The Future: Part Two

I hate to do this to you all, but I must mention a trigger warning. There is a death in this part, so if you don't want to read anything of that sort or get triggered by that, please don't read this. I don't want to upset any of you because that's never my intention. I just want you all to be aware before you proceed.

I hope y'all are staying safe

🥀🌵🥀 Flower Child 🥀🌵🥀

Y/n woke up to bright lights. She looked around to see she was in a hospital room. Everything that happened resurfaced in her mind, and she grew overwhelmed. She reached up, and y/n was relieved to feel her locket around her neck.

She was about to get up when a hand held on to hers. She looked to see Bucky sitting by her bed.

"Hey Doll."

She lied back down and faced him. When she faced him, Bucky was relieved to see her breathing and heart rate had gone back to normal.

"I know this is a lot to take in." Bucky murmured.

"Of course it is. I, I was back in the forties. I thought...." She tried not to cry. "Steve came back, and he tells me he came from the future. He sends me here with no explanation. I... I just don't understand. Why wouldn't he explain anything?"

Bucky wiped her tears away and offered her some water. "I don't know."

"I... He's old now isn't he?"

"He is, and he isn't doing well. Peggy died several years ago, and his health has been declining ever since. I'm sorry y/n."

After hearing the news, y/n was feeling a mishmash of emotions all clashing with one another. She didn't realize she was holding onto his metal hand. Bucky looked down to noticed his whole arm was turning gold and flowers were wrapping around him. By the time he realized, it had made it's way to his shoulder, and she had passed out.

"What happened? Whoa." Bruce came in noticing both y/n and Bucky as well as his arm.

"She never had powers before." Bucky answered.

"She might have gotten the powers from the jump. Her vitals are okay. She'll wake up soon, but for now I should check on your arm."

Bruce was fixing to check on his arm when the flowers pulled away from Bucky's arm. They found themselves on his head giving him a flower crown. Then, the gold melted into his skin, and he as well as Bruce were shocked. His metal arm was gone, and his real arm and hand replaced it. He pulled his t-shirt from his shoulder to see all the scarring was gone.

"It seems she has gained healing abilities. Just to make sure it's not an illusion, can you see veins and does your arm feel real?"

Bucky replied yes to both, and Bruce left to go check on y/n's tests to see what he might've missed. By the time Bruce left, y/n had woken back up. Bucky didn't know if he should tell her what happened right away.

"James... I know this is sudden, but with everything that's happened. James, I love you."

"Darlin' I love you too. I'm just sorry I didn't get to tell you sooner." He held her hand again and smiled as he felt a tear slip down his cheek. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too Bucky. I just wish things were a bit different. When do you think I'll get out of here?"

"I don't know, but I could walk you around. I know you were never a fan of hospitals."

She smiled for the first time, and Bucky helped her up. She hooked her arm in his and slowly got up. He walked her down the hallways and was happy she was in his arms again. He just hated she was going through all this, but he was going to help her every step of the way.

"Bucky, do I have powers? I saw your prosthetic, and it's gone now."

"Yes. One of the doctors seem to think you got them when you traveled here.  Darlin' you healed me. I..."

Bucky looked into y/n's eyes, and he felt his heart beat quicken. All too soon, Bucky was kissing her. She kissed him in return, and they both felt warm. He was surprised when he felt both her hands on his cheeks. He held them both and then let go to pull her closer to him.

When he pulled away, Bucky noticed that y/n had a crown of flowers on her head as well. He saw gold on her cheeks, and it absorbed in her skin.

"I've been wanting to kiss you for over eighty years." Bucky whispered against her lips as he kissed her again.

"I guess I could almost say the same now." She kissed him back before pulling away.

He noticed her hair had gotten longer and had more flowers in it. He really wasn't sure what abilities she might've gained, but he only cared that she was with him.

"Bucky, I... I want to see Steve. I know I'm losing him, and even if he might not remember me, I want to thank him for sending me here." Y/n spoke.

"Are you okay? This all is so much to take in."

"Well, honestly I'm not fine. All of this still feels like a dream, but it's reality. I'm losing Steve, but he knew what he was doing. Steve wanted to live out his days with the love of his life, and he wanted the same for me. He sent me after he learned the truth, and although I'm upset and confused, Steve helped me get back to you. For that, I'll always be grateful."

Bucky hugged her and held her close. Now that she was back in his arms, he didn't want anything to tear them apart. He loved her too much to let anything happen to either of them. He eventually pulled away but held onto her hand.

Steve was on the same hallway, so Bucky took her to him. Bucky stood outside the door, and y/n went inside. She couldn't believe how old Steve was. He was so young not to long ago, and now he was bedridden.

Y/n sat down and held his hand. He opened his eyes and smiled. "Hey my little y/n."

"Steve. I just got you back, why did you leave me?"

"I wanted to get married. I wanted a family. I love you, but I couldn't just let you stay in the forties knowing you could go in the future and get married and start your own family. We both deserve that. You deserve that."

He put his free hand on top of her own. "I'm sorry I didn't explain to you and tell you everything that happened to me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the future, but I didn't want to waste time. I didn't know how fast it would go if I waited. Thankfully, it was only about a month. Unfortunately, my health has worsened during that time."

Y/n tried to stay strong and not cry. "Well, do I have a niece or nephew?"

"You have two nephews and one niece. You have three grand nieces and two grand nephews. Y/n I'm even going to be a great grandpa pretty soon."

"That's so great Steve. I hope I can learn more about them all sometime."

"That would be nice y/n. They know a lot about their aunt."

Y/n placed her head on the bed, and they both began to share stories. She was happy that Steve had a life, but she just got him back. Now he was old.

"Steve... I think I gained healing powers. Please let me heal you. We"

Steve frowned shaking his head. "I've lived my life. Y/n, I've lived long enough. It's time for you to live. It's time for you to get those dates, get married, and have children and grandchildren. You deserve that. This is your future. I want you to let me go."

Y/n sat up confused. "What do you mean? I... I just got here. I just got you back."

"I've said goodbye to everyone else. I've been waiting to tell you goodbye. Your the last person."

She let go of him and got up. "I'm sorry Steve. I can't."

Y/n got up and walked out the door. She was about to run off when Bucky held on to her. He held her closely rubbing her back. He kissed the top of her head.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry, but you need to tell him goodbye. He's been struggling to hang on, and when he remembers, he asks for you. He's going to go eventually regardless. If you don't tell him, you'll regret it the rest of your days."

Y/n pulled away, and Bucky wiped her tears from her face. "it's like when he left the first time, but this time... He's never coming back."

"Doll... I'm going to help you get through this every step of the way. He's in pain y/n. The thing that helped change him isn't working anymore, and he has a lot of the health issues he had before he left. He's in pain. Y/n, do it for your brother."

She nodded as tears continued to escape her eyes. She walked back into the room and sat down. She placed a kiss on his forehead, and he opened his eyes. "Stevie, it's your little sister."


She nodded her head smiling. "Yes. Yes it's me. I love you so so much. I... I want to tell you that I'll be okay. I'm going to make sure your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren are okay. I'm going to have a life just as wonderful as yours. It's okay to go to Peggy."

She watched his eyes close and heard the sound she didn't want to hear. She got up, and her vision blurred.

Bucky walked in to see y/n levitating. More flowers began to grow in her hair, and more golden tears fell from her eyes. Flowers bloomed all on her body and vines of flowers appeared in the room. Vines pulled the blanket up over Steve and opened the curtains and windows. Her whole body began to turn gold and blue.

The gold and blue began to dissolve, and she was about to fall to the ground when Bucky caught her. Instead of taking her to that hospital room, he took her to the guest room on his floor. He placed her on the bed.

"Can you... Can you just hold me Bucky?" She whispered not opening her eyes.

"Of course I can."

He lied down and held her closely. He frequently kissed the top of her head and hummed some of their favorite songs.

The next couple of days were extremely hard for the young Rogers. She was reliving her brother's funerals all over again. When they had the private funeral, y/n was devastated. He was getting his proper burial beside their parents, and now Peggy was beside him.

She got up to speak, "I loved Steve. He was a good brother to me. Long ago, I mourned him all alone. Now, I mourn him with people I hope to become family and friends with. He got his chance at life." She looked to Bucky and slightly smiled, "and he gave me the opportunity to live mine. Steve didn't need the serum to be a great man. He was always a great man, and the world won't be the same without him. He was a son, brother, fighter, father. His legacy will continue with his lovely children and all the people he cared about. Steve wouldn't want us to be sad on this day. He'd want us to smile and remember the good times. It's been hard for all of us to be happy, and it'll take a long time to heal from this. We're sad, but we aren't alone. I am going to try to smile and remember the good times for Steve. I'm going to learn about my nieces and nephews, and I'm going to remember that Steve is in a better place now."

Y/n placed her flower down and walked back to Bucky. He wrapped his arms around her. She pulled away and held onto his hand. Bucky noticed flowers circle their hands.

Y/n noticed a man walking to them. "Your speech was beautiful. Steve would've really liked it."

"Thank you."

"Of course. My name is Sam Wilson."


"You know, Steve told me a lot about you, but you know who talked about you more than anyone." Sam pointed to Bucky. "That guy right there. Couldn't get him to stop most the time, so I'm happy to finally meet you."

Bucky was glad to see that Sam had gotten her to laugh.

"I'm gonna tell you so many stories y/n. Would you like me to introduce you to some people here?" Sam offered his arm to her, and Bucky encouraged her to go with him.

She linked her arm with his, and he began to introduce her to all of the team members that had become family.

"Yeah, this is her. I think I'm gonna make her my honorary sister or adopt her." Sam spoke to a man y/n learned was named Scott.

"Well what if I want to teach her magic? She and Cassie could help me with a new magic trick I've been working on."

Y/n began to laugh, and she was starting to feel a little better. When she met Thor, she shook his hand and flowers appeared in his hair and long beard. She thought it made the man look adorable, and she had the urge to put even more flowers in his hair.

"You know, I'm gonna end up letting you fly with my suit." Sam said then whispered. "you'll be the first and only one."

Y/n smiled as Sam lead her to the cars. Bucky stood by his truck, and when he noticed Sam and y/n, he walked up to them.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah. I am."

On the drive back, y/n learned how to work the radio as well as the Bluetooth and Bucky's phone. He just smiled because she was always a fast learner.

"Your background photo is of me?" She blushed when she saw a photo of her from the forties.

"Yes. It's been my screensaver ever since I got this phone and found your picture. I'm going to end up getting you a phone and teaching you how to use it."

"And I can have a picture of you?"

Bucky nodded, and y/n held onto his hand. The past couple of days Bruce determined y/n would be okay. He figured her powers were similar to Rapunzel's from Tangled but not all the same. It seemed at the moment her powers were triggered by emotion. Bucky was glad that she would be okay.

Despite the good news, he new y/n would be sad for a while. He had been wanting to get away for some time, and he thought it would be good for them to get away from that life. He had a safehouse in the south, and he was planning on moving them both there. He was planning on asking her how she felt about it pretty soon. For now he was just going to appreciate that y/n was with him. And he knew that one day he'd propose to her with his mother's engagement ring. He was so happy the Smithsonian gave it back to him, because it was always his goal to propose with his mother's ring.

Bucky had just turned twenty. His family had a small party for him, and when it was over, his mother pulled him aside.

"Bucky. I'm so proud of the man you're turning into. You know, when I turned twenty, your father proposed to me."

She took her engagement ring off and looked at it. "Not too long after we got married, I found out I was going to be having a baby. When you were born, I found out that I had a handsome, sweet son. I've watched you grow up and become a respectable young man."

She took his hand and placed the ring on his palm. "I know how you feel for y/n. One day, when you're ready, I want you to propose to her with my ring. It would make me so happy to know a piece of me can go on with you. Then, when y/n and you have a child, you could pass the ring to them."

Bucky closed his hand and kissed his mother's cheek. "I'd love to ma. I promise you when the day is right, I'll propose with your ring. Thank you so much. Y/n loves this ring."

His mother smiled rubbing his cheek. "I know son. That's why I want you to hold it for her until you're ready to put it on her finger. I already consider her a daughter."

Bucky missed his mother and all his family, but he knew they were in his heart. His family now sat right beside him, and one again, he was madly, deeply, and passionately in love with his y/n.

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