(( I hope you all think this chapter is cute! I added some fluff, if you ignore the end of it. Also! I would highly recommend following my instagram soki._.kun because I've been live streaming and answering questions lately.))
After many days had passed, things were finally getting back to normal. Well... normal for the mansion. Keith was in the kitchen, just having finished up his dinner. He was letting Lance enjoy his nap, or what he assumed was Lance's nap.
He set his plate into the sink, rinsing off the traces of food and sauces that had been left on it. Keith wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, mainly because they were silent. He'd shown up early, and Hunk was still making his rounds to tell people dinner was done.
A pair of arms grabbed Keith from behind, and his eyes widened as he dropped the plate into the dishwater. He took the person's arms, twisted out of the grip, and bent them over in a locked position. It was only then when Keith realized that it was Lance he'd done self defense on. With the fact that he'd been kidnapped twice before, Keith could never be too careful.
" Ouch!" Lance hissed, and Keith let his arm go.
" Sorry, Babe..." Keith chuckled. " Don't sneak up on me like that."
" Noted." Lance rubbed his arm, getting nostalgia from the first time that he and Keith officially met. The smaller boy had pulled the same move on him then, and so much had happened since then. It caused a smile to rise on Lance's face. " Am I going to get punched if I try and hug you?" Lance teased.
Keith rolled his eyes, smiling while standing on his toes. He cupped Lance's cheek while pressing a soft kiss on his lips.
" There's my apology." He told Lance with a light pink blush dusting his face.
Lance seemed like an excited puppy while grinning and sweeping Keith into his arms. He held him in front of himself, and Keith's arms went behind Lance's neck while his legs tangled around him. The taller boy placed a fluffy kiss on the tip of his boyfriend's nose.
" I accept it... under one condition..." Lance smirked, and Keith had a loving look in his eyes while running his hands through Lance's brunette locks.
" If you're aiming for a blowjob, you might want to try a little harder." Keith snickered, feeling his cheeks aching from the smile that had colonized them.
" What? No." Lance blushed even more so while holding Keith close to himself. For once in his life, Lance wasn't in the mood to wreck Keith and show him who was boss. Nah. His interests were focused on Keith's smile, and hearing his heartwarming laughter. " I was actually thinking... maybe we could just have a quiet night together. What do you say? You, me, popcorn, and Netflix?"
Keith was pleasantly surprised when Lance suggested that. After eating dinner and everything, he wasn't much interested in getting fucked. It was never all that satisfying to get pounded after a meal.
" That sounds great." Keith smiled, leaning his face into Lance's neck and sighing contently. Lance held him up with one arm while snagging a piece of Hunk's homemade pizza from the counter. He took a bite of it, and Keith chuckled on his tan skin, causing a ticklish sensation to travel down Lance's neck.
" You're too cute, you know." Lance told his smaller boyfriend, feeling his heart skip a beat and trip over itself from the cuteness overload.
" Wanna know what would be really cute?" Keith teased, and Lance hummed in response. " If you learned to not talk with your mouthful."
Lance swallowed, not bothered.
" I'll remember to remind you of that the next time your lips are wrapped around my-"
" BITCH I SMELL PIZZA!" Pidge bounded into the kitchen, and Matt was behind her.
" Score." Her older brother said happily. The siblings both paused when they saw Klance in the kitchen. Pidge made a tiny noise, fangirling. They were so adorable.
Lance slowly set Keith down, being careful with him. He let the shorter boy rest his cheek on his chest as they stood there.
" Hey, guys." Lance greeted, but then took notice of the fact that Matt was dressed up for something. Like... actually dressed up. He had on khakis and a short sleeved, peach colored button up shirt. " Woah... are you going somewhere?" He asked, and Matt stole the smallest piece of pizza he could find. Shiro might've had a bird if he found out he was spoiling his dinner.
" He's going on a date~" Pidge chirped and looked at him out of the corner of her eye.
" Where?" Keith questioned, wondering what kind of place would warrant that sort of dress up.
" Shiro is taking me and Adam out to Olkari Steakhouse for the night." Matt blushed, taking a bite of his pizza and seeming giddy.
" Seriously?!" Lance pouted. " That place is so nice and expensive and-"
" Jealous much?" Keith chimed in, and Lance ruffled his hair.
" It should be interesting." Pidge kept smirking at her brother. She couldn't have been more excited that they were all going on an official date, and not just proclaiming they were together. " If you let Shiro get drunk again... there's no telling where it might go~"
" Ew." Keith covered his mouth. Thinking about his brother in that position wasn't exactly in Keith's best interest. He'd tease the living shit out of Shiro for it, yeah, but actually picturing it was a no no. He shook the thoughts away.
Matt gasped.
" Just be sure you all are safe." Lance winked.
" Make sure to tell me what happens..." Pidge chuckled. " I still can't figure out if Adam is a top or a bottom, so maybe you could enlighten me."
" Shut up shut up shut up!" Matt whined, covering his ears.
" Ahem." Shiro cleared his throat from the doorway. Adam was tucked against his side, and they seemed to be waiting for Matt. Matt hid the remaining pizza behind himself and chuckled nervously. Hunk's pizza was just so divine that he couldn't help himself.
Pidge saw that her brother was in a pickle, and inconspicuously snatched it from him. Boom. Problem solved.
" You coming?" Shiro asked Matt, smiling.
" Ooo~" Lance antagonized. " What kind of c-"
Keith covered his boyfriend's mouth as Matt went ahead and met them out there. He tagged along until Shiro grasped his hand.
" Don't wait up!" Shiro called over his shoulder.
" Wasn't planning on it!" Keith yelled after them, and after that, the front door closed.
" He's so getting fucked." Pidge chuckled, eating more pizza.
Keith and Lance were in the basement, content with a bowl of popcorn and Kosmo at their feet. Lance had an arm draped over Keith, acting as the big spoon while the two laid there. The movie playing in the back was a comedy, being that neither of them were in the mood for horror. That was a first for Keith, but he was enjoying himself nonetheless.
Keith ate some popcorn and snuggled back against his boyfriend. There was just something about being in Lance's arms, something that he couldn't get over. He made Keith feel safe, and like nothing could get him. Hell, Lance had killed for him, and that said something.
Lance kissed the back of Keith's neck, brushing some of his mullet out of the way to trail kisses across the front of it. Keith shivered, squirming.
" Lance." He chuckled, and the larger male continued peppering him with the affectionate pecks.
" Hm?"
Lance kissed under his jawline, making Keith grin and laugh. He might've been ticklish, and Lance might've been taking full advantage of that. Keith giggled, feeling embarrassed about the joy in his voice. Lance smiled widely, pulling Keith closer and pressing a long kiss to his lips.
Keith set the bowl of popcorn on the floor, multitasking while kissing Lance back lightly.
Adam, Matt, and Shiro all sat in a booth at one of the swankiest places in the city. The lighting was dim, and the chatter was constant. They got a couple looks, and people were starting to realize that all three of them were together.
Shiro couldn't have cared less. He was a multimillionaire, and random bitches' opinions didn't phase him at all.
" You both look beautiful tonight..." Shiro complimented his partners, taking a sip of his pricey red wine. It was literally $200 a glass for it.
" Especially Matt." Adam peered around Shiro to look the shorter man up and down.
Matt coughed, nearly choking on the complementary artisan bread he'd just taken a bite of. He covered his mouth and blushed, and Shiro smirked down at Matt, loving his reaction. Out of all of them, Matt was the easiest to get flustered by far.
" You're going to kill me..." Matt said, exasperated while drinking back the drink he'd ordered. He couldn't deal with wine, but a Brandy Old Fashioned sweet was doing the job for him.
" But it's so cute when you blush..." Shiro ran his hand through Matt's hair, and Adam nodded. Damn, he was in the mood.
That only elicited more red pigment on Matt's cheeks as he sat there, crossing his legs. He couldn't be thinking things like that in a public environment. He wasn't Lance and Keith, who would've fucked just about anywhere. Matt had more self control, and too much pride to let himself get turned on in public.
Adam took Shiro's hand under the table, squeezing it in his own. He leaned to whisper something in Shiro's ear, smirking while doing so. Adam had zero shame, and Shiro blushed once he pulled back.
Clearly Adam had just said something scandalous or innuendo-like.
" Definitely." Shiro answered him under his breath.
" What are you guys talking about?" Matt asked.
" Oh... nothing." Adam adjusted his glasses and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. Man, it was getting hot in there. " Just something for later."
Matt gulped and crossed his legs more fiercely. Were they planning what he thought they were? Adam and Shiro both looked like they could've taken him right there.
Neither Lance or Keith let things get too out of hand. They'd gotten much of the kinkiness out of their systems after Keith tied himself up for Lance.
The making out they did was purely that, just making out. Keith pulled Lance closer to himself, as the taller boy had moved to lay over top of him. His hands rested on Lance's tanned cheeks as their lips locked.
Lance couldn't express how on top of the world he felt when he was kissing Keith. His lips were sweet and soft, and they felt like they were custom made to fit his own.
" You're so beautiful..." Lance murmured, caressing Keith's body and admiring his figure.
Keith's face grew flushed from the blush as he laid under him and kissed the corner of Lance's lips again. He didn't know what to say, but it made the butterflies in his stomach even more crazy than usually.
Lance smiled, drawing back to swoop Keith's bangs away from his face so that he could bask in the masterpiece that was his handsome face. He let himself slip down by the crook of Keith's neck, then sigh contently.
" I love you..." Lance whispered, and Keith was silent while wrapping his arms around Lance and hugging him closer.
Cue the crickets chirping in the background, being heard over the movie that played on the adjacent TV.
Lance felt his chest scrunch up again, felt like someone had punched him in the gut. Why couldn't Keith say it back?
Keith wasn't sure what was wrong as Lance got up, standing and taking a step away from the couch. The taller boy forced a smile.
" Lance?" Keith asked him, sitting more upright on the couch. His palms rested on either side of his body as he stared up at his boyfriend, confused.
" Erm- I gotta go to the bathroom." Lance swiftly walked away. " I'll be back!" He added over his shoulder, and a couple stray tears had gathered in the corners of his eyes. Did Keith just not love him? Was he not lovable enough?
He covered his mouth, ducking into the bathroom and taking a shaky deep breath to calm himself down, to slow the panicked way his heart was thumping. It really hurt... and the worst part was that Lance doubted Keith even knew. He leaned against the wood of the shut door, just trying to collect himself. Lance didn't want to ruin their night with his own problems. He didn't want attention for it, and he wasn't using it as a way to make waves. It was just that... what if Keith truly didn't love him? What if he'd rather not say it and be honest, than tell him it and lie.
That thought was terrifying to Lance. A small trail of tears streamed from his eyes, but he hastily wiped them away.
Out in the living room/hang out area of the basement, Keith was really lost. He pulled a throw blanket closer to himself and leaned back down into the couch. Was Lance okay? Had he done something wrong?
Keith had never been the best in social situations, and the fact that he had a boyfriend in the first place astounded him sometimes. He'd never been able to read the room as well as most people, and the subtleties in life often escaped his reach of comprehension.
He grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl, eating it and trying to use it as brain food. It definitely didn't work.
It was about ten minutes later by the time Lance emerged from the restroom and came back by Keith. He seemed fine, and there was a smile on his face as he got back on the couch.
" Lance? Are you okay? You were gone for a long time..." Keith asked him, turning to look at his boyfriend with a concerned expression. His ignorance to what he'd done was written all over his face.
" Baby, I'm fine, really." Lance assured him, sliding in between Keith and the couch. He laid beside him and draped an arm around his waist. Keith continued staring at Lance, not sure if he believed him. " Let's just watch the movie." Lance told him, snuggling against the contour of Keith's body.
Keith took a second, deciding maybe he should drop it. He settled back against Lance, letting it slip from his conscious thoughts. In the back of his head, though, Keith wondered.
In Lance's words, he insisted that he was okay. In Lance's actions, he drove the same point home. However... Keith had an itch in his chest that something wasn't adding up. Lance had gotten up for what seemed like no reason, then disappeared with no explanation. Normally, Lance would've told him whatever was on his mind, so it was baffling to Keith that he would leave it at the word 'fine'.
Maybe Keith was just overthinking it, and maybe bringing it up further would've pissed Lance off.
So he didn't.
(( KEITHHHHHH DAMN IT! I'm sorry- I... *sigh*))
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