(( *megaphone blaring* ANGST WARNING!))
After having heard about the shocking development from Lance and Keith, Shiro had called what could only be the Hawaii equivalent of a family meeting. However, it wasn't one that was rushed and frantic. He didn't order everyone to be on high alert and immediately convene. Alternatively, Shiro had told everyone to meet him at the bar around ten that night. He was sure they all needed a drink after everything.
He had left Matt and Adam in the hotel room, mainly because Matt still couldn't walk, and Shiro didn't want Matt to be alone. They'd simply have to make the decision without them, or call them during it. With the possibility of danger on the island, the last thing Shiro wanted was to have Matt outside and vulnerable. Matt was a kickass fighter, don't get him wrong, but he still had a killer limp. Not only that, but Adam was sore as well.
Literally anyone who got fucked by Shiro should've expected to be bedridden for a couple days.
" Hey, sorry we're late." Hunk said, coming over to Shiro's table with Shay. They were both wearing flower leis and had gotten tanner. It wasn't a drastic difference in skin tone, but Shiro still noticed it.
" Us, too." Lance brought Keith, both of them hand in hand. Keith had a fresh set of hickeys on his neck, as did Lance, and Shiro noted it but chose not to comment. After all, he couldn't talk. He and his boyfriends had gotten into it recently as well.
" So..." Hunk said, trying to diffuse the awkward atmosphere. " What's the plan? Do we have to cut the vacation short and fly home?"
Shiro shook his head.
" I'm not running, Hunk." He told him seriously, making Lance and Keith stiffen at the other end of the table.
" Running seems like a great option right now, not gonna lie." Hunk chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. " But you're the boss!" He added, not wanting to look like he had a problem with Shiro's leadership.
" I don't have a reason to believe Lotor is here right now." Shiro spoke. " Judging from what Lance and Keith told me about this Allura person, she has no idea about Lotor's involvement with drugs."
" Either that, or she's just really good at acting." Keith cut in.
" There's no way she was faking that." Lance said. " Didn't you see the way her eyes sparkled when she held up the picture of him? She loves the guy."
Upon saying those words, Lance wished that maybe Keith would be more observant of him. Maybe then his boyfriend would realize his love, and how deep it ran. It wasn't like Lance hadn't told Keith before, but he wondered if Keith even realized the extent of his feelings.
That wasn't the topic of discussion right then, though. They were currently trying to figure out what the hell to do about the situation at hand, the potentially dangerous one.
" Hey, uh... where's Pidge?" Hunk asked, looking around and seeing that the tiny girl was nowhere to be found.
" She's hacking into the security cameras. She told me she'd be here late." Shiro took a drink of his beer.
" Is someone with her?" Lance asked in a concerned way.
" Matt, Adam, and Kosmo are right across the hall. Maybe she's with them." Keith assured.
" Keith, no... she shouldn't be by herself. I don't like this." Lance insisted, his ocean blue eyes sullying with fear. No offense to Pidge, but if something were to happen, she'd need some help. The family didn't have guns with them.
Though Matt had offered to let Pidge come over and watch a movie with he and Adam, she had declined. She was busy typing away on her computer and entering an intricate pattern of codes. For the security cameras being for a resort, and not some top secret government building, she was surprised at the complexity of the system.
However... there was no challenge too big for her trusty laptop.
She broke a sweat while her fingers darted all around the keyboard.
" Aha!" Pidge cackled. " In your face!"
She was in. There were many upon many cameras that she now had full access to. Mission accomplished! Shiro would be so happy to hear that.
Pidge was grabbing her phone, about to call Shiro and tell him, but... then something caught her eye. Most of the hallways didn't have many people in them. It was late at night, and if someone was in one, they were staggering drunk. That's why the three people walking swiftly seemed out of place.
There were three hooded figures, one was very bulky, one was tall and slender, and the other one was short. Pidge looked at the room numbers of the hallway that they were in, then realized that it was the hall that led to the suites. Oh shit.
And that wasn't the worst part.
" T-minus twenty seconds about..." She murmured to herself, seeing that they were close. Pidge didn't care who they were or what they wanted. They didn't look friendly.
She had a decision to make, one that was rushed. She could either make a run for it and abandon Matt and Adam in the other room, or she could stay and fight. Chances were that these people, if they were looking to target Shiro's people, would split up into both rooms.
Pidge took her chances, sprinting over to lock the deadbolt on the suite she was in. Everything around her was too heavy, and she couldn't barricade the door by herself. She knew that if she hid, she'd have a better chance at winning. Her fist fighting someone without a gun? Yeah... fat chance. She didn't even have Kosmo with her. Matt and Adam were watching him for Keith, so she didn't even have the husky to help protect her.
She had minimal time to think while rushing around with her laptop and phone in hand. She smashed one of the probably expensive vases that sat in the kitchen of the suite, taking a sharp shard of glass from it. There were no readily available weapons, so she took what she could find in the moment.
She crawled inside one of the empty cabinets of the kitchen, thanking her small size.
Matt. She had to warn her brother and Adam.
Pidge clicked her brother's contact.
" Please please please pick up..." She whispered, opening her laptop and seeing that the people were very close. They didn't have much time, and they were very high up. They couldn't escape from the balcony, and the option of making a run for it was gone. Her next call would be to Shiro, but for right then, Matt and Adam were the ones in immediate danger.
" Hello?" Matt picked up. " Did you change your mind about-"
" Matt!" Pidge whispered. " I need you to listen to me!"
" What-"
" There's no time! You have to barricade your door right now, do you understand?" She talked rapidly, and Matt got up from bed, limping. She wasn't making any sense. Adam was very confused when he saw Matt's suddenly panicked actions.
" There are people outside, and they're coming for us. You need to block off the door!"
" Adam, help me barricade the door!" Matt whisper shouted over his shoulder, taking a dresser from beside the main door, and struggling while trying to shove it under the door handle. Adam had a slightly less severe limp while following after Matt and helping move things.
" What about you?!" Matt asked Pidge.
" I'm fine, okay? Just make sure that they can't get-"
That was when Pidge heard a loud banging noise on the door of her suite. She gulped and looked back at the security cameras, seeing that the biggest one of the three had chosen her door. She saw their faces in the camera, and the shortest one made direct eye contact with it. She pulled a knife from her pocket, throwing it up and sending it straight into the camera lense. Video for that camera went black after it was struck.
" Matt, is your door blocked?" She asked her brother, wanting to make sure that he was safe.
Matt fell backward, tripping as he took a step back. Adam caught him, and they both started looking around for weapons. After Matt told Adam what was going on, the other man was in a state of panic.
They were defenseless. Well, other than Kosmo, but he was sleeping on the bed.
They locked themselves in the ensuite of Shiro's room after limping back there and calling the dog to follow. Matt locked the door, taking a cord from a blow dryer and wrapping it around so it would be stuck shut.
" Yes! We're fine..."
The banging got louder on Pidge's door until there was a drawn out squeaking noise. There was more than one set of footsteps that was heard on the hardwood in Pidge's suite.
" Pidge, the banging on our door stopped..." Matt whispered, and Pidge didn't dare make a sound above the volume of a whisper. She shut her laptop quietly and held the shard she'd grabbed.
" I'm texting Shiro... stay safe." She hung up with her brother after telling him that almost inaudibly. She made sure her phone was silenced as she began rapidly typing something to Shiro.
" Check every room..." A deep, almost masculine voice was heard. Something about it made Pidge feel as though a female was speaking, though. " Lotor said we should go for the weak ones..."
" Wait-" A higher pitched voice asked. " Which ones are the smaller ones?"
There were two heavy sighs.
" Keith, Pidge, Matt, and Shay... we've been over this. We have pictures, remember..."
Pidge was trembling while staying curled up under the counter. She was thankful that there wasn't anything else in there, otherwise she wouldn't have fit. She tried to type in her frantic state.
Pidge 10:56 PM: I need back up! Lotor has people here and they got into the room
That was all she could send before her fingers decided to stop functioning.
" Ezor, don't. Just focus."
" Fine..." Was grumbled.
Pidge could hear the footsteps right in front of the cabinet. Her breathing all but stopped.
Lance, Keith, Hunk, Shay, and Shiro were all still at the bar, waiting for Pidge when they got the text message. Shiro's face sank while he read it right as his phone chimed.
That was definitely not what he'd been expecting.
" We have to go!" Shiro stood up out of nowhere, causing Hunk to spray his drink everywhere from surprise. " Pidge needs back up!" Shiro threw a wad of money on the table, and Lance and Keith were up in a matter of seconds. Hunk, after he finished choking, followed soon after with Shay.
They were on the other side of the very extensive resort building, and it wasn't so simple as taking an elevator to get to their room.
" I fucking told you!" Lance exclaimed as they ran, probably looking crazy in the process. He dragged Keith behind him, having to do so because of the shorter male's limp. " But did anyone listen?! Nope!"
" Lance, shut up!" Keith yelled.
" What?! It's true... let's all have a grand old time drinking while Pidge probably-"
" That's enough!" Shiro barked at Lance while the group ran.
Ahead of them, there was a set of elevators. They were at the end of the long hallway, and there was a huge line outside. Their rooms were on the sixth floor, so Shiro made a split second decision to rush up the stairs.
This was anything but good. Pidge wasn't exactly a top notch fighter, and she maybe had a chance against one opponent. But her text had said that there was more than one by the word 'people'. And what about Adam and Matt? Pidge was like a little sister to Shiro, or at least it felt like it sometimes. When he'd taken her and Matt under his wing, he'd helped them be better people.
They couldn't lose her, they just couldn't.
Hunk was in tears by the time they reached the top of the sixth flight of stairs, and Keith was on the verge of them. So was Lance. They all knew asking for backup was never good.
Pidge was and continued to be one of their very best friends in the universe, not to mention Matt and Adam as well. Everyone had a soft spot for Pidge especially, and that much became clear as they sprinted down the hallway.
" Hi, uh-" Matt hysterically cried from the other suite, where the door had been left open. He'd clawed his way out of the barricade, neglecting his own safety to help his sister. " My sister's been stabbed! Please send help!" He sobbed.
The group didn't stop, only barged inside of the room to find Matt holding Pidge on the kitchen floor. There was blood all over the hardwood.
Hunk screamed and fell to his knees sobbing, and Lance and Keith were frozen with wide eyes.
There was a faint coughing noise as Pidge spit a tiny bit of blood on Matt. Shiro knelt beside him, tears streaming down his face.
" I..." Pidge weakly said.
" What happened?" Shiro asked her in a wavered voice. Matt was inconsolable while on the phone with 911 and giving them directions. He'd broken family protocol by calling, but Shiro wasn't even mad. He would've done the same thing for her.
" Th-they wanted my laptop password..." Pidge coughed, wincing. There was a single stab wound that had been inflicted on the left side of her upper abdomen. " I w-wouldn't give it..."
Hunk crawled over to her on all fours, completely wrecked and sobbing while taking his best friend's hand. She weakly squeezed it back to assure him. If Pidge was being honest, she was proud of herself. She'd gotten a swipe at one of them as well.
" They knew... th-that I was hacking in... th-they are..."
" They're what?" Shiro whimpered.
" Her bodyguards... on this t-trip... L-Lotor called them." Pidge croaked, wincing as Matt continued putting pressure on her wound. " S-Sent them after the 'weaker' ones..."
" Where are they?!" Keith finally exploded, gritting his teeth angrily. His voice broke in the middle, and by the final word, it was a high pitched and pain filled squeak. He dove to the floor and picked up a piece of a vase that had been shattered. He wasn't fucking around. He was about to go and kill whoever did this.
" Stop!" Lance sobbed and tried to take it away from him. Keith wouldn't give it up.
Some blood leaked from the side of Pidge's mouth, as well as her nose. Clearly they'd roughed her up plenty before finally landing the life threatening blow to her.
Keith began trying to rush from the room, not having a second thought in his head. Lance forcefully pulled him back, having trouble holding his boyfriend still. Keith had been consumed by rage, and there wasn't much anyone could do to help.
Lance finally got control by pinning Keith to the fridge, the smaller boy sniffling and painfully crying in his arms. Words couldn't describe how hurt Keith looked. His emotions were written all over his face, and Lance knew if he let him leave the room, it was game over.
Lance kept Keith pinned, slowly tracing down his arm to grab the glass shard.
" Give it to me." He said quietly, and Keith sniffled before letting his grip ease. His palm was bleeding from how harshly he'd been clutching it. Lance set the glass aside and looked Keith over with teary eyes. " I know..." He whispered with a voice crack at the end. " Come here..." Lance pulled his smaller boyfriend into a hug, which Keith returned very tightly. He cried in Lance's neck while Lance's tears trailed down to drip on Keith's back.
" Shh... you'll be okay..." Matt told her. He was a blubbering and snotty mess at that point, and Adam, who was kneeling on Pidge's other side, didn't look good either.
Pidge coughed as the ceiling started to blur.
There was the sound of an ambulance outside the hospital, and everyone was praying that it had gotten there in time. Pidge had lost a lost of blood, and that was never a good sign.
The people who did this had to pay. Lotor had to pay.
(( *packing my bags* *goes MIA so you all won't kill me*))
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