Chapter Fourteen
"Can we get our regulars Jung Wooyoung and Jeong Yunho to the middle of the dance floor? I hear they've prepared something special for us tonight!"
Jung, that's his last name. Jung Wooyoung. San smiles to himself, happy even with what seems like the smallest, easiest piece of information to obtain on Wooyoung. It might be embarrassing if he thinks about it hard enough, not knowing his crush's? last name, but it's a step.
The people in the club start to cheer and make space in the center of the floor for Wooyoung and Yunho to come through, knowing the drill since the majority of the people that come to this club know who the two dancers are and are regulars themselves.
Yunho stands up first, followed by Wooyoung who slides San off of his lap, "Are you ready to see our routine?" He smiles and gives San a soft peck on the lips, sliding his fingers between San's to hold onto his hand one last time before he has to go, squeezing it tight.
San nods, "Y-Yes," getting up with Wooyoung in anticipation to go to the center despite the mass of people. He stands at the front of the crowd that quickly surrounds the two dancers in a circle, getting a front-row view of their performance.
Soon enough, a smooth, sultry R&B song begins to play, setting the mood for the type of choreography Wooyoung and Yunho will perform. San can feel the deep bass reverberating through his whole body, swaying with the movement of the people around him.
Yunho begins the routine he and Wooyoung had been practising for a few weeks now, but he can't keep his eyes from searching the crowd for Mingi.
Where is he?
He promised he would watch me dance tonight...
Yunho wants to frown, but he manages to keep his facial expressions as they're supposed to be through their dance. Provocative and inviting, just like the tone of the song.
When Yunho and Wooyoung fluidly switch sides, their arms crossing over one another as they move, he sees San standing there right in the front and he feels a sharp pang in his chest. He gets to have everything he wants, Yunho thinks to himself as he completes his motions sharply with hidden aggression behind them, not exactly as they practiced, a different energy coming out of Yunho through his movements.
Wooyoung notices Yunho is acting a bit differently and is slightly concerned, but he decides he will talk to him after they complete the routine, knowing that they're already over half-way finished.
Maybe talking with San tilted his mood...?
Now the Wooyoung thinks about it, though, Mingi, Yunho's boyfriend, wasn't sitting with him when he and San arrived. Yunho has been so excited about Mingi seeing this routine that he's talked about it nonstop ever since he agreed to come. Mingi was usually busy on weekday nights, but he came as often as he could.
Their big show-stopping move is coming up and Wooyoung knows whatever is bothering Yunho shouldn't be too bad, otherwise, they would've stopped a long time ago. It's happened before and Wooyoung would never be mad, hell, even he's had to stop one of their routines before.
Yunho moves closer to Wooyoung, making eye contact so they both know they're ready, and Wooyoung grabs onto his hands quickly while giving him a boost to flip in the air, landing cleanly on the floor and continuing their routine flawlessly. Wooyoung is thankful that Yunho lands it, this being a part he was worried about no matter how much they practiced.
The crowd may think that this was the shocking move, but as the song slows back down, the two boys begin to dance rather sensually with one another. Wooyoung's hands caress down Yunho's face and they're supposed to push each other away by grabbing one another's shirts and pushing back like they're in a fight, but...
San's eyes widen with surprise when he sees Yunho plant his lips onto Wooyoung's in the middle of the performance and flinches suddenly when there's a hand placed on his shoulder. He turns his head around to see Mingi standing there and he looks livid as all hell.
San assumes that this move was not a part they had originally planned, especially with the way Wooyoung's eyes were wide open through the kiss.
Many of the people in the crowd whistle and holler at the shocking kiss between the two dancers, but they played it off coolly and managed to finish the routine as if that was actually an intended part of the dance.
The two boys bow and the rest of the crowd starts to party once again when the normal party music picks back up.
"What the fuck was he doing?" Mingi seethes, his eyebrows furrowed up into a much angrier expression than San feels comfortable being around.
San takes a deep breath, keeping himself calm as he watches Mingi go up to the two boys that are coming towards them.
"Min, you said you were going to be here for it," Yunho whines, acting as if he didn't do what everyone just witnessed.
"And you said you wouldn't do those kinds of moves with him anymore," Mingi says, clenching and unclenching his fists as he goes through a rollercoaster of emotion.
"I-" Yunho starts, but he doesn't know what to say. He doesn't know what came over him, he was just so fed up and all these past memories kept not wanting to go back down into the depths of his brain where he usually had them locked away. He wants to say he didn't know what he was doing, that he didn't mean to do what he had done... But that would just be a lie. He doesn't want to tell himself or anyone else anymore lies...
"Just... Let me think, god, just let me think, okay?" Mingi says under his breath, trying to piece his words together since so much is going on in his mind right now, "Why did you do that, Yunho?" He finally asks, running his hand through his dirty blonde hair, still trying to calm himself down.
Wooyoung and San are bystanders in this situation, Wooyoung watching the two men fight, while San is focused on Wooyoung. He knows that Wooyoung wasn't the one to kiss Yunho, but he also didn't stop or say anything after they finished the performance. They've been stuck in this position for a few moments now, looking at Yunho and Mingi as the four of them stand in the crowd of people dancing and drinking around them.
San starts to wonder if Wooyoung is going to be like Seonghwa and it makes his body shiver with goosebumps. He already can't figure out his feelings for Seonghwa and whether or not he will ever get over him, but since Wooyoung came into his life, he's felt differently. Wooyoung seemed like a breath of fresh air from what he's been used to in his life, so San holds hope that this is just a misunderstanding.
It has to be.
"I... I was angry," Yunho says quietly, his hands shaking as he looks into his boyfriend's eyes, "Where were you...? And- And you, why are you even here?!" Yunho cries, turning his gaze to San, "You're always there, you've always been there. Why, San? I... I liked him first," Yunho says as his face reddens from his mixed emotions. The 'him' he's referring to getting mixed up in his mind too, not sure exactly which boy he's talking about, but knowing it could fit for all of the ones that San's taken from him.
"Me...?" San asks, not understanding what Yunho is saying, but his tone of voice makes him want to cower backward.
Yunho angrily moves to go over to San, but Mingi holds him back, "Yun..." He says softly, pulling him into his chest and wrapping his arms around him, "I was in the restroom before your performance," he explains while he rubs his back, "You did incredible as usual, but... Do you still like Wooyoung?" Mingi asks, keeping himself calm as he asks, his lips right next to Yunho's ear as he holds him.
Yunho has told Mingi about San before and his whole high school life, so he knows the whole situation with Seonghwa. Mingi knows that San is someone that gets under his skin even though he never really did anything to Yunho, but that's why Mingi is trying to stay calm in this situation. He wants to be there for Yunho, knowing everything his baby has been through and the bad experiences he's had with men.
After everything with Seonghwa and San went down, Yunho would come to the club and dance his heart away. Of course, that attracted a lot of attention, attention that Yunho fed off of as if it were his only form of sustenance.
Mingi cares deeply for Yunho. Ever since he first saw him here at the club and witnessed him dance, he was absolutely entranced by the boy, like many others previously. He wasn't sure what he was doing at first because he never did the whole 'relationship' thing with anyone, but Mingi knew Yunho was different for him. The feelings Mingi had towards Yunho weren't just driven solely by sexual desire like most of the people he's been with before, he developed a real, emotional connection to the boy.
Mingi is new to having a real boyfriend, so he's always been a bit over-protective of Yunho, even more so after Yunho told him about some of the things he's been through. In the circumstance he's found himself in now, Mingi is doing his best to try and understand what's going through Yunho's head, without letting his own personal feelings get in the way.
Yunho's eyes start to water as he's held by his boyfriend, looking up to meet his deep brown eyes, "I-It's hard for me to get over my feelings..." He says, pain evident in his voice, "There's still part of me that feels for Seonghwa and Jaehan, too... I-I'm so sorry, Mingi..." Yunho's voice begins to waver as he slowly breaks down, "I-I love you," He whispers to him, pressing his face into the spot between Mingi's neck and shoulder.
Mingi's heart takes a considerable hit when he hears those words come from Yunho's lips. He cannot understand what his love is feeling. Can you still feel for others when you're with someone else...? Mingi doesn't know, but he does know he can't just leave Yunho like this, "I'm going to take us home, okay? We can talk more there," He whispers into his ears softly and then places a kiss on his forehead before he escorts him out of the nightclub.
꘎ ♡ ━ ꘎ ━ ♡ ꘎
While Mingi and Yunho were talking, Wooyoung took San's hand and led him away from the scene so they didn't have to hear any more. San looks back just for a second, and he wishes he didn't because he could've sworn he saw Yeosang... and beside him, Seonghwa.
What are they doing here...?
Wooyoung dragged San to the very back of the club where there was a short hallway with a few doors, taking his eyes away from the two people he never wanted to see here. He took him into one of the empty rooms where San saw a small couch and table with a few unopened bottles on the liquor rack.
Wooyoung sits San down and gently places a hand on his knee while he looks at him, "San, I didn't kiss him back. I know we're not official, but I wanted you to know that I really do want to see where things go with you," He says seriously, a lot of meaning behind his words.
San's cheeks heat up when he feels Wooyoung's touch, looking up to meet his eyes, "I want to see where this goes too... I know you didn't kiss him back," San says with as much confidence as he can muster, "N-Now, kiss me."
Wooyoung chuckles, his heartbeat picking up speed when he hears San's request, nodding slowly as he leans in, reaching his free hand up to hold the side of San's face, thumb caressing his cheekbone as he flutters his eyes closed.
San falls into place easily, meeting Wooyoung's lips halfway and he can't help but smile into it, loving the intoxicating taste of Wooyoung's tongue against his own. Wooyoung's hand slides up into San's hair, pulling it in a teasing way as he nibbles on his bottom lip.
The way Wooyoung's hands feel on his body makes his hunger grow, needing to feel more, so he sits up, keeping their lips locked. San moves so he's straddling Wooyoung and wraps his arms around his neck while they continue to make out, gently pulling on the skin of his back to show him how much he wants him. Their chests rub roughly against one another, savoring every euphoric feeling that makes them both crave more.
Their temptations are making the room feel unbearably hot, both boys wanting to rid themselves of their clothes, but not wanting to be apart for the time it'll take to do so.
Wooyoung smirks as he breaks their kiss, feeling almost delirious with want, moving his head down to suck on the soft spot just above San's collarbone. San lets out a needy moan, his head falling back reflexively to allow Wooyoung full access to him, no longer wanting control over himself.
"Take me home..." San says between breaths, panting heavily as Wooyoung makes his claim on him, the excitement and anticipation almost enough to kill him right then and there.
Wooyoung pulls away and gives San one last kiss on the lips, but he can't help his hands from rubbing up and down his chest, his appetite suddenly consisting of only one thing, "Yours or mine?"
"I want to see where you live," San hums, his eyes clearly full of lust, but also curiosity. He really does wonder what Wooyoung's home looks like, and god does he want him to take him there, in more ways than one.
"Let's go then, Sannie," Wooyoung kisses his forehead and stands up, with San still wrapped around him, the boy unrelenting in his sudden attack on his neck, "I'll take us home."
꘎ ♡ ━ ꘎ ━ ♡ ꘎
Yeosang meets eyes with San as he's getting taken away by Wooyoung and he can't help himself from narrowing his eyes, despite knowing he was likely going to be here since Wooyoung was. Seonhgwa had told him that he thought they were seeing each other, and he felt this dirty satisfaction when he saw that Wooyoung and Yunho had kissed during their routine.
Now he knows what getting betrayed feels like.
Yeosang looks up at Seonghwa, about to lead him back to the bar because he definitely needs a drink now, but he sees Seonghwa looking toward where San and Wooyoung just went. His heart drops, realizing that Seonghwa must've seen San too.
He still dresses in my shirts, Seonghwa can't help his thoughts as soon as he sees San through the crowd of people.
Seonghwa watches San leave, wondering why he just left with Wooyoung, who everyone in the club saw just kiss someone else.
Seonghwa didn't want San to end up right back with someone just like himself, knowing that San deserved better.
Did San not see the dance...?
Seonghwa is only brought back when Yeosang loops his arm around his, looking up at him with a big smile, "Let's go get some drinks, Hwa," He giggles, but Seonghwa knows it has to be fake. He did it again. He needs to stop thinking about San for good.
Maybe he should text him about what Wooyoung did.
It's just one text, it won't hurt anyone.
End of Chapter Fourteen
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