Off My Chest

Word spread fast of Eagan Wharton's attempt to gun down the students and teachers in Bellevue High School. He did take a few innocent lives before breaking into Kevin and Kara's classroom. Eagan murdered both of his parents, and when he stormed the school, he killed the security guards and the school secretary. But once Supergirl stopped Eagan, the police put him under medical arrest pending his trial. The police came to the school and evacuated all the other students and teachers that were still alive, and Kara managed to sneak back into the school in her civilian clothes, also wearing her glasses, and her blonde hair in a ponytail. Kevin noticed Kara come outside and stammered, "Kara??? You... You, you're..." Kara quietly shushed Kevin and said, "I'll explain everything later after school. Just cover for me, okay?"

The police asked various witnesses what happened and Kevin explained what Eagan did to him and how Supergirl saved him in time. Kara relayed that she hid under the desk when Eagan stormed into the classroom and held her and everyone else hostage. Thankfully, the rest of Kevin and Kara's classmates were none the wiser about Kara's secret escape. News spread fast about the attempted murder of the classroom, and Andrea was one of many to hear of what happened. This made Andrea freak out thinking that Kevin might have been murdered and the fact that he wasn't answering his cell phone only raised her fears even higher. She was able to clock out early from her shift at Half Price Bookstore and picked Damian up from his elementary school and immediately drove over to Bellevue High School.

Kevin and Kara were outside the school, sitting on the bench. Kevin was breathing intensely, he looked like a nervous wreck. Kara looked at him with sympathy and asked, "Kevin? Are you okay?" She gently held his hand. Kevin looked at Kara and replied, "honestly Kara... No, I'm not okay... I almost died today and my mom is probably worried sick about me... Dami and I are all she's got when it comes to family..." Kara could tell Kevin was scared, It reminded her of how scared and confused she was when she first arrived to Earth and Clark was one of the few people that showed her genuine care and compassion. She wrapped her other arm around Kevin in a comforting manner. "I know how you feel," said Kara, "I was actually afraid I would lose you too..." Suddenly, Andrea's family car drove in and parked. The driver's seat opened and Andrea immediately got out of the car. "Oh my God, KEVIN!!!!" Andrea shouted, trying her hardest to not get hysterical. Kevin stood up and said, "Mom!!!!" The mother and son ran to each other and then hugged each other tightly. "Oh Kevin, my beautiful baby boy, I thought I lost you!!!" Andrea sobbed, hugging Kevin and looking at him. Kevin got choked up and said, "I'm okay Mom... I'm shaken up and I'll need a new phone, but I'm alive and so is everyone else, thanks to Supergirl... Is Damian okay?"

"Your brother's okay," confirmed Andrea, "I don't know if I have the heart to tell him what happened or if he'll understand... He's still trying to understand the concept of death... I'll tell him when he's older." Kevin looked at Kara who smiled at him kindly. Then he asked Andrea, "hey Mom, can Kara come over and hang out with me? I need to talk to someone who can help me process this..." Kara waved shyly at Andrea. "I see," said an observant Andrea, "well, as long as you two don't do anything too naughty, I'm okay with it."

Much later, Andrea dropped Kevin and Damian off at the house because she had to clock back to work. Kevin set up the TV putting in a disc for either an episode of Sesame Street or Looney Tunes depending on what Damian wanted to watch. A few minutes later, Kara came into the house after knocking. "You talk to your folks about us hanging out?" Kevin asked. "Yeah," replied Kara, "they're cool with me hanging out with you." Damian looked up at Kevin and Kara and said, "hi Kara!" The blonde brightened up and said, "hey Dami! It's nice to see ya, kiddo!" She playfully tussled his hair as Damian giggled. "Okay Damian, Kara and I are going to go upstairs into my room because we need to talk about some grown-up things," said Kevin, "You go ahead and watch Sesame Street or Looney Tunes on the TV. If you need anything just knock on the door, okay?" Dami nodded and said, "Okay big brother, I'll do that." Kevin knelt down and hugged his brother. "I love you Damian," he said. Damian hugged back and said, "I love you too, Kevin..." He toddled over to the TV and pressed play. Kevin and Kara looked at what Damian did, and once they saw he was distracted enough, Kevin and Kara went upstairs to his bedroom, shutting the door. "Okay Kevin, before we continue, do you promise not to tell anyone else what I'm about to say and what you saw?" Kara asked. "I promise Kara, this stays between us, and this conversation won't leave this room," promised Kevin as he took off his shoes, revealing his green socks. Kara sighed in relief while sitting next to Kevin, "good."

"So you're Supergirl?" Kevin began, looking at his crush. "Yep, confirmed Kara, "been Supergirl since before I met you..." She took off her glasses and let her blonde hair down. "So I guess that means you don't really need the glasses?" Kevin jokingly asked. "Well, no," chuckled Kara, "It's part of my disguise. Jeremiah and Eliza basically adopted me several months after I came to Earth and was discovered." Kevin looked at her and asked, "hold up, does that mean you're an alien from another planet?" Kara nodded and replied, "yep. Same planet as Superman, the planet Krypton. You know him as Superman, but I know him as Kal El. My real name is Kara Zor El, Kal is my cousin. The symbol on our chests is the family symbol of the House Of El." She took off her sweater which revealed her blue long sleeve top that had the Kryptonian symbol that looked like an S. She also had her red cape behind. "On Krypton, this symbol means hope," she explained, "Kal and I are an endangered species. When Krypton was dying, my Uncle Jor El and my father Zor El decided to send Kal and I somewhere off world so that we could be safe on another planet. Kal was just a baby, but I was still a young adolescent girl getting in that rocket, I was supposed to take care of my cousin, but I ended up in a wormhole that left me in suspended animation for decades while Kal grew up and became Superman. So I'm also a woman out of time..." She looked down sadly, remembering the last days of Krypton. She missed her friends and family on Krypton.

Kevin looked at Kara with sympathy and said, "Kara, I'm so sorry... I didn't know you held such tragedy..." He held her hand in a kind manner and asked, "does the hurt of losing everything on Krypton ever go away?" Kara shook her head and said, "no. But I try to keep the love and memories of my parents Zor and Alura alive in my heart... I also had other people to help me come to grips with losing Krypton, my guardians Jeremiah and Eliza, my friend Barbara from Gotham, Kal and his wife Lois, and it helps that I'm around positive people like you and Barbara, Kevin. And helping people as Supergirl has positively impacted me." She smiled sweetly at him.

"Can I tell you a secret since you opened up to me?" Kevin asked. "Of course you can," replied Kara. Kevin breathed in and said, "okay, here goes... Kara, Bruce Wayne is my father." Kara's eyes slightly widened. "Wait, really?" Kara asked in surprise. "It's true," confirmed Kevin, "I am Bruce Wayne's bastard son... Bruce was basically my mom's first official relationship and due to some circumstances I'd rather not relay, a short version is when my mom left my dad, she didn't realize at the time that she was pregnant with me. But I've always wanted to meet my father and let him know I turned out okay..." He sighed, and Kara wrapped her arm around Kevin. "I understand why," said Kara, "so is Damian related to your dad?"

"He is," replied Kevin, "he's my half-brother from another relationship. You ever heard of Ra's al Ghul or his daughter Talia?" Kara nonchalantly replied, "from the League of Assassins? Yeah, I've clashed with them as Supergirl." Kevin looked around awkwardly and asked, "then... Do you know about my dad being..."

"Batman?" Kara asked, "yeah. He was one of the first people I met before I met Kal." Kevin sighed nonchalantly, "ah. So you've met my dad and you know he's Batman. That checks out... Anyway, Dad and Talia had a relationship that was as complicated as his relationship with my mom... Dad's ideologies clashed with the ideologies of Talia's father, and they split. Not before Talia knowingly conceived a child with Dad, her purpose for conceiving Damian was because she wanted to use him for her own self-benefits and brainwash him into the ultimate assassin and heir to the League." Kara gave a look of shock and said, "Great Rao, I can't believe Talia tried to decide Damian's life for him! Especially since he's such a sweet boy!" Kevin nodded and said, "yeah, one former member of The League agreed. He wanted Damian to live a normal childhood like me. So he gave Damian to us, and Dami has been part of the Beaumont family ever since then."

"Wow, I never would've thought of what Damian could have become..." Kara said in amazement. "Kara, you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone else of what I told you." Kevin said in a serious tone of voice, "Damian can't know who his real mother is and what she could do to him. Mom can't know that I told you who our father is and she can't know that you know he's Batman..." Kara touched Kevin's chest and gently said, "I promise Kevin... Your secrets are safe with me..." Kevin sighed in relief, "thank you Kara... There is one more thing I want to tell you... This one you don't have to keep secret..."

"What is it?" Kara asked while looking into Kevin's dark blue eyes. "I wanted to tell you this after we watched Princess Bride on Saturday," confessed Kevin, "but after my near death experience, I understand how short life is, and I feel now is the right time to say this to you... Kara, I love you..." Kara's eyes widened with a mix of joy and surprise. "You... You do?" Kara asked as Kevin held both hands. "I always had feelings for you," confirmed Kevin, "ever since we first met... I always thought you were the most beautiful angel I'd ever seen, you're kind, compassionate, unselfish, and brave... And you're my hero..." Kara was moved by Kevin's words. Is this how Clark felt when he fell in love with Lois? "Oh Kevin..." Kara sweetly said, "I love you too... You've always made me feel welcome here on Earth, like I belong... I think I really started to love you when we were 15... Whenever I'm with you, I feel so happy... You are kind, gentle, unselfish, honest, and handsome... But there's one thing I have to know... Do you love me because I'm Kara Zor El Danvers, or do you love me because I'm Supergirl?" Kevin gently placed his hands on Kara's cheeks and said, "I fell in love with Kara Zor El Danvers. It's you I love, always. And it's Kara Danvers I want to be with..." Kara's heart melted, happy to know that she was loved for who she was. "Then I am happy to be your girlfriend, Kevin Beaumont, my love," said Kara, and she then kissed Kevin on the lips, sealing their romantic relationship.

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