
(( Why is clingy Klance my favorite? Can we just recall all of voltron after season three, go back and make that a thing?))

Once Keith, Lance, and Matt made it out, they crammed anywhere they could in the car. Matt ended up in the driver's seat, and Keith and Lance were in the back.

Lance pulled Keith onto his lap, hugging him and holding him close.

" What're you doing-" Keith tried to say, but Lance only held him more.

" Shut up." Lance retorted into the fabric of Keith's shirt.

The smaller boy began blushing darkly.

Pidge came sprinting out of the mansion a few seconds later, hopping into the passenger seat.

" Go!" She yelled, slamming the door. Matt looked around for the keys, figuring that Lance had tossed them somewhere up there. As soon as he tracked them down, he started the ignition and they were speeding off. Other cars were soon behind them.

" Keith! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Pidge yelled, seeing him in the back seat. " Are you okay?!"

Keith was a mess of blush and confused feelings while turning over his shoulder.

" I'm fine." He said in a flustered tone of voice.

Lance wasn't shy about holding him. Something had changed. He didn't even try to hide his emotions at that moment. Keith was an ass, and a hothead, and kind of a little bitch sometimes. But... that didn't change the fact that Lance had become attached to him. After having lost so many people, Lance had a way of latching onto the ones who stayed.

" I saved your life, don't I get a thank you?" Lance cooed, smirking at Keith a bit.

" My knight in shining armor." Keith remarked sarcastically.

" Wow. I see how it is." Matt said while pressing the gas and speeding more.

Pidge just needed to know that he was okay. She and Keith had known each other for a very long time, and she would've been devastated if something had happened to him.

" Is Shiro okay? And the others?" Keith broke out of his Lance induced trance.

" I think everyone made it out." Pidge told him. " I didn't see anyone... you know..." She trailed off.

" Thank fuck." Keith sighed in relief. " You guys didn't need to do that."

" Um. Excuse me? What the fuck? Yes we did." Lance said.

Keith folded his arms. He hated the idea that people could've died because of him.

Lance held him more, hugging him and burying his face in Keith's collarbone. Words could not describe the weight that lifted off of his chest after they were in that car and gone from Lotor's. Keith was safe.

Some might've wondered what made Lance so worried about Keith all of the sudden, almost out of nowhere. Well... he couldn't lose anyone else. After what happened with his family, the loss couldn't have gotten much worse.

He and Keith had been flirting, and even fucked a couple times. But Lance saw it as more than that. What if Keith had died before he'd had the guts to tell him? He wasn't going to make the mistake of not appreciating him.

Keith was already important to him, despite how it might've seemed at times.

" We need to talk..." The taller boy told Keith quietly.

Keith's cheeks were practically glowing red from the severity of his blush. Little did he know, it had taken him getting kidnapped for Lance to realize how much his feelings had blossomed.


After all the cars had gotten back to Shiro's mansion safely, people began getting out and checking for everyone else. Many people had ended up in different cars in the frenzy of their escape.

Hunk nearly tackled Pidge and Matt once he laid eyes on them. It was almost like watching a bowling ball plow over a pair of bowling pins as he hugged them both.

Lance hugged Keith close to himself after the two stepped out.

" Stop..." Keith pulled away from him somewhat. " Shiro is going to see..."

" I don't care." Lance mumbled, not budging.

Keith deadpanned, and the taller boy was already plotting how to get revenge on Lotor. Though Keith wasn't some sort of damsel in distress, it still infuriated Lance that someone other than himself had laid a hand on him. Let alone slapped him and tied him up.

By Shiro's car, he helped the man, now known as Adam, out. Did he trust that he wouldn't try anything funny? Not quite. But was he aware that he'd need medical attention? Definitely.

" Why are you doing this?" Adam asked with narrowed eyes. This was Shiro. This was the man Lotor had done nothing but defame for as long as Adam had known him. How was he supposed to trust someone like that? Even if Lotor wasn't any better, he'd made Shiro out to be some sort of monster. But... why would a monster spare someone like that? What was the catch?

" Listen, I don't know what Lotor told you..." Shiro sighed, still keeping a hand on his bicep. " But someone has to help you with this."

Going to the hospital was out of the question. Once a gunshot wound was involved, so were the police, and the last thing anyone needed was for them to come sniffing around.

Adam grit his teeth.

" Don't think this makes us friends." He muttered.

" You can hate me all you want." Shiro somehow managed to smile with his scraped up face. " But for right now, you need to let our people treat you."

What other choice did he have? Shiro had taken him, and clearly the members of his own gang hadn't been interested in patching him up. After all, Adam was just a techy. He was expendable.

" So who is this?" Thace came up to Shiro, gesturing to Adam.

" Oh, this reality." Slav slyly said while looking between Shiro and Adam.

" Get a couple people to help you treat his injuries." Shiro told him. " I'm going to talk to my brother." He strolled off.

Lance let Keith slip out of his arms once he saw Shiro coming around the side of the car. Okay. Maybe he cared a little.

Keith turned over his shoulder. His emotions were a jumbled mess, and he couldn't decide whether to punch Shiro or to hug him.

He scowled, folding his arms. Shiro ignored his younger brother's attitude while hugging him.

" You don't get to be mad at me." The older brother whispered.

" The hell I don't. People could've died, Shiro! Don't you get that?!" Keith had wide, beading eyes while staring up at him. " I'm not worth all that!"

" You would've died for sure... but now nobody is dead. You can't expect me not to save you, Keith. You're my brother. Dad made me promise to look after you, and I'm not going to sully his memory by breaking it." Shiro had tears in his eyes while keeping his arms wrapped around him.

Keith slowly sank into it, giving in and hugging him back. Shiro would always bail his ass out. Always. He would've been dumb to think that it would ever change.

Lance watched the two with a serious expression on his face. He was just trying to figure out what the fuck he was going to tell Keith.

" You're my brother... I love you..." Keith sighed. " But don't risk everyone for me anymore."

" No promises." Shiro pulled back, putting a hand on the shorter male's shoulder. " Now... I'm going to make sure everyone gets fixed up and gets home safely." He looked over to Lance, nodding to Keith. It was a silent way of asking him to babysit.

Lance sent him a knowing look back, and Keith watched the two in a confused manner. Did they have a secret code or some shit?

Shiro went back to accounting for everyone, making sure that there were no serious injuries.

" Keith... can we talk... please..." Lance inconspicuously leaned to whisper down his neck.

Keith stared down, not knowing what Lance wanted to say so badly.

" When we're alone..." The smaller boy answered under his breath.


Once the two boys managed to escape the sight of everyone else, it was nearly five in the morning. Keith was exhausted, just wanting to sleep.

All the other members had gone home, except for the stray one Shiro had taken in from Lotor's side. And that didn't include all the family that occupied the mansion.

Lance let Keith lean on his shoulder as he took him to his bedroom. Lance thought they'd be safer in there, since his place didn't have a balcony.

Surprisingly, Keith wasn't really in protest to being led in there. He was too tired to care.

" Keith." Lance set him on the bed.

" Lance... what is it... I'm sleepy..." The smaller boy murmured.

Lance gulped, looking around his room that was lit by some string lights and a blue salt lamp in the corner. He couldn't bring himself to do it. Not with Keith as out of it as he was.

Lance sighed, kicking off his shoes.

" It's nothing that can't wait until morning, Baby..." He whispered, cautiously pressing his lips to Keith's cheek, not sure how he'd react.

Keith was half asleep. Meaning he didn't get to punch Lance for calling him Baby, and he didn't get to blush in embarrassment. He let Lance pull the comforter back, and cover him up with it not but a moment later.

Lance didn't know what had come over him, or why a truckload of emotions had flattened him so suddenly. But he knew that he couldn't let something like that happen to Keith ever again, no matter what it meant.

Keith grabbed Lance's navy blue blanket, hugging it into himself as he peacefully fell further into slumber. How someone could be so nonchalantly sleeping after being kidnapped, Lance had no clue. He only chuckled to himself, sneaking beneath the comforter and draping an arm over Keith.

Nobody was taking him on Lance's watch.

The taller boy settled in, holding Keith close to himself and trying to silence the neverending thoughts that rampaged inside his head. He had been completely oblivious to the fact that he actually... cared for Keith. It wasn't that he just loved shoving his cock in him and listening to his moans.

Somehow, after everything Lance had been through, he caught actual feelings for him. Keith, the standoffish and hardheaded brother of Shiro- the person who quite literally saved Lance's life.


Lance's mind was fucked as he thought about it. So he stopped for that moment, only focusing on the sounds of Keith's peaceful and leisurely breathing. It carried him off to sleep soon enough.

In the morning, Lance told himself. In the morning, he could tell Keith.


When the next day rolled around, it was nearly noon before Keith's eyes popped open. He wasn't used to sleeping in that late, but what was even more out of the ordinary was finding himself in someone's arms.

He was ready to find his pocket knife and pull it on the person at first, but that was before he realized where he was. Keith blinked groggily, recognizing Lance's room.

Everything from the previous night came flooding back into his mind.

Part of Keith wanted to flee and avoid any embarrassment about the events that had taken place. But the other parts of him wanted to stay in Lance's arms, continue basking in his radiant body heat.

The smaller boy felt for Lance... and he felt something stronger every day, but the last thing he wanted to do was explain his feelings. Though he'd thought about it before, he was changing tune. Thinking and doing were two very different things, and Keith was too shy to even bring it up.

But what exactly was he bringing up? The fact that he was starting to like Lance for more than just his cock? When it was put that bluntly, it sounded bad. But Keith didn't really talk about emotions much. He liked staying closed off, liked keeping to himself. That way he wouldn't end up hurt.

Keith stared over at Lance's sleeping face, feeling a tiny smile begin to take over his lips. This was the guy who'd kidnapped him in the first place, the guy that he had sworn not to like. But as things turned out... his feelings morphed into something else. Instead of wanting to punch Lance's usually smug face, he wanted to kiss his lips and keep him close.

Like hell he'd ever tell Lance that.

He'd been debating it for however long, but it was settled, he wasn't bringing it up.

Keith hadn't prepared himself for Lance waking up, so when he did, the shorter boy was more than somewhat flustered. What else was he supposed to be? Lance was literally embracing him, and they'd just slept together. Somehow that was more embarrassing and blush inducing than fucking.

Lance's drowsy features lifted when he saw that Keith had stayed with him.

" Morning~" He cooed, not minding the fact that Keith's messy hair was in his face. Lance snuggled up to Keith a little more, not trying to hide the blatant affection. He didn't have the energy, nor was he awake enough to think much of it.

Keith blushed a bunch while letting his eyes dart to the side.

" Morning..." He murmured back, not knowing how to respond. Lance was so hard to read.

It didn't take long for Lance to remember what had happened. Yesterday was an eventful day for him. One, he and Keith had fucked. Again. And two, there'd been a family meeting to rescue Keith from his abductors, and that was all in the span of a few hours. Life was complicated for him right then.

But one major thing had come out of it all; Lance finally stopped being oblivious to his own desires.

The taller boy got more serious, despite having just woken up.

" Keith..." He said, pulling back and leaning on his side. Lance made eye contact with him even with Keith trying his best to avoid it.

" What?" Keith groaned. He was too tired for whatever Lance was about to say.

" We never talked last night..." Lance said, putting his cheek into his hand. His elbow rested atop the bed.

" You keep saying you want to talk, but I don't know why you can't just spit it out." Keith stammered, sitting up to lean against the headboard and pillows. He wasn't sassier than normally, so Lance wasn't put off by it. That was typical Keith.

" I..." Lance continued staring at him, though he was tongue tied. " Because it's important."

Keith began to get an idea what he wanted to talk about, but he didn't get up to literally run away from his feelings. It was tempting, though.

" I-" Lance gulped. " I want to know what we are." He told him in a more certain voice, wanting to hear what Keith had to say.

Keith's face flushed, and he wanted to bury it in the pillows from how flustered he was. Was it too late to pretend he was still sleeping?

" What do you think we are?" Keith coughed, not having any idea what to say.

" Well..." Lance cleared his throat awkwardly. " Right now? I'm not sure..." He soon regained his composure, and a somewhat flirtatious smile crept onto his face. " But, I know what I want us to be." He smirked a little, and Keith noticed that his face had faded into an utterly red color.

" And what is that?" Keith asked. He hadn't been expecting Lance to bring it up, and he was taken off guard. But in all actuality, he knew that they couldn't dance around it forever.

" I want you to be my boyfriend, Keith." Lance felt his heart stop upon saying it aloud.

It seemed as though the whole world paused for a moment, and Keith sat there with a completely crimson face. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing quite came out. Way to drop a bomb, Lance.

Lance could tell that Keith felt a little overwhelmed, but it had felt so good to get it off his chest.

" Listen... if you want some time to think about it... that's cool." Lance smiled, and there were tiny hints of fondness that sparkled in his sleep stricken eyes. " I'm here whenever you figure it out."

Keith felt like an empty shell, like his soul had ran far away and abandoned his body to be an indecisive mess.

" Okay..." He murmured, smiling a bit and staring at his lap.

(( Did anyone else get reminded of that one vine in the last sentence? 'Okay.' ?? Just me... cool... I'll go home.))

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