
Dedicated to:

@1DLarry123 because I love her story 'Different Sides' and its awesome. It has ANGELS AND DEMONS! the best two things put into one story. Its so fluffy yet steamy haha! Its cool, you should read it. Like now. Well... not now now, but after.

And if you're reading this @1DLarry123 I just wanted to say.... HEY :D

Isn't Louis so pretty you wished you were him?

I do..

I mean look at him ^ he's beautiful.


(Edited. 28/09/16)

On the 17th of May is when Louis finally decides to go outside his safe sanctuary. Well he didn't really decide per-se. It was more like... forced out of his own home because he needed to 'get fresh air' and 'make friends'. His mother's words, not his. But before he could protest, his mother placed his crown on his head, threw a cardigan that draped over his face - which Louis giggled at - and stuffed his mobile into his pocket before shooing him out the door.

"Don't talk to strangers! And be back by sunset. Bye Baby Bear. Love you!" Jay called out before slamming the door.

He shook his head, muttering himself that it was 'how can you make friends without talking to strangers?' , 'Niall is all I need' and 'I'm in the garden. That's outside isn't it?' Yet his words were left unanswered.

Louis sighed before shrugging on his cardigan and fishing his phone out before texting Niall.

To: Irish King
hey! can you pick me up? Mum forced me out :( please??x

Louis opted to sit at the front of his driveway, picking at the grass and watching the cars drive by, while he waited for a reply.

2 minutes later his phone dinged indicating a message.

To: Loubear:)
sure m8! b ther in 5. c u soon.

To: Irish King
NIALL HORAN! You should ashamed of your spelling skills. Please fix them before I faint. x

To: Loubear:)
Yeh yeh. Not lyk the quen of englnd is gunna read dis m8. x

Louis rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips but didn't reply because Niall's navy blue pick up truck pulled up in front of him. His music blasting from the speakers could be heard a mile away. Niall threw him a cheeky grin, the slightest of dimples showing lightly in his cheeks, pushing his sunglasses down so his baby blues peaked through. His hair was hidden under his snap back, and his plaid shirt with a white tank top under was full of creases.

Trust Niall being lazy enough not to do his laundry properly.

("That's what me m'am is for Lou. She knows how to do this crap." "Don't you think you should at least... learn Nialler?" "Pfft, no. Me m'am works wonders, I tell you" )

"Wey hey Loueh! Hop in!" the Irish kid hollered. Louis responded with a simple 'hello Nialler'. As Louis was all set to go, he start off down the road.

"I'm actually craving a Starbucks drink right now, being all white girl, then how bout we go off to the park? Y'know with the wildflowers behind the playground? Then I was kinda thinking, 'Hey, we should go down town and see a movie! Go see that new Marvels movie' Also I need to go down to that small library around the corner from there as well to drop off a job application, because no one else has gotten back to me... bastards"

Louis listened to Niall rattle off the day's agenda with a wide smile. He giggled each time Niall would look over at him after each sentence and pulled a funny face. "Nially, watch where your going! Don't want to crash" he scolded before squealing when Niall purposefully revved the engine. Niall chuckled, shaking his head.

"Yeah okay Lou. As you command, my liege" he teased.

Louis pouted, folding his arms over his chest. "That's not very nice Nialler." he harrumphed before looking away from him and at the window, watch the scenery change. Niall shook his head, glancing at Louis with a fond smile on his face.

"Sorry Loulou, y'know I love yah mate" he stated, reaching over to ruffle his hair, making his crown fall over his eyes.

"NIALLER!" the boy giggled, taking his crown off before placing on properly.

"You now owe me two ice cream sandwiches for that" he laughed out. "Yeah okay. Now that you talk about it... I'm feeling hungry for one now."

Louis laughed into his sleeve that draped over his hands. 'Oh Nialler.' he thought.


After going to the park (Louis made Niall a flower crown) eating the ice cream sandwiches Niall owed him, watching the New Marvels movie and drinking Starbucks like cool kids; they left for the small Library Read All About It around the corner from the cinemas.

The library had a spiral staircase that lead to the second floor. It looked over the first floor with a meter and a half railing outlining the perimeter. Small beanbags and cushions splayed across the room in a messy yet organized fashion.

The place smelled of baked cookies and hot cocoa and had fairy lights hanging on the walls. It felt like home. (No literally, his house smelt like this and he had pretty fairy lights hung up on the wall above his bed.)

While Niall was talking to the owner, a girl who seemed to be in her early twenties with lilac colored hair and pretty hazel eyes, Louis found curiosity starting to creep into very his being.

Now being the curious lad he is, its gotten him into some predicaments (like that one time Louis was in the park at the edge, trying to find his football and instead found a stray puppy. Well it wasn't a stray really. The owners showed up 5 days later claiming that the dog had slipped through a small hole under their fence, and have been knocking on doors ever since. And it truly wasn't his fault the little thing had cute huge eyes and floppy ears and it certainly wasn't his fault he got attached. He ended up crying by the time the owners started walking down the driveway with their puppy. His mother found him sobbing on the front porch, hugging his body. When she asked him what happened, he said he missed and wanted to keep the puppy. It took 3 ice cream sandwiches and a movie marathon of his favorite films to calm him down and forget about it.)

Louis started for the stairs and gripping the railing so he wouldn't fall. He found the second floor had two shelves literally stuffed with books filled with fantasy, romance, action, and horror books. He shuffled along the carpet, toying with the hem of the cardigan as he took in the room around him.

He loved it.

He plopped down onto a big cushion that made his body sink into it and grabbed the closest book which happened to be Lament by Maggie Steifvater.

After 30 minutes and a third of the way into the book, Niall called him down, saying it was half hour til sunset making Louis shoot up and grabbed one of the many bookmarks that sat in a glass, slotting it in the book and scurrying downstairs. Niall was idly chatting to the bookstore owner who was sipping at her mug and nodded every now and then and adding her comments in when needed.

"Louis! This is Lee-lah. Lee-lah this is Louis. Great now that my best mate and best boss have met, we can go before your mam has a panic attack." he said. Lee-lah and Louis shook hands, Louis blushing and Lee cooing at how adorable he as. "My real name is Leighton, but Lee-lah just sounded cooler." She said with a light laugh.

"I love your store. Its beautiful" The small boy said quietly, looking over the area. "Thank you sweetie." She replied before glancing down and spying one of the books.

"Oh! Did you want to rent that book out?" she asked, nodding her head down to the book in his hands. Louis nodded shyly before handing it over to her watching as she scanned it out under Louis' name before handing it back.

"We better go. It was nice meeting you Lee. I'll bring it back soon." he said, smiling. Niall threw his arm around Louis' shoulder, ruffling his hair. "Bye Lee! And t'anks for der job!" he hollered, as they walked out of the door. "Bye Niall! Bye Louis" she called out before going back to work. Niall dropped his arm from Lou's shoulder before racing off with a "Race ya to der car!" he shouted before taking off down the road.

"No fair!" Louis whined before running after him. He clutched to book in his hand tightly weaving through the people on the sidewalk, not noticing the two figures walking out of the alley way. When he did, his eyes widened before trying to slow down but ended up tripping over a bump in the path and flying straight for the tallest of the two.

Louis groaned as he landed on a hard but smooth chest. He blinked, then quickly scrambled off of the stranger, apologizing over and over when he saw the man's face was screwed in pain. The man's eyes opened to reveal green irises rimmed with dark eyeliner, that looked like the meadow in the back of his house, but yet cold as ice. Louis felt his cheeks flare up when they locked on to his own. He heard someone chuckling beside him, he turned to see a raven hair lad with an amazing face structure yet mysterious vibe emitting from him.

"I'm so sorry! I- I didn't mean to. I tripped b-before slowing down." he stuttered, as he bit his lip and helped the man up to his feet. He quickly knelt down, picking up his crown and book, then straightened himself up when he saw the two men watching him. "I'm sorry. I really am, is there anyway I can make it up to you." he squeaked. The strangers' eyes softened a tad when he looked down on the verge of tears.

"No. Its okay. Just don't do it again. You hear, watch here you're going." the tallest man told sternly, making the smaller boy flinch (even in the slightest) and nod his head rapidly.

"Now go, I'll see you soon." a voice whispered into his ear. Louis gasped as he turned to see the man with green eyes cold but with only a flicker, lean back with a smirk on his face.

He nodded, scurrying off with a flushed face and head down as he quickly walked to Niall's car, who looked at him worriedly.

"You okay Lou?" he asked, starting the engine and started to drive down the road. "Yeah I just accidentally bumped into someone." he replied, glancing down the window to see the two men leaning against the wall, the curly haired man smirking as they watched Niall's pick up truck go by, their eyes connecting. His breath hitched, before turning his gaze away suddenly.

But not before when they turned the corner, he risked one last look to see both mysterious men gone.

Oh no. Curiosity is coming back.

Better hope he doesn't get into trouble.





Answer: I can't choose. But I'll say some from each album

-Moments or Stole My Heart, More Than This.

-They Don't Know About Us or Over Again, Little Things.

-You and I or Right Now and Little White Lies.

-Stockholm Syndrome or No Control or Where do Broken Hearts Go or Fool's Gold.

-What a Feeling or Walking in the Wind or A.M or I Want to Write You a Song or Love You Goodbye.

I have no real answer aha :P

-Vee x

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