Birthday Party

Today is my 12th birthday, at last! I race down stairs immediately once I wake up, then sit at the table for breakfast. I already know Mama is making my favorite: Chocolate Chip Waffles. I can smell the sweet sent of the sugary treat. I almost start drooling when mama brings the plate stacked high with the waffles to the table. There's about 20 of them, each steaming and giving of the most delectable scent. I sigh with content and delight. Peggy is suddenly seated beside me, and she elbows me.

"Stop acting like you're an innocent angel." She quietly whispers.

I pout but listen. Sitting stiffly and straight now, I look more like the devil that I am, but I still keep the smile. It's my birthday, after all.

Papa sits down, a slight smile, but still stern expression on his face. I wave at him a little, and he waves right back.

Finally Mama sits, because everything is set and on the table. I wish to pray before we eat, but it's not how devils are to act. So, I dig in, as Mama, Papa, and Peggy have already started eating. The food is delicious, and I can't wait for the cake Mama always makes after dinner. I put syrup and more chocolate chips on them, some I even put nutella on! They're just so delicious. We add strawberries and blueberries, all the toppings one could imagine. Peggy finishes first, as she wolfs her food down so quickly. She's already eaten all five of hers. I've only eaten two, so I stop there. I tell Mama to save them as leftovers, then I run upstairs to my bedroom.

"Peggy!" I whisper yell.

Peggy peeks out from her side of the room. "What?" she says blandly.

I walk over and sit on her bed with her. "When js Angie coming?" I ask quietly so Mama and Papa don't hear.

Peggy thinks. "Maybe around 11. An hour or so from now." She shrugs like she usually does. "Why?"

I look at her like she's being stupid. "Peggs, She's our older sister, I want to know when I get to see her!"

Peggy giggles and rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Just know she'll hide in the garden in the back when she comes, you'll have to sbeak out there if you want to see her."

I nod and rush back to my side of the room. Opening the bottom drawer to my desk, I pull out bundles of letters, all intended for Angelica. Hopefully she'll tell me her address. With that in mind, I also grab paper and a pen. Maybe I'll get her number as well. I gather other things, then check the time on my phone. It's only 10:32. I pout when I see that.
So, I lean back and plop on my bed. To spend time, I text my two friends, Hercules and Lafayette. They're both devils.

Me: Hey, who's up for coming to my place?

Laff: For your birthday? Happy B-Day btw


Me: thanks

Me: But that's not it

Me: Someone special is visiting.

Me: Guess who

I'm not entirely sure why I asked them to guess, I rarely talk about Angelica.

Herc: Your new boyfriend?

Me: Ew no

Laff: Your girlfriend?

Me: No! I'm straight you weirdo

Laff: lol

Herc: Tell us!

Me: Fine

Yes I agreed to tell them.

Me: My sister Angelica

Laff: OOoh yeah her

Laff: Is she just as pretty as you and Peggles are

Me: Uhmm wtf

Herc: LOL

Herc: I can come. What time?

Me: before 11

Laff: aNd I oOp

Laff: I'll be there

And that's where the conversation ends. So, it's now 10: 46. I look out my window. I can see Herc and Laff talking as they strut down the hill that thy live on. I open my window and wave. They wave back. To tell them where to go, i point to the back yard. They nod exaggeratingly. I smile and shut the window.

"What the hell are you doing?" Peggy asks with a confused smile.

I giggle. "I invited Lafayette and Hercules."

Peggy sighs. "Wondeful."

"I'll meet you out there!" I wave bye to Peggy, then I quietly sneak into the back yard. First thing I go and hide in the garden, with everything I intended to bri g for Angie. Soon, I hear Laff and Herc jumping the fence. They're beside me a minute later.

"Where's Peggs?" Hercules whispers.

"She'll be out here soon." I reply.

"Yay." Laff says, though there's no emotion in his voice besides the slight French accent.

We hear a sudden rustle and we freeze.

"Peggy?" I whisper very quietly.

But it's not Peggy I see.

A young woman, looking about our age, comes into view. She's got dark, thick hair, and her skin is a couple shades darker than Peggy's, who is caramel.

The young woman is very pretty, and she's wearing a pink crop-top with high-waisted bleached skinny jeans. Her hair in in braids, and floating atop her head is a golden halo. From behind her back are beautiful, feathered white wings, with pink feathers at the end. She's very, very beautiful.

All three of our jaws drop.

"I'm not Peggy." She says.

"Angelica? Could it be you?" I ask.

Sje studies me and the boys behind me. "Yes. You're Eliza, right?" she asks.

I nod quickly. "I can't believe I'm meeting you!" I hug her so tightly, and I even feel her feathers a bit. "How do you sleep with those?" I ask in a hushed tone.

Angelica laughs. "Dear, innocent sister." she shakes her head. "Where is our Peggy?"

Laff and Herc shrug, and I do so as well.

Then, of course, she appears, tackling Angelica.

"Angie!" She's giggling and laughing, and so is Angelica.

Soon, we're all smiling and giggling and laughing. I share my letters with Angie, and she gives me both her address ajd number.  Laff quietly writes down her number as well, and I pinch him for that.

W all are enjoying ourselves, and by now it's almost 1:00. Mama and Papa are probably going to worry about me and Peggs, so everyone says goodbye. Herc and Laff leave, and Peggy goes inside.

"Angie, wait!" I call as she turns to leave.

"Yes Eliza?" Angelica turns around.

"I..." I thought about what I was about to say. "Take me with you. To the angels. Please sister, I don't want to be here anymore!" I pleaded.

Angie seemed to turn pale. "Elizabeth, i can't do that."

"Please! It'll be the best birthday gift anyone has ever given me." I beseeched.

Angelica draws in a long, shaky breath. "Follow me. Be quiet."

My eyes widen and I feel myself uplifted. "Oh thank you sister!!" I ran and hugged her tighter than before.

She choked a bit and pushed me away, hissing. "Did I not say be quiet?!"

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