Looking Up

(( Loves, this is very important. As you all know, I am taking a break to focus on my novel after Bullets wraps up. It'll be about a month and a half long, but... I won't be completely absent from my accounts. I have some oneshots already written to tide you all over while I'm gone, but I need help. I've been asking for prompts on Instagram, and the feedback has been so greatly appreciated! However, I'm rarely given enough info to go off of. The ships I'm writing for include: Klance, Shatt, Adashi, Shattam, Makoharu, Victuri, Otayuri, and Misaki x Usagi. If you would be willing to comment or DM oneshots you want to see from me for any of these ships, it would mean so much. Smut, fluff, and angst are accepted. I have four oneshots done at the moment, but to keep you all satisfied, I need to write more before break. Details are everything, and the more of them you're willing to give me in your suggestion, the more likely it is I can use it. I'll give credit and shoutouts to oneshots suggested by others as well. Thank you, Loves!))

After Lance had been checked out by just about every doctor in the hospital, or so it seemed, Keith and Shiro were finally allowed into the room. He was deemed fit for visitors, and was apparently in great shape. Well, as great of shape as he could be after such a serious injury. His heart function was normal, as was his blood pressure, and there didn't seem to be anything out of order.

Keith held Lance's hand, sitting by him at his bedside. Lance squeezed his boyfriend's hand back and wished he could pull Keith up on the bed with him. He was severely cuddle deprived.

" So... when you get better, I'm slapping you." Keith remarked, pursing his lips.

Lance rolled his eyes.

" For?" He raised an eyebrow, bringing Keith's hand up to his lips, where he pressed a kiss on it.

" What do you think?" Keith looked him right in the eyes. It was incredibly difficult for anyone to discern what he was feeling. It seemed like anger, but also depression, and also gratitude for Lance's life. It was complicated, so much so that Shiro and Lance didn't even have an upperhand.

Lance said nothing at first.

" You literally died for me. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?" Keith stared down. " You should've just let-"

" Better me than you. I'd do it again... and again, and however many times it took for you to be safe." Lance interrupted. " And nothing you can say will change my mind."

Keith felt the urge to fold his arms, but he didn't want to let go. So that's how he ended up holding hands with Lance angrily. He knew that he was stubborn and he wouldn't change his mind, but Keith himself was very hardheaded. He would never change his stance on the issue, either. Lance shouldn't have done it for him, or so Keith thought.

Shiro sat in another chair awkwardly. He felt the tension filling the room to the brim, and he knew that if it kept up, he'd go nuts.

" No matter what happened, we're all glad you're okay." Shiro told him.

" Thanks..." Lance lightly smiled to himself. He had to admit, he was beyond giddy to be awake. Though he wouldn't have objected dying for Keith if push came to shove. His attention was broken from his own thoughts when he caught a glimpse of Shiro's bandaged up arm. " Woah, Shiro, what happened? Is... you know who... dead?"

Shiro's good hand clenched into a fist at the mention of it. Lance didn't even have to say his name for him to experience the feelings associated with it.

" He's dead." The leader assured.

" How'd he die?" Lance asked, wanting to know. He knew it might've been messed up and everything, but he hoped that it was a slow and agonizing death. It was better than Lotor deserved, probably.

Keith perked up. Shiro had never told him the specifics about that part of it.

Shiro grit his teeth. He felt exceedingly guilty, but he convinced himself that it had been the right thing to do. Never had he ever thought he could think that, that murdering someone was right, but he was coming to that conclusion with every passing day.

" The room we were in... there weren't many weapons. It was a panic room, and... I took whatever I could get." Shiro spoke. " I bludgeoned him with a can off the shelf..."

Lance was glad to hear it, even if it made him feel like a horrible person.

" Good. I hope he felt it until the last second." Keith spat, not feeling remorse for any of it. To him, it was way better than what he'd have done. Keith would've killed him step by step, tortured him for everything he'd done. After all... it was ultimately his fault that Lance died. " I want someone to bring him back to life so I can kick the shit out of him."

Lance glanced over to his boyfriend, seeing that he had a cast on his leg.

" Keith, no. Even if that happened, you can't even walk." Shiro deadpanned. Lance couldn't help but growl.

" Who hurt you? I thought I-... I kept you safe." The taller male looked down and to the side, unable to bear witness to Keith's leg anymore. He felt like it was totally his fault. If he hadn't passed out from all the blood loss, he could've prevented that, right?

" Lance, no." Keith rubbed his palm soothingly. " This was from the car accident."

Lance's eyes were wide enough to overtake most of his face in a fraction of a second.

" Car accident?!" He screeched. " Okay, how the actual fuck am I alive right now?!"

" Lance, honestly, I have no clue. You were dead two minutes after getting to the hospital, and they got your heart to start again." Shiro spoke. " Keith literally plowed a car into a pole trying to get you there, and the roads were slippery and he was going too fast for the conditions and-"

" We get it." Keith cut in. " It's my fault."

" Don't you dare start blaming yourself. It was my choice to jump in front of you, and I made it." Lance told his boyfriend in complete seriousness. " None of it was your fault."

" If I had gotten my gun out sooner..." Keith muttered.

Lance's hand ran up Keith's arm, then moved to caress his cheek.

" Stop talking..." The taller boy told him, cupping his face. " I don't blame you, and I don't regret what I did. I'm alive, so you should focus on the fact that I'm here now."

Keith's eyes picked up from the floor to stare into Lance's striking blue orbs, and he couldn't help but get pulled in by their color. He nodded, scooting the chair even closer to Lance's bedside.

" Here... I'll give you both some privacy." Shiro said, awkwardly clearing his throat. Lance and Keith were a couple, and happened to be dealing with some very serious things. Besides, he needed to go check on Adam.

He went into the hall, walking down a couple rooms until he found Adam's. Matt was standing outside the door on the phone.

" No, check the drawer." He spoke into the phone's speaker, cupping his hand as if to conceal his words from everyone else.

" Matt, this is weird! Why does it glow?" Pidge shuddered from the other side of the phone. " How is that safe to put up your ass in the first place-"

" Pidge, God, I don't know! Can you just find it please?" Matt whined, blushing and covering his face.

" Was this Shiro's idea? I have a sick feeling it was." Pidge commented, and shuffling could be heard in the background as she went through Shiro's room.

Matt turned and saw his boyfriend coming up to him. His face only became more red as a result.

" The sex must be LIT... if you know what I mean." Pidge cackled.

" Shut up!" Matt exclaimed.

" Hey, what's up?" Shiro asked him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He was careful, making sure that it wasn't the injured one.

" She's looking for the... stuff." Matt whispered, peering back inside Adam's room to make sure that he wasn't listening. He was actually sleeping at that moment, and that came as a major relief. The last thing he needed was to be hearing that.

Pidge found it on the other side of the phone after opening a drawer.

" Should I put on gloves before I touch it?" She asked, and Matt's bangs shaded his face as he stared at the floor shamefully. He was so flustered that he could barely speak. Shiro took the phone from him.

" Pidge, it's Shiro." He said.

" You're kinky as hell. Did this stuff give your sex life a glow up?" She snickered. " I'm sorry! I'll stop with all the bad puns..."

Shiro stood there with a very embarrassed facial expression.

" I'll put it in a bag and bring it back with me." Pidge assured him, and there was a door opening in the background of the phone call. Hunk's voice was heard, and then a loud 'EW!'.

" Pidge, what the actual heck is that?!" Hunk, who was much too pure to be seeing anything like that, exclaimed. He'd been with Pidge, wanting to go with her and Shay back to the hospital. He'd come back to feed Kosmo and such.

There was a bunch of laughing from the other side, and Pidge was the one responsible.

Shiro's eyebrow twitched.

" I'm hanging up now."

" I told you she'd never let us live that down." Matt said after a few moments of humiliated silence. Shiro just tried to forget about it for the moment. He looked inside the room, seeing Adam sleeping. Was it weird that he just wanted to be close to him? It didn't matter if he was awake or not; Adam was still his boyfriend.

Shiro took Matt's hand and pulled him inside the hospital room gently. They both sat in the chairs set out by his bedside.

" I don't know what we'll do if he never remembers..." Matt murmured. " I h-haven't even told him about... us... you know?"

" When he wakes up, I'll tell him." Shiro whispered.

It was a while later before Adam began to stir. His eyes fluttered open, and Shiro and Matt were close enough to him where he could make out their faces. He jumped back into the pillows, startled.

" Why are you watching me sleep you creeps?!" Adam gasped, pulling the blankets more over himself. He looked over both of them, still unsure about what his connection was to them. Shiro and Matt were their names, yes. And Adam was supposed to hate Shiro! That's what Lotor had said.

" A-Adam we-" Matt stammered.

" We are worried about you... that's all." Shiro softly said.

Adam's eyes cut around both of them. Okay... Shiro was hot. Hot, scorching fucking hot. His chiseled features, and his muscular build, and holy hell those eyes... damn. Adam tried to shake away the thoughts, but then his eyes focused on Matt. Big mistake. Matt was cute, twinky, totally his type if he wanted to dom.

He looked almost scared at the thoughts swirling in his head, like they weren't supposed to be there. Matt's ginger hair wasn't adorable, and his eyes totally weren't drawing him in... he just had to tell himself that.

" Who are you to be worried about me?" Adam scoffed.

" We're your boyfriends... you just don't remember yet..." Shiro said slowly, not wanting to bombard him with information. He reached out, running a hand over Adam's. Adam pulled it back, not letting him.

" B-Boyfriend... (S)?" Adam asked.


" Baby... why the long face?" Lance asked, rubbing Keith's hand. There was a gross tray of hospital food sitting beside them on a stand, and Keith was still parked in the chair. He wasn't going to leave Lance's side.

" I... I wanted cuddles... but there isn't enough room and I don't want to hurt you..." Keith pouted.

Lance's lips curled upward.

" You won't. Come up here." He scooted over toward the other side of the hospital bed, patting the cleared area with his hand. Cuddles with Keith? Talk about medicine that actually took the pain away.

Keith was hesitant at first, not knowing if they'd get in trouble, but then he said fuck it. He stood up with the help of his crutches, sliding on top of the bed ass first. Lance's right arm was around him in no time. It took a minute to get settled, but eventually everything worked out.

" Better?~" Lance hummed in Keith's ear, nuzzling there. Keith nodded and got nearer to him.

Lance wasn't going to lie, the left side of his body was in a whole world of hurt, and his arm was sore from where it'd been cut and stitched up, but still. Cuddling with Keith was somehow the most comfortable position he'd found himself in since waking up.

" I love you..." Keith murmured in his ear, and Lance's heart fluttered at the words.

" I love you too." He responded, pressing his lips on the corner of Keith's mouth. Keith's head began to turn, and he deepened the contact by kissing him back. Something so simple as a kiss made his entire body warm, coming alive with all the powerful emotions he felt for him.

Just as the two were pulling back for air, the hospital door creaked open. Both of their eyes were huge, and they were terrified that it was a nurse coming to break them up.

" Hey, Lovebirds." Was cooed from the doorway as Pidge walked in, followed by Hunk.

Lance and Keith both sank in relief, and Lance pulled his smaller boyfriend closer. He felt so warm, so comforting.

" Just us." Hunk smiled, putting his hands in his pockets.

" It's so good to see you guys." Lance smiled happily. Hunk, his best friend, and Pidge, his other bestie. Keith's eyes were drawn to the backpack Hunk had, and Pidge had a tote in her hands.

" What's in the bags?" Keith asked. Pidge set hers aside.

" Believe me, you don't want hers." Hunk grimaced. " But... we thought maybe you two would want something besides the nasty hospital food." He smirked, unzipping the backpack.

" Is that french fries I smell?" Lance questioned, his face lighting up.

" I fucking hope so." Keith said, excited.

" McDonald's, bitches!" Pidge squealed. She had to keep quiet, that way the nurses wouldn't catch them.

" You guys are the best." Lance grinned. Wow. Life was looking up. Bomb ass french fries, cuddles with Keith, and best of all... he lived!

Maybe there was a happy ending to everything.

(( I know this chapter is a little short and stuff, but I think a cute little moment for Klance and stuff is what the story needed. We're approaching the end of the story soon, but until then we can just sit back and relax as the ships sail.))

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