
There had been knocks placed on everyone's doors. Shiro's knocks. He had a specific way of doing it, so it was always clear to everyone when he did.

People began emerging from their rooms, Keith and Lance from the same one. It was four in the afternoon, and they'd stayed up late together. One, because they had sex a couple times. Two, because they binged The Office together afterwards.

They'd been woken up, and clearly were sleepy. Thankfully, though, they were both clothed as they stepped from Lance's room.

Pidge and Matt came out from their rooms, as did Hunk from his. Their maid, Shay, came upstairs to see what all the commotion was about, and Adam followed her. She'd been teaching him how to clean since the morning hours.

Once everyone was out of their rooms, Shiro gathered them in the hall.

" I decided that we're going to have a family outing." He said, smiling at everyone.

Family outing? Where to this time? Usually it was team bonding over something like dinner or an activity.

" Where are we going?" Lance asked through a yawn.

" Out to dinner. I feel like we've all been busy recently, and haven't had much time to spend with one another." Shiro said, and he looked happy while telling them all. He enjoyed spending time with everyone, but people had been off in their own little worlds recently.

Keith and Lance glanced at each other and the taller boy smirked while hearing the word 'busy'. Oh, they'd been busy alright.

Pidge had a smug expression while eyeing her brother. Now there was an excuse for him to wear the outfit. It wasn't quite as revealing as she had planned, but it made Matt look like a snacc if she did say so herself.

Matt blushed and socked her in the arm.

" That sounds really cool." Hunk grinned. " I don't have to cook."

" Where would we go?" Pidge asked. " Oh wait! Can we go to Altea Pub?! Their peanut butter milkshakes are the shit!"

" Peanut butter milkshakes?" Keith asked in a confused way. " That doesn't seem like it should work."

" Shut up you non believer." Pidge proudly beamed.

" Oh believe me... he likes milkshakes... just the vanilla kind..." Lance smirked.

" We can go there if you want. I was thinking we could vote but if nobody has a problem with that place?" Shiro looked around the group, reading facial expressions and making sure nobody was appalled. Nope. Okay, so it was decided.

" I guess that settles it." Matt said.

" I'll call everyone else and have them meet us there. Can you all be ready by five?" Shiro asked the group.

Nods were seen all around.

Soon after they all agreed, everyone went back to their rooms to get ready. Lance and Keith snuck back into Lance's room, however. Now that they were officially together, they couldn't keep their hands off of each other. It was even worse than before, and their sex drives didn't have an on/off switch. Or maybe they did... but it was jammed and couldn't be flicked off.

" Mm..." Lance hummed while kissing Keith and carrying him to the bed. Their makeout was swift and Keith could barely keep up with the way Lance's lips moved on his own.

" L-Lance... come on..." Keith chuckled while reaching for the taller boy's jeans.

" We're not about to fuck right now." Lance laughed while whispering in Keith's ear.

" Why not?" Keith bit his lip as the taller boy pulled back.

" Because I need a shower, you need a shower, and everyone is up here getting ready." Lance told him while kissing his cheek. Not that it wasn't tempting as all hell. What Lance wouldn't have given to fuck Keith dizzy again.

Being with Keith just made him feel better about everything.

" Fine." Keith said. " But don't think we aren't coming back to this later." He told Lance while putting a knee in between his legs.

" Babyyyy!" Lance whined, standing up and letting Keith lay atop his bed. Apparently they couldn't just makeout for a while without him craving another fuck session. Lance couldn't afford to get hard right then.

Keith laughed to himself while looking up at Lance. Now that they'd cleared up what they were, he felt unbelievably comfortable with everything.

" I'm going to go shower." Lance said. He wasn't used to being the less horny one. That was unheard of. " You should do that, too."

If Keith could find the motivation to move, sure.


" I don't know if I can do this..." Matt said while looking down at his outfit. It was screaming that he wasn't straight. Though stereotypes were often offensive, there wasn't a better word to describe his attire other than gay. Just flat out gay.

" You can." Pidge smirked. She'd outdone herself, or so she thought as she saw her brother wearing it.

The croptop was a light peach color, and it showed off a fair portion of Matt's mid-drift. It was displaying his sort of toned abs that were noticeable in the right light. He worked out, and he did it a lot, but there was only a certain amount of muscle mass that his body wanted, apparently.

There weren't any sleeves on the top, but that wasn't completely obvious due to the greyish colored cardigan that Matt was wearing. It was long, and ended at about his knees. After all, he wasn't about to walk outside in fall while wearing a tanktop. He would've froze.

To go with the top and cardigan, Pidge had picked out a pair of low rise skinny jeans with the knees ripped out of them. There were also various imperfections in the denim, such as slits in the backs of the thighs and frays at the bottoms. And on his feet, Matt wore low top grey Converse with the laces tucked in.

" What if he hates it? What if he doesn't notice?" Matt worried. He didn't want to look that gay for no reason.

" There's no way any gay man could hate this-" Pidge gestured to Matt's torso. " And just do what we practiced to get his attention."

" Talking about memes?" Matt questioned, honestly having forgotten what Pidge had told him.

" That works, but you know... the things that could make him jealous." Pidge cackled maniacally. If she couldn't score her brother a date with Shiro, well, her life would've never been considered complete in her book.

" Oh... right." Matt said, blushing to himself a bit. He had his work cut out for him.


Altea Pub was owned by a cooky old guy named Coran. He could be seen on the sign on the way inside the pub, where the smells of delectable foods were constantly seeping out through the doors.

Keith was limping somewhat on the way in, but it wasn't noticeable unless someone was trying to spot it. Lance smirked to himself proudly while seeing it. Thankfully nobody else had picked up on it, though. Especially not Shiro.

" Did I fuck you a little too good last night?" Lance asked Keith playfully, making a point of keeping his volume low.

" Shut up." Keith shoved his arm.

This was a place where they were able to seat themselves, so the group migrated toward a rather large booth near the back of the dining room.

Lance and Keith were sitting next to each other obviously, and Hunk and Shay were on their left in the semicircular seat.

Pidge ended up next to Keith, and on Pidge's other side sat Matt. Shiro was sandwiched between Adam and Matt, but he wasn't uncomfortable.

Though it was risky, Lance reached under the table to grasp Keith's hand lightly in his own. He intertwined their fingers together and squeezed affectionately.

" What're you blushing about?" Pidge asked Keith, nudging him a bit.

" Nothing." He smiled lopsidedly.

Matt looked over at Adam, noticing that he was wearing a fashionable fall sweater. Damn him and his fashion sense that was definitely enviable. Matt was sort of a nerd... okay... a giant nerd. If he wore a put together outfit, it was because Pidge picked it out. And even then it was risky, because Pidge wasn't exactly a fashionista.

Why did Adam get to look good in everything?

Matt might've been slightly flustered and jealous.

" You look good tonight." Shiro complimented Adam casually.

" Thanks." Adam smiled, and his cheeks seemed to turn rosy in a split second.

Pidge coughed loudly, and Shiro wondered if she was about to hack up a lung on top of the table.

" Are you okay?" He asked her in a concerned way, and Matt facepalmed while his sister cleared her throat.

" Yeah... the air is just really dry in here." Pidge responded while eyeing Adam.

Thankfully their waiter showed up to cut the tension.

" Hey, what's up everyone? My name's Jeremy and I'm going to be taking care of all of you tonight." A young man showed up to their table, transferring glasses of water from the platter he carried onto the table.

Keith whipped his head around the second he heard the guy's voice. Lance who? He sounded so similar to him that it was nuts. Keith looked at Lance, Jeremy, Jeremy, Lance. His brains scrambled for a moment.

" You good?" Lance asked him quietly, chuckling while seeing Keith's bamboozled expression.

Keith shook his head a bit while getting a grip.

" Y-yeah..." He stammered.

After everyone had ordered their drinks and such, they were all looking over the menus. Pidge was buzzing with excitement while waiting for her coveted milkshake to arrive.

Keith kept glancing over at Lance, finding his eyes wandering away from the words and tracing downward toward the taller boy's crotch. He smirked to himself while blushing. Though Keith was limping and the slightest bit sore from the previous times he'd had Lance... he still wanted more.

Matt stretched his arms above his head, making the crop top ride up somewhat on his torso. Shiro caught a glimpse at it, and cleared his throat while looking the other way. He was visually flustered, but not so much so that it was blatant.

" Matt, what are you getting? I know you've been craving sausage." Pidge asked her brother while snickering. Matt froze.

" Oo la la~" Lance teased from the other end of the table.

" No I haven't." Matt nervously responded.

Keith and Lance glanced at each other with a somewhat knowing look.

Adam raised an eyebrow while peering around Shiro and looking at Matt. He seemed to be... trying a little hard. In the time Adam had been around, he hadn't seen Matt with an outfit that was so... put together. He definitely wasn't complaining. Maybe after a drink or two, Adam might've been willing to dick him down.

Shiro wasn't sure why his face was hot, but he ignored it as he sat there. The restaurant was busy, filled with people. Maybe that had something to do with it.

Keith felt himself shifting closer to Lance, sitting close enough where their body figures were lined up. Any closer and Keith could've sat atop the other boy's lap.

" Do you guys have enough space over there?" Shiro asked them, seeing the way that they were all over each other.

" Yeah." Hunk shrugged and Shay nodded.

" Why wouldn't we?" Lance raised an eyebrow, squeezing Keith's hand more firmly under the table.

Shiro narrowed his eyes.

" Just checking." He told them both, seeing how both of them seemed to get squirrely once it was brought up.

Pidge turned her gaze over at them. They were obviously holding hands, even with their attempts to hide it. Shiro wasn't blind.

Shiro thought many things to himself while sitting there. One, Matt pulled off a crop top way too well. Two, Adam was confirmed gay because of that sweater he was wearing. Shiro was finally able to recognize that much. And finally, three, Lance and Keith seemed rather... tight. This was after Lance had flipped shit even more so than almost anyone else when Keith was kidnapped. Maybe assigning Lance to be his bodyguard had brought them closer? Or... Shiro considered other possibilities. Was Lance closing in on his little brother? He was going to keep an extra close eye on them from then on out.

Would Shiro have been mad about the relationship itself if it existed? No. But would he have been hurt if it was a thing and they didn't at least tell him about it? Yes.

Matt kept thinking of ways to catch Shiro's attention, of ways to make him jealous. Pidge had told him to look like he was checking out other guys, and that would've helped set in stone if Shiro had feelings for him. If it riled him up, well... Shiro would've been jealous.

So that was exactly what he did.

Matt let his eyes travel over yonder to the bar counter, where there was quite a fair share of guys there. He bit his lip, trying to seem as though he was watching them with the intent of scoring a date, or even a number. Matt trying to look sexy? Pffft. Pidge had forgotten how awkward he appeared to everyone else while attempting to find his smoulder.

" Matt, what are you doing?" Hunk chuckled from across the table, snapping him from his trance.

" Me? Nothing..." Matt smiled a little.

" He's probably watching that guy." Pidge nodded in the direction of the bar, gesturing to the muscular bartender with groomed hair and chiseled facial features. Hello, Mr. Ken Doll.

" Oh..." Lance made a sizzling noise while seeing him. " Damn."

Keith kicked Lance under the table as if telling him to watch it.

" Fuck!" Lance whined, puffing out his bottom lip. And Keith raised an eyebrow at him.

Shiro looked over at Matt and saw him blushing while keeping his eyes on the bartender. He didn't know why it made him feel all weird, like something was off, like something wasn't right about it. It was almost... irritating.

" Why don't you go get his number?" Adam asked Matt.

Matt took it as Adam trying to distance him from Shiro.

" I'm good." He said, flashing him a sassier facial expression.

It wasn't long before Jeremy returned with their drinks.

" Come here, beautiful." Pidge made goo goo eyes at her milkshake, and some people at the table wondered if she was about to propose to it as she took it. Clearly she was in love. " I fucking love peanut butter." She smiled, taking a straw and sucking some of it back without hesitation.

Keith had a lemonade, and Lance got the same thing. They were too young to drink in public, after all.

The smaller boy was clearly a little jealous after seeing Lance look the bartender over. He slid his hand over to Lance's thigh, letting it hover over Lance's crotch.

Lance sat up stiff, turning a bright shade of red.

" What are you doing?" He got by Keith's ear to whisper, while at the same time leading his hand away and grasping it.

Keith smirked at him a bit, putting his hand back. He was just trying to tease Lance and piss him off. Anything was better than having his boyfriend's attention focused elsewhere.

Lance bit his lip, scanning around the booth to make sure that nobody was looking. Even as they ordered their food, Keith's hand had yet to move away from in between his legs. Apparently Keith couldn't take a joke, and would get jealous if Lance even kid about being with anyone else. It was hot in a way, and it was cute if Lance got to decide. But if he let Keith get away with this much teasing, he would've ended up hard right then. And that was about the worst thing that could possibly happen. Lance wasn't exactly small... it would've been near impossible to hide a hard-on if one developed.

Thankfully over the course of dinner, Lance had narrowly evaded the threat of hardening. As Shiro settled the bill and they began exiting the pub, Keith was smirking at Lance mischievously.

" You're so lucky..." Lance told him in a hushed, yet still dark tone of voice. It was heavy with a sense of lust that Keith had elicited.

" Am I?" Keith asked him with a false innocence in his words.

Lance watched Keith's subtle limp, deciding that he was about to make it a million times worse. Keith would be lucky if he could walk the next day.

(( I'm so glad I have a happier chapter for you all today. Love you guys!))

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