The Sit Down
(( There's a lil bit of NSFW in this chapter. Also... I'm living for all the comments about Shiro, Adam, and Matt... *cackling*))
Matt was a man of many hobbies. Whether it be video games, reading, hacking, or memes... he was a jack of all trades. At that moment, he was scrolling through memes on his phone.
He'd finished his snack a while back, but had gotten caught up in the surplus of pictures on iFunny and miscellaneous shit on Reddit.
The last thing he'd expected was for Shiro to come strolling in the kitchen post workout. His hair was slightly messy, and his muscles were exposed because of the tank top he wore. It was form fitting and showed off just how built his upper body was. His biceps were toned and obviously powerful. And his shoulders clearly weren't slackers from the looks of them.
Man, what Matt wouldn't have done to be able to feel across his bare chest and admire the rest of him. In his eyes, Shiro was a physically perfect human being.
His mouth hung open a bit as he almost drooled all over the kitchen counter. Matt couldn't help but stare at him and gawk. How was it possible that Shiro looked that attractive while he still remained an intelligent, strong, and kind person? It didn't seem like he could be real.
" Hey, Matt." Shiro greeted, not having seen him until then. He grabbed a water and leaned his elbows on the counter.
Matt felt his face go flush and... oh no... no! Anything but that! His pants tightened and he found that he was more cramped inside of them.
" Hey..." Matt broke out in a nervous sweat while crossing his legs frantically under the counter. Shiro couldn't see him like that. He just couldn't.
" What are you up to?" Shiro asked curiously before taking a drink of water.
" Uh... not much..." Matt spoke plainly as to avoid fumbling over his words and making a fool of himself. He was so confident around other people, but Shiro was a special case. Nobody else could make Matt that flustered without even trying, and nobody else was so hot that they could make him get hard in an instant. " You look hot- not physically! Like, temperature wise! Uh- wait that too! I mean- were you just working out?" Matt stammered, mentally kicking himself.
Shiro made an amused face while chuckling to himself. Matt was a blushing idiot over there, and his face was completely red. Was he a tomato? Shiro could've mistaken him for one if he hadn't known better.
" Yeah, I was." Shiro responded.
" That's cool." Matt fidgeted while crossing his legs tighter. He wanted to make up an excuse and flee from the room, but then he ran the risk of revealing his hard-on. That was a chance he wasn't willing to take.
Shiro got a vibe from Matt that spelled out nervousness and an... attraction of some sort. It wasn't that Shiro didn't feel a little bit of the same thing. After Matt and Pidge's little stunt with the earbuds, he'd felt somewhat fixated on Matt's body. He didn't go out of his way to look at it, nor did he have wet dreams about it, but he'd at least caught his eye.
Right then, Matt was blushing too much for it to have been anything Shiro had said.
" Are you okay?" Shiro questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.
" Yeah." Matt smiled crookedly. " Just fine."
" You sort of look like you're going to explode over there." Shiro joked.
" I guess you could say that." Matt laughed and tried to ignore the way his cock twitched in his boxers.
Shiro wasn't sure what Matt was implying with that, but he brushed it off.
Part of Matt just wanted to blurt out how sexy Shiro looked, but he didn't. He sat there with the pitiful boner and waited. Shiro gave him a look that was indistinguishable, and he couldn't tell what feelings it harbored.
Adam walked in not but a few seconds later, right as Shiro was opening his mouth to say something. His train of thought seemed to derail with the other man's arrival.
Matt's eye twitched as he became inwardly irritated.
" Hey." Shiro said.
" Hey." Adam responded while grabbing a bottle of chilled tea from the fridge.
Matt hid his dissatisfaction, not wanting to seem pissy. Adam was threatening to his future with Shiro, if it even existed.
Adam adjusted his glasses, looking over to see Matt. He seemed... well... he couldn't really tell. There was a hint of salt, but at the same time, he was flustered and worked up. That's when it clicked. Matt was having a moment with Shiro. He wished he could've stayed, but... something said that Matt didn't want him to. Adam wondered why they couldn't all just get along, but he wasn't about to sit back and be the target of Matt's passive aggressive stare.
" Oh- uh... sorry to interrupt." Adam apologized to Shiro, rolling his eyes while taking his tea and leaving. Shiro glanced over at Matt, but then shrugged.
" See you later." Shiro told him, grabbing his water and exiting the kitchen. After all, he had to track down Lance and Keith.
Matt smiled and waved, but the second Shiro was far enough away, he scrambled from his stool and scampered out of the kitchen. He damned himself for being too shy to fess up. Instead of telling Shiro how he felt, he disappeared into his room and locked the door.
He was an emotional, mixed feelings filled mess as he threw his shirt to the hamper.
" Fuck, Matt..." He spoke to himself. " You're so stupid..." He murmured.
He wanted more than almost anything to have the courage to speak his mind, to lay it all out there and tell Shiro everything. But he was too scared that he would ruin everything. Their friendship, the sense of family the whole mansion had, he was terrified.
It wasn't that he was wondering if Shiro was gay or not, because come on... that wasn't something anyone could dispute. It was just if he was gay for him specifically. That was the hard part.
There was a second hard part.
Matt looked down at the tent in his pants and groaned to himself. He was like some prepubescent teenager who could get turned on over the littlest things. But he wasn't a teenager, and he definitely had gone through puberty. That's what made it all so humiliating.
He couldn't stand it anymore as he laid back on his bed and undid the button on his jeans. He had to take care of himself.
The majority of the time, Matt always felt too shy to touch himself. And though part of him wanted to use his fingers and imagine it was Shiro, he didn't want to be creepy. He was only going to jack off.
Matt whined while wriggling and getting his pants down around his thighs. His boxers were the next thing to go; he couldn't have felt more embarrassed once his cock sprung up. He was always a bit timid when it came to touching himself, but then he remembered that Adam had been in the kitchen.
It made him spiral back into envy, and he wrapped his hand around his length, beginning to pump himself. He took his anger out in the speed of his hand, making himself gasp quietly.
No way in hell would he let Adam have Shiro. He'd have to step up his game.
Keith and Lance had passed out in Lance's bed. Cum had gotten all over the sheets, but once it had become late enough, both boys decided they'd leave the cleanup until morning.
Lance held Keith close to himself, nuzzling into the smaller boy's hair and sleeping contently. He'd noticed that he slept better whenever he and Keith ended up in the same bed.
Keith's eyes groggily opened a while later, and he yawned while stretching- well... stretching as much as Lance's hold on him would allow. He blinked a few times while he remembered what had happened the night before.
He smiled while snuggling closer to Lance for a moment.
Something about being with him made Keith feel... not so alone. Lance made him feel like a whole person, and like he was worth something more than he'd previously thought.
Their legs were tangled at the end of the bed, and Lance was in an odd sleeping position that was half on top of Keith.
It was then when Keith realized he should probably shower. Though Lance hadn't cum inside him, he'd definitely been covered in the white sticky liquid.
He tried to slide away from Lance, but his boyfriend wasn't looking to give Keith up anytime soon, or so it seemed. Lance's arms held Keith close like he was a security blanket.
Keith deadpanned.
" Lance, let me go." He told him in his scratchy morning voice. It was even more fucked than usually, mainly because he'd moaned too much the night before.
Lance whined sleepily.
" Noooo!" He said into Keith's neck, burying his half asleep face into the crook of it.
Part of Keith wanted to give up and just go back to sleep, but he didn't. He reached to twist one of Lance's nipples harshly, hoping that it might make him let go.
Lance growled and jumped back.
" Ouch! Keith!" He whimpered while his eyes shot open. Keith smirked to himself while getting off of the bed. His legs were immediately wobbly and his thighs trembled. He struggled to keep his balance while taking a step, putting one foot in front of the other. It was like he was learning to walk all over again.
Lance sat up while rubbing his eyes.
" Meanie." The taller boy's bottom lip puffed out. Keith leaned over to kiss Lance's cheek drowsily.
" I'm taking a shower." He told him.
Lance collapsed back into the sheets.
" Fine... leave me with no one to cuddle with..." He pouted while grabbing a pillow and hugging it. Keith rolled his eyes while going to Lance's bathroom.
After Lance had woken up, and Keith had washed up and everything, he took his turn with the shower. They both were fresh and new afterwards.
Once Lance returned, he'd found that Keith had stripped the sheets from the bed so that they could be washed and such. He was sprawled on the mattress, petting Kosmo and scrolling on his phone.
" Did you steal one of my hoodies?" Lance asked him smugly once he saw it. He already knew the answer to his question. He just wanted to hear his boyfriend say it.
" Yup." Keith responded while looking at Instagram.
Lance ditched the towel that was around his waist and threw it to the hamper. Keith found his eyes wandering to Lance's naked body while he stood before the closet. His gaze traced all over the grooves of Lance's muscles, and the entirety of his tanned skin.
Lance was still as hot as ever, and Keith bit his lip.
" You see something you like?" Lance questioned him confidently while putting on a long sleeved shirt. He grabbed some boxers from the drawer and slid them on slowly just to make Keith suffer.
Keith nodded and blushed a bit. Kosmo pawed at Keith, feeling like he had to compete for the attention. He whined and whimpered while licking the boy's cheek.
Lance didn't want to do anything besides laze around that day. He debated even putting on pants, wondering if he'd even have to leave his room. But then he decided to do it anyways, knowing that he and Keith would at least have to leave for breakfast.
Keith pet Kosmo and smiled, making the dog pant happily and contently curl up by him.
Keith wore black skinny jeans along with Lance's blue sweatshirt. He'd begun to keep some spare clothes in his boyfriend's room in case he spent the night there. It would've been embarrassing to have to make the walk of shame every other morning to his own room.
Lance leaned over the bed, getting right in front of Keith's phone. He slowly pushed it down from Keith's hand until it was sitting face down on the mattress. He switched it off and smirked at Keith.
" Yes?" Keith chuckled and Lance cupped his cheeks and kissed him happily. He smiled while pulling away and looking at him affectionately.
" Want to get some breakfast with me?" He asked.
It was literally noon. So it was more like lunch, but whatever.
Keith felt his cheeks fading pink from the expression on Lance's face. It was so loving, so sincere. To think he'd ever wanted to punch it in was crazy to Keith.
" Sure." He said.
Lance helped Keith off of the bed, honestly not sure if he could handle walking much. The second he was standing again, Keith wobbled.
" Wow." Lance laughed. " I really did a number on you~" He purred down Keith's neck in a teasing manner.
" Shut up!" Keith whined. " I can walk just fine."
Lance stared at Keith as if to call his bullshit.
" If I trip and fall down the stairs, it's your fault." Keith told him, walking slowly but surely.
Kosmo followed the two boys from the room.
" Uh huh..." Lance smirked at Keith. " Don't worry, Baby... I won't let the big bad stairs get you." He mocked.
" Eat shit." Keith retorted.
" I'd rather eat something else~" Lance cooed.
" Like what?" Keith saw Lance stare at his crotch and lick his lips suggestively, but then he snapped out of it.
" Breakfast, you perv." Lance poked him on the nose playfully.
" Me?!" Keith exclaimed.
If anyone was the perv, it was Lance!
After the difficult and treacherous ascent down the grand staircase, they'd made it out alive. Lance and Keith found that there was some lunch Hunk had prepared.
In the mansion, Hunk worked as a chef. He was still a family member and everything, but his main duty was to make three meals available for everyone everyday. During the designated breakfast, lunch, and dinner times, he set up the gigantic kitchen counter like a mess hall.
Lance and Keith were ready to get themselves some when they saw Shiro.
" Good morning." Lance said, clearly in a very good mood.
Shiro raised an eyebrow at the two of them, and Keith moved his sweatshirt to help cover the many hickeys on his neck.
" I was thinking we could talk?" The older brother spoke. He'd been waiting for them.
" Are we in trouble?" Lance questioned.
" No. We just have some things to discuss, that's all." Shiro said. He wasn't mad, only hurt that they hadn't told him about their relationship. They were supposed to be a family, and that meant that they could tell one another anything.
" Okay..." Keith awkwardly said.
After they'd fixed themselves some food, they all took a seat at the huge dining room table in the other room. It could seat thirty people, but it was also a good place to hold conferences.
" So... what is this about?" Keith asked after taking a bite of the pizza he'd taken.
" Well... when were you planning on telling me?" Shiro questioned, and Lance nearly choked on his garlic knot.
" You know?!" He exclaimed.
" How could I not?" Shiro folded his arms. " I know you both too well to not notice..."
" Is this the moment where you get pissed at us?" Keith rolled his eyes.
" I'm not mad, Keith... I'm a little hurt that my own brother wouldn't tell me about something like this." Shiro sighed. " Am I not important enough to tell?"
" To be fair-" Lance cleared his throat and blushed. " We weren't official until a few days ago."
" Listen, we didn't know how you would react." Keith honestly told him. " We didn't know if you'd be angry."
" Why would I be angry?" Shiro was completely taken back at that statement. " If you're happy with someone... I'm happy for you. You shouldn't be scared about what I have to say... I'm your brother, and I love you both."
Lance smiled, feeling like an anvil had been taken off his shoulders.
" I'm sorry for keeping it from you, then." He said, taking Keith's hand underneath the table.
Keith couldn't help but smile as well while looking over at Lance.
" Thank you, Shiro." The little brother blushed.
Shiro wasn't completely cooled off, but he was beginning to feel better about the whole situation. He had to work on being less of an authoritative figure if they were scared. Sure, he was the leader, but the family was still mostly a democracy.
Shiro's phone began ringing.
" Oh, this is the manager for my head branch of the company, I have to take this." He stood up. " Be good, you two." Shiro told the couple while leaving the room. Any other questions he had would have to wait until later.
Lance and Keith smiled at each other, and Lance hugged Keith from the side. Everything would be just fine.
(( Aww. We stan a supportive Space Dad.))
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