
(( Rip Romelle.))

It was like Lotor was always competing against her. Whenever he tried to find Allura, get a moment alone with her, Romelle seemed to ruin it one way or another. Whether it was by tripping over something and distracting Allura, or flat out interrupting them, it was constant.

And Lotor was done with it. He was going to make sure Allura's attention stayed locked on him.

As Lotor and Allura sat in the mansion's unnecessarily large dining room, she smiled while enjoying the cuisine their chef had prepared.

Lotor wasn't all that interested in food, however. Not when he had something grand up his sleeve.

She was the one person who had never left him, who he knew held genuine feelings for him. Allura wasn't scared of him; she actually respected him and loved him for who he was. And that was most likely because she only knew what he wanted her to.

" Allura..." Lotor began, and she perked up. Her curly white hair had been let down, allowed to run free with all of its spirally craziness. She wore a pinkish colored lipstick, and a shimmery silver dress. When given the opportunity, she liked to dress up for Lotor. Her appearance was something she took great pride in.

" Yes?" She asked him, tucking some hair behind her ear.

Lotor knew that things with his organization, as well as Shiro's gang could get messy at any moment. He needed something to come back to, to confide in, to look forward to.

Though he'd never told her everything, the love he held for her was genuine. It might've been twisted, it might've been subpar at times, but it was very much there.

" I've been meaning to ask you something. And on this night... I feel like it's finally the perfect time. You're looking so gorgeous in that dress, and you aren't busy with anything else..." He smiled at her, feeling his cheekbones heating up.

" L-Lotor... what are you asking?" Allura was blushing madly once she got a clue about what he was up to.

" Well... you see..." Lotor got up from his expensive dining room chair and circled around the table. He stood before her, running his hand through Allura's hair. " I want to have a life with you, an official one." He got to one knee, not yet taking out his box. " And I want to have a family with you, and move to Hawaii just like you've always dreamed of. I love you, Allura." He pulled a tiny black box from his pocket, opening it and revealing a stunning engagement ring. It looked more pricey than most wedding rings, and the rose hued jewel must've cost a fortune.

Allura gasped, bringing her hands to her mouth.

" Will you marry me?" He asked her hopefully.

Tears rushed to Allura's eyes as she nodded rapidly.

" Yes!" She answered without hesitation. Through the time she and Lotor had been together, she'd come to fall in love with him.

Lotor smirked while sliding the ring onto her finger, and she stood up. He swept her into a hug, soon leaning to press a kiss to her lips. And Allura had to stand on her toes to keep up with it.

Romelle came rushing in, about to tell Allura something, but she was greeted with a scene she hadn't been expecting.

" Oh, Romelle!" Allura exclaimed. " Wonderful news!"

Romelle paused, feeling her heart shatter in her chest. And Lotor devilishly looked at her over his shoulder, silently bragging about how he'd won.

Allura held up her hand while grinning.

" Oh, I'm so happy for you!" Romelle said, though she knew that she'd be crying herself to sleep later that night. Allura was now trapped.


" Babbbyyyy!" Lance whined while kissing Keith's neck. The two were in Keith's room, watching a movie that was for the most part over. Keith glanced over at Lance with blushy cheeks and a tiny smile. " Come on! I wanna do something." Lance smirked mischievously.

Keith moved to take off his shirt, but Lance quirked his head to the side in confusion.

" Not that kind of something." The taller boy chuckled, pulling the bottom of Keith's shirt back down.

" What do you mean, then?" Keith asked him curiously. It was nearly midnight, and he doubted that they could do much of anything in the mansion. That wasn't to say that everyone in the mansion went to bed early. They just might've annoyed people.

" Let's go out." Lance bit his lip.

He'd been plotting something like this since he and Keith had their date by the pool. They were dating, which meant they should've been going on real dates. Lance wanted to take Keith out dancing, wanted to see if he could party like a true animal.

Keith seemed perplexed.

" Out?"

" Yeah. Like... to the bar or something." Lance licked his lips.

" Um... last time I checked, you're only twenty." Keith teased, poking Lance's chest and chuckling at his boyfriend.

" It's called a fake ID." Lance smugly responded. " And I have one."

Keith groaned, hoping that his age might've prevented Lance from trying to take him out. Clubs and bars were always so busy, especially on Saturdays. He leaned on Lance, burying his face in his boyfriend's sweatshirt.

Lance was grinning as he pulled Keith closer.

" Shiro doesn't have to know~" He purred, and Keith begrudgingly agreed. He didn't want to start a fight about something stupid. Plus, he and Lance had literally never had a date outside of the mansion. He wanted to see if Lance was any different.

" Fine. Give me a minute to get changed." The smaller boy murmured while pulling back. He was wearing Lance's jacket over his pajama shirt, and Lance snickered.

" Now that's a look." Lance joked, though he really thought it was adorable. The way Keith was unable to part with the green jacket was cuter than almost anything Lance had ever seen before.

" Shut up." Keith felt his cheeks heat up more. " It smells like you and I like it."

They were in for a night if Keith was predicting it correctly. He'd never seen Lance drunk, but he assumed that was what was going to happen. Keith was going to drive, and keep his drinking on the lighter side.


" When you said you were going to change, I thought that would involve you taking off my jacket." Lance laughed his ass off as the two made their way to the club. It was one of the hottest places in town to dance, and thankfully the line outside wasn't bad. They weren't going to have to wait long.

Keith folded his arms, trying to look playfully mad at Lance. It didn't work. He ended up smiling at him anyways.

In the long run, Keith had only ended up in dark blue skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, black and white Converse, and Lance's jacket. He pulled his hair back into a messy bun, hoping that the bouncers would find his attire cool enough.

And then there was Lance. He wore acid washed, ripped up jeans. He had a fashionable tank top with a flannel over top of it. Keith thought he looked hotter than hell, and he wondered if he'd have to beat the other guys off with a stick. Oh, right... had he forgotten to mention that it was a gay club? It wasn't outwardly gay, but everyone knew that only homosexuals or some variant of LGBTQ+ people went there.

Once they reached the front of the line, they held up their ID's. Lance was nervous while holding his up, but really he just looked cocky. He seemed like someone who was proud to finally be of age, when really he was bullshitting everyone with his smile.

" Go on in." The very tall, bald guy with sunglasses told them, opening the door and letting them both in. Lance kept an arm around Keith as they did so, and the volume of the music bitch slapped their eardrums.

" See? Easy as pie." Lance told Keith.

Keith looked around, seeing the flashing lights of rainbow colors that scattered around the overpacked dancefloor. He'd never really been to the club with someone before. The only reason he'd been there at all was because Pidge had helped sneak him in to find a date once.

They migrated over and toward the bar, and Lance smirked while seeing the vast array of bottles behind the bar counter. He was hesitant to even take his hand off of Keith with all the other gay guys around him, but his hold soon eased.

" What did you want?" Lance asked him.

" Something not strong. I have to drive us back, remember?" Keith chuckled.

" Right." Lance surveyed, trying to decide what he wanted. He assumed that he could get hammered if Keith was driving. " I think I'm going to get a vodka on the rocks, then." He glanced down at Keith.

" Here... you go find us a place to sit. I'll order." Keith offered, and Lance was apprehensive, but then he remembered that he couldn't act like Keith was his property. Besides, Lotor's people wouldn't have been in there anyways.

" Okay..." Lance said, looking around himself before going off. Was he being clingy? Hell yes. But did he care? Sort of.

Lance didn't want to be that kind of boyfriend all the time. Keith would be fine. And so he left it at that while walking around and trying to find them a seat. Thankfully the booths weren't too far off from the bar counter.

Keith went ahead and got a Rumchata on ice, and then ordered Lance's drink. He figured if he drank it slow, he'd be fine. Though it was typically a shot drink, he knew the alcohol content was relatively low.

He leaned on the edge of the counter, then decided he was getting hot. He tied Lance's jacket around his waist and waited. At least he couldn't possibly get bored in a place like that. Cupcakke was playing loudly through the speakers, and more specifically, it was her hit song: Deepthroat.

" Here you are, handsome..." One of the bartenders told Keith, winking at him. Keith felt himself beginning to deadpan, but then he tried to at least be friendly. He smiled awkwardly, taking the glasses and saying thank you.

As he began weaving through the people, Keith felt eyes on him. It was like every single guy at the bar had locked onto him like a heat seeking missile. He ignored it while continuing on in the general path Lance had taken. He saw the taller boy over in what must've been the only available booth in the whole place.

Keith blushed, walking over there and sliding into the booth next to his boyfriend. He could barely set the drinks onto the table before Lance had placed a kiss on his lips.

" Nobody got to you while I was gone, right?" Lance purred down Keith's neck, wrapping an arm around him.

" People aren't that bad." Keith laughed. He wasn't about to tell Lance about every little look people gave him. It might've driven the other boy nuts for literally no reason. There was only one person in that sea of people Keith wanted, and he was currently in his arms.

" Just asking. Someone like you wouldn't know how thirsty people are in places like this." Lance chuckled, slurping back some of his vodka. Wow. He wasn't shying away from it.

Keith was about to retort something, but then he heard his phone go off. He pulled it from his pocket, wondering who it would've been so late at night. His eyes got huge when he saw a missed call from Shiro.

" Shit." He cursed to himself.

" What?" Lance asked.

" It's Shiro."

" Right. You should probably text him and let him know that we're not dead or kidnapped or worse." Lance snickered. He really wasn't scared about Shiro knowing they were out. He figured that he would have acted like a stereotypical dad and told them to be safe or whatever.

Keith 12:21 AM: Me and Lance went out for drinks. Don't wait up.

Keith set his phone down after texting his brother.

It didn't take long after that for the vodka to start hitting Lance. He most definitely hadn't been taking baby sips of it, and Keith could tell that much for sure. After all, the vodka was almost gone. There were only partially melted ice cubes floating in the tiny puddle of what it had been reduced to.

" Baby~" Lance purred and bit at Keith's earlobe.

Keith took a sip of his drink, which he'd been responsible about, and side eyed Lance.

" You look sexy with your hair up..." Lance whispered and reached under his smaller boyfriend. He teasingly groped Keith's ass and chuckled.

Keith sat up stiff, not having expected a move like that. Lance wasn't drunk, not yet. He was totally tipsy, however.

" God, you're just so hot. I love you." Lance kissed his cheek while giggling, and Keith wondered if sober Lance was even all that different. Maybe sober Lance wouldn't have dropped the L word, but Keith didn't mind.

" Did you want another drink?" Keith asked him after Lance slid his glass over toward him.

" Actually, stay here. I guess it's my turn to go." Lance pressed a kiss to the side of his lips.

Keith chuckled to himself and shook his head.

" Whatever you say." He told him sarcastically, enjoying Lance's antics.

And after that, Lance was off in search of someone who could refill his vodka. Straight vodka was really strong, and Keith hoped that he wouldn't drink the second one so quickly.

Keith had been chilling out there for what seemed like an hour. He picked up his phone, seeing a text from Shiro that he'd neglected to read right away.

Shiro 12:22 AM: -__- and here I thought someone abducted you both. Tell me next time and be safe.

Keith 1:07 AM: We're fine. If you're so worried go find Matt to comfort you lmao. Or Adam.

Shiro 1:08 AM: You must think you're so funny. Maybe I'll hangout with them both :P

Keith snickered to himself, about to respond with something, but then he heard someone clear their throat from the outside of the booth. He perked up, not recognizing the sound. He'd heard Lance do that on many occasions, but that definitely didn't sound like him.

There was a man standing there, and he was a rather large person. He had a build similar to Shiro's, toned and bulky from muscle.

" Can I help you?" Keith asked him, taking a sip from his drink.

" Are you a fruit, because honeydew you know how fine you look?" The guy used a pickup line, clearly drunk.

" I'm taken." Keith said assertively.

" Aww, come on. You look like a perfect twinky for me to snack on~"

Keith wondered if the man was about to take his wrist from his body language, but before it could come to that, Lance appeared behind him. He scowled, jealous in an instant.

He set his drink on the table.

" Hey, Baby." Lance greeted Keith, putting extra emphasis on the pet name. The guy looked over at Lance, who smiled at him in a cocky way. " Go find someone else. I'm sure there's plenty of guys in here who are willing to pretend they like the taste of your dick. My boyfriend isn't." He growled a bit.

The guy scoffed, raising his hands and walking off.

" Was he bothering you?" Lance asked Keith, watching him saunter off.

Keith knew one thing... jealous Lance was a turn on. The smaller male, had they not been in the middle of a crowded nightclub, wouldn't have minded Lance throwing him atop the table and fucking him. And that was the expression on his face, what it seemed to be saying.

Lance slid inside the booth, leaning over Keith and breathing down his neck possessively.

" Was he?" Lance reiterated.

Keith shook his head, and the taller boy pressed him back with a kiss. Before he knew it, they were making out between the seat and the table. All Keith could taste was vodka until he pulled away.

" L-Lance..." He stuttered.

" Hm?" Lance pulled back. He was definitely territorial. Even in his tipsy state, he was very worked up about the fact that someone had even dared to look at his boyfriend in that way. That was Lance's job. " You're mine, all fucking mine."

Keith sat up, trying to catch his breath from the powerful kiss. He found Lance pulling him atop his lap. For whatever reason, Keith thought it was incredibly hot. Lance's hold on him was supportive and unwavering.

Wow. To think Lance had stopped Keith from taking off his shirt earlier didn't seem plausible. He'd changed now that some alcohol had gotten in his system.

Keith had a feeling Lance would be throwing all of his clothes aside later in the night.

(( Hhh I smell tea...))

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