Chapter Twelve
San starts driving towards the city, he's stopped at a light when he hears his phone start to go off. He groans as he leans over, digging around the floorboards for wherever his phone fell, "Hello?" He sighs, sitting back in the driver's seat as he puts the phone on speakers so he doesn't have to hold it, quickly accelerating when the car behind him honks. He didn't even check the caller ID.
"Hey, San. I wanted to call to check up on you, are you feeling okay?"
San's eyes flash with recognition, "Woo?"
Wooyoung chuckles, "Yeah, it's me. Are you driving?"
"Mhm, sorry, I didn't look," San can't help the slight smile that comes to his face. Wooyoung really called him to see how he was doing... "I'm okay, I'm okay," He says, but can't keep his voice stable, "Well, I don't know. I feel really exhausted... I didn't sleep very well last night. I woke up from a nightmare and didn't want to wake you," San explains, not exactly lying, just not telling the whole truth.
At this point, Seonghwa did feel like a nightmare.
"Ah, you should've woken me. You should try taking a nap when you get home if you can. I wish you were feeling better... Do you-- Do you want me to come over after I get off work?" Wooyoung lowers his voice a bit when he asks that, not wanting the other teachers to question if he's seeing anyone. That's the last piece of drama he needs right now, remembering how they wouldn't stop hounding him after taking one call from Jongho.
They didn't believe it was just his little brother until they actually met him.
Wooyoung guesses that's the price he had to pay from working with other teachers that are all married or already seeing someone.
It's like they wanted him to join their love cult or some shit.
"I think I might do that..." San takes a deep breath, replying semi-mindlessly as he slows down when he gets to the sketchier part of town, "And could you?" San says after he realizes Wooyoung was wondering if he wanted to see him again, "I'd like that a lot," He smiles to himself.
"I'll be sure to head there as soon as I get off, San," Wooyoung smiles happily, loving to hear that San wants him to come back over to see him.
"Maybe you could make me that soup again," San giggles, feeling better that he's talking to Wooyoung.
Wooyoung hears San yawn, "You're just using me for my soup-making skills aren't you?"
San feels his cheeks warm up from Wooyoung's words, "No, no, of course not," San plays along with him, "Maybe a little," San lets out another little giggle, turning his car around to go back home after he notes a few places that looked promising for his needs.
He'll have to come back here some night after the sun goes down.
"You're so cute..." Wooyoung says quietly, checking the time on the wall clock in the teacher's lunchroom.
12:25 PM
"Ah, San, I have to leave, my lunch ends in five minutes. I promise I'll be over soon."
San blushes, "I'll see you soon, Wooyoung. Don't work too hard."
Wooyoung hangs up and San wishes he was home already, wanting to curl up in his bed and stare at his ceiling while he waits for Wooyoung to come over again. On the drive back, he can't help but wonder what Wooyoung does for a job. He realizes he doesn't know a lot about Wooyoung, but he wants to.
Wooyoung could be his friend, right?
꘎ ♡ ━ ꘎ ━ ♡ ꘎
Later on, San stirs awake from his nap when he hears his front door opening, paired with a few light knocks.
Is Wooyoung here already?
San didn't think he would actually get much sleep after he got home, but he turns his phone over to see that it's already 4:00 PM.
Wooyoung peeks his head into San's room and smiles brightly at him when he sees San is awake already.
"How's my little Sannie?" Wooyoung laughs, coming over to San's side to sit by him, "Your hair is all over the place," Wooyoung says as he ruffles up San's hair even more, pieces of brown and blonde sticking up in all directions.
San frowns and playfully pushes Wooyoung's chest, "Hey, I just woke up! Your hair looks just as bad once you wake up too," San frowns, shifting his eyes away in a childish pout.
Wooyoung runs his hands through San's hair and flattens it back down against his skull like normal, "I didn't say it looked bad," Wooyoung says quietly as he plants a kiss on San's forehead, a teasing tone in his voice.
San blushes and moves to get out of bed, "You've been so flirty recently..." San looks over at his computer that he forgot he turned on when he got home, his old psychiatrist's information pulled up on the screen when he's yanked back to the bed by strong arms around his waist.
Wooyoung back hugs him before twirling him around to pull him onto the bed, "Don't go~" He playfully whines, maneuvering himself to hover over San's body, "How did you sleep while I was gone?"
San's eyes widen, not having expected Wooyoung to pull him back down onto the bed, but he's not complaining. No, not one bit, "I... I slept really well. I don't even have a headache right now, but I don't want to jinx it. It feels so good to not be in pain for once."
Wooyoung gently rubs San's head and smiles happily, having had a good day at work and is happy to now be here with San before heading out to the dance club tonight.
"I'm so glad to hear that, San."
San reaches up and wraps his arms around Wooyoung, pulling him down into his chest, wanting to be completely wrapped around him. Maybe something could happen with Wooyoung, he seems like a good guy after all. San thinks he wants to try it. He needs to try something different for once in his life, right?
Wooyoung's eyes widen as he's brought down into San's arms, but he smiles, holding onto San tightly and they look into each other's eyes.
San caresses Wooyoung's face, gently stroking his cheek with his thumb, "How do you always look so happy, Wooyoung?"
Wooyoung is a bit confused, "What do you mean, San? I mean, I'm glad I always look happy, but I want you to know that I am happy. I think it's important to try and stay positive as much as I can. I believe it not only puts me in a better mood, but everyone around me as well."
San is amazed by Wooyoung's words, admiring him deeply for the way he's able to explain his feelings, "That's incredible..."
"Maybe some of it will rub off on you, Sannie. Would you like to come with me tonight? I go to this dance club a few nights a week and we have dance battles and stuff like that," Wooyoung asks, wondering if San would like to see him in action, and also so he can get him out of the house. He's been planning a really intricate routine with his dance partner to debut tonight and he hopes that San says agrees to go, wanting to show off for him a little after his comments about him looking like a dancer.
San shifts his eyes uneasily, unsure if he should be going somewhere with a big group of people like he knows a dance club would surely have. He would normally say no. No, normally, he wouldn't even hesitate, he would've already said no, but here he is thinking about it.
Maybe he should go. He could meet Wooyoung's friends, and then maybe they would become his friends too.
He nuzzles his face into the space where Wooyoung's neck meets his shoulder, placing a kiss on the soft spot of skin, "So I would get to see you dance...? I'd get to see these hips in action?" San says playfully, running his hands down Wooyoung's sides where he ends on Wooyoung's hips, giving them a little squeeze.
Wooyoung lowers his head, humming as he goes right for San's neck, "Mhm... You would. Will you come?" Wooyoung's voice turns into a mumble as he begins sucking on San's neck, gently nibbling every few seconds.
San squirms under Wooyoung's sweet tongue, it tickling him whenever he nibbles on his neck, "Woo~ Stop..." San's lighthearted tone turns into a low groan when he feels Wooyoung grind his hips against his own.
Wooyoung smirks, running his hands up under San's shirt to explore his chest, "Only if you agree to come tonight," Wooyoung whispers and then goes back in to lick up San's neck, slowly moving up to his earlobe until he licks the whole inner shell of his ear.
"I'll come, I'll come," San concedes breathlessly, but he begs that Wooyoung continues doing what he's doing, suddenly wanting to come in a different way.
Wooyoung lifts himself up from San's neck to be able to look at him fully, a smirk resting on his lips, "I'm so excited for you to see me, San. The only people that have come to see me are Jongho and Kyelin, my younger brother and his best friend," Wooyoung's smirk drops into a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. He gives San a soft peck on the lips before getting up off of him, "Do you mind if I use your shower? I'll be quick."
San bites his lip as he sees Wooyoung get up off of him, wishing he stayed and hating how much of a tease he is, "I don't mind," he answers, glancing back at his desktop computer screen, "I have a few things I need to do, so it's uh- no problem. Do you need any clothes?" He knows he has to call his old psychiatrist, he just didn't think he would actually go through with it.
Wooyoung shakes his head, smiling big, "Nope, I stopped by my house on the way over and got some clothing... I, uh-- even brought a few extra sets too to leave here in case something like last night happens again, is that okay?" Wooyoung rubs the back of his head, leaning his back against the bathroom door as he looks at San still on the bed. He hopes that he wasn't pushing things too far by doing that, he just worried that those situations might not just be a one-off thing. They never were for his mom.
San's cheeks turn rosy as he listens to what Wooyoung says, catching him off guard, but he nods quickly, "Of course that's okay, Wooyoung!" San blurts out. The fact that Wooyoung wants to leave some of his clothes over here makes him feel happy, knowing that means he thinks he will be staying over more often -- that he wants to stay over more often.
Does he want me...?
San brushes his thoughts away as he gets up off of the bed and goes into the bathroom that connects to his bedroom, leading Wooyoung in, "You can use my towels," he motions towards the towel rack and continues to walk up to the shower, turning it on for him, "Sometimes the knobs can be tricky... Do you like hot showers or cold showers?"
Wooyoung chuckles, going over to San while he's messing with the shower knobs, "Hot, of course. What crazy person likes a cold shower?"
San whips his head back to look at Wooyoung with his brow furrowed and a big frown adorning his face, "I am not a crazy person! They're actually really good for your skin and are supposed to lower stress levels," San retorts, bringing up all the information he had learned to defend them, "They are superior to hot showers."
Wooyoung can't help his smirk as he shakes his head at San, "Maybe that's why your skin is so cold all the time," He says as he grabs hold of the hand that isn't on the shower knobs, gently rubbing his thumb over San's knuckles.
San feels a tingling sensation shoot through his body at the touch, but continues his pouting as he turns the shower knobs so that the water will be hot for Wooyoung, "Ugh, just take your shower," San stands up, trying not to let it show how excited his body gets whenever Wooyoung touches him. Even just holding his hand like he was, does things to San's heart that he doesn't want to think too hard about unless he plans on hopping right into the very same shower Wooyoung is about to.
San walks out of the bathroom that's already starting to become dense with heat, closing the door behind him, leaving Wooyoung alone in the bathroom. The bathroom mirror quickly starts to steam up from the hot water running in the shower, so Wooyoung goes to the door and peeps his head out, "Can I leave the door cracked so the heat isn't trapped?" Wooyoung asks with puppy dog eyes, knowing San seemed to have left the bathroom annoyed.
San just sat down at the computer when he's startled by Wooyoung's voice, but he nods, "Sure, sure, whatever is fine," he mumbles, pretending to be holding a grudge, not thinking about how there's no longer any kind of barrier between him and Wooyoung's soon to be naked, wet body.
Wooyoung smiles widely, finding it amusing to see San all worked up. He goes back in to stand in front of the mirror after leaving the bathroom door cracked, stripping down from his clothes he had borrowed from San that morning. Wooyoung runs a hand over his own chest and stares back at himself in the mirror as it fogs up, checking himself out.
Wooyoung finds himself wondering if San remembers how his body looks, knowing they only had been close to seeing each other naked the night they met at the party. Wooyoung knows he was drunk that night, but he can still remember San's lean frame. Wooyoung shakes his thoughts away as he steps into the hot shower.
All this teasing with San is getting to him.
San sighs as he stares at the screen of his old psychiatrist's contact info, the thoughts of 'should I really do this?' start running through his mind again. He knows the pills will help him, sure, but he felt like they depleted his mental capacity, which already wasn't great. The strength of them made him want more, and he knew that might cause him problems.
Could they work better for me this time...?
San's mind zoned out for a moment and only came back when he heard the shower turn off, his eyes widening back into full focus when he sees a small glimpse of Wooyoung's body. His whole face turns red and he quickly looks away, thankful he only saw his back, b. He turns back to look at the computer, but the water dripping down Wooyoung's bareback won't leave his brain, the images repeating over and over.
For god sake, he's so sexually frustrated with that tease of a man.
Wooyoung comes out after he dresses in the clothes he brought, going up behind San and wrapping his arms around him, "What you looking at, handsome?" Wooyoung rests his head on San's shoulder, leaning in so that their cheeks press together.
San blushes when he feels Wooyoung's arms around him, thinking about how nice Wooyoung smells after he showers, "I-I..." San realizes what's currently up on his screen and he feels embarrassed and slightly ashamed.
Wooyoung sees what San was looking at and he gives him a squeeze when he doesn't answer, "It's okay, San. This is nothing to be embarrassed about. Do you need some help choosing? I know a few therapists and psychiatrists in our area that are pretty nice and know what they're doing."
San looks up at Wooyoung, it makes his heart warm up when he hears that Wooyoung wants to help him, "Really...? Have you been to one before?"
Wooyoung shamelessly nods, "I have in the past, yes. This one you have pulled up actually used to help my mother" He explains, pointing to one San has up on the screen, "He seemed nice from the few times I met him."
"R-Really? I used to see him... I was thinking about contacting him again," San admits nervously, opening up to Wooyoung a little bit.
Maybe I will contact him again.
San's curiosity runs wild, though, wondering what happened to Wooyoung's mother after he noticed his use of past tense when speaking about her. More things he wants to know about the boy that's taken over his thoughts recently. He will have to wait for him to talk about it, not being the one to bring up that type of subject.
A few hours pass and Wooyoung and San finish eating the dinner that Wooyoung prepared with whatever San had left over in his kitchen. San's nerves have been rising the closer it gets to the time Wooyoung said they had to leave to go to the dance club.
Everything is going to be fine, right? I'm going to be with Wooyoung.
San tries to reassure himself, really wanting to go for Wooyoung, to be there for him. He would love to see him actually dance.
Wooyoung rubs San's head, flattening his hair down before he gives him a gentle kiss on the forehead, "Come on, San. It's going to be fun," He reassures him, gazing happily into his eyes, "I'll introduce you to my dance partner and a few of my friends."
San nervously nods, but when his eyes meet Wooyoung's, they soften, "Y-Yeah, it's going to be fun!" San mirrors Wooyoung's smile, his cheeks getting rosy at the kiss Wooyoung places on his forehead, "Do you have a special routine you're going to be doing tonight?" He asks because of his initial curiosity and also to get his mind off of the kiss. Even though he loves how gentle and caring Wooyoung has always been towards him, he doesn't want to jump the gun so fast like he'd done with Seonghwa.
Wooyoung hums excitedly, letting his hand fall to the small of San's back as he leads them out the house and to his own car, helping San in, "A very special one that my partner and I choreographed ourselves! It's the first night we will be performing it, so that's why I really wanted you to come see it," He says as he closes the passenger door and goes back over to the driver's side to get in.
San's heart pounds at Wooyoung's excitement over talking about his routine, seeing the sparkle in his eyes when he talks about his passion like that. This is something San could get used to for sure. A feeling of warmth overtakes San's chest when Wooyoung rests one hand on his knee as he drives, and he feels perfectly content.
All of San's panic about going to the dance club fades away the more Wooyoung talks about how much more low key the club is than the normal ones he's thinking of. San sure hopes he's right.
The whole drive, San lays his head against the glass of the passenger side window while he listens to Wooyoung talk about dancing and sing songs that come on the radio. His voice sounds so beautiful when he sings... How can he be so talented? It's almost not fair, San thinks to himself. He hasn't seen him dance yet, but he just knows that he's going to be beyond impressed.
San doesn't feel nervous at all when he rests his hand on top of the one Wooyoung has on his knee, feeling the warmth of Wooyoung's skin radiating onto his cold palm.
When the car stops and Wooyoung gets out of the car, San stares in awe at the club as he slowly gets out, bright flashing lights are able to be seen coming from inside the club. He hears the muffled sounds of people talking, doors opening and closing, and the clicking of shoes on the pavement. The noise is almost overwhelming, "Woo-" San starts, but pauses when he meets Wooyoung's eyes, "I..."
"Don't worry, kitten, I'm here," Wooyoung whispers into San's ear as he walks them up to the line that's outside the door. Many people are lined up waiting to get in, but when Wooyoung takes San's hand and goes up to the bouncer, they're easily let in with a mutual nod between the two men.
What has San just gotten himself into?
End of Chapter Twelve
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