Chapter Six

“No!” I bolt upright in bed, the sheets tangled between my legs, a fine layer of sweat trapping my hair, sticking it to my face. I take a few deep breaths and wait until my heart regains it's normal pace. Then I look at the clock; ten am.

I get out of bed, my legs shaking, my knees wobbling and head over to the bathroom. I let the scalding water wash away all the sweat, the feelings of abandonment, betrayal, jealousy and insecurity down the drain. I get out, wrapping a robe around myself and venturing back into my bedroom.

I pick up my cell and tap in a text to Rhys. It's clipped and to the point - 'We need to talk. My bedroom. Now.' I get dressed while I wait for Rhys; a black racer-back tank top, shorts and my baseball cap. There's a knock at the window and I open it, letting Rhys in with the cool breeze.

I turn my back to him, crossing my arms, trying to imagine myself as a stone statue, him a flimsy being.

I'm the stronger one. I'm the stronger one. I'm the stronger one. I chant to myself repeatedly, thrumming the words into my mind. But all my resolve crumbles when Rhys wraps his warm arms around me, his soft lips brushing the hollow between my shoulder and neck, mumbling something indecipherable as his lips move up to nip at my ear gently. Then I remember how he kissed Eliza. I know it wasn't just a dream, it was one of her memories. The memories I have to live with. The memories that are infused into my soul, whether I like it or not. Eliza is a part of me, a dark part that I want to drown in a lake. A part that was wished upon my soul without me even knowing it.

I ignore the wash of desire that runs through me and stay unresponsive to his tempting caresses. Rhys notices my stiff posture and whispers in my ear, “Anything wrong, babe?” He kisses my cheek, turning me to face him, his hands soft on my bare flesh.

He props a finger under my chin, forcing my head up. I meet his eyes. “Hey.” He frowns, “What's wrong? Why are you upset?”

“You kissed her.” I simply say. If he knows me, he'll understand my words.

Rhys looks at me puzzled but then realisation dawns on his unnaturally beautiful face. He looks down at me with his piercing gaze, stroking my cheek and smiles sadly. He leads me over to the bed, sitting down opposite me and saying, “You've had your first memory. You remembered something.”

“No, I didn't remember because they're not my memories. They're her memories stuck in me and I don't want to know about them. You kissed her. In front of me, right in front of me.” I punch his chest, not really causing him any amount of damage but just hard enough to let him know that seeing it hurt me.

“I'm sorry you had to see that.” Rhys takes my hand in his apologetically, “I really am. But none of us can change what's happened in the past. What we can do is make the best of the present so we can have a better future.”

“Rhys, we don't even know our future!” I state, “We have threats hanging over our head we still aren't aware of. A powerful Master who wants us dead, his flawless army of supernatural beings who will stop at nothing to ensure their leader is pleased and obeyed and a battle we know nothing about yet we're at the center of it. I'm not even sure if I'm going to wake up tomorrow alive!”

Rhys looks at me, shocked, “Don't you dare. Don't you dare say that to me. That... you could die? How could you assume that I would let that happen to you? Do you have any idea how long I've waited for you? You're not going to die, I won't allow it!”

“Rhys, why does this have to happen to me? It's killing me. I am the only girlfriend on Earth who has to see the memories of her boyfriend's last relationship.” I walk away from his constricting arms and sit on the bed. He follows me and takes my hands in his.

“I know. It's hard. I wish it was different, I really do. How about this? We get away from all this for a while?  Just for a few days? Summer break is two days away. How about I take you on holiday, give you something to look forward to?”

“Where would we even go?” I ask him, as he slips the baseball cap off my head and tucks a blonde strand of my hair behind my ear. I fight the urge to shiver from his electric touch.

Rhys shrugs, “I don't know. Chicago? Arizona? New York? Would you like that? We could go and hang out with the Yankees.” He puts a ridiculous, horrible New York accent on. I slap his arm, trying to stifle my laughter.

“I would like that, but I have ask my mom first. You know she's very protective. And I don't think she's going to be too happy about me going off to another state on my own!”

“I'm going to have to convince her.” Rhys shrugs, “I like to think I'm good with parents.”

“Rhys.” I frown, “What if she says she wants to meet your parents?”

Rhys' head snaps up to look at me.......

“Do you think Ethan was looking at me?” Avril turns her head to look at the blonde-haired hunk of a guy as we walk to the car park.

“I'm sure he was.” I squeeze Avril's hand, which is entwined tightly with mine.

Ethan Jones is Avril's latest crush. He has blonde gel-soaked hair, clear blue eyes and tight muscles that are abused with his love for soccer. “Oh, can you just imagine!” Avril goes all hazy-eyed and her voice goes all husky, “Me and Ethan Jones! We'd be the most amazing couple! It's just frustrating that he won't ask me out already! I mean, I've been dropping hints for a long time now.”

I smile at my wacky best friend, “You know what? You don't have to wait, Avril. It doesn't have to be all traditional. Why don't you ask Ethan out? I think he'll like that. It'll show him you're different, it'll make you stand more than his poster-perfect ex-girlfriends.”

“But it will be so awkward. I'll be so awkward. I won't know what to say. I won't know how to do anything. I've never been in that position before, it's always been the guys who do the asking out part. Would you help me? Pretty please?”

“Of course!” I state, “I could come to your house tomorrow night after school – the last day of our junior year, might I add – and we could practise. I could wear someone's letterman jacket and you could pretend I'm Ethan.”

“Really?” Avril says, clutching my hand.

“Totally. You're like my sister. What wouldn't I do for you?”

“Die?” Avril suggests boldly.

“I wouldn't strike that out just yet.” I tease her. We both giggle and then we reach her little cute Mini. She climbs into it and I wave before skipping briefly over to my car. I start the car and then wait for the long queue of escaping cars to proceed before I can leave the school campus.

When I get home, Mom is in the hallway, staring down at the telephone as if it's some kind of alien object.

“Mom.” I say, dumping my bag on the floor and walking over to her, “Mom. Is everything okay?”

She snaps out of her little reverie, barely registering my presence, “Yes. Erm... something really weird just happened. Rhys called and he said he wanted to talk to me and your father. Is everything okay between you and him?”

“Yes, Mom. Everything's fine.” I assure her, smiling. I have a hunch; I think know why Rhys is coming round.

I squeeze Mom's arm and lie, “If it helps, I don't know what he's going to talk about.”

Mom snaps into business mode, “Okay, well your dad will be home in a few minutes. I'll wear a summer dress and I want you, Donna, to wear that silver top with the skinny jeans that have the cool motif on the back pockets. That's a good casual outfit for you to wear. I'll have to go and sort something out for your father as well. Oh dear! Go on, honey! Go and get ready!”

Mom ushers me up the stairs and into my room. She closes the door behind me and I can hear her muttering to herself as she power-walks to her own room, in full business mode. I stride over to my wardrobe and take out the outfit she instructed me to wear after a few minutes of poking around uselessly. I slip everything on and then decide I'll help Mom.

When I go into her room, Dad is sitting on the bed, dressed in a smart shirt and jeans. Mom is fiddling with his hair, her hands sticky with gel. “Mom!” I say, rolling my eyes, “Dad can do his own hair, he's not five. You really make life difficult for yourself. Why don't you get dressed?”

“Oh yes!” Mom slaps her hand to her forehead and then groans in frustration at the blob of gel on her head. She jogs into the bathroom, once again mumbling and muttering to herself. Dad and I look at each other, shaking our heads fondly.

Dad stands up, glancing at his hair in the mirror, “That'll do. What do you think?” He turns to me for appreciation.

I nod at him, “Dad, you look amazing.”

“Why, thank you.” Dad bows in a fancy way and then takes my hand, spinning me around. I laugh and then Mom comes back out, her hair in an untidy yet elegant bun, the slightest hint of make-up about her, dressed in a floaty pale pink sun-dress that licked at her thighs.

Dad looks at her approvingly and they both share a gooey look. I make a disgusted, gagging sound at the public display of affection and make a point of leaving, hearing my parents snicker conspiratorially after me. I go down the stairs and settle on a sofa, biting my lip, anxiously waiting for Rhys' arrival. I'm certain of why he wants to come.

It's obvious, after all. What will my mom's reply be? What will my dad say? Will they forbid me from ever seeing Rhys again? Will they accuse him of trying to take advantage of their baby girl? Or will they be okay with it? Will they let me go happily? Will they trust Rhys with their oh-so-precious daughter? I put my head in my hands, sighing. I really can't afford to give myself a migraine right now.

Mom and Dad both come downstairs, hand in hand. They sit down on both sides of me and Dad suddenly blurts out, appearing petrified, “Rhys isn't coming to ask permission for marriage, is he?”

“What?!” I turn to stare at him in disbelief. I look at Mom. We both break into peals of laughter.

Classic Dad. I wipe my tears away and clutch my aching stomach, “No way, Dad. I'm sixteen. Oh, Dad. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Dad says, looking baffled at my reply. Mom reaches across me briefly to rub his forearm comfortingly, “It's okay, honey. It's okay.” The shrill door bell makes us all jump. Dad rises to his feet. Mom follows pursuit. I stay frozen to the seat, my eyes ringlets of rimmed shock. My heart hammers threateningly in my chest. He's here. This is it. Oh my god. What is going to happen? Oh no. I take a deep breath, trying not to hyperventilate.

“That's him.” Mom clasps her hands together, emanating calm and patience, “Let's go and bring him in, Rob. You stay here, Donna. We'll bring him to you.” Then she adds with a wink, “On a silver platter of...”

“Darling!” Dad interrupts, “If he says anything out of order, I will be serving him to Donna on a silver platter.” He does his evil scientist laugh, which is a complete and utter failure because it ends up sending him into a coughing fit.

“Dad.” I scowl at him, trying not to laugh.

“The door!” Mom pushes him out of the room. Then she turns and looks at me. “I was going to go but I have to ask you a quick something. I was cleaning your room and I saw you haven't used the condom I gave you. Are you being safe?”

“Mom...” I push the embarrassing frustration away and take her hands in mine, “I'm a virgin. I'm still under-age anyway.”

Mom smiles, “Thank goodness! I was a bit worried about you, honey.” We both sit straight as I hear Dad's voice rattling away. The door creaks opens and Dad walks in, his expression neutral, revealing nothing. Just behind him, Rhys takes my breath away. Nothing new there then, huh? He's wearing a white shirt and a suit jacket over it. He has polished black shoes on and his hair looks like he has attempted to tame it.

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