Chapter 12: Anna's Story, A Shocking Turn In The Battle

With Anna

"Anna...Are you our enemy?" Erwin asked Anna.

"...No, I'm not your enemy..." Anna gripped the blanket that covered her as she looked up to his eyes. "I know I've done terrible things...I've hurt so many...but, there was no other way. If I didn't do it, she said I would be killed." Anna gripped the sheets tighter.

"Who said that?" Erwin asked her.

"I don't know...She only spoke to me through my head. Every time she came to me, I would feel my head go into a downward spiral, I lose control of balance and I feel sick to my stomach. If I would've known what her goal was, I would have preferred to drown in the ocean long ago..." She said.

"Please, explain." Erwin asked her to as she paused for a moment before continuing.

"About maybe twelve years ago, when I was still only a little girl without any common sense, and scared out of my mind from what I had become, I rose from the ocean in my other...form...because I didn't know what to do, and I was tired of being in the darkness of the ocean. I tried to talk, but all that came out were those scary roars, and without realizing the trouble I was making for myself, there was an Atlas fleet at sea just a few miles behind me. I didn't notice them until they began to bomb me with their weapons...and they weren't normal cannons or missiles..." She explained while holding her arms, remembering the pain she felt.

"What kind of weapons were they?" The Commander waned to know.

"I don't know...they were like...I don't know, they were weird looking turret heads that shot out blue lightning. It didn't pierce my skin, but it still hurt. It burned..." Anna shook her head to forget the feeling of pain.

"The experimental maser guns..." The two of them heard as Anna looked to the door to see Hanji, who she had not met yet. "Another one of Dr.Connor's experimental weapons before he was recruited to create the H-Bomb." She said as she entered the room and sat in a chair behind Erwin.

"Who is she?" Anna asked.

"She's a scientist. You can trust her." Erwin reassured her as Anna just nodded and continued on.

"After I destroyed the fleet that was chasing me...and I tried to just stop them, but their ships just kept exploding...I began to move again. I didn't have any problems with my body, but then, something fell from the sky..." She said as Hanji was perplexed.

"What was it that fell from the sky?" Hanji asked.

"Another bomb...but this one was didn't just almost kill killed everything." Anna said.

"Everything? In the water?" Erwin said as Hanji had a shocked look on her face.

"Yeah...when I went underwater too...I couldn't breath, I felt like I was drowning..." Anna said as Hanji slowly stood up and backed away towards the door. "I saw all the fish...the sharks...the whales...everything was disintegrating...there was no oxygen in the water and everything was liquifying. Even me..." Anna said as Erwin took notice of Hanji and turned around.

"Hanji?" He called to her but she just turned around and ran.

Hanji ran down the hall way and dodged people who were in her way before she made it out to the launch deck and collapsed to her knees. She coughed and breathed heavily as a pair of shoes stopped in front of her.

"It was my fault...It was my fault..." She muttered with a mortified look on her face.

"What are you talking about, Dr.Hanji?" A voice came from nearby as her eyes nearly shot out of her head and she looked left when she recognized the voice.

Back With Anna

"What was that about?" Anna asked.

"Hanji, back before I took her into my command, was a scientist experimenting with oxygen, testing reactions it could have mixed with other chemicals and exposed to life in the water. When she discovered a destructive and violent reaction however, she couldn't believe the horror she created..." Erwin said.

"You mean..." Anna said as Erwin turned back towards her and shook his head.

"Hanji inadvertently created a weapon, but she never meant for it to be used ever. It was another scientist who found her when she created the weapon. Before she could burn any notes and destroy the weapon, the man who found her and military police restrained her and took everything." Erwin explained as he looked her straight in the eyes. "Anna, the weapon that almost killed you was the Oxygen Destroyer, and Hanji couldn't stop it from getting in the wrong hands." He explained.

"Who took it?" She asked.

"One of the scientists responsible for creating the H-Bomb that fell on Lagos. While hunting you and taking data from you, he learned they needed an unconventional way of killing Godzilla that didn't mean rockets or bullets or masers...His name is Dr.Connors." He said as she gripped the sheets in anger. "Please, tell me more. How did you survive?" He asked her.

"I...I couldn't catch my breath and...I could barely move. That was when I saw a strange red light below me shine from a weird black pool at the bottom of the ocean. I fell right through it and when I came up from the other side, I was lying on land in someplace where nothing was alive. I saw those strange black and white creatures gather around me before I suddenly heard a voice. "What is wrong, child?' Is what I heard. I said I thought I was dying and when they heard my reply they said, 'Do not fear, child. I shall save you.' After that, everything blacked out." Anna finished as Erwin put his hand to his chin.

"It couldn't have been her...could it...?" He pondered for a moment before the door opened behind him and Erwin turned to see Levi.

"He's here." Levi said to him as Erwin stood up and turned back towards Anna.

"Get up and get dressed. You need to leave, now." Erwin said as turned to leave.

"W-Wait! What's going on?" She yelled but Levi stepped in and threw her clothes at her.

"Someone who would love to gut you like a fish and study your intestines just arrived on board. We're leaving, hurry up." He said as he walked out and Anna just jumped out of bed and began to get ready.

After getting herself dressed and following Levi out of the infirmary another way, they both found themselves out on the flight deck where Levi saw Erwin a few feet away standing in front of Dr.Connors with Hanji and Moblit standing behind him.

"Commander Erwin, it's been too long." Connors smiled at him as Anna stared over at the scientist.

He was about 5 centimeters shorter than Erwin, had long, messy gray hair that was balding on the top, wore round glasses, and a scientists usual get-up, consisting of a white coat, brown pants, black shoes, and a white shirt. He was stood in front of two body guards who were armed with rifles as Erwin held a cold stare at him.

"Why have they sent you, Connors?" Erwin asked as Connors chuckled.

"Now now, Erwin...We're on the same side. Why can't we just get along? Besides, you know why I'm here." Connors said as he grinned widely. "We know about your findings of the Godzilla species surrounding the continent." He grinned as Erwin was shocked.

"H-How could you know!?" Moblit said in shock.

"Simple, I merely asked to tap into your research network and bypassed your security to view your data." Connors answered as Hanji was angered.

"You bastard...!" She was about to go at him with a punch, but Erwin stopped her and Connors's guards stepped in front of him.

"No need to resort to violence, my dear Hanji. Aren't you excited to be working on the same project together? Like old memories of making the beautiful bomb that we dropped on those repulsive faunus on Lagos." Connors grinned as Anna was seriously ticked off by this as her red glow grew brighter.

"Calm down, we have to go." Levi ordered her as Anna gritted her teeth in annoyance and swallowed her pride.

Levi and Anna both snuck around and tried to blend in with the crew and soldiers walking across the flight deck, and after maneuvering around a bit more, they made it to their bullhead where Anna boarded first, followed by Levi afterwards as he shut the door. Levi stared out the window to look over at Erwin, but when he did he was shocked when he saw Connors turn right towards him with a smile and wave. The bullhead carrying the two of them flew off as Connors turned back towards Erwin before walking pass him and towards the door.

"Now then, shall we have a briefing, Commander? You did know that upon my arrival I would be taking command, yes?" He asked him as Erwin clenched his fist in frustration.

"Yes, sir..." Was all that could come out from Erwin's mouth as he followed Connors inside.

While they went back inside the ship, Levi sat down across from Anna and leaned back against his seat as he stared out the window.

"We'll have to find some place to hide you. A place they won't think about searching. I think I know--!" Levi was cut off by Anna.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She suddenly yelled in pain before collapsing to her knees on the floor of the bullhead as Levi was shocked and went to aid her.

"What's wrong?" He asked before he saw steam lift off through the clothes she wore and the glowing spots on her body grew brighter.

"It's Y/N...I-I can feel them..." She said through groans and moans of pain as her eyes were almost bloodshot. "They're fighting...and they're getting stronger...AHHHHHHH!" She yelled in pain as she threw herself back and hit her head on her seat as she continued to write in pain while Levi tried to hold her down.

"TAKE US TO BEACON! NOW!!" He yelled at his pilot as he tried his best to hold Anna down while she continued to scream. "Are they connected somehow!?" Levi thought in confusion as he scoffed. "What the hell are you doing, brat?" He thought as he could only imagine the battle you were engaged in.

Meanwhile, With You, Play Song At Top

Back in the underground city, explosions kicked up one after another near the east side of the city as blue and purple sparks flew everywhere in that area. 

"HAAAAAA!!!!" Diana yelled as she sent her fist towards you.

"RRAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" You yelled as you clashed fists once more with Diana.

The two of you were locked against one another as the powerful force you two exerted blew away everything around you. Sparks flew as you struggled against her and Diana kept smiling the entire time as you felt her strength increase after each clash.

"Yes! Yes, that's it! Show me more power!" She laughed as one last purple spark blew off the two of you before there was a huge explosion that blew away even the buildings next to you as they crumbled to the ground and made the cavern shake. 

You jumped back out from the smoke and slid back on your feet before coming to a stop as you breathed heavily. Your shirt was completely torn up as your body was covered in black scales and your eyes were glowing blue and black scales crept on the edges of your face like veins. Your spines were bigger and your whole body was grown another foot as your fangs and claws were all sharply bared. Just then the smoke cloud in front of you was blown away by your opponent as you saw Diana standing across from you down the road. She was also in a sort of transformed state as her body was slowly being covered in scales as well, but there was something strange about her. On her chest area, it was as if something was growing out of her chest as it was out and pointed, like a piece of armor. Her claws were much longer than yours and her fangs looked sharper as well. Her eyes were black now with purple pupils that glowed as her tail looked longer and her muscles had also grown in size.

"Ahahahaha! You're really amazing, you know? Do you even get how you keep increasing your power?" She laughed as you raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What the hell are you talking about?" You glared at her as she spread her arms out and smiled even more.

"She didn't tell you, huh? Typical Anna, not wanting you to worry about her. You think you've gotten stronger because you trained so hard by yourself or with others? Sure, that's something, but it's not the main reason you've grown in power. The real reason is..." She grinned and pointed at you as the next thing she said shocked you completely. "...You're a leech." She said.

"A leech? What the hell are you on about?" You yelled at her.

"You gain power through each battle you go through, and as you fight stronger and stronger enemies, you're pushed to your limits and force yourself to exert power you thought you didn't have. But really..." She started to explain as she raised a finger up. "...You're taking the power from the other Godzilla's nearby." She said to you as you gasped in shock. "You're connected to each and every Godzilla that is currently dwelling at the bottom of the ocean near the continent of Vale, which means you're also sucking the life and power out of poor little Anna." She mocked you.

"Shut up! You're lying!" You yelled at her.

"It's not a lie, I can see the power stirring inside you. It's the same amount of power I saw when I first met that girl. In fact it's the same power as hers. Later in our fight, you'll be pushed to your limit, and try to dig down deep in yourself for more power, but in reality you'll be draining her and the other Godzilla's of their strength and energy." She said to you as you were in denial.

"I'm draining Anna's life...? No...That can't be it. I know she's lying, don't let her get into your head." You recomposed yourself as you steadied your stance.

"C'mon, fight me! Fight me and drain even more life from your precious Anna! FIGHT ME, Y/N!" She yelled at you as she suddenly moved at an insane speed that you couldn't react to, as if she had suddenly vanished.

Within moments, she was suddenly in front of you with a huge grin on her face as a punch was already heading towards you. Completely shocked, you barely had time to turn your head before her fist collided against your cheek and she sent your flying through three buildings before you crashed through one last building and slid across the ground. You groaned and writhed in pain as you laid face down on the dirt floor. You had a large bruise on the side of your face, blood trickled down from your nose and mouth as you spat up some blood and coughed.

"Y/N!" You heard people call your name as you lifted your head up and turned it a bit.

Turning back you saw all of your friends, RWBY, Summer, your teammates, even Professor Oobleck who accompained RWBY for their mission, all of them standing next to a train as they fought the White Fang. They all had shocked looks on their faces as they saw you lie on the floor in pain. Just then, another explosion went off and the building you came through came crashing down as Diana stood on top of the rubble with purple sparks coming off of her, smiling down at you all.

"Is this the best you have? If so then you don't deserve the power or life you live. You should've died back on your miserable island." She said as you just stared up at her.

"Help him!" Summer yelled as she kicked away another soldier as your teammates and RWBY rushed over.

"Y/N!" Sarah yelled in worry as she lifted your into her arms and the rest of your allies stood in front defensively. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm sorry...I was too weak..." You said weakly before suddenly passing out in her arms as she was completely shocked.

"Y/N! Hey, Y/N!  Y/N! Wake up!" Sarah yelled desperately as she tried to shake you awake as Annie felt her rage bubble over in her heart.

"You're gonna pay for what you've done." Annie said as she and Julia took offensive stances.

"Feel free to come at me as you like." Diana opened her arms in a welcoming manner as they all glared at her.

Just then as Summer knocked out another White Fang member though, the sound of a loud whistle blew through the cavern as she looked ahead and saw the train begin to start.

"We have to stop this train." Oobleck said as Summer nodded and turned back.

"Forget her!" She yelled as they all looked towards her. "She's just gonna slow us down, get on board the train! Hurry!" She yelled as Oobleck and herself both jumped on board.

"Let's go!" Blake said as she came over and lifted your arm around her shoulder as she and Sarah both carried you on board the rear train car.

"I don't think so--huh?" Diana tried to move from her spot, but when she couldn't she looked down and saw her feet up to her knees were frozen where she stood. "Who the hell...?" She said in annoyance before seeing Ruby and Weiss standing side by side as Ruby had her weapon in sniper mode and coupled it with Weiss's ice glyph.

"Sorry, but we don't have time for this." Ruby said as she and the rest of your friends all ran on board as the train began to set out.

"Dammit!" Diana yelled as she heated the ice holding her and shattered it before trying to chase after the train. 

The train sped up in speed as it began to move towards the tunnel ahead of it and just as Diana was about to jump and grab the railing, the train had picked up enough speed to make it come just out of her reach as Diana fell and rolled on the ground before watching the train get away.

"Great...Now I have to walk..." She said in annoyance as she started making her way down the tunnel.

While on the train, you and your allies were all inside the last cart as they came over to check on you, seeing your body had reverted back to your normal state.

"How is he?" Julia asked as Sarah held you in her arms.

"He's still breathing, but he looks weak for some reason...How could Y/N have lost like that against her? Isn't he stronger?" Sarah asked while holding you closer in her arms.

"Something must have happened during their fight, but we can't focus on that right now. We've got bigger things to worry about..." Summer said as she turned towards the center of the train cart they were in as there was a large device in the center with wires protruding all over it.

"What is that?" Weiss asked as Oobleck walked over and examined the strange device.

"This appears to be a...bomb..." He said in worry as everyone instinctively backed away from it.

Just then, Oobleck gasped in shock as he saw a red light begin flashing on the bomb as it began to beep. Once that happened, everyone hurried to the top of the train cart while carrying you out and jumped over to the next cart. Just before that, Oobleck turned towards Blake and pointed down.

"Detach the caboose, it'll kill us all!" Oobleck yelled as Blake nodded and jumped down between the carts with her weapon drawn.

Just as she was about to cut the lines however, the cart suddenly decoupled itself from the rest of the train, falling far behind on the track.

"What the?" Blake said before looking up and yelling out. "It decoupled itself!" She yelled to them as Summer and Oobleck were confused.

"What?" Oobleck said as Summer stared back at the decoupled cart.

"Why?" She asked before there was a large explosion at the back of the tracks. "That's not good..." She muttered before hearing Weiss behind them.

"This isn't good either!" They turned back to see Weiss and your teammates opened the hatch on the cart you were all on and revealed another bomb was inside.

", no, no...!" Summer said as she ran up the other carts, checking them to see that they all had bombs inside. "They've all got bombs!" She yelled.

Just then, the cart you were all on decoupled as the bomb inside activated and everyone once more jumped over to the other train cart. As Ruby landed and looked ahead, she saw that there were more White Fang soldiers heading towards them.

"We've got baddies!" She pointed towards the White Fang as she and the rest of your friends all stood in front to hold them off while Oobleck looked back towards the decoupled cart.

"What is it, professor?" Sarah asked as she stared back towards the cart as well.

Just as another explosion went off on the tracks, debris and rubble fell from the top of the tunnel as it revealed an opening and sunlight shined down into the tunnel. As the smoke cleared, it revealed that there were grimm crawling our from the rubble as a King TaiJiTu fell from the top of the hole and began to slither along with the other grimm down the tracks, following the train.

"You're kidding..." Was all Sarah could mutter while holding you as Oobleck called out to Summer.

"He's leading grimm to the city!" He yelled as Summer kicked another soldier off and turned around.

"What?" She asked in shock.

"It's the train carts! He decouples them and sets off the bombs, making holes for the grimm!" He said as another cart suddenly detached and he Sarah ran over while carrying you. "We have to hurry and stop the train!" He yelled as Summer turned towards the kids.

"Annie! Take Julia and a few members of team RWBY down below and try to stop those bombs! Ruby, you're coming with me and Oobleck to stop the train!" Summer yelled as she turned towards Sarah who continued to hold onto you. "Try to stay close, but don't get caught in the crossfire, and please keep him safe." She said to her as she Sarah nodded.

"Yes, ma'am." She said as Summer turned towards the head of the train.

"Let's go!" Summer yelled as Annie and Julia joined the three other members of RWBY in trying to stop the bombs, while Oobleck, Summer and Ruby ran ahead to get to the front while Sarah carried you along whilst following them.

While carrying you over her shoulder, Sarah stared at you with worry as you were still unconscious and limp.

"What did she do to you...?" Sarah thought as she trudged on forward, as this simple shadowing assignment that you were all supposed to be on, turned into a race against time before the train of hell breaches Beacon, leading the creatures of darkness towards the city.  

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