That's believable " he laughed and I loved hearing it fill my ear.
I needed more Mia and Roman chapters I missed them lol...
So Roman found the camera????
Hope yo liked this sort of filler chapter <3
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