Chance Meeting

A young man, no more than 18 or 19 years old stands at a bus stop. His father took the car and the bus was his only mode of transportation. How he loathes the bus but he has to get downtown. Guitar on his back, he waits patiently, or not so patiently. The sky is grey and it begins to rain. Thankfully, his mother forced him to bring an umbrella just in case. Besides, he wouldn't want his guitar to get full of water. That thing is his baby! He stood for a few minutes longer and huffed, looking down at his watch.

"Is it really going to be late? Jeez...I should have bummed a ride from one of the guys." He said aloud. He looked up, watching a pretty young blonde running to the stop, only a newspaper to cover her hair. He was taken with her immediately but made it a point not to stare. She suddenly landed beside him.

"Did I miss it?" The girl asked him in a soft husky tone.

"No, it's late" he says.

"Oh good. Man, it's really coming down."

"Yeah" He looked at his watch again, then looked up feeling eyes on him. It was that pretty blonde. She sure seemed talkative and he didn't mean to be rude, he just wished the bus would hurry up. He was running late as it was and the guys in his band would be peeved to know he would be late again, like he had been all week. He eyed the girl in the pink shift dress. She wore white tights and pristine white buckle shoes. "Don't you have a jacket?"

"No, I didn't know it was going to rain. It looked fine when I left" she said.

"Here, get under here with me. You're going to get sick standing out in the rain"

"No, I couldn't possibly..." she said, her eyes looking grateful but hesitant.

"No, please" he said, pulling her under his umbrella.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm Lindsey, by the way. Lindsey Buckingham."

"I'm Stephanie, but everyone calls me Stevie." She shakes his hand and stands in silence for a moment. "You play guitar?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"It's on your back" she says, an amused smirk appearing on her beautiful face.

"Oh, right. Yeah, I play. I'm in a band."

"Groovy! Do you write too? Like songs and stuff?" Her enthusiasm was infectious. She has such a magnetic personality.

"Sometimes. Another guy in the band does most of the writing and we do some's hard work but a lot of fun."

"I bet. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk your ear off. I'm told I talk too much when I'm nervous."

"No, you're fine. I, I like talking to you. So tell me Stevie, what do you do?"

"I go to school at San Jose State. I didn't have any classes today so I was going to meet a friend. She hasn't shown up though."

"Shame." he tells her but secretly he's happy to not have her friend around to pester them. He likes being alone with such a pretty girl, especially one as nice and sweet as Stevie seems.

"Oh look! Finally!" Stevie says, smiling at the prospect of no longer standing in the rain. Lindsey shakes out his umbrella once the girl had boarded and closed it up. To his surprise, she has saved him a spot next to her. He swings his guitar in front of him so he can better sit down on one of the long vinyl seats. "Tell me more about you."

"There's not much to know."

"You're being modest. You seem interesting. What's your sign?"

"Are you one of those hippie chicks who believe in like fate, crystals, the zodiac and all that other star stuff?"

"I don't know. What if I am?" she asks. "Humor me. What's your sign?"


"Ooh! Balanced, and calm. Very nice."

"What are you?"

"Gemini. Can't you tell?" She asks with a giggle.

"I'm not really good with all that kind of stuff."

"Geminis are dual-natured. Two totally different sides. Lively, maybe a little rambunctious at times but you should feel that too, as a fellow Air sign. Free flowing energy. Natural born travelers, the both of us."


"This is my stop" she says and Lindsey watches her get up from her seat next to him. "Nice meeting you."

"Stevie, wait." Lindsey says, unable to control his urge to go after her. "Can I call you or something?"

"If we are meant to be, we will meet again." she says. She steps off the bus and she's gone, disappearing into the wind and the rain.

Lindsey sits backs in shock. Is she for real? Was she just a figment of his imagination? Was she a ghost? Usually he would be frustrated with a girl for playing hard to get. He's a young, virile guy...he doesn't have time to mess around, but something about her is different. He knows a little about her and if he could just think about where she got off...No, he's getting in way too deep, he thinks. This girl could be a total nut job. What would his mother think about him going with a girl like that? She did seem sweet though, and her eyes were so enchanting. She had some sort of magical hold on him.

"She's probably a witch!" he says to himself with a chuckle. His stop comes up and he gets off the bus, his guitar situated on his back again. The rain has thankfully stopped and he walks down the block, seeing a familiar face. The guy waves him on, and Lindsey jogs to meet up with him.

"You're 30 minutes late" the guy says. "Javier is flipping his shit, man"

"Sorry. The bus was late"

"Still won't let you have the car?"

"Nope, he said it's the bus or hitchhike. I'm starting to think the latter might be faster next time."

"Maybe, either way you meet freaks" The guys laugh.

"Nah, it's not all bad."

"What, did you meet a girl?"

"I might have..." Lindsey says, a smug smile creeping across his lips.

"No way! You gotta give me the details, man"

"When I say she was primo...I mean it." Lindsey began, walking into the building with his overly excited bandmate.

A/N: I just really love this song. Haha. I was so inspired when I was listening to music this morning that I wanted to write a little something.

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