•Dancing King•
Dedicated to :
@dejected_lero because I've read nearly all her stories and they are phenominal and I think she is talented. FOLLOW AND READ HER STORIES! Simply talented. Nuff Said.
When Louis had been dropped off by Niall, he walked up to his front door and knocked on the wood barrier 3 times. He heard shuffling inside and turned to glance behind him. He didn’t like the dark. The sun was setting and giving off scary shadows, while it casted orangey-pink streaks in the sky. While he loved the sky, it was getting dark... and quickly. He knocked again –more frantically- and slightly jumped in his spot.
“Coming! Hold on!” his mother’s voice called, followed by a clattered of metal. “Bollocks!” the voice exclaimed. Louis giggled into his cardigan sleeve and clutched his rented book to his chest. “Mumma! Hurry, it’s getting cold and the door won’t open” He laughed. He heard his mother laughing, before the door swung open. Arms wrapped around his small frame, “BooBear!” she cooed, kissing his forehead. She pulled away before straightening his slowly dying flower crown. She tugged Louis inside, closing the door behind her and walked him to the lounge. She told Louis to pick out a movie and get snuggled in. He did what he was told, putting in Mamma Mia! (One of his all time favourites, beside Disney movies) And crawled back over to the couch and curled into a ball, with a pale blue blanket wrapped around him. He was watching the trailers, giggling every now and then.
Jay walked in hands carrying a bowl of popcorn, two ice-cream sandwiches and two mango smoothies. At the sound of Louis’ laugh, she looked up and cooed at the sight of him. Jay set down the treats and sat down next to her son. Louis looked up at her with a huge smile and cuddled into her side as she wrapped her arm around him and ran her fingers through his hair.
“What are we watching Loubear?” she asked, getting the ice-cream sandwiches and handed Louis one. He gratefully took it, peeling back the plastic and bit into the cookie creamy goodness. “Mamma Mia” he mumbled around his desert. Well it sounded more like Marmpfh Mfha. Jay gave her son a pointed look, obviously disapproving of talking with food in his mouth. He smiled sheepishly, his cheeks flushing. Louis swallowed and cleared his throat. “Mamma Mia, mumma” he giggled. She just rolled her eyes, smiling and grabbed the remote, pressing play.
The next morning Louis found himself on the couch snuggled next to his mum. The popcorn bowl had fallen on the ground, popcorn spread all over the plush carpet. His flower crown had now lost its colour, which made Louis frown a little.
He sat up, stretching and covered his mum with his blue blanket and started cleaning up the lounge. Popcorn pieces were everywhere. Meaning; inside the carpet, under the couch and coffee table and even a few in his hair.
Louis started humming to Dancing Queen, -Dancing King in his defence- as he took the smoothie cups up to the sink and back into the Lounge room.
“You are the dancing king, young and free. Only seventeen” he sang quietly, as he twirled around the room. “Oh yeah”.
He grabbed a broom, pretending it was a microphone. He swayed his hips and pointed to his imaginary crowd.
“You can dance! You can jive! Having the time of your life!” the small boy belted out. He swept the floor, brushing away all the dirt and popcorn bits off the wood floor. As he swept and danced across the now cleaned floor, he didn’t notice Jay or Niall watching on, with smirking/amused faces.
Louis spun on his heel “See that boy, *point*, watch that scene, *hands above eyes* digging the dancing king!!” he yelled, giggling as he feel backwards onto the couch. Clapping and chuckles erupted in the room, making Louis squeal in embarrassment and covered his face behind dainty hands. Heat flooded his cheeks as he peaked out from behind his fingers, to see his mother and Niall watching his every move with amused faces.
“Mumma! Nially! Uhm... Hi?” he squawked.
“Hi” his mum chuckled as she walked up to her son and ruffled his hair. “I woke up hearing an ABBA concert live right in front of me” Niall cackled as he greeted Louis then headed straight for the kitchen. Only to come out 5 minutes later; with a ham sandwich, can of soda, a packet of chips and some mysterious brown substance on the sides of his mouth.
“I have to leave soon. The hospital rang saying they were low on staff” Jay said as she pulled her hair into a high ponytail. The boys nodded, and Niall flicked on the TV, putting on Finding Nemo. As she left, Niall propped his sock clad feet on the coffee table, and slumped back. Louis just giggled and followed suit, as he leaned his head on Niall’s shoulder. Half way through, Louis became a little bit restless.
“Niall?” Louis whispered, as he looked up at his best friend with big doe like eyes.
Niall hummed, glancing down at the small boy.
“Can... can we go back to the book store today? I- I like it there. It smells like cookies and h-hot chocolate” He mumbled, as he nuzzled into his shoulder. The Irish boy just smiled down fondly at his best-friend -more like his little brother, since he was 18 and Louis was 17- and ruffled his caramel hair, making him giggle. “Sure buddy” Louis always reminded Niall of their kid years, when they first met.
Louis was an innocent flower child and was pretty sheltered when they were growing up. His mum went through a (quite) horrible break-up with Louis’ father (an alcoholic and down-right dickhead) when he was 3 and she didn’t want her only child to be around cruel things -well words actually, but it’s the same thing- so she packed her bags taking all her possessions and Louis with her. It was hard for her to take care of her son, since she was in a depressive state, so she called one of her best-friends and asked her if she could take him under her wing until she got back on track. This just so happened to be Niall’s mother Maura, and that’s how 3 year old Louis and 4 year old Niall met and became brothers. As time went by Niall grew up to be a sporty, muscular, handsome jock/musician, while Louis grew up to be a quiet, feminine, beautiful bookworm/boy magnet.
Sure Niall had to ward off any unwanted attention, especially the douche bag Nick Grimshaw - the sleazy bastard- because they wanted to be the ones claiming Louis’ innocence. No one... and I mean No one, wanted to upset Niall because his carefree attitude could turn deadly and frightening, after all he did kick Nick’s ass when he overheard him talking about it to some of his friends and he’s got Nick’s busted lip and broken nose to prove it (He’s just thankful Louis hasn’t seen his worst, he doesn’t want to petrify his best friend).
Niall turned off the TV and waited at the front door while Louis got a lilac coloured sweater, Lament book and ran outside to his flower garden to pick up some freshly bloomed petunias then ran back inside, over to Niall.
“Ready Lou?” the Irishman asked, as he buckled in his seatbelt and ignited the engine. Louis just smiled goofily at him, his eyes crinkling by the sides and nodded. He clicked his seatbelt buckle in place and carefully sat the items in his possession onto his lap.
“What’s with the flowers Lou?” Niall questioned, only taking a glance at his mate, then back at the road. “I didn’t have time to make a crown” he replied simply, petting one of the carnations gently, then started weaving the flowers together. The older boy just nodded, a smile playing on his lips.
By the time the boys arrived to the library, Louis jumped out the car and raced inside and over to Lee who had her back to him. “Lee!” he squealed, giggling at her when she jumped in fright before spinning around to see a bouncing, energetic Louis with a casual -very handsome looking (but she wouldn’t admit that, no surrey) - Niall walking through the door.
“Loubean! My, how much you’ve grown, such a cutie!” she cooed, pinching the younger boy’s cheeks. “Lee! You saw me yesterday.” He laughed, playfully patting her hands away. She just chuckled before stepping back, and grabbing her Hot Cocoa mug off the counter.
“So... what can I do for you today boys?” she queried, scanning some novels and putting them on a trolley. “Louis here wanted to drop by. Says it smells like cookies and hot chocolate” Niall answered, watching Louis bound off towards the stairs. Lee chuckled and swept her purple hair behind her ear. “Well I’m not surprised. This is the best library you’ll come across. I mean I even have a pulley system from here up to the second floor. See?” she asked, pointing at the three ropes leading from behind the counter to the second floor, closed off by a slide up door. The trolley was on the second floor, tethered by a thick piece of ribbon, to the pole.
Niall raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then looked back at Lee-Lah. “Wow, looks like you done a lot of hand work” he commented, looking back and forth between the contraption and his soon-to-be-boss. Lee-Lah merely shrugged, draining back the rest of her drink and then set down her mug. “Eh... I’ve just got a lot of free-time on my hands”
Louis was curious again.
So, he when he saw a door leading out back, he couldn’t help but succumb to the raging curiosity burning inside. The small flower-boy stood up carefully, wiping off invisible dust on his dark skinny jeans, straightened his flower crown and shuffled over to the door covered by posters and slightly peeling paint, opening it slightly.
Sunlight beamed through the small crack, warming up the cerulean boy. Louis smiled, opening it fully to see a veranda with flower pots hanging from the roof and two small chairs. Yes, this is now Louis’ favourite place in the world. The view was a look-out of the town, he could see the cinemas across the road, a small playground at the end of the main road with a dog park, he could see the faint outline of the forest over the buildings and mountain range to his far left. It was beautiful, absolutely breath-taking.
Louis looked at the chairs, before bounding toward it in joy. He settled down stretching and curled up into a ball, and carried on reading his book. It was amazing; it was about an Irish orientated girl named Deirdre who gets sucked into a world a faeries and falls for an assassin named Luke. He loved it, because it was not your every day cliché love story. And he bets Niall would love it. Because he’s Irish and all.
After an hour, the sun started to make Louis’ eyes droopy, so he yawned and shuffled back inside, closing the door behind him and curled up into a ball on a bean bag. He looked and acted like a kitten when he was sleepy. Maybe that’s how he earned the name ‘kitty’ from Niall when they were both in pre-school.
Lee and Niall talked away for an hour downstairs, chatting idly about work to favourite movies. “I wonder what Lou is doing?” Niall questioned, looking up towards the stairs. Lee-Lah shrugged, walking over to find out. When she turned back to Niall, who was still in place she said “Well? You’re not just going to stand there are you?” as she cocked her hip to the side, raising her perfectly shaped eyebrow at him. Niall shook his head, flushing slightly as he walked quickly over to her.
They walked up the spiral staircase quietly whispering to each other. When they reached the top they saw Louis’ curled body in the corner sleeping soundly.
Lee held in an ‘awww’ not wanting to disturb him in his slumber. She gripped Niall’s wrist before hiding her face in his shoulder to muffle her squeals, while Niall just her with an adoring smile then back at Louis.
He noticed Louis’ nose scrunch up, a main indication that he’s about to wake up very soon, so he told Lee to ‘hush up before he gets cranky’ but it was too late because Louis yawned (or was it a whimper) and stretched, sitting in a criss-cross-applesauce way and rubbed his eyes with tired fist.
“Looks like it’s time ta go home ey?” he chuckled, closing the distance between them and helped Louis up, gathering his book and flower crown of the ground, and wrapped his arm around his shoulder -which Louis snuggled in to- and walked down stairs, with Lee-Lah following behind trying not to burst of how adorable Louis is.
When they got down to the bottom floor, the boys walked over to the counter to say goodbye.
“I smell cookies” Louis murmured, looking around sleepily. “I have some in the kitchen if you want some? I made them this morning because I have no life” Lee answered, yet the last part was directed to Niall who snickered.
Louis nodded, and she walked to the back grabbing a paper bag and stuffing it with 6 white chocolate and macadamia cookies and walked out, handing over to the tired boy.
“3 each, yeah” she said to them, hugging them goodbye. The duo nodded grabbing one each and bit into it, moaning at the goodness.
They both said their goodbyes, walking out and down the street to Starbucks.
Niall went up to order while Louis went and stayed off by the side, quietly munching his cookie as he watched people walk by without a care in the world. People laughing, people looking sad, people high and people looking like they just needed someone. It intrigued him.
Niall came back with an Irish cream frappe for Louis and a coffee with cream and chocolate shavings sprinkled on top. “Thank you” he mumbled, sipping on his drink. Niall just smiled and knocked back half of his drink in one go.
“C’mon, it’s nearly 3. I heard on TV that Lion King 2 is going to premiere on Channel 4, at 5:30” he said, as they walked back towards his card. “REALLY!? Well c’mon Nially. We have to get there on time!” Louis laughed, yanking Niall’s wrist as he ran down the street. All signs of tiredness left his system. “Yeah slow down then Lou! You’re going to run into some-” he was cut off, Louis doing the exact thing he was trying to warn him about.
Louis and the stranger both collided, but managed to stay upright. The man’s hands grabbing hold of Louis’ waist and pushed one foot back to keep their equilibrium right.
Louis gasped, (he’s lucky he drank his frappe, probably why he was so hyper) his hands going up to the man’s chest to brace himself.
When they were both stable Louis apologized over and over again, Niall behind him frantically asking if both of them were okay, but both were cut off hearing deep chuckling -Louis actually felt him instead of heard- and Louis snapped his head up to see the familiar green eyes that he dreamt about rimmed with the same black eyeliner. His blue eyes widened as they scanned his face quickly, now only seeing a tattoo on the man’s neck Angels’ Demons. ‘What does that mean?’ He thought.
“Two days in a row Lou, I thought you learnt your lesson yesterday.”
“What? Yesterday? Louis... what?” he heard Niall burst; he could tell he was confused. He just didn’t know how to answer him... or this gorgeous man in front of him.
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