The Honeymoon

(( Dun... dUN... DUNNNNNNNN! *drum roll*


It was the first time that they had been truly alone, truly on their own. Without Shiro's wing to hide under, without a whole arsenal behind their back, and without a care in the world. All they had were the beaches, the sand in between their toes, and the peaceful, salty yet fresh air.

It reminded Lance of home, his first home before he'd met Keith. It was Cuba, Cuba nicer than he'd ever gotten to roam. On the white sand, with the treasure he valued above all else.

He and Keith were on their honeymoon, having been sent away for two weeks. Part of the beach had been privatized for them, bought out by Shiro. As his wedding gift to them, he'd facilitated the entire honeymoon for the newlyweds. Kosmo, Keith, and Lance, had a part of the peninsula all to themselves.

Kosmo barked happily and ran up to the shoreline, pawing around in the shallow water and chasing coastal birds. Keith and Lance sat on the towel, watching the sunset over the water as the colors reflected on the water and bounced right back at them. Lance's hand was draped around Keith, holding him close.

He couldn't believe it. After all those years, after everything, he was back in his home country freely. He didn't have to worry about the gangs, or being shot, or letting Keith out of his sight for even a second. They were content, free to be married and live out the rest of their days. Though they had only been there for a week so far, and they had only that much more time before going home, Lance knew that everything would be alright.

In between them, they had a bottle of Malibu rum that they kept taking drinks of periodically. Neither of them were drunk, only buzzed enough to be carefree-not that they even needed the alcohol to do that- it only set the mood.

" You know... I never thought I'd end up back here..." Lance sighed calmly, inhaling the air nostalgically. Though his family had been murdered all those years ago, before the fact, his memories of his childhood were some of the best of his life.

Keith gazed over at Lance, his hair pulled back into a messy bun. Both of them were in swim trunks, but it was humid enough that it wasn't chilly. He looked back at their rented beach house, only a few hundred feet from shore, then back at his husband.

" Remember when I hated you?" Keith snorted. " Bet I never saw this coming..."

Lance laughed and reached down to hold Keith's hand. His hand massaged over the formal wedding rings they'd gotten, one with a ruby red jewel, and Lance's with a sapphire. They suited them so well.

" All because I touched your knife, right?" He asked him, massaging the top of Keith's hand soothingly. The other's pale hands were so soft that Lance couldn't stop holding them and touching him. Hell, if Lance wouldn't have known better, he would've thought that he had a fetish for Keith's hands, but who was he kidding? He just had a fetish for Keith in general, any part of him.

" And kidnapped me. And Kosmo. And you kept being cocky." Keith told him, trying to act as though he hadn't found Lance attractive at first.

" Aw, c'mon, Baby... you fell in love the second you laid eyes on me~" Lance purred and peppered kisses on Keith's cheek.

" Uh huh, yeah, sure." Keith remarked and scooted closer to lean on Lance's shoulder. It might not have been love at first sight, but he wouldn't admit to being wrong, either. He'd wanted to ride Lance's cock from the first minute he saw him, so... that had to have counted for something, right?

" Definitely." Lance whispered huskily. He pulled Keith over onto his lap, happy that his ankle had healed. It would've sucked if the smaller boy was still crippled, but thankfully he wasn't. It had been six months, after all.

Keith found himself on top of Lance, straddling his lap. He cupped his cheeks, leaning in and pressing his lips onto the larger male's. The kiss wasn't rough, though it was passionate.

When the two parted, their eyes were slowly opening and coming to terms with vision again. And in the pristine blue of Lance's irises, Keith was taken back. He saw everything.


The venue was the mansion, and the guest list was very limited, but that didn't make the celebration any less extravagant. The gorgeous array of flowers in the mansion's garden were surrounding them, and Lance had slipped one behind Keith's hair before their vows could even commence.

And at the end, they were still staring at each other the same way that they had in the beginning. With Slav being the one to marry them, having been voted the best fit, it was easy to get distracted, but Lance and Keith never did. Even though Pidge was bitter she wasn't the one to do it, she was still part of Keith's party, so it didn't kill the mood. It was all because Shiro didn't trust her not to fangirl the whole time, which she had to admit... he had a point.

" I do." Lance said, tears brimming his eyes as he squeezed Keith's ringed hand even more so. He was shaking from nerves, but it was also because he couldn't contain his excitement. They'd been standing there for thirty minutes, and he'd had to hold off on kissing Keith for the whole time. It was one of the hardest things either of them had ever had to do.

" And do you, Keith, of this reality, take Lance, to be your husband for the rest of your life, whichever reality transpires?" Slav asked him, and Keith snorted. Really? Reality talk even through it? What else could anyone have expected?

" I do." Keith spoke with certainty, and Lance didn't even wait for permission. He pushed Keith back with a kiss to seal it, nearly knocking the shorter boy off of his feet. He leaned him down and continued kissing him, almost having to be broken apart for them to walk back down the aisle.

Keith was panting and a blushing mess by the time it ended, and Lance smirked proudly while standing up with him.

" I now pronounce you husband and husband." Slav said, and a roar of applause erupted from behind them. A small number of chairs were set out for people who'd come to watch. The remaining gang members were all there to see them married. Matt wolf whistled, and Romelle and Shay were cheering. Shiro and Adam stood up and clapped, Shiro crying the whole way through it.

" I love you so much, Baby..." Lance whispered to Keith as they strolled back down the aisle. Keith leaned closer and grinned, a tear slipping down his cheek.

" To the moon and back?" He asked.

" Always." Lance kissed the side of his head and promised. Kosmo barked and followed them down the aisle, kicking up a bunch of flower petals that had already been tossed. And after Lance and Keith were at the end, Hunk and Pidge walked away from the makeshift altar. They had been the wedding party, since they wanted a tiny wedding.

The night was filled with flashing lights and music from the DJ Shiro had gotten. The patio in the back was their dancefloor.

Keith looked over to Lance, eyes glinting after he heard some screamo music come on, per his playlist request. He slammed a shot and tried to pull him toward the floor.

" Babbbbbeeeee!" Keith whined and gave him puppy dog eyes.

Lance snorted and kept his feet planted.

" What even is this?" He asked with a soft chuckle. He'd never understood screamo music or why the emo people liked it. Lance was always into the softer music and rap, no in between.

" Sleeping with Sirens!" Keith exclaimed, headbanging around. He loved the song. Once Lance still hadn't moved, and was still snickering at him, Keith looked back up. He was definitely getting hit by all the shots he'd had thus far, getting close by Lance's ear. " If you have any hope of getting lucky later... I suggest you follow me~" He murmured in the taller male's ear sultrily. This caused Lance to perk up.

" You got it! Let's razzle dazzle!" Lance pulled Keith out to the dance floor. He had only been messing with him at first, and had wanted Keith to beg him, but the offer of sex was even more enticing.

The only problem was that Lance had no idea how to dance when it wasn't salsa or slow dance. He just went along with it and tried to do the sprinkler dance move. Keith was too busy swinging around, headbanging, and messing up his hair to care.

" Look at those dorks." Pidge nudged Matt as they sat aside at a table. Matt snickered and took another Jello shot. It was when he looked over at his sister that he noticed the look on her face. Except... it wasn't pointed at Lance or Keith. It was at him.

" What?" He asked.

" Nothing... just... that'll be you someday." She chuckled and glanced to Shiro and Adam as well. Shiro was sitting beside Matt, and Adam was on Shiro's other side.

Matt sat up stiffer and blushed, and Shiro pulled him over and out of his chair.

" She's not wrong, you know." The leader told him and kissed Matt's cheek.

" Did I miss something, or are you trying to propose to me and Adam?!" Matt freaked and looked between Adam and Shiro.

" Not yet." Adam smirked, winking at Shiro. He drank some more beer, clearly tipsy already. Pidge was only cackling to the side of them. All of her ships were pretty much canon in the world of life she was in. Hunay, Shattam, and Klance... well... almost all.

To the side, Romelle could be seen sneaking away from one of the tables.

Hunk and Shay, who sat at the same table as her, noticed.

" Where are you off to?" Shay asked her curiously, and Romelle blushed while turning over her shoulder. She hadn't planned on telling anyone, but she had called the bartender a couple days prior. Ginger was taking her out on a date after her shift that night.

" Uh..." Romelle fumbled. " Nowhere..."

Hunk and Shay exchanged a glance.

" Have fun on your date." Hunk teased. He knew Lance and Keith wouldn't mind if she left early. After all, if it was a first date, she couldn't really skip out or pass it up.

Romelle was boiling with blush by then. She squeaked out a quiet 'thanks' before scurrying into the mansion. She had a ride to catch.

Meanwhile, the song was ending on the dancefloor, and Lance pulled Keith closer. He wanted to end it on a sweet note, even if the song's heavy bass and such wasn't really warranting it. He cupped Keith's cheeks and pressed a kiss on his forehead, holding him close.

" Mm..." Keith hummed and welcomed it. He hugged Lance nearer.

It wasn't long later until something else took place. Pidge and Matt had been looking forward to surprising Lance with it. Ever since they went to Hawaii, and Lance claimed he could rap, they had both been curious.

Pidge hopped up on the tiny, two foot tall, stage and grabbed the mic.

" Ladies and germs... I have been waiting for this." She spoke teasingly, and Lance and Keith both looked toward the stage. " I challenge our lovely groom, Lance, to a rap battle of epic proportions."

Lance perked up, and Matt got by his sister while chuckling. " If you wanna embarrass yourself." Lance remarked while slicking back his hair. He kissed Keith's cheek, winking at him flirtatiously.

Keith shook his head and smiled to himself.

" Take it away, Eminem." He joked.

And for the rest of that night, it was everything they'd ever dreamed of and more. Not Keith, Lance, or anyone else could've predicted just how happy together they would be. And only they themselves were the ones who would ever understand it.


" What are you staring at?" Lance chuckled and booped Keith's nose with a kiss, and Keith was broken from his flashback. He smiled and stared at Lance some more, admiring his even more tanned than usually face. He loved him so much, so much so that he would never even fathom it in full.

" Hm?" Lance poked Keith and held him closer in his lap. His hands massaged Keith's hips sweetly, even as he had no idea what was running through Keith's head. Like he ever did. His husband was such a mysterious person that it was hard to get a grasp on him and how he thought. Lance was the first person to even come close when it came to cracking Keith's code.

" I... was just thinking about how happy I am to be with you..." Keith confessed, a smile taking hold on his face from how flustered it made him. He would've thought that after all the time they'd spent together, he would've gotten over it eventually, but that part never happened.

Lance would never stop making him blush, nor would the feelings that he housed for him. Keith was deeply in love with him, and the infatuation stage it had started as was long gone. It had grown into something much more powerful, something that was anchored inside of them both. They were tethered together, one being a ship and the other an anchor, or a rose and a dagger, they were two parts of a whole person.


That's what Keith believed.

Lance grew somewhat red as well, his hands sliding up and down Keith's torso appreciatively. He didn't know what he would do without him, how he would ever smile or laugh... or even live.

" The feeling is mutual..." Lance told him, kissing Keith's hand.

Keith leaned back in and met their lips together, resting his arms over Lance's shoulders and rolling into his lap a little. It was a signal, one that Lance had become an expert at reading.

They'd both lost count of how many times they'd had sex on that trip, but it didn't matter.

Lance hummed into the kiss, and Keith tugged on his hair lightly to deepen it. They'd done it a million times, kissed, but this was different. It was so full of love that neither of them could even comprehend it.

Lance took control and held Keith, slowly leaning him back into the towel and moving over him with the kiss. He sucked on his neck, somewhat amazed when he didn't get any sand in his mouth.

Yeah, he would definitely take Keith inside before making love to him, but he didn't think so much about it. He was just enjoying the moment for what it was: perfect, just like every other moment with him.

Keith quietly groaned, it being drawn out.

" God... I wish I could get you pregnant and we could have like a million kids..." Lance told him in a low voice, mumbling on Keith's neck.

Keith blushed madly.

" A million?!"

" Okay, okay... we'd start with two. Twins, hopefully." Lance chuckled and pulled back, brushing Keith's bangs from his face. Keith snickered and didn't hate the idea of it. 'If only...' He thought to himself.

" Maybe in another reality, Babe..." Keith told him, and Lance nodded, pressing more kisses to him.

But who even needed another reality? This one had Keith, and Keith was all he needed.

(( I'M CRYING OMG! Thank you everyone for reading this book with all of its ups and downs and goods and bads! I couldn't do any of it without all your guys' support, so thank you! Follow me for more stories! I am going on break until the end of May 2019 to focus on my novel, but until then, I'll try to have a oneshot a week for you guys. Requests are open! Follow me on Instagram or DM me (@soki._.kun) to tell me. Or just comment them. I also have an art contest for one more week on my Instagram. For more details, go to my page. Again, thank you, Loves! See you on the next book! <3 ))

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