Chapter Five

Seonghwa and Yeosang go into the room after San and Wooyoung finally leave.

"Ugh, I can't believe he used your room to do that in, Hwa," Yeosang says, hoping that Seonghwa seeing San with someone doesn't upset him too much. It shouldn't. Seonghwa is with him.

Seonghwa hums, looking around the room for anything that seems out of place. He spots the small pile of cocaine still dusting the nightstand and it causes his heart to race, "Yeah..." Seonghwa replies, going to stand in front of the nightstand to try and clean it up before Yeosang can see it again.

"You don't have to hide it, I already saw the coke," Yeosang sighs, sitting down on the bed with a creak.

Seonghwa feels disappointed in himself, knowing how much Yeosang wishes he would quit using. Seonghwa sweeps the cocaine off into his hand and he looks for the baggie, not wanting to waste any despite his guiltiness. However, he doesn't see it.


Did San take it?

Seonghwa shakes his head angrily, but he gets out another baggie to pour it into. He's not going to let his good blow go into the trash, as much as he knows Yeosang would prefer it that way.

Seonghwa goes and sits with Yeosang, his bed squeaking like always as he thinks about what Yeosang said.

San didn't really sleep with Wooyoung, right?

He couldn't have...

He and Yeosang could hear the two of them talking faintly while waiting and he couldn't tell if what San said to the guy meant he did sleep with him or if he didn't.

Seonghwa tries to get San off of his mind, but he can't help but worry about him. He seemed so upset and Seonghwa never likes to leave San like that, afraid of him being alone with himself.

Yeosang gently puts his hand on Seonghwa's thigh, rubbing it softly, "Hey," Yeosang says in his smooth voice, making Seonghwa look at him, "I want you to know how much I care about you, Seonghwa."

Hearing Yeosang say that causes a genuine smile to appear on Seonghwa's face, "Do you know how happy you make me feel?" He asks.

Yeosang blushes, "Maybe... But you could always show me," he giggles as he climbs onto Seonghwa's lap, wrapping his arms around him while he kisses up his neck, unafraid of his sloppiness in peppering the smooth skin with hickies. Yeosang wants Seonghwa's focus on him. He needs his attention, and he's going to get it.

꘎ ♡ ━ ꘎ ━ ♡ ꘎

Wooyoung walks (more like stumbles) around the party, looking for an empty room to crash in.

Who knew it would be so hard to find a room not occupied by people banging? He swears he's seen far more skin of strangers tonight than he would've liked, but really... Why wouldn't they lock the door? Dumbasses.

Wooyoung groans, eventually settling on just stealing one of the bathrooms. At least it's a room with a lock on the door, he justifies.

Wooyoung slips into the bathroom and locks the door behind him, going to the mirror to see just how rough he looks. His blond hair is quite messy, but nothing a finger comb-through won't fix. He finds that he doesn't look too bad overall, but his face does look swollen and drained -- likely from the kissing and the alcohol mixture.

He just wants someplace to rest.

Wooyoung settles into the bathtub, laughing at himself. He's really come to sleeping in a bathtub, huh? The bed of champions, Wooyoung decides as he tries to make himself as comfortable as he can in the hard porcelain tub.

In the morning he will be able to go home, he just has to sober up. And it just so happens that he will have to have his sobering slumber next to a toilet that somebody at this party most definitely threw up in. Oh Christ, maybe even more than just one somebody... Wooyoung tries not to think about it as he curls up in the tub.

He wonders if San found someplace more suitable to rest, and hopes that's the case when various people bang on the door throughout the rest of the night.

Wooyoung finds it difficult to fall asleep in the hard tub with the relenting noise, but he does eventually give way and relinquish himself into an alcohol-induced coma as he'd call it.

꘎ ♡ ━ ꘎ ━ ♡ ꘎

The morning comes and Wooyoung wakes up, this groggy feeling overwhelming him, "Dammit," he curses as he tries to sit up, his back cracking with each movement, "Jesus fuck, I'm gonna need to rub some icy hot on that when I get back home," he groans, his forehead resting against the edge of the tub as he wallows in his own agony for a moment or two... Or three.

Wooyoung pulls himself out of the tub eventually, his muscles feeling like they've been obliterated from sleeping like that the whole night. He runs his hands through his hair to try and make himself not look like he just crawled out of the depths of Hell.

Looking back, he's starting to think that Hell might've been the better resting place to choose if he were given the option.

Well, there's always next time.

Wooyoung opens the bathroom door, seeing a few people passed out on the floor along with some red solo cups scattered around them. He has to step over sleeping bodies as he makes his way through the house, trying to get to the front door fast, but not fast enough that he'll wake one of these hung-over demons.

A hungover stranger is not something he wants to fight right now, especially this early in the morning.

At least, Wooyoung assumes that he woke up pretty early considering no one else is up, but if they partied as long as he remembers it being the last time he checked the clock last night, then they probably passed out not even three hours ago.

He manages to make it to the front door after swimming through the sea of night-old vomit and whiskey breath and heads out, looking for his car in the driveway.

He did park in the driveway, right?

Jongho will hate him forever if he's lost the car and can't take him to Friday Night Magic anymore.


SHIT, FRIDAY WAS YESTERDAY- Ah, well... Maybe he got Kyelin to pick him up.

Seeing the line of cars parked on the side of the road makes him question himself further, pushing away his thoughts of the words he's bound to hear from his brother when he gets home -- if he gets home. He most definitely won't be checking his phone until he sees Jongho in person, knowing that it's probably blown up by said nerd.

Wooyoung crosses his arms over his chest tightly, the cold air hitting him as soon as he steps out of the warm house. He despises cold weather, but right now, he'd rather become a popsicle out here than go back into that house and risk contracting anything from the excessive amount of bodily fluids he doesn't even want to think about.

He walks down the driveway, knowing he parked somewhere in the middle from what he can remember.

Yes, right there!

While Wooyoung's on his way to his car, he spots someone sleeping in the front seat of the car that's in front of his. His curious mind gets the better of him and he peeks into the car, his eyes widening when he sees that the sleeping figure is San.

Wooyoung smiles, hoping that San is alright. Wooyoung guesses that he didn't want to drive home messed up either, which he appreciates, but sleeping in the car? It's freezing out here.

I guess that was his only option... At least he kept the car running with the heat on.

Wooyoung debates whether or not he should tap on the window of his car.

Would that be too creepy?

Wooyoung feels conflicted. Hell, who cares if he's creepy, he wants to make sure the guy is alright.

Wooyoung taps on the glass right by San's sleeping head, "Hey man, are you good?" He calls out, not too loud, not too quiet.

San wakes up suddenly from the tap that vibrates against his ear, the loud noise startling him back to the world of the living. His sudden movement knocks down a pair of sunglasses from his dashboard and onto the floor mats below. He sits up after picking the sunglasses up and setting them back, looking at the window to see who just woke him up from his slumber.


What the fuck...?

San squints his eyes at him, unsure if he's seeing straight, "Wooyoung...?" He asks, rolling down the window and trying to prevent his tongue from saying something unsavory this early in the morning.

"Hey, I just woke up and was about to leave when I saw you here. I, uh, just wanted to make sure you were okay and everything. Last night seemed a bit wild for you," Wooyoung tries to let out a chuckle, but it just makes himself seem awkward. Which wouldn't be wrong, but that's not how he's wanting to come off right now -- or ever.

San lets out an actual laugh, finding Wooyoung's awkwardness endearing, "Ahhhhh, so you were worried about me?" San smirks, "Don't worry. I'm okay now, really. The only thing I'm feeling now is a little shook up because someone decided to scare the living hell out of me at-" he looks at the clock, "6:30 in the morning. Like a LUNATIC!"

Wooyoung smiles wide at San's playful attitude. He knew San had to have just been in a bad mood last night because of those guys that wanted the room they were in — and the breakdown he had. It was a lot, and he can understand that. He's been there, and he's not going to let someone that's clearly going through something be left alone like he was.

But that was his own fault, after all. He kept everything to himself.

Wooyoung's eyes go soft when he remembers the way San cried last night. It reminded him of when his mother would come home some nights and break down similarly to how San did. He would always get to her before Jongho could see anything and console her, making sure she knew she was okay and everything was alright after he helped get her breathing under control.

"So maybe I am a lunatic," Wooyoung leans forward, resting his elbows on the opening of the car window with his chin in his hands, "What does that make you?"

San shakes his head, smiling big as he leans back in his seat, eyes not leaving Wooyoung, "I think that would make me a scaredy cat,"

"Why? Because you jumped so high up in your seat that I was surprised your face didn't crash through the roof," Wooyoung snorts when he laughs, "That's okay though... I like cats," He winks at San.

San blushes at Wooyoung's flirty attitude, his wide smile unmoving on his face, "Do you now?"

"I actually do, though. I have one at home named Pita," Wooyoug feels his body start to shiver from the cool winter air, "Hey, can I come sit with you in there? You're letting all the warm air out with the window down like that, genius."

San looks towards the passenger seat of his car, nodding, "I mean... I guess you can come in, but I'll make sure to turn the cold air on for the passenger side. Just for you."

"Oh, you wouldn't," Wooyoung hurries over to the other side of the car and gets in, smiling at the warmth of the car's heater on his frigid skin, but he's soon blasted by cold air once again.

"Try me," San giggles playfully and right before Wooyoung whines, he switches it back to heat, "Kidding, kidding... I was getting cold, too."

San rolls his window back up once Wooyoung is seated comfortably beside him, letting the car get even warmer now that they're both enclosed in it with all vents spewing hot air.

"Thank you, I think my balls were about to freeze off," Wooyoung laughs, laying back on the seat and putting his feet up on the dash in a relaxed fashion. He gets comfortable quickly, gazing over at San.

"Ah, if that were to happen then I guess I would have to warm them back up for you," San rubs his hand up Wooyoung's leg, his flirty words sounding so casual spilling from his mouth.

Wooyoung puts his hand on top of San's, his palm still cold from being outside for so long, but the intense heat coming from San's hand feels healing. He squeezes his hand in place, "I'd like that," He smirks, happy to be able to relax in the cozy seat of San's car. It's much better than the hard bathtub Wooyoung slept in all night.

"Hey, I'm sorry I said all that stuff last night, Wooyoung. My head was killing me and seeing..." San pauses for a moment, unsure if he wants to go into his relationship issues with Seonghwa with someone he barely knows right now, but he still continues, "uh, seeing Seonghwa and Yeosang standing at the door like that just made me more upset, you know?"

Wooyoung doesn't take his eyes off of San, sitting up a bit more in his seat so he can properly face him, "It's alright, San. Like I said, I knew what you said wasn't really directed towards me. You seemed to be going through a lot last night anyway," Wooyoung shows San a reassuring smile.

San looks at Wooyoung for a while, studying his face and taking all of his features in full. Last night he was so messed up, he didn't get to really see just how insanely attractive Wooyoung was with his silky-looking blond hair and the small beauty mark under his right eye. He wants to touch him -- his hair and his beauty mark, that is. Definitely just those two...

Of course he knew he was handsome last night, but with his mind finally clear and sober, it's different. Every little thing about Wooyoung was able to stick in San's brain now, like how his fingers on top of San's felt slightly bent and it made him wonder if they're always like that or if they're just like that from the angle.

Wooyoung's amused by how long San has been staring at him, "What are you looking at, kitten?" He chuckles, lifting his hand to ruffle San's fluffy dark brown hair, fingering through the blonde streak in the front deliberately. He wonders why he chose that specific style for himself. Wooyoung decides that it gives San an edge to him that he wants to learn more about.

The mixture of brown and blonde locks flow through Wooyoung's fingers like water, a body that Wooyoung wouldn't mind taking multiple dips into if given the chance.

San recoils, "Ew, did you just call me kitten?" San sticks his tongue out in playful disgust, doing his best to hide his smile. San remembers Wooyoung saying that he liked cats, right? Maybe he could be his kitten, after all.

"I don't know, did I?" Wooyoung asks as he leans over the console between them, pressing his forehead to San's, raising the tension that had been growing since last night quickly.

San's eyes go wide at Wooyoung's sudden movement towards him, feeling his heart beating faster as their lips become mere millimeters apart, just close enough that their eyelashes flutter together. The fire within San's heart begins to rise up as well as down into his loins when he circles an arm around Wooyoung's neck, bringing him down to finally meet his lips.

Wooyoung lets himself sink into the kiss like it's always been a natural thing for the two of them to do, becoming instantly immersed in the ocean that is San, letting the waves flow over him and submerge him in the undercurrent.

San gently presses Wooyoung's chest as they kiss so intimately, their hands traveling all over each other's bodies while San eases Wooyoung back into his seat, San being the one leaning over now. San climbs over the center console and into Wooyoung's lap, straddling him as their kiss grows even more heated. The air around them is hot enough to singe the clothes right off their bodies.

Wooyoung settles his arms around San's petite waist when he climbs on top of him, unafraid of his fingertips digging into San's soft skin.

Oh, he could definitely get used to this.

Wooyoung's hands wander under the back of San's shirt, making San get goosebumps all over his body from Wooyoung's frigid hands touching his warm skin like that.

San parts their lips, his breath ghosting down to Wooyoung's neck before he begins to give it tender kisses, "You're. So. Cold..." He whispers mindlessly with each gasp of air, unsure if his words even come out audible.

San wonders if Wooyoung would be mad at him if he left marks on his neck.

Maybe he would like it...?

San softly begins to suckle on Wooyoung's neck, causing Wooyoung to let out a low groan as he leans his head back for San to have easier access, "Mmm, you gonna let everyone know I'm seeing someone?" His voice is airy and hot, his eyes fluttering closed with pleasure.

San blushes at Wooyoung's sweet voice groaning like that, it making his stomach ripple with desire when his throat vibrates against his lips. Maybe he is trying to let people know Wooyoung is now taken. Could he be his? They're not even in a relationship, though.

Yet, anyway.

San smirks to himself as he continues to suck deep red marks along Wooyoung's neck, even pulling on the collar of his shirt to reveal his collarbone so he's able to give attention to every part of Wooyoung that he can reach. Spots that might not show to the public with a shirt on top of them, but San loves the knowledge that only the two of them will know what truly hides beneath all these layers.

It'll be their little secret.

Wooyoung lays back and enjoys the attention his neck is receiving, having always loved the feeling of a tongue against his skin. Through half-open eyes, he sees the windows of San's car beginning to fog up from their hot bodies. Wooyoung roughly pulls on the skin of San's back with a need so strong, "I want you..." He whispers, bringing San's face back up to his own to bite his bottom lip, pulling it away slowly, only to let go and watch it bounce back, "So badly."

San never knew the feeling of someone tugging on his back could turn him on so quickly, but holy hell it's killing him. He finds himself shyly grinding his hips against Wooyoung when he locks eyes with him, his bottom lip still tingling from feeling Wooyoung's teeth scraping on the delicate skin. His pupils begin overtaking his irises in a strong hunger, "Is that so? Tell me what you want exactly, Wooyoung."

Wooyoung bites his lip, his eyes glued right back on San's, "It'll be easier if I show you, kitten." He breathes heavily as San grinds his hips onto him further, feeling his hard cock through his jeans rubbing against his lower stomach. Wooyoung lifts his hips up as San continues, allowing for them to grind against each other easier.

Wooyoung doesn't know if they'll actually even have sex right now, but the intimacy everything is a bit overwhelming to him. It's making his mind jumbled, unable to think straight. He didn't think it would get this hot and heavy, especially this fast. None of his other encounters have ever been like this. So sensual, yet so tame. He wants to fuck San right now, but at the same time, he also wants to tease the hell out of him and savor this peculiar feeling that's taking over his mind.

He just wants to bask in this fragile boy's passion and presence. Is that so much to ask?

San pants as the fiery air in the car becomes denser, closing him in onto Wooyoung even further. Seeing the wanting in Wooyoung's eyes does something to him internally, and he can't help but want to relinquish all control over to him.

God, why does he have to be this hot? And he fucking cares about me? What kind of gem did I find at that party last night?

That morning continues, San and Wooyoung not going all the way, but instead connecting with one another in a more intimate way.

Just before Wooyoung goes back to his own car, he pats San's front pocket, "Don't forget about this, okay?" He smiles, reminding him that his phone number is still written down on a piece of paper in there. He only hopes that he will actually use it and call him someday -- and hopefully that someday will be sooner rather than later. Wooyoung doesn't want this one to slip through his fingertips, he wants to see San again.

End of Chapter Five

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