No Exceptions

(( Trigger warning! If you're sensitive to blood and bodies be advised and read cautiously!))

" How could you?!" Allura yelled, drawing her hand back as pain rippled across her finacé's face.

" What are you talking about?!" Lotor asked. " Darling, what's amiss? Are you okay?" He inquired, trying to take her hand as a red welt appeared on his cheek.

" Don't touch me! Murderer!" Allura hissed at him and took a step back, and Lotor's face sank as the words left her mouth and seemed to stop the universe dead in its tracks. She looked at him in a livid, yet hurt way. There were some stray tears that had gathered in the corners of her eyes, but she didn't allow herself to cry.

The bodyguards who stood by seemed to eye her differently, and Lotor shot them a look. They immediately abandoned any thoughts of engaging her, or taking her out. Lotor could have them do it at any second if he so chose, and Allura failed to realize that.

" Allura..." Lotor said, taking another step toward her. " I can explain. You just have to hear me out."

" I don't have to do jackshit." Allura said.

" Please." Lotor extended a hand to her, feeling a searing pain in his chest. If he even had a heart, it must've just broken. Was that what it felt like? He assumed so, and he knew that he didn't like it one bit. And it was all her fault. " Just tell me what you know and who told you."

" Everything." She spat. " The drugs, the money, the murders... you've killed people. You're in a gang." She took one more step back. " And the others told me. The ones who you tried to kill, too."

" It's really not as bad as you're insisting..." Lotor got more serious.

" Oh, I'm sure." Allura folded her arms. " You have been lying to me from day one. Now get out of my way." She began trying to cut around him. Lotor side stepped and blocked her path.

" Sweetie, please, you're still my fianceé. I love you!" He put his hands on her shoulders, and she was very quick to shove them off. Allura looked down at her ring and regretted not ditching it in the ocean. She slid it off of her finger, and Lotor looked at her with beading eyes.

" Not anymore." She coldly spoke, throwing it at him and shoving her way through. Though she'd thought about hearing him out, there was no way in hell she could bring herself to now. It was fucking ridiculous.

Lotor picked it up after it hit the floor, clutching the ring as he clenched his fist. Allura didn't even look back while making her way up the stairs.

" Allura! Don't you dare walk away from me!" He snarled, and it seemed like she hadn't even heard him.

" Sir?" A henchman asked. " Do you need us to handle her?"

Lotor looked over his shoulder, his face having completely changed. It was something that would make children and even grown adults run in fear, that would make a demon piss its pants. He shook his head.

" I'll take care of it." Lotor darkly said.

Romelle was still in the car, completely terrified. It seemed like Allura had been gone for a million years, when really it was only a few minutes at best. There was still a lot that could happen in a couple minutes, though, and that was the dehabiliating part. She was stiff with fear.

What was Allura's plan?

Allura walked into her and Lotor's shared bedroom in a huff, going over to the closet and pulling down a very large suitcase. She was out of there, and nobody was going to stop her. She was starting over, about to run away with Romelle and find somewhere else. Until they had things figured out, they could stay with her parents in the city.

" This is fine... everything is fine..." Allura repeated to herself in a whisper. She swiftly went into the walk-in closet and began snatching her clothes off of hangers.

She was met with Lotor in the bedroom as she walked out again and threw things into the suitcase.

" Stay away from me." She told him.

" I must ask you to reconsider." Lotor approached her slowly, almost as if he was stalking his prey.

She was the one person he thought was different, the one person he thought would love him forever. Their love had been fragile, one that rode on the fact that Allura remained in the dark. She'd finally seen the light, the light that told her too much.

She was going to love him, or nobody at all.

" Bite me." Allura said. " Romelle and I are going somewhere far away from here!"

Lotor drew his gun.

" Then you leave me no choice."

Romelle was curled up in a little ball until she heard a gunshot from inside the mansion, and then another. She scrambled up.

" Ally!" She shrieked, falling from the car. The Uber driver clearly wasn't about to stick around as the car sped off and out of the driveway. Romelle sprinted into the mansion, feeling the fear dragging her legs down. After she was inside, there was only quiet.

The bodyguards left her be while she ran up the stairs.

" Fucking bitch..." Lotor caught her hand as he saw her in the hall. Blood was splattered all over his face and painted the front of his shirt. " Death is too good for you."


Words could not describe how happy Pidge was when she was finally able to leave the misery of her hospital bed and get up. After she and Matt had gotten back to the resort, Shiro was being very sure that everyone was ready to get the hell out of there.

" Pidge!" Hunk exclaimed while seeing his friend walk inside of the room. She was slow but sure in her movements, clearly not letting the stitches own her.

" Easy." Matt reminded him, and Hunk pouted.

Pidge rolled her eyes at Matt, smiling while reaching out and hugging him gently. Hunk became his sunshiny self again when that happened, and she chuckled softly.

" Pidge, great to have you back." Shiro came out from the main room. " I had Hunk pack up all your stuff a while ago, so we should be good to go."

" What about Lance and Keith?" Hunk asked, and Shay nodded while coming to stand beside her boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Keith had Lance pressed to the wall while he kissed him. Lance hadn't been expecting it, being that it had happened right as they finished packing. Lance wasn't about to keep letting Keith have control, so he quickly overtook the contact and flipped their positions, pinning Keith on the wall.

" Baby, we have a flight to catch... what do you think you're doing?" Lance purred down his neck and nibbled as he just couldn't help himself.

Keith smirked. Before he could say anything else, Shiro came inside of the room and sighed. He seemed like a disappointed parent while observing their position.

" Are you two packed?" He asked them while averting his eyes and facepalming. Both boys were blushing madly, and Lance was still by Keith's neck up until then.

" Just finished..." Keith managed to get out, and Shiro saw the suitcase on the bed.

" Well, Pidge just got here. We need to go." Shiro said. " You'll have plenty of... down time... once we get home." He took his leave after that, and Lance kissed Keith's neck a final time.

" Stop teasing me before I end up fucking you in the jet's private bathroom." He joked, but Keith could see the seriousness in his eyes all the same. Yeah, he wasn't trying for that. They might've been hoes about when and where they fucked, but they had at least some standards.

Jokes were the only thing getting them through their days at that point.

They got on the jet a short time later, and Lance couldn't help but get an eerie feeling. He couldn't describe it other than just a sense of general anxiety for their journey home. He wondered if maybe it was just being in the air that was getting to him, but it didn't seem quite right. Lance had never had fear about flying before.

Keith looked over at Lance, seeing his body language was slouched and that his leg was bouncing up and down.

" What's wrong?" Keith asked him, recognizing that his boyfriend couldn't have been A-okay. He always fidgetted like that when he was nervous.

Lance grabbed Keith's hand and stared off into space for a moment.

" I have a bad feeling..." The taller boy mumbled after a while. Keith squeezed his hand and rubbed his thumb over Lance's palm in an attempt to soothe him.

" We're finally safe, Lance... nobody can get us for right now-"

" It's not that." Lance cut in, leaning on Keith's shoulder.

" Then what is it?" Keith asked, keeping his voice low so that Shiro wouldn't get to hear him. The last thing their leader needed was anymore stress. Lance was silent at first, feeling his stomach turning.

" I don't know... I just feel weird." He said. " Forget I said anything..."

The shorter male gave Lance a look, wondering if he really wanted him to drop it. And though Keith felt the urge to press him about the subject, he refrained. If Lance needed his help, he'd ask.

As the jet was thousands of feet in the air, soaring over the ocean and heading back home, Shiro was still not okay. Lotor had called him a while back, and he still couldn't find the meaning in it. Maybe he should've stayed on the line long enough to hear him, maybe receive some sort of warning. All he knew as that they had to be cautious on their arrival to the mansion. Shiro worried it might've been an ambush or something worse.

He hadn't told anyone about his call, and Shiro was beginning to think that it might've been a mistake on his part. They probably should've known, but at the same time... he didn't want to cause panic among their ranks.

Hours into the flight later, almost everyone was passed out. Lance was holding Keith close as the smaller boy slept, but he himself was awake. Hunk could be heard snoring from the back of the plane, where Shay had managed to calm him about the motion sickness. The couple was sleeping together in their adjacent seats. Then there were Pidge and Matt, who sat together and were both lights out.

Shiro and Adam were still up, being that neither of them could sleep.

" What's on your mind?" Adam whispered to him, and Shiro sighed.

" Lotor called me a couple days ago... I didn't really let him talk, but now I'm worried he planned something." Shiro admitted under his breath, and Adam covered his mouth with his hands. That was never good.

Lance managed to pick up on their conversation, and his eyes bulged as the words reached his ears. He looked down at Keith, trying to calm himself. He practiced a few breathing techniques, not wanting to have a panic attack.

" What are you going to do about it?" Adam asked Shiro, taking his hand.

" We need to be careful. I'm calling a family meeting once we're back, but until then... there's not much we can do." Shiro told him.

The jet landed not long after that, and Lance kissed Keith's face gently to wake him up. It was hard to believe that the wheels hitting the tarmack hadn't done that, but whatever.

" Come on, Baby..." Lance whispered, and Keith groaned while burying in Lance's neck. He was grumpy and self medicated with some cuddles, and Lance found them therapeutic. He was feeling so many things, and just needed to talk to Shiro about them.

Once they were off, and they were picking up all their luggage from the back, Lance pulled Shiro aside.

" Why didn't you tell me he called you?" Lance questioned him, folding his arms and looking like he was a mix of hurt and pissed.

Shiro realized Lance must've heard.

" Listen... I didn't get any threats. I didn't want to panic everyone." Shiro spoke. " I get how you might be upset, but what good would it have done?"

Lance glanced to the side.

" Just... I'd feel better if you tell me next time..." He said. Though Lance didn't even want to consider the possibility, he was the next in command along with Keith. If something ever happened to Shiro, he'd need to know everything pertaining to the situation.

" Deal, okay. Sorry..." Shiro grabbed a suitcase, setting it down. " Are we cool?"

Lance nodded before going back to Keith.

Nobody could've known the horror that awaited them at the mansion. Not even Shiro.


After getting their cars and driving back to the mansion, anxiety running rampant among them. Lance grabbed the glock from his glove box before Keith could get out of the passenger side. Pidge, Hunk, and Shay got out from the backseat as well. Hunk kept himself in front of the girls almost like a shield.

" Stay behind me." Lance told Keith, cocking it.

" I don't need-" Keith tried to say, and Lance gave him a pleading look. He needed to know he was safe, or it might've been the death of him. Keith sighed and went along with it, holding his hand as they inched closer to the front door.

Shiro approached the door as well, gun drawn. Adam also had a pistol, but Matt took it from him. Adam was an awful shot, after all.

" Nobody comes in until I check it." Shiro turned over his shoulder and ordered. He sent Lance an expression that was basically leaving him in charge. Lance could only nod, and he stopped. He kept Keith near to himself, ready to be a human shield for him if need be.

Shiro gulped while grabbing his keys, only to discover that the door was unlocked. That was never a good sign. Since their security system wasn't programmed to call the cops, lord only knew what could've been on the other side of the wood.

He sucked it up and pushed it open, closing it, and keeping his gun drawn. Shiro gasped at the sight before him. He was so shocked that his gun actually dropped to the ground and fired accidentally. A stray bullet flew into the mansion somewhere.

" Shiro!" Adam and Matt yelled in unison. Keith had already sntached Lance's gun and barged in to his brother by then. He shoved the door open, ready to shoot. Kosmo ran in behind Keith and barked.

" Keith!" Lance shrieked and came in as well, terrified. Keith froze along with Shiro, and Matt and Adam were both stopped dead in their tracks. Hunk screamed, as did Shay, and Pidge held her mouth.

" Oh God!" She exclaimed, expecting vomit to come up.

The grand staircase had a huge spot of blood stained onto it, dripping from above. There was a body strung up 20 feet in the air, hanging by its arms. Lance felt tears in his eyes.

" A-Allura?" He stammered. Lance began shaking, getting PTSD from his parents' and siblings' bodies. Keith grit his teeth and kept his gun drawn.

Shiro took a few staggered steps forward.

The stench was nearly unbearable and made his eyes water the closer he got. Lance was overcome with flashbacks as he crumbled to the ground and curled up in a little ball. He rocked back and forth and struggled to breathe properly.

Keith set the gun down and sank to be by him.

" N-Not again..." Lance shakily said. His voice cracked, and Keith felt his arms wrapping around Lance. He was beginning to cry as well.

Shay was buried in Hunk's chest to keep her eyes away, and Pidge was busy barfing into a flower pot on the porch. Matt kept his gun up to cover Shiro, and Adam was trembling while Matt forced him to stay behind.

Shiro picked up a note that had been left on the steps.

'This is your fault


You can have her whore friend too'

They heard a muffled yell for help from inside the mansion right as Shiro finished reading.

(( *flees the planet so ya'll can't hunt me down*))

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