Moons 25-36

Moon 25
Cypressstripe was bit by a snake.
A patrol find a dog they drive it away
Carpwhisker saw a rabbit it was acting strange he caught it. But the cats who ate it became violently ill.
Fernheart saw a kittypet but she described clan life and scared her.

Dogstar - a medium-furred dark brown point tom

Appledust - a long-furred dark brown speckled she-cat


MEDICINE CAT: Lakebright- a short-furred dark grey tortle she-cat


Mudpath - a medium-furred brown speckled she-cat

Buckpelt - a long-furred light brown tabby she-cat

Carpwhisker - a long-furred ginger tom

Wrendapple-a long-furred dark grey rosetted she-cat

Nightclover - a medium-furred dark brown marbled tabby she-cat

Blotchfeather - a medium-furred black tabby tom

Antlerrappid a medium-furred black she-cat

Fernheart - a long-furred black she-cat

Cressstem - a short-furred ginger rosetted she-cat

Weeddrift - a long-fur gold rosset tom

Rabbitpaw - a medium-furred silver tabby tom

Deeppaw - a long-furred black tabby she-cat

Chestnutpaw - a medium-furred light brown tabby she-cat

ELDERS Cypressstripe - a short-furred light brown torbie point she-cat

  Rory - a medium-furred light brown torbie she-cat

Volecreek a medium-furred dark ginger smoke tom

Swanshine a medium-furred dark tom.


Moon 26
Buckpelt is injured after messing with a twoleg object
Appledust told Blotchfeather on patrol she had a vision from StarClan

Dogstar - a medium-furred dark brown point tom

Appledust - a long-furred dark brown speckled she-cat


MEDICINE CAT: Lakebright- a short-furred dark grey tortle she-cat


Mudpath - a medium-furred brown speckled she-cat

Buckpelt - a long-furred light brown tabby she-cat

Carpwhisker - a long-furred ginger tom

Wrendapple-a long-furred dark grey rosetted she-cat

Nightclover - a medium-furred dark brown marbled tabby she-cat

Blotchfeather - a medium-furred black tabby tom

Antlerrappid a medium-furred black she-cat

Fernheart - a long-furred black she-cat

Cressstem - a short-furred ginger rosetted she-cat

Weeddrift - a long-fur gold rosset tom

Rabbitpaw - a medium-furred silver tabby tom

Deeppaw - a long-furred black tabby she-cat

Chestnutpaw - a medium-furred light brown tabby she-cat

ELDERS Cypressstripe - a short-furred light brown torbie point she-cat

  Rory - a medium-furred light brown torbie she-cat

Volecreek a medium-furred dark ginger smoke tom

Swanshine a medium-furred dark tom.


Moon 27
Cypressstripe is injured by an enemy warrior after accidentally wondering over the border
Carpwhisker is caught breaking the warrior code
Volecreek find something interesting and decides to wear it on their pelt
Rabbitpaw wa sabiut to eat death berries but a patrol stops her
Carpwhisker had a vision
A patrol found a fox. The fox attacked the patrol to protect her cubs Deeppaw is injured

Dogstar - a medium-furred dark brown point tom

Appledust - a long-furred dark brown speckled she-cat


MEDICINE CAT: Lakebright- a short-furred dark grey tortle she-cat


Mudpath - a medium-furred brown speckled she-cat

Buckpelt - a long-furred light brown tabby she-cat

Carpwhisker - a long-furred ginger tom

Wrendapple-a long-furred dark grey rosetted she-cat

Nightclover - a medium-furred dark brown marbled tabby she-cat

Blotchfeather - a medium-furred black tabby tom

Antlerrappid a medium-furred black she-cat

Fernheart - a long-furred black she-cat

Cressstem - a short-furred ginger rosetted she-cat

Weeddrift - a long-fur gold rosset tom

Rabbitpaw - a medium-furred silver tabby tom

Deeppaw - a long-furred black tabby she-cat

Chestnutpaw - a medium-furred light brown tabby she-cat

ELDERS Cypressstripe - a short-furred light brown torbie point she-cat

  Rory - a medium-furred light brown torbie she-cat

Volecreek a medium-furred dark ginger smoke tom

Swanshine a medium-furred dark tom.


Moon 28
Appledust found a bunch of Pretty feathers and decides to wear them
Rabbitwind Deepstreak and Chestnutleg are now warriors.
A patrol find a twoleg nest twolev kits scare them away.
A patrol drives a fox away.
Rabbitwind a Fernheart are now  mates

Dogstar - a medium-furred dark brown point tom

Appledust - a long-furred dark brown speckled she-cat


MEDICINE CAT: Lakebright- a short-furred dark grey tortle she-cat


Mudpath - a medium-furred brown speckled she-cat

Buckpelt - a long-furred light brown tabby she-cat

Carpwhisker - a long-furred ginger tom

Wrendapple-a long-furred dark grey rosetted she-cat

Nightclover - a medium-furred dark brown marbled tabby she-cat

Blotchfeather - a medium-furred black tabby tom

Antlerrappid a medium-furred black she-cat

Fernheart - a long-furred black she-cat

Cressstem - a short-furred ginger rosetted she-cat

Weeddrift - a long-fur gold rosset tom

Rabbitwind - a medium-furred silver tabby tom

Deepstreak- a long-furred black tabby she-cat

Chestnutleg - a medium-furred light brown tabby she-cat


ELDERS Cypressstripe - a short-furred light brown torbie point she-cat

  Rory - a medium-furred light brown torbie she-cat

Volecreek a medium-furred dark ginger smoke tom

Swanshine a medium-furred dark tom.


Moon 29
Mudpath earned a scar fighting a rat
Chestnutleg and Weeddrift became mates.
A kittypet joins the clan
Antlerrappid almost ate death berries
Dogstar found an abandoned kit and took the back to cmap. The kit died a few dies later.

Dogstar - a medium-furred dark brown point tom

Appledust - a long-furred dark brown speckled she-cat


MEDICINE CAT: Lakebright- a short-furred dark grey tortle she-cat


Mudpath - a medium-furred brown speckled she-cat

Buckpelt - a long-furred light brown tabby she-cat

Carpwhisker - a long-furred ginger tom

Wrendapple-a long-furred dark grey rosetted she-cat

Nightclover - a medium-furred dark brown marbled tabby she-cat

Blotchfeather - a medium-furred black tabby tom

Antlerrappid a medium-furred black she-cat

Fernheart - a long-furred black she-cat

Cressstem - a short-furred ginger rosetted she-cat

Weeddrift - a long-fur gold rosset tom

Rabbitwind - a medium-furred silver tabby tom

Deepstreak- a long-furred black tabby she-cat

Chestnutleg - a medium-furred light brown tabby she-cat


ELDERS Cypressstripe - a short-furred light brown torbie point she-cat

  Rory - a medium-furred light brown torbie she-cat

Volecreek a medium-furred dark ginger smoke tom

Swanshine a medium-furred dark tom.



Moon 30
Cressstem went missing for a few days
Antlerrappid murdered Chestnutleg Chestnutleg died at 14 moons old.

Dogstar - a medium-furred dark brown point tom

Appledust - a long-furred dark brown speckled she-cat


MEDICINE CAT: Lakebright- a short-furred dark grey tortle she-cat


Mudpath - a medium-furred brown speckled she-cat

Buckpelt - a long-furred light brown tabby she-cat

Carpwhisker - a long-furred ginger tom

Milkbush- Ginger spotted tabby

Wrendapple-a long-furred dark grey rosetted she-cat

Nightclover - a medium-furred dark brown marbled tabby she-cat

Blotchfeather - a medium-furred black tabby tom

Antlerrappid a medium-furred black she-cat

Fernheart - a long-furred black she-cat

Cressstem - a short-furred ginger rosetted she-cat

Weeddrift - a long-fur gold rosset tom

Rabbitwind - a medium-furred silver tabby tom

Deepstreak- a long-furred black tabby she-cat


ELDERS Cypressstripe - a short-furred light brown torbie point she-cat

  Rory - a medium-furred light brown torbie she-cat

Volecreek a medium-furred dark ginger smoke tom

Swanshine a medium-furred dark tom.


Moon 31
Weeddrift is struggling to move in from Chestnutleg.
Deepstreak is now Weeddrifts mate.
Wrendapple was captured by Twolegs

Dogstar - a medium-furred dark brown point tom

Appledust - a long-furred dark brown speckled she-cat


MEDICINE CAT: Lakebright- a short-furred dark grey tortle she-cat


Mudpath - a medium-furred brown speckled she-cat

Buckpelt - a long-furred light brown tabby she-cat

Carpwhisker - a long-furred ginger tom

Nightclover - a medium-furred dark brown marbled tabby she-cat

Blotchfeather - a medium-furred black tabby tom

Antlerrappid a medium-furred black she-cat

Fernheart - a long-furred black she-cat

Cressstem - a short-furred ginger rosetted she-cat

Weeddrift - a long-fur gold rosset tom

Rabbitwind - a medium-furred silver tabby tom

Deepstreak- a long-furred black tabby she-cat


ELDERS Cypressstripe - a short-furred light brown torbie point she-cat

  Rory - a medium-furred light brown torbie she-cat

Volecreek a medium-furred dark ginger smoke tom

Swanshine a medium-furred dark tom.


Moon 32
Buckpelt and Milkbush find abandoned abandoned kit the kit is nursed to health


Dogstar - a medium-furred dark brown point tom

Appledust - a long-furred dark brown speckled she-cat


MEDICINE CAT: Lakebright- a short-furred dark grey tortle she-cat


Mudpath - a medium-furred brown speckled she-cat

Buckpelt - a long-furred light brown tabby she-cat

Carpwhisker - a long-furred ginger tom

Nightclover - a medium-furred dark brown marbled tabby she-cat

Blotchfeather - a medium-furred black tabby tom

Antlerrappid a medium-furred black she-cat

Fernheart - a long-furred black she-cat

Cressstem - a short-furred ginger rosetted she-cat

Weeddrift - a long-fur gold rosset tom

Rabbitwind - a medium-furred silver tabby tom

Deepstreak- a long-furred black tabby she-cat


ELDERS Cypressstripe - a short-furred light brown torbie point she-cat

  Rory - a medium-furred light brown torbie she-cat

Volecreek a medium-furred dark ginger smoke tom

Swanshine a medium-furred dark tom.


KITS: Spiderkit short-furred black Rosseted tom

Moon 33
Buckpelt earned a scar protecting Spiderkit
Antlerrappid went missing on patrol he is found injured on the ground.
A patrol antagonise lilacclan warriors

Dogstar - a medium-furred dark brown point tom

Appledust - a long-furred dark brown speckled she-cat


MEDICINE CAT: Lakebright- a short-furred dark grey tortle she-cat


Mudpath - a medium-furred brown speckled she-cat

Buckpelt - a long-furred light brown tabby she-cat

Carpwhisker - a long-furred ginger tom

Nightclover - a medium-furred dark brown marbled tabby she-cat

Blotchfeather - a medium-furred black tabby tom

Antlerrappid a medium-furred black she-cat

Fernheart - a long-furred black she-cat

Cressstem - a short-furred ginger rosetted she-cat

Weeddrift - a long-fur gold rosset tom

Rabbitwind - a medium-furred silver tabby tom

Deepstreak- a long-furred black tabby she-cat


ELDERS Cypressstripe - a short-furred light brown torbie point she-cat

  Rory - a medium-furred light brown torbie she-cat

Volecreek a medium-furred dark ginger smoke tom

Swanshine a medium-furred dark tom.


KITS: Spiderkit short-furred black Rosseted tom

Moon 34
Cressstem and Weeddrift both earned scars.
Carpwhisker confessed their feelings to Dogstar and are now mates.
A kittypet joins the clan
Rabbitwind is hit by a monster and debates moving to the elders den.

Dogstar - a medium-furred dark brown point tom

Appledust - a long-furred dark brown speckled she-cat


MEDICINE CAT: Lakebright- a short-furred dark grey tortle she-cat


Mudpath - a medium-furred brown speckled she-cat

Buckpelt - a long-furred light brown tabby she-cat

Carpwhisker - a long-furred ginger tom

Nightclover - a medium-furred dark brown marbled tabby she-cat

Blotchfeather - a medium-furred black tabby tom

Antlerrappid a medium-furred black she-cat

Fernheart - a long-furred black she-cat

Cressstem - a short-furred ginger rosetted she-cat

Weeddrift - a long-fur gold rosset tom

Rabbitwind - a medium-furred silver tabby tom

Deepstreak- a long-furred black tabby she-cat


ELDERS Cypressstripe - a short-furred light brown torbie point she-cat

  Rory - a medium-furred light brown torbie she-cat

Volecreek a medium-furred dark ginger smoke tom

Swanshine a medium-furred dark tom.

Mothtail a medium-furred dark ginger tabby


KITS: Spiderkit short-furred black Rosseted tom

Moon 35
Deepstreak earned a scar protecting kits

Dogstar - a medium-furred dark brown point tom

Appledust - a long-furred dark brown speckled she-cat


MEDICINE CAT: Lakebright- a short-furred dark grey tortle she-cat


Mudpath - a medium-furred brown speckled she-cat

Buckpelt - a long-furred light brown tabby she-cat

Carpwhisker - a long-furred ginger tom

Nightclover - a medium-furred dark brown marbled tabby she-cat

Blotchfeather - a medium-furred black tabby tom

Antlerrappid a medium-furred black she-cat

Fernheart - a long-furred black she-cat

Cressstem - a short-furred ginger rosetted she-cat

Weeddrift - a long-fur gold rosset tom

Rabbitwind - a medium-furred silver tabby tom

Deepstreak- a long-furred black tabby she-cat


ELDERS Cypressstripe - a short-furred light brown torbie point she-cat

  Rory - a medium-furred light brown torbie she-cat

Volecreek a medium-furred dark ginger smoke tom

Swanshine a medium-furred dark tom.

Mothtail a medium-furred dark ginger tabby


KITS: Spiderkit short-furred black Rosseted tom

Moon 36
Carpwhisker was bit by a snake
Dogstar was hit by a monster and retires


Dogpatch - a medium-furred dark brown point tom

Appledust - a long-furred dark brown speckled she-cat


MEDICINE CAT: Lakebright- a short-furred dark grey tortle she-cat


Mudpath - a medium-furred brown speckled she-cat

Buckpelt - a long-furred light brown tabby she-cat

Carpwhisker - a long-furred ginger tom

Nightclover - a medium-furred dark brown marbled tabby she-cat

Blotchfeather - a medium-furred black tabby tom

Antlerrappid a medium-furred black she-cat

Fernheart - a long-furred black she-cat

Cressstem - a short-furred ginger rosetted she-cat

Weeddrift - a long-fur gold rosset tom

Rabbitwind - a medium-furred silver tabby tom

Deepstreak- a long-furred black tabby she-cat


ELDERS Cypressstripe - a short-furred light brown torbie point she-cat

  Rory - a medium-furred light brown torbie she-cat

Volecreek a medium-furred dark ginger smoke tom

Swanshine a medium-furred dark tom.

Mothtail a medium-furred dark ginger tabby


KITS: Spiderkit short-furred black Rosseted tom

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