•Solace of Mind•

Dedication to: Nikkiaa  who had helped me sort out my scattered brain and gave me some inspiration for this chapter x.

(This is rushed and the ending sucks and I'm sorry, but I wanted to publish this.)



"My son... Louis Tomlinson."


Louis looked at his phone anxiously, biting down on his bottom lip and chewed on it as he waited for a message or call.

For the past few days, Harry had been ignoring his calls and if he did answer on the off chance, his replies would be cold toned one worded answers.

And to be truly honest, Louis felt hurt. Did he do something to anger his curly (soon to be hopeful boyfriend)?

The flower child had never been hurt like this.

Not like the time Louis had caught Niall out hanging out with his other friends when he had informed his best friend he was stuck at home doing homework.

Or, the time when he was yelled at by his frustrated mummy who had had an awful day at work and who's car had decided to stop working after her shift at the hospital.. Should I mention it was also raining like cats and dogs too?

His mumma apologized five minutes after he had ran out, sniffling quietly as he went to hide in his room.

To: Curlyhazza 🐸💚
Hi Hazzy. Are you okay? Have I done something wrong?

He pressed send and quickly tossed his phone to the other side of the bed from where he was curled up in a ball against the head rest, watching as the device bounced a few times before settling on the edge.

The flower boy blew out a breath of relief when it managed to stay on top of the bed.

His phone lit up and Louis could swear he could feel his heart beating in his throat.

He crawled towards his phone, the hopefulness in his chest being shot down as soon as he read the text.

From: Curlyhazza 🐸💚
I don't want to talk. Leave me alone.

"Oh.." The boy swallowed, putting his phone down. What on earth did he do to deserve this type of treatment? Just a few days ago everything was fine and dandy, Harry even departing after he gave Louis a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"I will not... I w-will not cry over s-some meanie boy." Louis chanted to himself, wiping away any evidence of tears from his eyes, biting down quite hard on his wobbling lip.

He just wanted the darkness to swallow him whole.


When Louis was younger, maybe around the age of 4 or 5, he remembered seeing his mumma cry to his Aunty Maura about some man. He remembers the look of sadness she had on her pretty face and sometimes the flowers he picked for her and the many cuddles he gave simply just weren't enough.

Then one night, he woke up to the sound of Johanna crying by the edge of the bed. Louis instantly sat up and crawled over to her, hugging her tightly.

"Don't cwy mummy, I still luff you." The four year old whispered softly, nuzzling her lovingly. Jay smiled, despite tears still slowly leaking from her eyes and wrapped her arms around her son.

"Oh Boobear. You are the only one I need in my life." She whispered, humming his favorite song into his ear.

"Never cry over a boy or girl who treats you bad. They are not worth your tears."


Harry rolled his eyes when another text came in through his phone, knowing it would be from Louis.

Ever since Chris had revealed Louis was his son, he had done some background research on Louis and had discovered that Chris, was indeed, Louis' birth father.

It was clear as day, in black and white when he had seen the birth certificate on his computer screen.

Birth Certificate

Of: Louis William Tomlinson.

Parents: Johanna Tomlinson and Christopher Walker.

Date of Birth: 24th December, 1997.

He had thrown a fit of rage right after, consequently tossing the laptop away and cracked the screen as he shouted and yelled out into the air.

Everyone knew to keep their distance from their leader, and it was just a reminder of how ruthless he could be when he shot the laptop and cackled like a fucking maniac.

Harry obviously needed time to cool off.

That was almost two weeks ago, and Zayn knew enough was enough. He knew Harry was still giving Louis the cold shoulder, and despite his efforts of trying to let his best friend know that Louis didn't have anything to do with it; it was like his words went through one ear and straight out the other.

He walked into the room, spotting Harry sitting down in his large lounge chair on the other side of the room, nursing a glass that contained a liquid that suspiciously looked like whiskey.

"Haz. You know this isn't healthy."

"Piss off." The curly haired man ran a hand through his now short hair.

"Um, no. I think you don't understand what repercussions your actions towards Louis is going to have!"

"Don't speak of Louis to me." Harry snapped, turning his head to glare at Zayn. "I do not want to speak or even think of him right now. And what is he going to do? Call his father on me?" He sneered the last part, snickering as he took a swig of whiskey.

"He's told you himself that he has doesn't remember his father, for god sake Harry! He is an innocent child and you're passing all the blame of all this fucked-up-ness on him." Zayn shouted in exasperation, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Maybe it is a good thing you're ignoring him. It'll give him reason to move on from a selfish fucking coward."

And even though Zayn knew those words were harsh, he knew it would've taken some stern talking to from someone to open Harry's eyes.


"Hi, you've reached Louis! I'm not here right now but please feel free to leave a message and I'll try my best to get back to you ASAP! Bye!"

A beep sounded through the room right after, filling up the silence of the dark office.

With a sigh, Harry clicked the phone off and rubbed his face as guilt bubbled up and stirred uncomfortably in his stomach.

He sat alone, hunched forward in the large office chair as he pinched his bottom lip between his thumb and index fingers.

He could hear the sadness and confusion in Louis' voice whenever he gave him cold monosyllable words everytime he called. And it ate him alive.

"You're such a dick." He muttered to himself.

'Yes you are. You're a fucking coward.'

"I didn't mean to."

'Yet look what happened. You've probably lost the best thing that's happened to you.'

"No.. I didn't- I didn't mean it. If I just explain.."

'And what? He finds out that you're a killer and so is his notorious father. He'd probably run for the hills.'

"I'm going to fix this."

'Better fucking hope so.'


"I hope you have a good reason for coming here after what you've done." An unimpressed and disappointed Tomlinson answered the door, her brow raised as she stared down the gang boss.

Shame suddenly flooded into his chest.

"I.. I know, and I'm really sorry. But, if I just can explain to you both? If I could apologize to Louis..?" Harry said nervously. For someone who had been in some of the most dangerous situations and who had spilt blood with his own hands, an angry woman by the name of Johanna was making him, gang leader of The Angel's Demons, a nervous wreck.

Jay stared at Harry for a couple moments before she stepped out of the way, granting passage into the house.

"If you make him cry, you're out of here." She warned as Harry slipped through, walking upstairs to the bedroom he has been in only a handful of times.


Harry brought his hand up, about to knock on the door before he stopped when he heard the voice of his sweet Louis.

"I don't even know what I did wrong though, Ni-ni." Was softly spoken, followed by a sniffle. And it honestly felt like an uppercut to Harry's stomach when he could literally feel the sadness in his voice.

A few muffled sounds were returned, and the older lad concluded that the young flower child was talking on the phone.

"It's been nearly two w-weeks though!" 

"Yeah... I guess you're right. See you tomorrow, Ni."  

"Bye.. Love you too."

It went quiet after so Harry took a deep breath and knocked.

"Mumma, is dinner read-" The talking stopped as soon as the door opened. "Oh."

The once energetic boy was now replaced with someone more sluggish. His pretty blues were now accessorised by tired bags underneath and his gorgeous smile was turned into a frown. Everything just seemed wrong, but the older one out of the two still couldn't deny how beautiful he found his little love.

Harry swallowed. "Lou. I'm so sorry, I've been an absolute prick to you and you're one of the last people on this planet who don't deserve it. I missed you a lot over these past couple days. It's just that something bad happened and it is - in a way- linked to you. And I can explain why, and I'm just really- why on earth are you laughing?!"

Harry watched in astonishment as Louis covered his mouth with his hands, giggling into them, the sad look now evolving into something more joyful.

"Because you're silly." Louis whispered shyly, fingers playing idly with the sleeves of his sweater.

Harry went to hug him but was stopped, Louis holding his hand up as he took a step back.

"Just because you're here and apologized doesn't mean I forgive you yet." Louis spoke up, and he could hear his heart beating in his ears.

Harry nodded in understanding, dropping his arms by his sides.

"You have some explaining to do, mister Harry." Louis said before he jumped forward and wrapped his arms around Harry's middle.

"But I missed you too."


Johanna and Louis both sat on the two person couch, identical sets of blue eyes locked in on the unsettled gang leader as he sat down opposite of them.

He cleared his throat, ring clad hands clasped together on his lap.

"So, what were you wanting to speak to us about Harry?" Johanna asked, bringing a Ber teacup up to her lips, eyes boaring into Harry's that made him feel like he was being scrutinized.

"I.. Uh. I'm not sure how to bring this up to you." He spoke as he looked over at Louis who just blinked back curiously.

"From the beginning is a good start." Louis offered with a small smile making Harry return one back.

"Well, four years ago I took over a business and became the, how should I say, boss." He coughed. "But recently, there's been some threats to my... Business that has gotten my family involved in, as well as yours." The man nodded to the two Tonlinsons. Jay furrowed her brows. "So we're now involved in something potentially dangerous?! Harry, how is this even possible?" She gasped in horror.

The gang boss looked down. "Someone saw Louis and I on our date... And are now threatening to go after you." He muttered after a moment.

"But why?! We are nothing of importance!" Jay said in almost hysterics.

"But you are, to me... And to someone else." Harry cleared his throat. "And who is this 'someone else'?" Johanna did sarcastic quotation mark motions, brows furrowed in agrivation.

The gang boss looked at Johanna then at Louis before he spoke.

"Does Christian Walker have any significance to you?"


Shit chapter. But I hope it was okay enough for you guys/girls/unicorns.



QOTC: what's your favourite song/s rn?

AOTC: I have two. You & Me by Marc E Bassy, and House of Cards by BTS (it sounds like such a stripper song, but its not bout that haha)

-Vee x

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