Chapter I

It was the strangest thing that ever happened to me. It's funny almost. I mean, anyone could have been in that car, and it was him. I didn't know him prior to the incident. Even shortly afterwards I didn't know, I just knew it was a guy. It wasn't until I was released I met him.

After that, well, it's kind of complicated...
I was just driving down the highway on my way to a local coffee shop. I had just gotten hired there two weeks ago and it was actually pretty fun. My best friend Jax worked there, so we messed around a lot. Purposely misspelling people's names, trying to outdo each other in how fast we made our drinks. We just always had a blast. Our friend Kira came in all the time, so we'd always spell her name "Chirra" which always made us laugh.

I was driving down the far right lane because I was getting off at the next exit. I remember there being a black car in the lane to my left and a semi-truck next to that car.

I don't remember exactly how this happened, but I was later told that the semi-truck began merging into the black car's lane, but it was going to end up hitting the black car. So the black car swerved over in my lane, banging into my blue Chevy.

I think I might of blacked out. Because I remember the black car honking, but after that the next thing I remember is laying in my car.

Even though I don't remember any of this, someone told me my car flipped over into the ditch on the side of the highway. My poor car ended up on it's side, with me at the bottom.

I later found out that the semi-truck did end up hitting the black car, which just turned onto it's side with the driver at the top.

What I do remember is sitting there, my seat belt was rubbing up against my neck, but I didn't remove it out of fear that my head was injured. I couldn't feel any pain, but I did see that my black leggings were stained with blood. I could also see just how scratched up my left arms was.

Blood started falling off the left side of my arm. It was then that I realized my car was on it's side.

I coughed a little bit, and I tasted a tad bit of blood. Oh no, I thought. This is it, I'm going to choke to death on my own blood. Great. Thanks God, see you soon.

Then I heard sirens and the screeching of tires. I could also hear what sounded like two helicopters flying above. Maybe more, because I'm guessing that there's also a news chopper.

I don't know how long I sat there like that. But next thing I know I hear this voice say to me "Ma'am are you okay?"

"Yeah...yeah I'm okay." I said, my voice was very shaky. The man then told me that they were going to flip the car upright here soon so they can get me out.

At the time I didn't really understand what he meant. I just thought he was some random guy that just so happened to be driving down the side of the road (he was actually a police officer). Then again, I was still trying to comprehend the fact that I was in a car accident. For me, it happened so fast that if felt as if my car was parked on its side in a ditch.

The man kept talking to me. He asked me my name. "Phoebe...Wolfe." He asked for my age. "Eighteen." Where I had been heading. "Work."

"Hang on there Phoebe." The man said to me. I nodded, even though I'm pretty sure he couldn't see me. Then I hear people start counting down from five.

My body is then thrown to the right as I hear a big thunk! on the ground. I suddenly feel upright as officers try to break my door open. Eventually they do get it open, and that's when paramedics step in.

The first thing they do is cut my straps. Apparently my arms looked bad and they didn't want to risk breaking something or injuring it even further.

They pull me out and I immediately am placed on a stretcher. They get a neck brace on me and begin walking me over to the helicopter.

"Phoebe!" I hear my mom gasp. She is then next to the stretcher and just staring at me in awe. I'm sure she was thinking "How could anyone survive that?" By the looks of my car, I really don't blame them.

They did end up air lifting me to the hospital. The nearest hospital was thirty miles north and they didn't want to waste anytime on the streets.

When we started flying the paramedics began wrapping up my leg. "Ahh." I said in pain as a paramedic lifted my left hand.

"I'm sorry ma'am." The paramedic told me and then turn to his partner. "Definitely a broken wrist. I'm just going to guess that the upper is just scratched, but I think they should check that in surgery when she's asleep."

"Her leg is pretty busted. If that doesn't get taken care of it could end up being amputated." The woman responded to the man.

"Amputated?" I asked, raising my head a little bit.

"Woah ma'am, just relax. It will all be okay." The paramedic man said as he helped lay me back down.

"We'll tell them to work on her leg right away. We could save it, but we'd have to hurry." I hear the woman say before I finally fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. Everything was really calm around me, which made me feel strange. I had been surrounded by chaos last time I was awake, and the sudden change was almost uncomfortable.

I sit up and take a look around. Nobody is in the room, it's just me. I notice it's dark outside, and the clock to my right says it's 3:57 AM.

I've been out for a while. I think to myself. Wasn't it 3:30 when I crashed? Huh, I've been out for nearly twelve hours.

Next to the clock is a iPhone. My iPhone. It's cracked at the bottom of the screen, which is pretty good for a car crash.

"We might have to amputate it..."

I reach out to my covers and pull off the left bottom part. My leg is still there. Then I check the other corner. That leg is still there as well.

The world lifted off my shoulders.

There was wraps on my right hand from my palm to half way down my forearm. There was a metal piece under the wraps, I'm guessing to keep my wrist straight. The paramedic did say it was broken.

"Hello." I finally say. I was quiet at first, considering it was four in the morning. When I didn't get a response I spoke a little louder: "Hello."

No one came, so I give in and grab my phone with my right hand and open it up. I get on our local news website and go to the recent stories.

There it is. "Accident Heading West on State Route 2." I click on the article. There's the picture of the accident. My poor blue Chevy. The driver's side was on the ground, the passenger side in the air. So I know I'm in this picture because they flipped the car before getting me out.

The top of the car was scratched horribly from when I was flipped upside down for a split second.

Then I saw the second car. It was upright. It looked as if no one was in the driver's side though, so they've already removed them.

I didn't want to read the article. They're always so matter-of-factly. I guess they're suppose to be that way, but they never seem to show remorse for the victims.

Then I gave in and went back to sleep.

In the morning my younger sister Ryan was sitting in the chair across from the bed. "Ryan." I say. Ryan looks up from her book and immediately closes it. She gets up and walks over beside my bed.

"Can you get me a nurse, or a doctor, or whoever you can get?" I asked her.

"Sure thing." Ryan tells me. She walks out of the door and comes back a minute later with a nurse and a doctor.

"Hello Phoebe. I'm Dr. James, this is Nurse Kenzie. How are you feeling?" Dr. James says. She had thick brown hair that was tied back and semi-dark skin.

"I'm feeling, good, I guess." I answered. "Um, I just have a couple questions."

"Ask away." Dr. James said.

"Who was in the other car?"

"A boy, twenty years old. I don't know exactly what happened to him but I hear he's alive and well." Dr. James tells me. "But as for you, your wrist was broken so bad that your hand was off center. Then as for your leg, you just cut it and bruised it."

"But the paramedics said that they might have to amputate it." I told her.

"Sometimes it's hard for paramedics to tell what's going on. By the way your leg looked it seemed as if it was going to rot from the inside out." Dr. James explained. "It's a good thing you're up, we should go get a cast for your wrist. Kenzie, let's go get the tools. Any color preference?"

"Uh, black will work. Thank you." I answered.

"Okay, we'll be right back with that." Dr. James told me. Kenzie smiled at me as they both walked out of the room.

"Do you know how ticked Audrey was when we said that she had to go with mom on her errands while I came here." Ryan told me. I laughed.

"How long was I in the car before they got me out, do you know?" I asked Ryan.

"Yeah, about half an hour. What I found funny was they just assumed you were severely injured instead of checking and then sending out helicopters." Ryan explained. "You're head looked messed up."

"What?" I asked and lifted my hand up to my head. That's when I felt the wrap that went around my forehead.

"Yeah you were all bruised and cut. It was purely disgusting." Ryan said with a chuckle.

Dr. James came in with Kenzie holding the materials for a cast on a silver tray.

She first began with having me hold my arm at a 90 degree angle with my fingers together and my thumb up. They then added a stockinette on my thumb and then one from my palm down to the crease of my elbow. Next they wrapped wraps starting at the base of my wrist, up around my thumb and palm, and then down my arm.

While Dr. James was doing the wraps, Kenzie had dropped the first roll of black fiberglass into water and let it soak for half a minute. She then rang it out a little bit and handed the roll to Dr. James.

Dr. James followed the same pattern as the wrap. After the first layer, she rolled up the top bit of the stockinette. Then added a second layer of fiberglass, making sure to cover the corners of the stockinette.

"You're good Phoebe." Dr. James said to me.

"Thank you both." I responded.

"Anytime, kiddo. Take it easy." Dr. James smiled as she and Kenzie left.

"Out of all colors, you chose black." Ryan laughed. "Only you would do that, Phoebe, only you."

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