Chapter Nine
Wooyoung's phone alarm goes off early the next morning and he groans, having been up later than he should've been with him having work the next morning, but it was worth it he thinks. Wooyoung sees San still next to him and it brings a small smile to his face, gently brushing through San's hair with his fingers, "San, wake up."
San hums, having not slept very well after he woke up last night and thought he saw Seonghwa in his doorway. San rolls over to face his body towards Wooyoung and smiles when he looks at him, "Don't tell me you have to go," he whines cutely.
Wooyoung trails his hand down and grasps onto San's, "Sadly, I have to, Sannie. I have to go to work early during the weekdays," Wooyoung leans forward and leaves a soft kiss against San's forehead, "Please call me if something like this happens again, okay? I promise that I will answer your call," Wooyoung reassures San as he lifts himself from the warm bed.
San nods at Wooyoung's words, hearing what he says hits him in a different way.
Wooyoung looks around and realizes he didn't bring any clothes to change into. He didn't think he was going to end up spending the night with San. He should've known better with how late it was and how upset San seemed on the phone, but he was in too much of a rush to get over here to comfort San.
"Do you, uh... Have any nice button-up shirts that I could borrow just for today?" Wooyoung asks San, figuring his jeans would work. He just needs a nice shirt.
"I'm not sure if it will fit you, but I think I have one," San says as he gets up for the first time in a while, going towards his dresser and opening it to find a dark blue button-up. He pulls the shirt out and hands it to Wooyoung, hoping he didn't notice his wobbly movements, "Here you go, I'm not sure what size you are."
Wooyoung inspects the shirt and smiles to find they wear the same size, "It'll be perfect, thank you, San," Wooyoung strips himself of the shirt he was wearing and he puts on the button up San lent him, buttoning it up.
San bites his lip as Wooyoung removes his shirt, seeing his muscular chest again. San can't get over how fit Wooyoung is. He remembers when he had first seen him at Seonghwa's party and when they were on the bed together half-naked. San feels his face turning bright red at his memories.
"Do you, uhm... Do you dance or something?" San's curiosity spills over, having wanted to ask since he first saw him dancing in the crowd. He was just so good, he couldn't not be a dancer.
Wooyoung smirks as he finishes buttoning up the shirt, going over to San's dresser to look for some cologne, "I actually am," Wooyoung chuckles as he sprays on the only cologne San had. Wooyoung smiles as smells himself, liking how much he smells like San now, "How did you guess?"
San sits on the side of the bed, "You danced really well at the party that one time.. And--" San lets out an awkward laugh, "You just have the build of one, I guess?" San rubs the back of his head, embarrassed at his own choice of words.
Wooyoung's smile grows wider as San talks, "Mhm, I have the build, huh?" Wooyoung walks over to him and stands in front of him, running a hand from San's shoulder down his arm, "Why are you being so shy now?" Wooyoung brings his hand back up and tilts San's head up to look Wooyoung in the eyes, "You weren't very shy on the phone last week if I remember correctly, were you, baby boy?"
San is stunned at Wooyoung's actions, but he likes how forward he is being with him. A smile comes across San's lips as he remembers the phone call they had the week prior, "I guess I wasn't," he chuckles as he lifts his hand up to hold onto Wooyoung's, bringing it down to his neck as he raises his other to bring Wooyoung down to him, "I'm still surprised you went with it."
Wooyoung smirks as he's brought down to San, wrapping his arms around his neck and sitting on top of him with his legs on either side, "Well, when a guy calls you up late at night wanting to talk dirty, how can I refuse? Especially such a pretty boy like you," Wooyoung says, moving his face closer to San's with each word until he finally kisses him.
Wooyoung nibbles on San's lower lip as they kiss, liking the way San's hands travel across his back. San brings one of his hands up into Wooyoung's hair, keeping his head close to him as they kiss with such intensity and passion. Wooyoung presses his body forward to lead San's back to press back against the bedsheets, slowly grinding his body against him as their kiss gets messier and messier -- their lust and want overcoming them.
Wooyoung breaks their kiss for a moment, breathing heavily as he stares down at San laying under him, seeing his hair splayed out from falling back onto the bed. Seeing San like this makes Wooyoung smile widely, "You look so pretty right now, Sannie..." Wooyoung whispers to him, letting one of his hands trail from the side of San's face, ghosting over his neck teasingly, and landing on the mattress to hold himself up over him.
San scoffs and gives him a playful push, "Do not," He retorts, shifting his head to the side and away from looking at Wooyoung.
"Mhm..." Wooyoung hums as he goes down and kisses along San's neck, giving it a few gentle licks before going back to kissing it and sucking hickies to leave his mark on him. While Wooyoung is giving San's neck some love, his phone's alarm starts going off once again. Wooyoung groans when he hears it, knowing that's his final alarm to leave to go to work. His first one is to wake up and he always has a second one to alert him to actually go. He can sometimes get distracted... as he just was.
Wooyoung lifts himself from San and stands up, straightening out his shirt and tucking it into his jeans, "I'm sorry, Sannie, but I really do have to go to work."
San sits up and shows Wooyoung a pouty face as he reaches out for his arm, bringing him back to him, "Are you sure~?" San drags out his last word, asking in a slight baby voice. San lays his head against Wooyoung's arm as he looks up at him, not wanting him to leave him just yet.
He doesn't want to be alone.
Wooyoung sighs and ruffles San's hair before placing a soft kiss on his head, "I really have to... It's an important job, San."
San yanks down on his arm gently, making his hand graze against his crotch, "Don't leave me like this, Wooyoung," San whines.
Wooyoung chuckles and winks at San before giving him one last kiss, "How about if you're still feeling like this later, give me a call. Alright?" He strokes his hand down San's face, taking one last eye full before leaving San's room and house altogether. He takes note of the door to San's house being wide open when he leaves, and wonders if he left it open when he was trying to get to San last night. He needs to be more careful...
San pouts, crossing his arms and throwing himself back against the bed after Wooyoung leaves. How dare Wooyoung leave him in this state? San sulks for a couple more minutes before getting up and going into his bathroom to take a shower. As San strips from his clothes, his hard cock springs out from his pants as he pulls them down. He shakes his head at the nuisance his desires have blessed him with and goes to start the shower, knowing it'll go down soon enough.
San's correct and after a few minutes of no stimulation, it does go down as he bathes himself. Feeling the cold water pouring onto San's body lets him be able to release some of the tension he's been feeling. He's always liked to take cold showers, there's something so calming and stress-relieving about them. San sits down in the shower and lays back, letting the showerhead spray down onto his body.
The shower is where he likes to think and where thoughts always invade his mind.
San starts thinking about last night when he woke up and thought he saw Seonghwa's outline in his doorway. There's no way, right? San shakes his head and wipes the water from his face and eyes. Seonghwa wouldn't come to him. Not after Yeosang asked him to stop seeing and hanging out with him. He wouldn't betray Yeosang's wishes so quickly after he had found him and Seonghwa together, would he? There's no way Yeosang would stay with him if Seonghwa came to see him. He always knew the two were close, but San knew after Yeosang saw Seonghwa on top of him that night at the party, that his patience and trust with Seonghwa was starting to wear out.
And San knew exactly how Yeosang felt. It was the same feeling that San would feel when he would see Seonghwa and Yeosang together, and when he would see Seonghwa with anyone that wasn't him. A memory flashes in his mind of him being in Yeosang's position back in high school, walking in on Seonghwa with another guy at a party, a guy he saw recently. He tsks at the thought, his mind eventually leading back to Yeosang.
San wishes he could be Yeosang so badly. He doesn't know how lucky he is to be Seonghwa's. San knows Seonghwa just tries to do what he thinks is right and cares a lot about everyone he is close to, but he has to stop trying to please everyone. It does way more harm than good...
San's heart hurts the more he thinks about Seonghwa. He needs to get him off his mind or else he's going to have more bizarre hallucinations like he had last night. San could hardly sleep at all after seeing Seonghwa in his doorway. He thought of all the times that he would stand in that very spot, watching over him to make sure he was okay.
Why won't Seonghwa leave San's head? He can't stand these continuous thoughts about him. He can't help but miss his Hwa. He's all San has ever known and he disappeared out of his life so suddenly that it's insanely hard to be able to accept that he's really gone. The more San longs for Seonghwa, the more he craves cocaine. Anything to get his mind off of him.
Mingi still hasn't texted San back, despite his countless messages offering nearly three times the normal price.
Is he really going to have to go back over to Mingi's house? He despises the thought. He doesn't know if he can handle all of those people without something in his system and he doesn't like the thought of driving after drinking. He knows how Seonghwa always made sure he never did that. Seonghwa would make sure San slept over if he was too out of it to drive. But what does Seonghwa know anyway? San thinks. He left him. It's not like he would know anyway.
San feels himself getting frustrated the more he thinks about Seonghwa, thinking that he's the only one that could've told Mingi to not sell to him. San stands back up and turns the water off, angrily getting out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his shaking body, not caring about the water creating puddles all over the floor.
San knows Seonghwa should be home alone today -- Yeosang was always at uni during weekday mornings from what he remembers. San sighs as he dries himself off. Everyone has a job or school. San can feel fear rise in his stomach if he even thinks about getting a job or going back to school. He mostly worked from home if he needed the money.
San shakes his head, not wanting to think about that anymore. He's focused on Seonghwa. He needs to confront him about this situation, and San isn't the type to confront people, but Seonghwa is a different story. He's about to tear him a new asshole if he finds out that he's the reason for being cut off from the only thing that seems to help him make it through anymore.
San throws his towel onto the hook and goes and pulls on some clothes, getting a big jacket from his closet before grabbing his keys.
He's just going to ask Seonghwa about the drugs.
That's all.
He's going to stay calm... And let him stay as a human with only one asshole.
San keeps repeating that to himself in his head as he walks out to his car, shrugging on his oversized coat that he knows he stole from Seonghwa's closet years ago.
San begins the drive and notices how his heartbeat quickens the closer he gets to Seonghwa's house, passing the familiar scenery. This used to be a common route for him to take. San's mind is flooded by thoughts of Seonghwa even after telling himself he's only going to confront him about what he said to Mingi.
He's here to ask about the drugs. Nothing else.
He can't fool himself any longer when he finally pulls into Seonghwa's driveway. San knows a big reason for coming here is to just see Seonghwa again.
San gets out of his car and nervously walks up to Seonghwa's front door, pulling out the key he still had and he unlocks the door.
Seonghwa hears the door to his house unlock and the front door open and he's confused. Yeosang isn't supposed to be home from uni until later today, right? Seonghwa quickly gets up and checks the clock, seeing he's right. It can't be Yeosang, he still has three more hours until he should be back.
Seonghwa pulls out the baseball bat from behind his bed before leaving his room, stopping in his tracks when he sees San standing inside of his house.
San also stops when he sees Seonghwa, he's not sure if it was just his body stopping or if his heart stopped too. It felt like both.
San got a confused look on his face as his gaze fell to the baseball bat Seonghwa was holding, a chuckle coming from his mouth, "What, were you gonna beat me? 'Cause I sure as hell know you weren't about to give me a home run."
Seonghwa curses under his breath, not bothering to comment on the joke, "San, what are you doing here?" Seonghwa asks, trying to take his eyes off of San, but Seonghwa can't help but notice how restless he looks. He must not be sleeping well again...
All of San's feelings for Seonghwa surge to the surface as he walks closer to him, "I had to see-- I, uh... I wanted to ask if you were the one that told Mingi not to sell to me," San trails his eyes up and down Seonghwa, admiring him shamelessly like he always used to.
Seonghwa shakes his head negatively as San comes closer, "Yeah, I did. I don't want you to get addicted, San."
San puts his hand on Seonghwa's shoulder, needing to touch him again. San craved his touch, "You don't understand, Seonghwa. I need it. I crave it," San lets out, his voice sounding slightly raspy. He's not even sure if he's talking about the cocaine anymore.
Seonghwa shifts away from San's touch no matter how much he didn't want to. He has to stay loyal to Yeosang. He promised him.
"San, you have to leave," Seonghwa says firmly, hating how his voice sounds saying those words. Making San leave after seeing him standing here in his house is the last thing he wanted to do today. Especially after seeing San with another guy last night in his bed. Seonghwa decides he shouldn't mention the voicemail or anything about last night.
San is surprised when Seonghwa actually pulls away from his touch, him never having done that before. San's heart sinks, "Please tell Mingi to sell to me again, Hwa," His eyes get watery, getting emotional from how far Seonghwa seems from him now.
Seonghwa stands his ground, "No, San. I'm not going to tell Mingi to keep selling to you. I really don't want you to get addicted, I'm serious. You're the one that always wanted to watch your intake. Now please... leave my house..."
San feels himself about to cry, but he holds it back, "Hwa, I'm begging you please... I need it, I-I need you," San's voice breaks into a whisper towards the end, unable to contain his neediness and loneliness.
Seonghwa's eyes widen at San's words, hearing his voice slightly crack. Seonghwa is about to open his mouth when San continues.
"I had a breakdown last night a-and you didn't pick up... You told me you would always be there for me!" San cries out to Seonghwa's face, hurt being apparent in his eyes, "I'm sorry... Y-You know December is coming up..." San instantly apologizes, feeling bad for raising his voice and blaming Seonghwa when it wasn't completely his fault. San knew that, he knew he was being overdramatic as Yeosang would have put it if he were here. That's what he would always describe San as to Seonghwa.
Seonghwa's needy drama queen.
"I know, I'm sorry, Sannie... I'm sorry I wasn't there," Seonghwa's heart aches as he, against better judgment, wraps his arms around San, taking him into his embrace.
San sniffles and whispers against Seonghwa's chest, his arms weakly wrapping around Seonghwa's body as well. San hates how emotional he's become right now, but he can't get past something Seonghwa just said, "Y-You know? What do you mean?" He asks, wondering if he was talking about more than just knowing December was coming up.
Seonghwa sighs when San asks him that, looking up at him with his tear-stained face. Seonghwa wipes San's face gently, "I had gotten your voicemail... albeit, two hours late, but I got it. I'm so sorry I didn't answer, San. I had—" Seonghwa pauses in his speech, unsure if he should tell San that he came over last night to check on him and found him with another guy.
Who was he?
Was it that Wooyoung guy he met at the party that one night?
The one I met at the nightclub...
San attempts to steady his breathing, listening to Seonghwa. So he did end up leaving a short voicemail. Fuck. He really didn't mean to do that. San didn't want to seem as needy for Seonghwa as he most certainly was and has been for so long. Why does he still crave Seonghwa so badly? Wooyoung seems like a genuinely good guy. A guy that could love him back eventually if they developed their relationship enough and spent enough time together. San could see it happening. He could see an easy life being with Wooyoung, and maybe that's what he wants, but he's not so sure right now. All San knows is that he misses Seonghwa badly and his only escape from Seonghwa being on his mind was taken away from him by the very devil himself.
Why does Seonghwa hold such control over San's life even when he's not in it?
Chapter Nine
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