Splitting Up Never Works
(( NSFW warning!))
The aroma of breakfast food had filled up the entire kitchen and escaped out into other parts of the mansion as well. Hunk might've not been fond of fighting, but when he had a kitchen and food to cook with, miracles could happen. He'd set out some breakfast for everyone, because after all, that was his responsibility in the family.
Lance walked in the kitchen with his arms stretched over his head, yawning obnoxiously. Keith was close behind him, finally able to walk around without Lance blowing his top every time.
" Wow, Hunk, it smells amazing." Lance complimented.
" Thanks, man." Hunk turned around and his bright smile seemed like a sun in the middle of the kitchen. How he was awake and able to function that early, nobody knew. But no one was complaining either.
Keith looked at the sort of buffet that Hunk had set up on the counter. Bacon, scrambled eggs, french toast, mini blueberry muffins, and a pitcher of orange juice were set out. Plates and silverware sat at the beginning of the breakfast bar, and glasses were at the other end.
After fixing plates for themselves, Keith and Lance sat at the eat-in booth in the kitchen. They didn't feel like sitting at the counter or going to the dining room. It was sort of like a booth that was carved into the wall of the mansion. Behind them, there was a large, half circle shaped window that showed a stunning view of the yard.
Keith slid in next to Lance, taking a sip of the coffee that he'd fixed himself.
Both boys were still in their pajamas, clearly only half awake. Keith leaned on Lance's shoulder, and the taller boy wrapped an arm around Keith's waist. They'd come to hate the concept of personal space.
Hunk smiled at them both very fondly while turning off the stove and finishing up. He got himself some breakfast before sitting with them in the booth.
" What's up, fuckers?!" Pidge greeted while coming into the kitchen. Everyone shook their heads at her Vine reference.
Matt came up behind his sister, looking over his shoulder anxiously. Yep, he was still avoiding Shiro. What? Don't judge him. He was so shy about what had happened that the idea of facing him made Matt want to throw up. That wasn't to say that he regretted it, because he would do it all over again, but he couldn't remember some of what happened. What if he did something stupid while drunk and Shiro remembered it?
Pidge smirked while approaching the table and seeing Keith and Lance cuddling in the booth. They were too adorable. She raised an eyebrow at Lance while sliding in next to him, and Lance blushed down at Keith while biting his strip of bacon.
" Woah, Matt, you're alive? I swear that I haven't seen you for days." Keith teased.
" Woah!" Hunk exclaimed. " It's the rare, elusive Matt in his natural habitat!" He made binoculars with his hands and narrated as though he was on a nature show. " Here we see him putting some bacon onto a plate, and op- he's flipping me off." Hunk laughed to himself.
Pidge stifled her laughter while drinking back some orange juice.
" You guys are hilarious." Matt remarked. He came to sit next to Pidge in the end of the booth.
" Oh come on, buddy." Lance snickered. " You've been hiding in your room for like... ever."
" He just doesn't want to see Shiro." Keith wiggled his eyebrows tiredly before drinking more coffee.
" What even happened, anyways?" Lance questioned. Pidge bit her lip and glanced over at Matt, nudging him. Matt grew a bright shade of red.
Everyone seemed to be waiting for him to explain.
" I don't remember everything..." Matt mumbled. " We were drunk."
" Wait-" Hunk nearly inhaled his french toast. " Did you have sex?!"
" No!" Matt whined, putting his face in his hands. And Keith felt Lance's hand on him get more possessive when the sex was brought up. Maybe it was an unconscious urge.
Before Lance could make a smart ass crack about Matt and Shiro, Shiro and Adam came waltzing into the kitchen. Matt's eyes widened, and he was ready to make a mad dash for the other door. Pidge grabbed her brother's wrist, holding him in place so he couldn't run.
" Pidge!" Matt growled under his breath.
" You can't avoid him forever." Pidge looked at him seriously, and everyone at the booth reassuringly smiled at him. Matt took a deep breath and remained seated.
" Good morning." Shiro said to everyone, but once he saw Matt, he began blushing. Adam was a deep red color as well.
Keith and Lance looked at each other in a confused way.
" Is it just me, or are all three of them a mess?" Keith whispered in Lance's ear inconspicuously.
" Not just you..." Lance murmured.
" So..." Shiro cleared his throat awkwardly, deciding to skip eating breakfast for right then. He had an announcement to make. " I have something to tell you all." He said, approaching the booth.
Matt kept his face in his hands.
" Is Lotor dead? Please tell me Lotor is dead." Keith cut in.
" No. I was actually thinking we could have a family outing today." Shiro smiled, and nobody seemed to have any grievances with it at first. That was so intense for no reason.
" What did you want to do?" Lance asked, looking down at Keith and wanting to be sure that his boyfriend wouldn't be in danger.
" Well... it would be partially training but partially bonding. There's a paintball range not far from here, and I figured it would be fun to brush up on shooting with everyone." Shiro explained. " I already called and reserved the entire place for us today, so we can go anytime we want."
" That sounds sick." Pidge smirked.
" I'm down." Keith smiled devilishly, but then he remembered how good Lance was when it came to long range shooting. There was no way anyone else had a chance of winning if it was based off of accuracy.
" Are you sure that your leg can handle that?" Lance worriedly asked Keith.
" My leg is fine, Lance. We've been over this." Keith gave an eye roll.
" What time were you thinking we would go?" Hunk inquired.
" Around noon." Shiro responded. " Everyone is cool with it, then?"
" Yeah." Pidge nodded.
Lance was immediately nervous, not wanting to risk Keith hurting his leg from over exerting himself. But Keith clearly didn't want to hear anymore about it, so he shut up. He'd just stick with Keith the whole time, depending on how they were playing for.
By the time everyone had been loaded up into the cars and carted to the paintball place, it was about one in the afternoon. People had come to get competitive about this after Shiro explained how they were playing.
There were many variations of paintball, that much was true, but this was a warped version of capture the flag. There was one flag somewhere in the forest area, and it was every person for themself.
" So if we get hit, we're out?" Keith asked while putting on the mandatory protective gear. All participants had to wear goggles and at least a vest.
" Mhm." Shiro replied. " Everyone has a different color in their paintball gun, so you'll know who got you out."
Lance looked down at the gun he'd already been given. Just out of curiosity, he shot a paintball into the dirt. Blue splattered all over. Keith shot one as well, and red exploded on the ground.
" You're going down." Keith whispered in Lance's ear mischievously. He knew that Lance had better aim, but the taller boy wasn't nearly as stealthy as he himself was.
" Keith... come on... can't you just stay by me?" Lance begged him, not wanting the shorter boy to wander off alone.
" No." Keith scoffed. " That's not what this game is about."
Pidge and Matt were over in the corner, getting suited up and such. Their colors were orange and green. Hunk shot his gun, and yellow came out.
" What color do you have, Shiro?" Pidge asked him.
Shiro shot his into the dirt, sending a purplish-black paintball there to spatter. Adam shot his, and a tannish-brown one flew from the barrel. And finally, Shay had tagged along as well. She shot hers, and it was turquoise.
Lance looked down, not wanting to lose track of Keith. Maybe he was just being clingy, but he was almost mad that Keith was planning on splitting up from him.
After the employees explained all the safety precautions, rules, and how to operate the guns-which everyone had already figured out- they were about to be sent out.
There was one flag, and there could only be one winner. This would be... interesting. A whistle blew, and everybody took off into the arena. It was basically a woodland area with lots of places to hide. There were occasionally barrels or even old cars that had been set out as obstacles. Paintballs of rainbow colors were on everything, giving the woods a very vibrant color scheme.
Keith took off, hoping that Lance wouldn't follow him and ruin the fun of it. He'd totally need to talk to him about the clinginess. Sure, he hated personal space when he was next to Lance, but he needed it sometimes. Especially when Lance was his competition in this.
He weaved through the trees until he got far enough into the woods to stop running. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt his leg to run. It was on an area of his thigh that wasn't working that hard, thankfully.
Keith sleuthed behind some trees, keeping low to the ground and searching the distance for a clearing. Supposedly, that was where the flag was.
There was nothing at first, so he kept on going. He wouldn't let Lance beat him.
Twenty or so minutes later, Keith was hiding behind a tree. He'd heard some twigs snap in the near vicinity to his location. He slowly peeked out from the tree, seeing Shiro. He smirked to himself, cocking his gun and aiming for his brother. As soon as he shot, Keith saw red spread across the side of Shiro's vest to get him out. He chuckled while taking off.
Shiro deadpanned.
" Keith!" He called into the distance, but his younger brother was already off looking for his next victim.
Lance was lurking behind a couple barrels when he saw Keith. He'd purposely taken the route toward the edge of the forest so that he wouldn't run into the smaller boy, but... low and behold... it happened.
Keith hadn't even seen him. Lance smirked to himself while staying dead silent. He waited for Keith to turn his back before beginning to sneak up behind him. He took cover behind a tree when Keith turned over his shoulder for a second.
After getting very close, Lance took his shot and hit Keith with one of his royal blue paintballs. Keith jumped while feeling something splat against his back. His neck had to crane awkwardly before he could see the blue color.
" Lance! Damn it!" Keith growled. " Fucking get your ass out here!"
Little did Keith know that Lance was coming up right behind him. He grabbed Keith and pinned him to an adjacent tree, leering at him while doing so. Keith dirty looked the hell out of him.
" Hey, Baby..." Lance kept smiling. He pulled Keith's goggles up a bit so he could see his beautiful indigo eyes without the ugly orange filter of the protective eyewear.
" Hey." Keith greeted angrily. " Fuck you."
Lance, for whatever reason, was still peeved that Keith had split from him in the first place.
" I guess maybe you shouldn't have run off from me." Lance antagonized. " We could've teamed up."
Keith shot a paintball and hit Lance's chest with it, and the taller boy hadn't even realized that Keith was aiming at him. While Lance wore a look of surprise, Keith triumphantly stared at him.
" I guess we're even, then." Keith took Lance's goggles and pushed them up.
" Nowhere close to that." Lance leaned closer, soon pressing his lips to Keith's. The shorter boy's eyes widened at first, but soon he went along with it. His gun slipped from his hands and landed next to their feet. Lance dropped his as well.
Neither of them had a second thought while letting their lips meet and get friendly. More than just friendly. Lance bit at Keith's bottom lip, running his tongue along it and trying to get in. Keith finally opened his mouth somewhat, and Lance smirked into the kiss while slipping his tongue in. Keith tasted like the mocha coffee he'd had earlier, and Lance had zero complaints.
Lance's first impulse when he was frustrated was... well... touching Keith. When he had a strong emotion of any kind, somehow it always came back to his boyfriend.
Keith's hands wrapped behind Lance's neck and pulled him closer, quietly making noise as the taller boy explored his mouth.
Keith's eyes became very large from surprise as he felt Lance's hand slip down into his pants. His breath hitched into the contact before he pulled off.
" L-Lance... we're out in the open..." Keith said through grit, flustered teeth. Lance stared at him with a lively glint in his blue eyes.
" You shy, Baby?" He asked him with a shit eating grin.
Keith didn't know what to say.
" Not r-right here..." The shorter male stammered, but then he saw the car adjacent to where they were standing. He looked over at it, then back at Lance. Lance noticed.
" I like the way you think~" Lance purred down his neck, soon taking Keith's hand and dragging him toward it. They both scanned their surroundings, not seeing anyone in their line of vision. Lance opened a door to the car, then shoved Keith inside. He pushed him down into the backseat with a kiss after shutting the door.
Keith whined in Lance's ear while the taller boy nibbled at his neck. His hand also palmed Keith through his jeans.
Really?! During a family outing?! Shiro would kill them!
Keith wasn't sure what Lance was planning, but he hoped that it wasn't sex. They weren't about to do that in the forest, with literally everyone around. Plus, spit would be a really shitty substitute for lube.
" L-Lance... fuck..." Keith gasped, feeling his member get squeezed. " Please blow me... please~"
" Hm?" Lance smirked. " You don't want me to go away? I thought you wanted to split up." He teased, nipping at Keith's ear and making him shiver.
" No..." Keith whispered.
" I suppose I could..." Lance rubbed circles around Keith's crotch as his boyfriend grew progressively harder. He loved having that kind of power over him, knowing that he could do so much to help him, but even better... dangle it right in front of Keith.
Keith shuddered and bucked his hips, and Lance slid his hand under the fabric of his leggings. He was careful with his leg, not putting any weight on it as he stayed over top of Keith.
Lance pulled down the jet black material, then yanked down Keith's underwear. They were... skimpy... to say the least.
" Naughty underwear?" Lance marveled. " For me?"
" Babe, shut up!" Keith exclaimed, embarrassed.
Lance blushed a very deep red when Keith called him that pet name. It wasn't the first time, but holy damn did he love it more every time.
He pulled Keith's cock out and pumped it up and down, running his thumb over the tip and picking up some precum. Wow. Keith had really gotten hard for him. Lance licked his lips.
Keith put a hand over his mouth as Lance licked up his length and teased it with the tip of his tongue. Lance tickled the head of his cock for a moment before pressing the flat of his tongue to it and lapping up some precum.
The smaller boy's cock twitched, and he squeezed his eyes shut from how flustered he was. Come to think of it, had Lance ever blown him before? Keith couldn't recall a time that he had. Huh. Well... there was a first time for everything.
Lance was satisfied while seeing the way Keith forced his mouth to stay shut. He engulfed Keith's tip, then moved his lips down the shaft. The bobbing of his head began soon after that, and Lance wasn't even phased.
This had to be a new low for them. This was dangerous, and the fear of getting caught should've been enough to make Keith's blood run cold.
It was quite the opposite.
The adrenaline rush was heating his body up, making him tempted to strip down. But no. That would've been too risky, not to mention nasty.
Keith moaned in a raspy way from behind his hand as Lance pleasured him. He could've sworn that his cock had never felt that tense in his entire life, but Lance's lips dragging up and down it was so fucking soothing.
" L-Lance..." Keith gasped, accidentally bucking his hips again. Lance pulled off while jacking Keith's cock rapidly with his hand.
" Yes?" The taller boy cooed sexily. He panted somewhat while trying to catch his breath.
" M-make me cum..." Keith shyly mewled. He didn't know what else to ask for in that position. They had to hurry before someone could catch them.
Lance's face couldn't have been any more devilish as he dove back in for more. The salty flavor of precum lined his lips as he went back to sucking Keith like his life depended on it.
" A-ah~" Keith cried a bit, smothering himself yet again.
His stomach was twisting and contorting, feeling like a rubber band would if it'd been stretched too much. There was so much tension building up there, and it was ready to release at any second.
" F-fuck!" Keith's voice cracked from behind his hand, and Lance knew that sound all too well. Keith was about to cum.
Lance braced to swallow everything the smaller boy had, and that was exactly what happened as cum painted the insides of Lance's mouth. He continued sucking even through it, wanting to pleasure Keith during his orgasm.
Keith's back arched from the seat of the car and he pitifully whined into his hand. He squirmed a bit, unable to stay completely still.
Lance pulled off once he saw Keith's climax leveling off. He'd swallowed back every last bit of Keith's release, not letting a drop spill from outside his mouth.
Keith breathlessly gazed up at Lance, who smiled at him. Yeah, splitting up from him wasn't something Keith would ever try again. Not when Lance could make him cum like that.
(( Oof... next chapter is fucking full of tea. I specially brewed it all for you, Loves.))
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