Keith's Wrath

Nightfall was still over the island by then, but Pidge and Matt had been taken to the hospital miles away from the coast. Shiro couldn't rent a car that late at night, so there was no way to follow them that he could think of. He trusted that Matt would help keep in touch about her condition.

Everyone had been ushered into the adjacent room, Shiro's suite, after what went down. Shiro paid off the cops so they'd leave them alone for the night, and everyone was malingering around in silence. No one had even thought about sleep, mainly because they were waiting for Matt's call.

Keith was on Lance's lap on the couch along with Kosmo, Hunk and Shay shared the loveseat, and Shiro was pacing around the room. Adam was chugging a beer and drowning his sorrows in alcohol. He nearly spit it up when Shiro's phone began ringing, though.

" Hello?!" Shiro picked up. " How is she?!" He put him on speaker.

Matt sniffled and tried to get a hold of himself.

" She has a lot of internal hemorrhaging... they rushed her back to emergency surgery to stop the bleeding." Matt told him in a voice that was almost entirely gone thanks to all the crying he'd done. " They... they almost punctured her lung, and just missed her pancreas..."

" What else have they said?" Shiro covered his mouth and grit his teeth.

" That it's critical..." Matt choked up again. " They shoved me in the waiting room and told me it might take about four hours."

The room was filled the sound of Hunk crying in Shay's shoulder. Lance and Keith were quiet, but Keith had his fists clenched tightly as he sat atop of Lance. His whole body tensed in red hot, burning anger.

" We'll be there as soon as we can... I promise. Just try to stay strong, alright?" Lance said after nobody else could find the voice to say anything.

That's when Shiro got the idea.

" I need to be with him right now... he needs me." He told everyone. " I'm going to find an Uber." Shiro stood up and his breath began shaking. He couldn't just leave Matt there alone.

Everyone seemed shocked. It was almost midnight by then.

" Everyone... I think you should all try to get some sleep. I know that sounds easier said than done... but we can't be there for Pidge if we're all running on adrenaline." Shiro spoke.

" How about I just drink until I pass out?" Adam asked, chugging some more. He wished to forget the blood he saw, the blood that reminded him of his own brother's gruesome demise. And so he kept drinking.

" That sounds like a good plan." Lance mumbled.

How anyone could sleep after that, Shiro had no idea, but they had to keep it together for Pidge's sake.

" I'm going to go." Shiro said. " Nobody leaves this room, do you hear me?"

Nods were seen all around.

Shiro pulled the bottle away from Adam, placing a kiss on his lips.

" Stay safe..." He told him after pulling back, and Adam blushed from the alcohol as well as Shiro's tone. Adam nodded, pulling Shiro into a hug, not wanting to let him go just yet. He needed some affection and comfort after that ordeal.

" Be careful." Adam told him, burying his face in Shiro's neck for a moment.

" I will." Shiro assured, and about a minute later, he took his leave.

Though the resort had scrambled to book them another suite, the family wasn't about to split up again. Hunk and Shay weren't about to let Lance and Keith sleep in a different room. For all they knew, the people weren't done.

Lance buried his face in the back of Keith's neck, holding him close and taking a deep breath. It had been a long day.

" I'm right here, Baby... you can sleep..." Lance told Keith gently, seeing that his boyfriend was still tense.

There was no way Keith was sleeping, especially when his mind was already made up. After pulling Kosmo closer and petting him, he only leaned back and curled up on Lance, knowing that he'd have to wait for the taller male to sleep.


It was about a half hour later by the time everyone besides Keith had passed out. He looked around, still curled up in Lance's arms. His boyfriend's long and toned arms were securely around him, and Keith couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for what he was about to do.

Someone had to.

Keith got by Lance's neck, nuzzling there and taking a deep breath. Lance was a heavy sleeper, so there was a weak chance of him waking up.

Keith kissed his cheek softly, running his hand up Lance's chest.

" I'm sorry, Lance..." He whispered, carefully untangling Lance's arms from him and standing up. Kosmo jumped off the couch after being awakened by him, and Keith took another deep breath and stepped back, walking around the room and looking for something to use as a weapon.

After ten minutes of scouring, he found a scissors in Shiro's room. It'd have to do.

Keith wanted revenge for Pidge, his best friend. He couldn't go on knowing that the people who'd done it were just walking around freely. He was going to find them, and he didn't care what it took. Even if it meant putting himself in harm's way.

And that was why he was going to track down Allura.

If they were her bodyguards... then... they'd have to come running if Allura was in danger, right? Keith didn't doubt for a second that Allura was involved somehow, even if Lance wouldn't believe him. She had to have given them a tip, or she had to have had something else to do with it.

Keith looked over his shoulder at everyone, who kept on sleeping. Hunk and Shay were passed out in the loveseat and leaning on each other, Lance was still sleeping where Keith had left him, and Adam was snoring away on the couch. He'd definitely drank himself into oblivion, that was for sure. He felt guilt weighing down every step he took toward the door.

" Don't snitch on me, buddy..." Keith whispered to his husky, scratching him behind the ears.

He was going back on what Shiro had said, and what Lance wanted. Keith knew that if he brought anyone with, they would've tried to stop him. Lance and Hunk definitely wouldn't have let him leave.

Keith escaped out into the hallway of the resort, holding the scissors close by his thigh. He slunk through the winding maze of hallways before finding the front desk on the first floor. The attendant there had dozed off in their swivel chair, and Keith was thankful for that. It would've been a shame if he had to knock someone out.

Was this a bad idea? Yeah... but did Keith give a shit? Hell no! He didn't have the capacity to contemplate it right then. He wanted revenge for Pidge, and nobody would let him have it. And that was why Keith was going to forcibly take it.

He needed to figure out which room Allura was in, and that was how he ended up sneaking behind the counter. There was a locked drawer labeled 'keys', and a sign in book as well. There were plenty of things he could use to help him. What was the biggest, most expensive room in the resort? It had to have been booked by her, Keith just knew it.

He smirked at the attendant's lanyard, which had the keys he needed to get in.


The warmth... it was gone. Lance's eyes groggily opened, and he blinked some of the drowsy haze away a couple seconds later. He felt around himself, gasping and shooting up while finding that Keith wasn't in his arms.


Lance shot up and tripped over a coffee table, not having seen it in his state of panic. The room was also fairly dark, since everyone else was still sleeping. Lance rubbed his knee and stood up, looking around himself frantically. His eyes darted around the room as his breathing went shallow and his body temperature skyrocketed.

Lance ran around, finding that the bathrooms were empty, as were the beds. Everyone was sleeping in the living room to stay close, and Keith wasn't with them. He was nowhere to be found.

This sent the taller boy spiralling and jumping to conclusions.

" Guys!" Lance yelled, feeling tears of fear in the corners of his eyes. " Guys!" He repeated, startling Hunk awake. Shay and Adam were still sleeping soundly, apparently deaf to Lance's freaking out.

" Lance... what is it?" Hunk asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

" Keith is gone!" Lance threw the pillows around while digging for his phone. He yanked it out after a couple seconds, seeing no notifications from Keith.

Kosmo barked at Lance, seeing the way he was rushing around and getting riled up from it.

" What?!" Hunk exclaimed, getting up and laying his girlfriend peacefully back. She snuggled into the loveseat, unaware of the chaos filling the room. Lance's breathing was wonky and irregular as he sucked in deep breaths. He was desperately trying to avoid a panic attack while clicking Keith's contact and putting the phone up to his ear.


Ring again.

Three times.

" Lance..." Keith picked up.

Lance's knees nearly buckled from how relieved he was.

" Where the hell are you?! Are you okay?!" He asked, talking faster than anyone should've been able to after recently waking up.

" I'm sorry... I went out." Keith answered in a hushed tone of voice.

" OUT?!" Lance cried. " Get your ass back here right now before they get you, too!"

" Where is he?" Hunk asked, biting his nails and standing as stiff as a board.

" I can't do that." Keith responded. " I'm sorry I didn't tell you... but I knew you'd try and stop me."

" Stop you from what?! Keith, you're scaring me..."

" Revenge." Keith spat. " I'm going to find them and slaughter them all."

" ALONE?! Are you fucking insane?! No, tell me where you are!" Lance growled at him.

" Maybe I am." Keith told him, gripping his scissors tighter and walking along the rooms. There was a seventh floor with only three rooms on it, and he was heading up there. There, he could find Allura and use her as leverage.

" If you get yourself killed, I'll never forgive you!" Lance squeezed his eyes shut and angrily yelled at him. " How could you do this?!"

" I'll be back!" Keith hissed.

" I'm calling Shiro! And I'm about to come find you and drag your ass back here!" Lance warned. He was hurt, shocked, confused, but most importantly... he was worried. The love of his life had just hurled himself into a dangerous situation, and now wouldn't allow Lance to bail him out.

God damn Keith and his anger issues. This was absurd!

" Don't follow me. I'll call you when it's done." Keith said before hanging up and looking to the side. He was trying his best to keep his cool, as not to wake up all the other resort guests and out his presence to everyone. He had been expecting Lance to be pissed, yeah... but he didn't prepare himself for the possibility of being pursued by his boyfriend.


Keith got up to the top floor, keeping the stolen key card in his back pocket while approaching the door. He had zero idea what he could possibly be walking into.

An eye for an eye. Even if Pidge wasn't dead, she'd come within an inch of her life because of these goons. He wasn't going to lay back and take it like some people. No, he'd play dirty.

Keith looked around himself, not seeing anyone in the dimly lit hallway while plunging the key into the reader, and being met with a green light above the doorknob. It opened for him, making a tiny beeping noise, and he snuck inside of the darkened suite.

He kept his scissors handy, ready to slice someone if it came to it.

Almost like a ninja, Keith maneuvered through the unfamiliar room. He was silent and quick, and controlled by the anger that drove him forward. He would get blood on his hands if it meant justice for his best friend.

There were two rooms at the end of a hallway, one with the door open, and one with the door closed. Keith peered inside of the one that was open for him, seeing the blonde girl from earlier that day. Rachelle or Romelle or something with an R, it was. He wasn't interested in her.

He turned to the other door, slowly turning the handle, finding that it was unlocked.

Keith slid inside, finding the balcony open and the Hawaii breeze blowing inside the bedroom. There seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary. He heard quiet breathing coming from further inside the room, seeing a body under the covers of the pink bed sheets.

It was just her.

Some bodyguards Allura must've had if Keith could get in so easily. She was lucky he didn't want to hurt her, otherwise she would've been screwed. He had every opportunity to kill her if he so chose to, but Keith wasn't a monster. He only needed the intel from her on where everyone else was, and he wanted her to send a message to Lotor from him.

Maybe if Keith wouldn't have been so hellbent on revenge, his conscience would've been able to get through to him. It didn't, though.

" Don't move." He told her in a deep gravelly voice once Allura began waking up.

She was about to scream, but Keith covered her mouth.

" I'm not here to hurt you." He told her, and even though his words were supposed to come as some sort of reassurance, he was bitter and cold. Once Keith was sure she wasn't going to scream, he drew his hand back.

Allura looked down at the scissors he held, then up at his face.

" Y-you're that guy from earlier..." She shakily said.

" Doesn't matter." Keith clutched the scissors tighter. " Your bodyguards almost just killed my friend... so... there's a couple ways this can go. You can tell me where the fuck they are, and I can leave. Or..." Keith gripped his weapon until his fist was shaking.

Allura seemed terrified, yet very confused.

" I don't have bodyguards with me..." She tried to tell him.

" Bullshit." Keith spat. " Your psychopath of a boyfriend just had them stab Pidge." 

Allura gasped and covered her mouth, feeling tears in her eyes.

" Listen, I don't know what you're talk about. I just flew down here with my friend, we're the only ones here, I swear!"

Keith stepped back somewhat, seeing that she was being truthful. Did she not know that she had bodyguards? Lotor must've assigned them without her knowing it.

" Fuck..." Keith muttered to himself. " Either way, Lotor is paying people to follow you, then. They got my friend after she got into the cameras." He told her. " So... you're going to help me find them."

" And if I don't?" Allura narrowed her eyes. " Lotor has done nothing of the sort. He would never hurt anyone."

Keith burst out laughing. That was fucking hilarious.

" You really don't know anything, do you?" He looked crazy right then, which he kind of was.

Keith was capable of almost anything right then. Lance was his stability, and he wasn't there to knock some sense into him.

(( I've officially fled the country lmao.))

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