A/N: Hey! It's me! I'm not dead! Surprisingly...But anyways, sorry I've neglected this story and a whole bunch more if you're a regular reader of mine. I've been spending sometime to myself and just rejuvenating my writing thoughts and process and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. Thank you for being so patient, it means a lot to me. Now, onto the story.
The Same Night
After the fighting had ended and everyone was gathered around, Levi pulled you onto your feet before twisting your arm behind your back.
"Agh!" You groaned as Yang got mad from what she saw.
"What do you think you're doing?" Yang asked as she loaded another shell into her gauntlet.
"Don't come closer unless you wanna end up with your face in the ground." Levi said as he cuffed you and electricity flowed through the cuffs. "If you try to break free a surge of electricity will flow from the gaunlets to your body. Don't make a fuss." He said as he pulled out a scroll and pressed a button on it before putting it away. "You kids should hurry home, not safe for you to roam around at night." Levi said.
"We're not as weak as you think." Julia said as she cracked her knuckles.
"That's the problem with brats nowadays, no common sense." Levi groaned as the sound of a bullhead could be heard.
Everyone covered their faces from the dust that was kicking up as they watched an Atlas bullhead hover over everyone before landing as the rear doors opened and walked out Atlesian knights and Erwin smith. As the Atlesian knights secured the area, Erwin walked towards you and Levi as you were turned towards him and he stopped right in front of you.
"You followed me?" You asked him.
"That's right. We were able to round up a majority of the White Fang there, but a few managed to slip through our hands, nothing too big though. It seems on your hand though, the enemy managed to escape." Erwin said as you glared at him. "Y/N, there is something that we must discuss about in private. It'd be in your best interest to come with us." He said as you scoffed.
"Hmph, yeah right. I'm not going to spend the night in an Atlas jail cell. Let me go, you have no right to place me under arrest." You denied his offer.
"Hey, brat. Don't make this harder than it needs to--." Levi spoke but was cut off when Erwin raised his hand.
"No, he's right. Let him go." Erwin said.
"What?" Levi said as Erwin looked at him.
"That's an order. Obey it." Erwin said as Levi released the cuffs and you walked back towards your team and friends.
"Roger, Erwin, I'll trust your judgement." Levi said as he joined his side and the two of them walked back onto their bullhead as the Atlesian knights boarded as well.
"Until next time, Y/N." Erwin said as the doors closed the bullhead's engine roared to life as you watched them take off.
"That short guy's a jerk." Julia scoffed.
"Let's get going, its already late." Annie said as everyone began to walk away from the battle zone, but Sarah stopped when she saw you still standing in front of the spot where Anna was stood.
"Y/N?" She called to you as she came over and saw you staring at the ground. "What's wrong?" She asked as you clenched your fist and stared at the ground.
"I could have stopped them...I could have helped her, but...I got distracted and let my feelings get in the way..." You said in a low tone.
"I'm sorry, Y/N...but you saw what she did for them...she protected them...I don't think there was anything you could have said to her that would have..." Sarah was cut off when you turned and walked away.
"There's always something to be said...I was just too ignorant and didn't say anything..." You said as you left her and she stood there with a worried look on her face while watching you grow farther and farther away.
"He really cares for her so much..." Sarah thought while holding her hands to her chest as she remembered her saddened face from the night at the docks. "If she still cares about him...Why fight him...Anna..." She thought while staring at the night sky.
Timeskip, The Next Morning
After the events that had conspired last night, both your team and team RWBY had returned to your dorms to get some rest. As the sun shined through the window and lit up Sarah's face, she slowly opened her eyes and sat up in bed. As she rubbed her eyes and scanned the room she saw that Julia and Annie were both still asleep, but you weren't in your bed.
"Y/N?" She looked around for you before hearing a noise coming from outside the window.
She walked over and looked down at the yard behind the dorm to see you outside practicing and training your fighting skills as you yelled with an angered and frustrated tone. As she watched you throw out punches and frustrated kicks she only closed her eyes in sadness and turned away from the window as she sat back on her bedside. After a few moments passed Julia had awakened from her slumber as well as she rubbed her eyes and yawned as she turned over and saw Sarah looking glum.
"What's wrong?" She asked while stretching her arms and wings out.
"I can't help but feel sorry for Y/N..." Sarah said as Julia looked over and noticed you weren't in the dorm. "His whole life he's been doing nothing but fighting...fighting for his rights to live a normal life even if he's a faunus...fighting to stay out of a prison or worse an Atlas laboratory...and he now has to fight against his best friend that he's known for life...It's like his entire life has been nothing but a long, painful road..." Sarah said as Julia turned towards her and leaned her face towards her.
"Then why don't we cheer him up, huh?" She said as Sarah looked at her in confusion.
"What do you mean?" She asked as Julia got up and walked towards the study desk near the door.
"Let's give him something to remember, show him that there's more than a struggling road ahead of him." She said as she came back over with a flyer and gave it to Sarah.
Sarah looked down at the paper and saw a picture of a merry go round and other amusement park rides as Julia spoke.
"There's a small fair coming to town just before the real festivities start, it's to give a small taste of what's to come. Let's take Y/N there and spend some quality time with him as a team, and maybe we can invite a few more friends also." Julia explained as Sarah stared up at her.
"But, how do we know he'll say yes? He's been so serious ever since the night at the docks and he's barely even coming to classes with us. How do you know it'll work?" She asked before another voice chimed in.
"He'll come, I'll make sure of it." They heard as they looked over and saw Annie was awake and staring at them. "We put off our investigation for now and focus on getting Y/N' s head back straight." She said as she got off her bed and walked over to them as she placed her hand out and the two stared at her as she looked down at them. "We cheer him up, he's had enough hardships in his life, especially with the burden of being Godzilla. Let's do this." Annie said as Julia placed her hand on top of Annie's.
"To saving Y/N." Julia said as Annie nodded and Sarah placed her hand on top as well.
"To saving Y/N." Sarah repeated with determination as they all looked out the window and saw you sitting on the grass with your head down as the morning breeze blew by.
"Don't worry, Y/N...your team's here for you." Annie said as she looked at you with sympathy.
Meanwhile, With Erwin (Stop Song)
Erwin had reported back to the command ship and walked through the halls of the airship as he stopped at a door and swiped a card on a scanning pad next to the door. Once the room was opened and he stepped inside he saw Levi sitting in a chair in the center of the office as there was a large desk in front of him with Erwin's name on a name plate.
"We have a problem, Erwin." Levi said without facing him as the door closed behind him and he walked over to his desk.
"What is it?" He asked as Levi simply pulled out a scroll and slid it over to Erwin as he looked down at it. "What's this?" He asked.
"Transfer orders. Atlas is sending over reinforcements for our group with the discovery of the foreign objects we found surrounding the coastlines of Vale." Levi said as Erwin scrolled through the orders. "Erwin, they're sending Connors." Levi said as Erwin grew a somewhat surprised look as he reached a picture within the orders.
The picture he was looking at was a picture of a man who had a somewhat round face with bushy grey eyebrows, a pair of round glasses, a big mustache, and messy grey hair that only went around the perimeter of his head as the top portion was bald. He was also wearing a white lab coat and a had a lab research badge on the left chest pocket of his coat.
"They don't know that Godzilla is really just a brat hiding in some school, but just due to the fact that there are huge objects that are emitting radiation around the coasts of Vale, and the information we shared about Godzilla being spotted near the continent was enough for the board to send him. He'll do whatever it takes to see Godzilla, even if it means destroying that brats mind." Levi said as Erwin stood up and looked at him.
"Tell Hanji she has full-range to whatever she needs to figure out what these rocks surrounding Vale are. If they're related to the boy then we need to know what they are fast before Connors and his lackey's get here. I want full watch on the boy as well, if we can't identify these things and Connors finds out who he is, then he has no chance. Since we've informed the council that Godzilla has been spotted near the Vale coast, they'll surely have given him permissions that go even higher than my orders. Protect the boy at all costs." Erwin said as he walked out of his office.
Just as he was heading towards the main bay of the ship however, Levi came around the corner and called out to him.
"Erwin." He said as Erwin stopped and looked back at him. "There's someone also you should meet." He said as Erwin turned back.
"Who?" He asked as another set of footsteps could be heard and someone walked out from behind Levi. "Who are you?" He asked as he stared at a woman in a white cloak with a hood over her face.
The woman removed the hood from over her eyes as she revealed herself to be Summer Rose as Erwin grew a confused look.
"My name is Summer Rose, and there's something I need to tell you something..." Summer said as she stared at Erwin with a serious look on her face.
Back With You
"The fair?" You asked.
"Mhmm." Julia, Sarah, and Annie all nodded at the same time together.
"You all want to go? For team bonding?" You asked.
"Mhmm. Mhmm." They all nodded in unison again.
"And we're going to just drop our leads and training to go have fun and goof off?" You asked with a raised brow.
"Mhmm!" They nodded once more as you just stared at them while standing in the door.
"...Uh-huh..." You said as there was a silence between you and your team before you just turned around and tried to walked off.
"Wait!" Sarah yelled as she grabbed your arm and tried to stop you, but instead got dragged along. "We've had a rough time and especially you, and we just wanna help get your spirits up! Please, Y/N!" Sarah begged as you walked on.
"No! L-Look, I don't need any of this right now. All I need is to find out what the White Fang and Anna are up to, and then I can--." You spoke but got cut off by Sarah.
Play Song At Top
"Y/N!" She yelled your name as you stopped from her sudden outburst as you looked down at her as she was on her knees with her head down. "I know you want to help your friend...You're a good person, of course you want to help...but..." She struggled and you heard her start to weep a bit as you stared at her in shock. "BUT WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO IT ALONE!? IT'S NOT FAIR!" She cried out loudly as tears ran like waterfalls down her face.
"Sarah..." Annie muttered as she watched in shock of her best friend's emotions all pour out.
"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO FIGHT ALONE!? WHY DO YOU HAVE TO THINK ONLY ABOUT THE BAD THINGS?! WHY?!" She cried out as you clenched your fist and looked away.
"Because that's all there is...that's all I have in my life..." You gritted your teeth as you turned back towards her. "I don't have the luxury of living a happy normal teen life, Sarah, you know that. I'm--!" You were cut off when she looked at you with extreme frustration.
"--DIFFERENT!" She cried out loudly as you fell speechless. "I know that! I know you're different...! You had a terrible thing happen to you and things haven't been going your way! I get that! But don't you realize that there's more than just bad things surrounding you!?" She asked as you were in shock. "You have us! You have RWBY! JNPR! You have your family who loves and cares about you!" Sarah cried out loudly as Annie came up and wrapped her arms around her while.
"We know how important this whole thing is to you, we get that...but if you change yourself and grow a cold heart, then how could you ever save Anna, Y/N?" Annie asked as you stared at the ground and hung your head. "We want to help you, we're going to help you..." She said as she hugged Sarah who cried into her shoulder. "But if don't let us, then what's the point of us even being here?" She asked.
"Y/N..." Julia came forward as you looked at her. "Please...Let us be there with you...We all love you so much and we can't stand seeing you like this. It has to stop now, before you do something you'll never forgive yourself for." She said as you stared down at the weeping Sarah.
You knelt down and came towards her as Annie removed herself from Sarah and left her in front of you. You remained silent trying to figure what to say, but just then your feelings all came forward as you remembered the good times you had with your friends and family. You took Sarah's hand as she stared right at you and saw you had tears in your eyes as well.
"I'm sorry..." You started as she listened to you. "Ever since I learned of my destiny, and what I had to do...I thought that this was the only path to take if I wanted to save people...but I was wrong." You said as grasped her hand with both of yours. "Learning about Anna I neglected everything else that was important and closed myself off from everyone...that was wrong. I'm sorry, Sarah...I'm truly sorry...!" You said as you leaned your head onto her hand.
You looked back up only to see her come towards you and wrap her arms and wings around you as you hugged her back. Annie and Julia both smiled as they came in and joined the hug. Just then, a set of footsteps stopped neat you guys as someone spoke.
"Huh? What are you guys doing on the floor?" You heard as you looked up and saw RWBY and JNPR standing a few feet away from you. "Y/N, Sarah, are you two crying?" Yang asked as you and Sarah stared at each other.
"Yeah...yeah we were just venting is all..." You said as you held Sarah's hand and smiled at her. "Thank you, Sarah...for everything." You said as she hugged you and rubbed her cheek happily against yours as you laughed.
"Hey..." You heard a menacing tone as you and Sarah both squeaked as Yang stood over you two cracking her knuckles. "Too close, Butterfly girl." She said as Sarah quivered in fear.
As you watched Yang stand tower over Sarah however, you suddenly wrapped your arm around Sarah and pulled her close as you smirked at Yang.
"What's wrong, Yang? Jealous of her stealing me from you?" You grinned as Sarah was waving her hands in rebellion and fear of what you said.
The sound of a vein exploding was heard as Yang bit her lip in fury and glared down at you with red eyes.
"What's with them?" Jaune asked Ruby.
"Huh? Ohh, apparently under mine and our parents noses, these two were dating." Ruby said.
"HUH?!?!" Everyone yelled in shock as you laughed while smiling up at Yang who was furious.
"B-But aren't you two adopted siblings?" Pyhrra asked.
"Who cares? It's not like we're blood related." Yang scoffed.
"...I think I'm gonna be sick." Jaune claimed while you looked at him.
"Hey, it may look wrong, but it felt right, didn't it?" You said to Yang.
"Ewww, gross." Annie did a vomit gesture as Nora gasped.
"This is like those stories I read online! A forbidden love between step-siblings who hide their relationship from their parents and others! I could TOTALLY make one myself! What do you think, Ren!?" She asked in excitement.
"I'm not getting twisted in your strange hobbies." Ren turned away as Nora whined and everyone laughed.
While everyone was laughing at Nora's determination to write a strange story, Sarah stared at you the whole time and smiled at the first moment you've been happy since the night at the docks.
"If I had never met you that day...my life here at Beacon would have been different..." Sarah thought as she remembered meeting you for the first time.
"Are you okay?" You asked her as she knelt against the wall.
She took your hand and you helped her up as she stared into your eyes in amazement of the person standing in front of her.
"No one should be picked on like that, especially faunus. We have to watch each other's backs, right?" You smiled at her and wagged your tail as her heart was fluttering from the moment.
Her heart was racing at the time and her mind was completely oblivious to any of the surroundings besides this young man, this faunus, standing in front of her as she stared at him with astonishment of what he had done for her.
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/N!" You said in a rush as you pulled her along behind you while holding her hand.
Sarah stared not ahead of where you two were going, but kept glancing back between her holding hands with you and you smiling as you ran across the schoolyard with her in tow as she had no words to describe any of the feelings she was having at the moment.
Flashback Over
Sarah watched you with a smile as you laughed and a tear fell out of her left eye as she wiped it away and smiled.
"Thank you...Y/N..." She thought while holding her hands to her chest. "Ever since that day I've tried to figure out these feelings I have when I'm around you...and despite you being with Yang...I still can't deny what I've grown to feel for you..." She thought as you gave her a cheesy smile and made her laugh.
"C'mon, let's head back so we can plan for our trip." You said as you took her hand once more and helped her to her feet.
"What trip? Where you guys going?" Weiss asked as you put your finger over your mouth.
"Team trip only, sorry." You said as you winked at everyone before tugging Sarah along with you as she stared at you with a happy look.
"I can definitely say...Without a doubt..." She thought as she held your hand just a bit tighter than the first time you held hands. "Y/N..."
"I love you..."
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