
I HAVE UPDATED! AND GOOD NEWS!!! Since I usually leave assignment last minute.... I had my history assignment draft due last friday and I started on Thursday... whoops. BUT I FINISHED IT! *FISTPUMP* so now all I have left is Art.. 

Dedicated to: @Larryinfintity4eva because her Larry Au of 'Apocalypse' is the best! Cause, who doesn't love Zombie apocalyse stories? Its really suspenseful! and its sooo cute and fluffy as-well, I just wanna take Louis and cuddle him and feed him biscuits. SO HELLO @Larryinfinity4eva!

A/n.... on a totally unrelated topic. how cool would it be to have a miniture person! OMG, he'll be a mixture of Larry and he'll be so adorable! he would be in my shirt pocket and be very smart, he'll help me with school work! and he can sleep in my glasses case, and wrap himself up in the cloth. AWW just imagine! 


Harry was utterly screwed. Yes. Because he let himself get close to someone. But he couldn’t help it. It was that whole cliché thing, about how sparks and magnetic touches came into this and screwed Harry over. He’s now head over heels for this innocent boy.

After dropping Louis home, he drove straight down the country roads; going at least 100mph and his hands gripped the steering wheel tight until they turned a chalky white. Harry turned sharply into his mansions drive way, following up the winding path. He pressed on the brakes and jolted forward, the seatbelt, saving him from flying out the windscreen.

“Fuck.” He sighed, and rubbed his hand over his face as if trying to get rid of these absurd thoughts. Harry slumped down into the seat, one hand toying with the phone in his pocket while the other was propped against the glove box, holding his head.

The Cheshire Lad, bit his lip and pulled his phone out of his pocket, opening the messaging app and typed up a message.

To: Loubearxx
From: CurlyHazza!!
I don’t think we can see each other anymore x.


He contemplated if he should send it or not. It was for the better if he did, he wouldn’t put his Louis in danger. Wait his Louis? Louis was not his.


Harry shook his head, looking back down at his phone, that had his message on screen. Then again, he never wanted to hurt the flower-boy and besides... breaking up over a text- message?! Now that was a new low for him.

“Pull yourself together!” he exclaimed, and ran his long fingers through his mane of curls. He quickly deleted the text and started a new one.

To: Loubearxx
From: CurlyHazza!!
Sweet dreams love. Had a great timexx

This is time he pressed send.


The next morning Harry woke up at 5pm. This meant he only had 4 hours sleep. He sighed, shifting the covers off his boxer clad body, sitting up with his hands on his face, rubbing his eyes with tired fists.

Long, lanky arms raised in the air, stretching out stiff muscles. Long toned torso, turning side to side to rid of the cricks and pouty rose-coloured lips let out a long yawn. Harry stood up, shuffling over to the bathroom and turned the water on. He got out of the thin material off his narrow hips and stepped into the hot water, with a content sigh.

He quickly washed off yesterday’s dirt, then wrapped a black towel around his waist and walked into his walk in wardrobe. The green-eyed boy shrugged on an Asking Alexandria band shirt, then pulled on some long skinny jeans that complimented his long legs. He then walked over to the mirror in his bathroom, placing in his eyebrow-piercing, lip and ears. He traced his lower eyes with the eye-liner, and then gave a smirk to himself through the mirror.

Harry deemed himself suitable, walked out of the bathroom, and out to the stairs where he ran into Zayn. Oh, Zayn. The absolutely epitome of laziness. He had sweats on, his hair a ruffled mess and bags under his eyes as he brought a cereal box out of the kitchen and a bowl of milk. He passed Harry, giving a curt nod as if saying morning, and drudged into his room and slammed the door shut. At least Harry now knew why there were missing boxes of newly bought cereal going to. Harry chuckled and shook his head at his best-mate.

“Kylie! Just some pancakes and bacon for one please.” He ordered the chef. “Of Course Mr. Styles.” She nodded and worked over the stove. Kylie was their personal chef, yet highly respected through the gang. Without her, they would be eating shit tasting take-away.

“Would you like a drink, sir?” she called out politely, as she placed a few strips of bacon onto the hot oil. Harry nodded saying a mumbled please as he sat down on a stool.

Harry was an exceptional cook and baker, but he didn’t have enough time for it, due to work. He pulled his phone off the charger he placed on the counter and entered his password. 170513. The date he met Louis. God he was in deep and he didn’t think he could find a way out, even if he wanted too.

Kylie softly placed the plate in front of him, on a placemat followed by a cool drink of orange juice. “Dig in Mr. Styles” she chuckled, wiping down the bench. Kylie was like a mother figure for all of them, her being in her late 30’s and motherly tone. Harry grinned at her and dug in to his breakfast, checking his phone.

He saw a text from Louis, and chuckled through his mouthful of food. “Styles? I don’t care what you are looking at that makes you laugh. But in my kitchen, you will keep your mouth closed because look-“she exclaimed, and pointed to the sprinkling of food on her cleaned bench. “You got food on my bench! After I cleaned it!” she scolded, wiping down the bench... again.

Harry swallowed his food, and opened his mouth. “See Kylie! I have no food now... so I can talk all I want.” He teased, then started texting on his phone.

He heard Kylie scoff and walk out of the Kitchen, so he read over the texts.


To: CurlyHazza!!
From: Loubearxx
G’morning Hazza! I had fun last night aswell x C:


To: Loubearxx
From: CurlyHazza!!
Thats good love. I don’t know what I do if you didn’t ;) xx


To: CurlyHazza!!
From: Loubearxx
Nonsense Hazza! I will always have fun with you c: xxx

Harry chuckled, some dirty images emerging in his head. He imagined a lot of things... those blue eyes full with innocence as they looked up from his knees and took h- He quickly shook his head, scolding himself for even thinking of those things. He cleared his throat, feeling a little excited in the southern region. He... adjusted himself, and finished off his food. 

He ran up the steps of the mansion and up to his office, swinging the door open. "Harry! We have some intel on Daniel" an Australian voice called, as Harry walked to his desk full of papers. He looked over at Michael, who had his hair now died in black and purple. He sat down on his black leather spinning chair, and held his hand out. Michael scurried over in his blue plaid shirt and black skinny jeans, and handed over a manilla folder. Harry scanned through the papers and saw a picture of his family and himself.

"Oh god"


"Well, I want that person dead! Do I make myself clear Hemmings? I don't want any harm going to my family" he yelled through the receiver, and hung up. He was stressed, his hair was tangled in different directions, and he was pacing back and forth. He could hear Zayn and some other members speaking.

"Zayn! Send a car out to my mum's house. Tell her that she'll be staying here for a while" he ordered, lighting a cigarette. Zayn nodded, going on his cell, telling them the bosses orders.

They had a lead on who found out about the location of Harry's family. Goes by the name of Christian Walker. 

Harry knawed on his lower lip, and barked orders at some members. 

"Harry man, they'll be okay" Zayn soothed, patting his back. 

Harry glanced at him, then sighed. 

"I sure hope so man"


"Wow! HARRY'S PLACE IS AWESOME!" his little brother yelled as they pulled up infront of the house. Anne chuckled down at her son, picking up her suitcase and polietly denied the purple and black hair man's offer to carry her bag. 

She latched her hand onto Ashton, and followed the man up the steps. "Thank you...." she trailed off, waiting for an answer.

"Michael, Michael Clifford m'am." he nodded at her. She smiled, "Thank you Michael. Please call me Anne. Where would Harry be?"

"Oh, he'll be up in the office, upstairs. You can leave your bags there" he replied, and led the two upstairs on the 3rd level. Ashton was looking around in awe, as he held onto his mum's hand.

Michael opened the door, clearing his throat. "Harry, you have some visitors" he chuckled when Harry snapped his head up from the desk. Anne and Ashton walked in -well Ashton actually let go of Anne's hand and barrelled into the room.- "Harry!!" he screamed, and jumped onto his older brother, who had his arms open.

Harry chuckled, hugging his little brother. "Hey there, Ashy." Ashton pulled back and gave him the signature Style's dimple smile. Harry smiled back, and stood up with Ashton clinging to his side, to envelope his mother in a hug. "Mum!" he cheered.  

Anne laughed at her goofball son. "Hello Harry." They caught up for the next few minutes, as Ash sat on his lap, playing around with his IPod.

"Anne! Great to see you again!" a bradford accent called. They all turned their heads to see, Zayn striding towards them, a large smile on his face. Anne stood up and pulled him into a hug. "Oh, Zayn! My how you've grown, so handsome!" she squealled, pinching his cheeks. Zayn felt a wild blush spread on his face, a goofy smile present as he heard Harry cackling in the background.

"Hey little man!" he greeted, hold out his fist. Ashton giggled, fist bumping him. Anne saw Harry's phone light up in the corner of her eye. Loubear? Who's Loubear? she thought. "Harry you have a message." she trailed, watching as Harry's eyes darted to the phone and lit up. 

He gently placed Ashton in his spot and strutted over to his phone, and read the text message.

To: CurlyHazza!!
From: Loubearxx
Hi Hazzyyyyy! Call? xx 

He smiled and dialled the innocent boy's number, and excuse himself from the room. The two adults watched him with raised eye-brows and shrugged, going back to talking.


'Hi Harry!'  he heard squeal in the background and Louis giggling.

'Hello Loubear.' he chuckled.

'So how was your day?' the smaller boy questioned.

'It was fine, abit stressful. But now its fine since I hear your voice.'

He heard giggling over the line and smiled.

'Is this your way of saying you miss me Hazza?'

'Maybe. But yes... miss you' he confessed.

'Thats okay *giggles* 'cause I miss you aswell'

The two continued to talk, Louis a giggling mess and Harry smiling overly.

15 minutes later Louis had to go, because Niall was taking him to Nando's. After many, many goodbyes, Louis hung up, leaving a happy Harry, smiling at his phone.

He pushed his phone into his back pocket, and straightened out, walking back into the room with a lazy smile. "Nice call?" Zayn jabbed playfully, winking at him which the tall lad responded with an eye-roll, a smile sewn to his face. He sat down at his leather spinning chair, as Zayn stood up and said his goodbyes. 

Anne turned to her eldest son, a smirk on her lips as she gazed at him. He looked up at his mum, confused. "What?"

"So Harry... who's this Loubear, hmm?" she prodded, a wide grin on her face as she leant forward, waiting for the details.

Harry's eyes widened and he cleared his throat, as a soft pink blush travelled to his cheeks. 

"Oh.. well it's kinda a long story..." he trailed off, hoping to ward her off topic. No such luck. Anne raised her eye-brow at him, eyes challenging. "Harry, I'm going to be staying here for a while. I think I have enough time to hear this 'long story' " she put quote fingers up, as she rolled her eyes.

"Well.. we kinda ran into each other, actually he ran into me-" he started, his mum smiling bigger after each sentence.

Harry was kinda a hopeless person in lo- like with a very beautiful boy.


AND SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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follow? is it?


I dunno, but you liked the chapter xxxxxxxx.

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