
Okay! I'm REAAAAALLLLLLLLY sorry for not updating. I was actually supposed to update Sunday, but then my mum dragged me out of the house to was my cousins' football (rugby) game. Then I had school on Monday, had to do a stupid history assignment which absolutely sucks BALLS! And today aswell -.- I hate History with a flipping PASSION! I wish I could drop it but I can't until 11th grade, which is next year! 

But on a lighter note... I found out One Direction is coming to Australia! in February! 2015.. I'll be 16... LIKE HAPPY DAYS. I better stop rambling now.. wow rambling on the internet... sad.

Dedicated to: @sushisandboys

BECAUSE I BELIEVE SHE WRITES THE MOST TALENTED WORKS. Truely compelling and I have read them several times, I loved them. If I loved them, then you'll DEFINATELY love them aswell.


Louis felt giddy for the rest of the week. He finally knew the -beautiful- strangers name! ‘Harry’ he thought, ‘he looks like a Harry’.  He walked through the school halls on Monday, clad in over-sized grey sweater, cream coloured jeans and his grey TOMS. He had a daisy chain on top of his windswept brunette hair, and his slim black glasses perched on his nose. He skipped through the halls, weaving through the crowds and ignoring the jocks’ catcalls, up to Niall’s locker.

He heard loud laughter belonging to his best-friend before he actually saw him. Lou jogged up to his friend’s locker to see him talking to Liam Payne; a smart quiet boy with amazing football skills -if you ask anyone, mostly girls... they would say he was an absolute bombshell, with his puppy eyes, charming smile, great personality, and very, very well built body-.

“Niall!” he yelled happily, causing nearly half the hall to look at him. He flushed slightly at the attention, scrambling over to Niall. He reached the two boys, who were waiting patiently for him idly chatting. “Hello Li!” the flower boy greeted, giving him a cute wave.

“Hello Louis” he smiled. The bell went signalling it was time to go to roll class. Liam and Louis were in the same while Niall was across the hall. The flower-boy followed Liam to class -not before hugging Niall- and sat down at his desk, next to Liam on his left.

“Hey Lou” a voice purred in his ear. Louis shivered in discomfort, and leaned into Liam’s side. He turned his head, to see Tom Silver, -one of those douches that want Louis- smirking at him. Louis bit his lip, shifting so that his side was flushed against Liam. “O-oh... Hello Tom.” He mumbled fixing his daisy chain. The small boy flinched when he felt a hand on his thigh,rubbing up and down (getting WAY too close to Louis' private part), and whimpered. “Go away Tom!” Liam boomed, grabbing Louis and gently swapped seats with him. Louis body shook slightly, cowering so he couldn’t see any of the glances he was receiving.

“Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it Payne?” he taunted, puffing out his chest, broad and square. Liam growled deeply in his throat, standing up to his full 5’11 and big biceps. He grabbed Tom by the collar of his leather-man jacket, and yanked him up, so they were face to face. The room was filled with ‘ooohs’ and gasps. They were lucky their teacher hadn’t come in yet, because things were about to get ugly.

Liam scowled down at the douche bag before him. “I will personally shove your head so far up your ass, you’ll see fucking stars. Do you hear me? I won't hesitate Tom, Stay the fuck away from Louis” he growled lowly into his ear. He pushed Tom away from him, making him stumble. “Fine! Didn’t want to be around that poof anyway” he grumbled, straightening him out and drudged to the back of the room, as Liam shot daggers at him. Ms. Collins walked into the room, oblivious to the situation.


“Mr. Payne? Can you tell me why you’re standing up?” she questioned, placing her roll on the desk. Liam shook his head and slouched into his seat, sighing. Louis still had his head in his knees, quivering. By now everyone had lost interest, talking to their friends or watching the teacher. Ms Collins took roll call, starting from ‘M’ and ending at ‘T’ last names. Liam had to call out for Louis, who had stayed silent during his name being called. 

The first period bell rang and everyone got up and rushed out of the room. Liam stood up from his chair and walked to Louis, and crouched down. “C’mon Lou. We have class to get to.” Liam coaxed, rubbing up and down his back. Sniffles were heard, and Liam frowned. “Don’t cry, Lou. He won’t bother you anymore.”

The flower-boy nodded and wiped under his black framed glasses, the glass magnifying the redness of his eyes and the bright blue eyes. “O-okay, Li.” He whispered; fixing his daisy chain that had fell lopsided. He stood up, breathing deeply and plastered on a small smile.

“There we go Louis.” He cheered, and threw an arm around the smaller boy’s shoulders.

The sporty lad led them out of the room and into the crowded hallway where Niall was waiting, bouncing up and down in his spot like an impatient puppy. Niall made eye contact with the two walking towards him.


“There you guys are!” he hollered, throwing his hands up in exasperation. The Irish boy’s eye landed on his best friend, who had red rimmed eyes and a bright red nose. His eyes widened comically. “Lou! What happened?” he questioned, gently grabbing Louis’ face in his hands. Louis giggled, sniffling.

“Tom Silver. He tried to make a move on Lou, and I stopped him. Shook him up” Liam replied simply.

Liam’s expression turned dangerous in a split second, seeing the sleaze dog watching them from across the hall. Tom’s eyes widened when he saw Horan and Payne glaring at him and skited off in the other direction.

“I’m okay now Nially. He was just being mean to me.” Louis giggled, his eyes scrunching at the sides. Niall sighed and nodded, letting go of Louis’ head, and linked his arm through the flower-boy’s.

Liam chuckled, throwing an arm around Louis again, all of them like the three musketeers.

“Let’s go to class shall we?”


After school, they said goodbye to Liam who walked off in the other direction to their car, and skipped off towards Niall’s Ute. Well more like Louis, giggling and skipping ahead of Niall; who had his hands shoved in his pockets and casually strolled down the path.

Louis was bouncing around, his messenger bag -with purple and pink flowers- flapping around on his hip.

“Nially! HURRY UP!” he whined, tapping on the door as he watched his friend waltz up. The Irish boy chuckled, fishing the keys out and unlocked it.  Louis squeaked happily, yanking the door open and slid in. He did up his seat belt, and turned on the radio, blasting Icona Pop’s I Love It. (the radio mix, which Niall is thankful of... he doesn’t want any swearing, to hit his mate’s ears)

Along the drive home, Louis’ phone beeped signalling he had a message.

To: Loubearxx
From: Unknown Number
Hello Louis. This is Harry.

Louis was shocked... well that was an understatement. He felt a blush rise up in his cheeks, and bit his lower lip to bite back his grin. Louis quickly programmed Harry’s number into his phone.

To: CurlyHazza!!
From: Loubearxx
Oh! Hi Harry! I almost forgot you had my number C:

To: Loubearxx
From: CurlyHazza!! 
You were the one who gave it to me Lou ;) Hope you didn’t forget about that.

Louis blushed, and giggled quietly to himself, hoping Niall wouldn’t hear him over the blasting music.

He did.

“What are you giggly over?” Niall asked, glancing at him and then back at the road.

"Um... H-Harry texted me..." he trailed off, and smiled down at his cell phone. He heard Niall chuckle. "Just... just be careful around him. Okay Lou? He seems familiar, but I can't put my finger on it." he warned, his eyebrows furrowed. "Familiar?" Louis squeaked, eyes wide. 

"Nevermind Lou, It's probably someone else." he shrugged it off, paying more attention to the road.

Louis bit his lip, looking at Niall quizzically.

What did he mean familiar?


For the past 4 days, Louis and Harry have been texting non-stop. 

Harry knew nearly everything about Louis and vice versa, from their address, to their favourite bands, what school they went/go to, their fav colours and animals, their likes and dislikes.

Harry's constant use of the 'winky faces' and 'xx's' made Louis blush each time he re-read a text over 3 times. Harry dropped subtle hints, (well thats what Louis' mum thought, when she quickly snatched her son's phone off him, wondering why he was smiling at his phone... then continued to coo and squeal saying 'how adorable! Louis! Is he your boyfriend? OMG My Boobear has a boyfriend' Louis couldn't stop blushing after that.)

To: Loubearxx
From: CurlyHazza!!
What are you doing today Lou? xx

To: CurlyHazza!!
From: Loubearxx
Um.. I'm not sure. It is a school night Harry. :) 

To: Loubearxx
Let me take you out? To a movie? xx

To: CurlyHazza!!
From: Loubearxx
What?? Now? Haz... I'm not sure :( x

To: Loubearxx
Yes Lou! It''ll be fun! xx ;)

To: CurlyHazza!!
From: Loubearxx
Harry! Its a school night :O I can't, but I would like too, if I could :) x

To: Loubearxx
Ask your mum Lou! I'll have you back by 11pm! promise. Plus it's only 7:30xx

Louis chuckled quietly, turning a brilliant shade of pink, wrapped his blue blanket around him, shuffling out of his room and down the stairs to the kitchen. Jay was cooking a quick Mac and Cheese, in her work uniform. She had finished work an hour ago, her hair now in a messy bun and sang along to the radio.

Louis watched her gracefully dance around, singing into the wooden spoon like she was a pop star. "Mumma?" Louis called quietly, clutching his phone in one hand tightly. Jay turned around and beamed at him. 

"Boobear! Dinner is almost ready!" she exclaimed, smiling at her son and then turned around, pulling the pot of the element.  "Mumma" he called again. She hummed, filling up their bowls.

"C-can I go to... the movies... with H-harry?" he stumbled out, and knawed on his lower lip.

Jay turned around, cocking her hip to the side and raised an arched eyebrow. "Oh? Right now Boo, it's 7:30 on a school night."  The flower-boy cleared his throat, and stuttered, feeling disappointment settle at the pit of his stomach. "O-oh... ok-okay mumma, I'll... I'll tell Haz- I mean Harry. That I can't go."

Jay's eyes softened, she knew it was like to have a crush on a boy and not being able to go out with him. She sighed. 

"Okay Boo. You can go. BUT, you have to eat your dinner first." she commanded sternly. Louis grinned at his mum, hopping slightly in his spot. "Thank you mumma! I'll take my phone, and I'll call you if anything bad happens! And- I'll take some money, because I can't get into the movie without money. And-" he rambled, hugging his mum before she cut him off.

"I don't mind at all Louis, I also want to meet this Harry person you speak of."

The small boy nodded enthusiastically, sitting at the bench and dug into his pastry and cheesy goodness. He heard his phone beep, startling him.

To: Loubearxx
From: CurlyHazza!!
So???? Can I take you out to the movies? ;) xx

To: CurlyHazza!!
Yesss Hazza! :D I can! Mumma wants to meet you thou xx

To: Loubearxx
Sweet, and ok. see you soon Lou babe xx ;)

The innocent boy's eyes widened and he scarfed down the rest of the food. He stumbled up the steps from his blue blanket getting caught on his foot. He threw the door open and pulled on baby blue jeans, a black sweater and his trusty black TOMS (Niall's drawings of roses and daisies) completed with a white rose crown. 

Louis stuffed his cell into his back pocket, and skipped down the steps, just in time for when there was a knock on the door.

"Coming!" he called out. "Mumma! Hazza is here!" 

"Okay! Hold on, I'm here" she panted, running down the hallway, the stairs, through the lounge and into the doorway, hair still wet and now dressed in casual clothes.  Jay nodded at Louis, indicating to open the door. 

"Hi Hazza!" he giggled, seeing Harry standing there in his usual attire, minus the the piercing and eye liner. "Hello Lou-" he greeted then made eye contact with his mother. "You must be Jay? Lou has told me great things about you." then he threw her the signature dimpled smile, shaking her hand. 

"You must be Harry, the boy who makes my Boobear giggle and blush at his phone." She chuckled and threw a wink over at her son. "Mumma!" he whined, hiding his face behind dainty hands.

Louis heard the two chuckle, and brought his hands off his face.

"We should get going now, aye Lou?" The older boy questioned, then held his arm out. Louis giggled, looking up at his friend and linked arms. Jay was quietly 'awwing' at the two for being ridiculously cute.

"Bye mumma!" he called out, waving from the passenger seat.

"Bye Loubug!"


The pair went to go see Disney movie's Frozen, per Louis' request. Louis was wide eyed the whole time, smiling like he had won the lottery. Harry glanced at Louis more than the movie, biting his lip as he watched the younger boy's expression change. Harry had coughed and yawned, then stretch out his arms, before carefully laying his left arm on the back of his companion's chair. The whole cliche, arm move.

Louis turned his head up at Harry, -who quickly snapped his head back to the screen, where Anna, Christoph and Sven met Olaf for the first time.- and smiled, leaning into Harry's chest. Harry's green eyes widened and he tensed. He did not expect that... well maybe he did, but not so quickly. He watched as Louis laughed, gasped and teared up, and brought him in closer, gently laying his head ontop of Lou's.

They watched the whole movie from then on, laughing along when Olaf said something funny.

When the movie finshed, they all stood up and shuffled out, idly chatting about the movie.

"I loved that movie! Elsa was so cool! She was like whoosh and her dress changed! It was so pretty!" he squealled, jumping around as they walked out. Harry chuckled and ran his hand through his hair, while the other gravitated towards the smaller boy's hand. When they touched, Louis blushed and entwined their fingers. Harry swallowed, flicking down to their hands -that fits like a puzzle- and smiled.

Harry opened the door, which the small boy smiled at and said a hushed thank you, and climbed in, doing his seatbelt. Harry climbed into the drivers side of his range Rover.

"Thank you Hazza... I had a fun time" he mumbled, looking up at him with big doe eyes. Harry smiled softly down at him, then paid attention back to the road. Louis shyly slid his hand over the glovebox to where Harry's hand laid on the gearstick. The older boy caught on and linked their fingers together, rubbing his thumb over his knuckles. 

"Anytime Lou." he chuckled. They drove in a comfortable silence, the radio quietly playing Elvis Presley's Can't help but Fall in Love With You. How ironic...

Louis broke the silence moments later, "Harry?"

He hummed, looking at the flower-boy for a moment then at the road.

"Was... was this... a date?" he asked, blushing profusely. Harry bursted out into laughter, then stopped abruptly when he saw Louis' glazed over eyes, and wobbly lips. "Erm.. It can be if you wanted it to be Lou. But... yeah, it was..." he trailed off. Louis beamed at him, and giggled. Minutes later they pulled up infront of Louis home. They hopped out and Harry walked him down the drive-way to his front door.

"Bye Hazza, thank you again. It was fun." he said, wrapping the taller boy in a bear hug, which Harry reciprocated. Harry bent down, gently kissing his cheek before spinning on his heel and strolled to his car and drove off. 

Louis stood there, before turning his head when he saw movement from the curtain. He giddly opened the door, closing it quietly before leaning against it, his cheeks flamed up and eyes bright.

He saw his mum walk in with a Cheshire cat grin, which meant she saw the whole thing. 

"Tell. Me. everything!" she squealed.

And yes... he was abit giddy after re-telling the story.



is it share? I'm not sure... but do what wattpaders do on wattpad...


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