Chapter 5

BubbleDream blinked her eyes open, RosePaw was still asleep beside her. She sat up and groomed her fur before padding out of the den, yawning. TigerBlaze was taking SkyPaw and NightPaw out of the camp, BubbleDream looked confused, realising OwlFeather wasn't with them. OwlFeather was SkyPaw's mentor and instead of training the grey she-cat, he was sitting on the other side of the camp, glaring at her.

BubbleDream sighed, "Great Star clan, is he going to sit there all day, glaring at me because I took side with a she-cat who I thought hated me?" she exclaimed.

"Dunno." ShadowPaw mewed as he padded out of the den and stood beside her, "He's been a grump ever since you and him argued." he gave a disgusted sniff.

BubbleDream looked up at him, noticing how old he was for the first time, "I wish you were a warrior right now, you have no right to keep wait." she murmured.

"I wish I were too, but I might be able to be warrior soon, I'm doing my assessments." ShadowPaw replied, glancing down.

"Go and help TigerBlaze mentor your siblings! I bet he's having trouble keeping up." the she-cat joked a bit.

"Sure, I'll ask ScorpionSting if I can." the dark tom sounded cheerful and padded over to find his mentor.

"You sound commanding today," a voice from behind made BubbleDream turn.

"Morning RosePaw." BubbleDream greeted.

The apprentice waved her tail as a greeting as she slid out of the den, "You know, my feelings for OwlFeather are starting to ebb away," she glanced over across the clearing, "I will swear I will rip his eyes out."

The warrior shrugged, "Go on then. I ain't stopping you. He hates me now."

 A snort from the other side of the camp made BubbleDream turn, her eyes narrowed when she saw LeafShade, BearStrike and RippleHeart, a she-cat who wouldn't look into her eyes, sitting beside OwlFeather.

"StarClan, please drop a huge monster on them," BubbleDream begged loudly, making RosePaw chuckle

"I wish that happened." the apprentice mused.

BubbleDream glanced at the she-cat, "Let's ask SmallBird if we can go on a hunting patrol." she mewed, leading RosePaw to the deputy.

RosePaw let out a yowl of triumph. "Hey, fox dungs! See how happy she is? Yeah, that's the real BubbleDream!" she yelled over to the group. RippleHeart flinched, but didn't look up.

BubbleDream rolled her eyes, "Ha, ha, ha. Very funny," she then paused and began again, "you know, I actually do feel better without them keep making me crazy." she purred.

The creamy-pink she-cat nodded, "Hey did you  know the whole story of my past?" when BubbleDream shook her head, she continued, "Well, my mother told me that she had a sister...I was surprised of course, I only thought it was only her and her brother. She said her name was Daisy, I never met her but I tell you what. She spoke of blue eyes, the same colour as your right eye."

BubbleDream stared at her, "My mother's name was DaisyPetal..." she noted. RosePaw gaped at her, "Wow...well has she told you anything about having a sister called Terra and a brother named Garth?" 

The warrior froze, IceMist was right! I thought she was kidding.

"You know...I had a dream last night.." BubbleDream began hesitantly, RosePaw stopped and looked at her, "What was it about?" she mewed.

"IceMist..a Star clan warrior named IceMist," BubbleDream mumbled.

 SnowLeaf looked up from where she was sitting by her den, TreePaw was grooming his fur beside her, "A StarClan warrior? BubbleDream come over will you?" the medicine cat asked.

"Sure, come on, RosePaw..SnowLeaf is one of the eldest cats in our clan so she might have a story to tell!" she purred. The apprentice's eyes brightened and followed the warrior happily to the medicine cats' clearing.

As the two cats settled down beside SnowLeaf, who turned to BubbleDream, "What was this dream?"

"Well...IceMist came over to me. She showed me of my mother's past. I saw everything, and I found out that DaisyPetal did have a brother named Garth and a sister named Terra. Which, I suppose, makes me and RosePaw...kin." BubbleDream finished the sentence hesitantly.

SnowLeaf blinked and turned to RosePaw, her eyes widened, "You're mothers were sisters?" then she gasped, "That explains why you both have creamy fur and, of course, your attitudes!" she scrambled to her paws, "I must tell this to WhiteStar, she'll be quite surprised that you two are kin."

RosePaw and BubbleDream shared a glance, "Okay?" the warrior mewed in a uncertain voice and followed the medicine cat into WhiteStar's den.

SnowLeaf called for her sister.

"Come in!" her leader's voice called out and all three cats entered the den. WhiteStar was crouching over her mouse, DarkMind and LarkHeart were in there too, talking about something.

BubbleDream's ear twitched when they mentioned her siblings' names. The toms stopped and looked over to the cats. "Oh!" LarkHeart smiled, "Hello BubbleDream, SnowLeaf and Rose paw." he greeted them.

DarkMind dipped his head in greeting as he settled beside WhiteStar.

The white leader looked at her sister, "What is it?"

SnowLeaf took a deep breath, "BubbleDream had a dream...IceMist visited her." she mewed.

At the mention of the warrior, the brothers scrambled to their paws, "What?" DarkMind exclaimed, WhiteStar was staring up at the young warrior with awe, "Really?" she whispered, LarkHeart looked at the medicine cat.

"Yes, our mother visited her." SnowLeaf mewed impatiently, "DaisyPetal had a sister named Terra, RosePaw's mother. Meaning BubbleDream and RosePaw are kin." the white she-cat finished with a sigh.


The three grown warriors glanced at each other and looked up as BubbleDream stepped forward, "I do wish that RosePaw should be warrior now. She has been truly sorry towards me and we are really good friends and now since we are kin..." the young warrior trailed off as WhiteStar stared at her.

The leader sighed, "I suppose I could. I will speak with PatchCloud to see if you are ready, RosePaw." With a glance at DarkMind, she added, "And ShadowPaw! I will talk with both mentors." she purred and padded out of her den, the dark tom purred back, glancing at LarkHeart and SnowLeaf before the three siblings followed WhiteStar.

RosePaw brightened up, "I'll be a warrior? Cool! Even cooler now that ShadowPaw is gonna be made warrior with me! I won't have to do a vigil all alone!" she flicked her tail.

BubbleDream nodded and led the apprentice out, "Can't wait to tell the great news!" the creamy-grey she-cat purred, leaping from one rock to the other.

"Me too!" RosePaw followed her steps, landing on four paws.

"Hey, TigerBlaze!" BubbleDream mewed as she reached the fresh-kill pile, "SkyPaw and NightPaw."

"Hi!" SkyPaw sat beside TigerBlaze and her brother, "You know, ShadowPaw came and helped us train! He said you told him to." the grey apprentice mewed.

BubbleDream nodded, "I did. I thought he was bored and he can have practice training you two until he gets an apprentice!" 

"Hold up, we don't have any more queens." RosePaw mewed.

"Then we will force some cats to be queens!" BubbleDream joked, making the creamy-pink she-cat swat her with her paw.

SkyPaw rolled her eyes, "Sure...why don't you go and expect OwlFeather's kits?" she mewed sarcastically.

"Why don't you go and expect TigerBlaze's kits then?" BubbleDream shot back.

SkyPaw's face went red, "Uh." she blushed. TigerBlaze blinked and waved his tail, "Don't argue now please.." he murmured gently, putting his large brown paw on top of SkyPaw's.

The grey apprentice purred but her eyes suddenly flashed with guilt when she noticed RippleHeart was staring at the couple with pain in her blue eyes.

BubbleDream twisted her head to see the brown she, the grey-creamy she-cat twitched her tail and welcomed her to sit with them by jerking her head.

RippleHeart looked startled and padded over, "Really?" she asked with relief.

"Stop asking me these stupid questions! Why else did I invite you?" BubbleDream snorted, her tail flicking. RippleHeart blinked and stepped away slowly. 

"I'm sorry I've been unfair to you. I just want to know, how did RosePaw and you become so close in a small amount of time?" RippleHeart shuffled her paws.

RosePaw and BubbleDream glanced at each other and the apprentice replied, "Because we are kin." 

The brown she looked up in surprise, "How?" she asked.

"Our mothers were sisters." BubbleDream licked her paw and drew it up her ear.

RippleHeart glanced at RosePaw, "Well, RosePaw. I am really sorry for ignoring and always treating you like a stranger. And I'm glad you are BubbleDream's kin otherwise I'll be even more confused but I am proud to call you a clan-mate." she dipped her head.

RosePaw brightened at RippleHeart's words, "Me too! And I hope LeafShade and the others will see me like that too." she replied.

TigerBlaze turned his head, not looking at the she-cat's eyes as RippleHeart turned to him with hopeful eyes. The brown she looked down at her paws, her eyes clouded with hurt and grief. BubbleDream felt a rush of pity for her friend.

Behind them stood OwlFeather, BearStrike and a young warrior, LeafShade, whose tail lashed with disbelief, "RippleHeart! What are you doing with those fox-hearts?" she called.

RippleHeart turned and stared at her before turning back, "Should I tell them what you told me?" she asked BubbleDream.

BubbleDream just shrugged, "Your choice." she replied.

RippleHeart smiled and bounded towards the warriors.

"Hey.." she mewed nervously, OwlFeather blinked.

"Yes?" he mewed with confusion.

"Well, BubbleDream and RosePaw just told me something that surprised me." RippleHeart flicked her tail.
"Oh? What did RosePaw tell you this time?" LeafShade spat out the apprentice's name like it was venom.

RippleHeart ignored LeafShade's mew and replied directly to her brother, "They are kin. Their mothers were sisters."

OwlFeather and BearStrike looked taken back. But LeafShade didn't back down, "Are you serious?" she snarled, "I don't believe a single thing RosePaw says!"

OwlFeather flicked his tail, "Well, you know, BubbleDream always told me she had these odd dreams, probably from StarClan I suppose. It doesn't surprise me if a StaClan warrior told her that she and RosePaw are kin." he mewed.

BearStrike nodded in agreement, "Calm down LeafShade. Maybe that's why BubbleDream is so close to RosePaw,"

The dark brown she-cat faced him, "Your now taking sides with a she-cat who always hated us and suddenly became so nice to BubbleDream. Doesn't that make you suspicious? I have a feeling she wants something from BubbleDream, if you ask me." she mewed.

OwlFeather glanced at BearStrike uneasily, "I suppose you have a point." he hesitated while BearStrike just sighed, "I don't get why your so cold towards RosePaw." he grunted. 

LeafShade's tail lashed, "Don't you get it? She's been trouble ever since she joined!" she hissed.

RippleHeart blinked, "Remember the time when BubbleDream had to hide RosePaw in the medicine cat's den because she thought we were going to attack her?" she asked her brother.

OwlFeather laughed, "Yeah, I remember that. You and LeafShade looked like you wanted to murder her!" he purred.

BearStrike chuckled, "Seen that too," he paused, "I think we've been really unfair towards her. Will she forgive us?" he asked RippleHeart.

The brown she-cat blinked her blue eyes, "She forgave me and we only argued yesterday!" she smiled.

LeafShade grunted, "Fine, I suppose we were unfair..." she trailed off.

"We were and we still are until we go and apologise." OwlFeather mewed, looking down at his paws.

LeafShade flicked her tail, "Look, I know we all want to apologise to her but maybe we should leave it for a few days. She might think something is off when all of us want to be her friend straight after our argument." she mewed.

OwlFeather thought for a moment and mewed, "You have a point. Let's wait then for a few days," BearStrike mewed his approval. RippleHeart shrugged, "I already said sorry to BubbleDream and RosePaw, but TigerBlaze...I don't think he loves me anymore..." her voice cracked.

"That SkyPaw!" LeafShade exclaimed, "Taking his heart again! That grey stupid fur-ball. OwlFeather, when are you going to mentor her? She has been with TigerBlaze all the time now he has taken over her training." The dark brown she-cat turned to the tom.

OwlFeather sighed, "Even though I want to, I don't think SkyPaw would want me to train her anymore. She probably hates now," he muttered.

RippleHeart blinked then turned to pad towards the cats by the fresh-kill pile, "Hey BubbleDream! Can you do me a favour please?" she begged, staring at her friend and RosePaw.

The apprentice blinked and nodded, BubbledDream shrugged, "Depends on what it is." she replied.

"Can you, uh, convince SkyPaw that she needs to stop training with TigerBlaze and start learning from her real mentor? OwlFeather really wants to mentor her." she winced, glancing at Sky paw, whose eyes were wide with disbelief.

"No!" she shrieked, "I know what you are planning, you just love TigerBlaze and want to steal him from me. But, you're wrong, he's mine. All mine!" she snarled, leaping onto her paws, her fur fluffed up.

RippleHeart took a step back with bewilderment.

BubbleDream stood beside the brown, older warrior and glared at SkyPaw, "SkyPaw. TigerBlaze is not yours and he will not train you any longer. OwlFeather is your mentor and you must go and train with him this instant!" she growled, her tail lashed.

"NO!" the grey she-cat hissed, "I won't and your  not our leader!"

NightPaw scrambled to his paws and stood beside the two warriors, "SkyPaw. TigerBlaze is my mentor so he is not yours. OwlFeather is your mentor!" he snarled at his sister.

SkyPaw glared at NightPaw, "I thought you were my brother! You were suppose to take my side!" she hissed.

The clan stared at the quarrelling cats in silence. RippleHeart shuffled her paws, feeling guilty. 

TigerBlaze heaved to his paws, his eyes blazing with annoyance and anger, "ENOUGH!" he yowled, making the cats around him freeze.

BubbleDream pressed her side against RippleHeart, trying to comfort her while growling still at the apprentice. RosePaw stretched to her paws and whispered into NightPaw's ears, making the dark apprentice nod with obedience and he padded off towards his brother, who had been standing beside their father the whole time by the High ledge.

SkyPaw looked up at TigerBlaze when NightPaw left, her eyes stared into his with desperation, "So, TigerBlaze, will you still train me?" she asked

The tom looked down at her and let out a sigh, "No. BubbleDream and RippleHeart are right. I am not your mentor, OwlFeather is. Go to him now." he told her sternly. 

The grey apprentice's tail drooped. BubbleDream noticed ShadowPaw didn't come and defend his younger sister and neither did her father or mother. With a jolt of realisation, SkyPaw must be the most selfish and the most nuisance cat in her family.

Next to her, RippleHeart let out a sigh, and turned to leave with her tail down. "I shouldn't have asked to do this. All I did is trouble. Maybe I was born to bring trouble to this clan." she whispered sadly and padded over to her brother, who had been staring down at his paws.

TigerBlaze stared at the she-cat as she left. He sighed of exaggeration and padded into the warriors' den, TreePaw, his brother, followed quietly.

RosePaw and BubbleDream glanced at each other, BubbleDream grunted, "I suppose WhiteStar won't do your ceremony until moon high or tomorrow." she growled, "I blame that SkyPaw. The one who thinks she is the best." she snorted.

RosePaw purred, "Don't worry. I can wait." BubbleDream rolled her eyes, "Alright-" WhiteStar had padded out of her den and now is padding towards the two cats.

"RosePaw, fetch ShadowPaw. We're having your ceremony now. Even though every cat is in a bad mood, this will probably lighten them up." that the leader turned and stalked towards to the high ledge.

RosePaw had left and padded over to ShadowPaw, whose eyes were wide with excitement and gave BubbleDream a nod.

She nodded back and padded over to the high ledge and sat beside her father and her former mentor. SnowLeaf joined them and sat beside DarkMind, whispering into his ear.

IvyMist and NightPaw raced over and settled next to the medicine cat, TreePaw came out of the warriors' den and squeezed himself through the cats to sit next to his mentor.

WhiteStar let out a yowl, "May all cats that can catch their own prey, join here beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting!" her voice echoed through the camp. More cats started to gather around the rock, mewing excitedly to each other, even TigerBlaze looked calmer than earlier.

RippleHeart and OwlFeather joined him and spoke a few words to the warrior before looking up at their leader.

The last cats were ShadowPaw and RosePaw with their mentors, ScorpionSting and PatchCloud.

"Today we have a very special ceremony. RosePaw and ShadowPaw, step forward." WhiteStar looked down.

The two about-to-be-warrior apprentices stepped forwards, their pelts were nicely groomed and it shone in the sun.

"I, WhiteStar, leader of Thunder clan, call upon my ancestors to look down at these two apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn."

"ShadowPaw, RosePaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

ShadowPaw straightened up, "I do." he mewed clearly.

"I do," RosePaw echoed.

"Then by the powers of , I give you your warrior name. ShadowPaw, from this moment on,  you will be known as ShadowStorm. Star clan honours your strength and intelligence." WhiteStar raced down and slowly padded over to the tom and rested her muzzle on his head. The newly made warrior licked her shoulder in return for respect. He turned and joined his mentor and watched the other apprentice.

"ShadowStorm! ShadowStorm!" the clan chanted. WhiteStar waited for them to quiet down.

"RosePaw, from this moment on, you will be known as RoseHeart. Star clan honours your speed and intelligence." WhiteStar, again, rested her muzzle on RoseHeart's head. RoseHeart purred and licked her leader's shoulder in return for respect.

The clan was silent, no cat cheered. RoseHeart started to look down at her paws with awkwardness until BubbleDream called out, "RoseHeart! RoseHeart!" RippleHeart quickly joined in and soon after the clan were calling out her name.

The newly made warrior padded over to join BubbleDream. "You are dismissed." WhiteStar mewed and padded over to her littermates, discussing about something.

RippleHeart purred, "Congratulations RoseHeart." she pressed her muzzle against hers.
The creamy-pink warrior blinked with gratitude, "Thanks, RippleHeart."

"Let's have a meal together first as warriors!" BubbleDream flicked her tail towards the fresh-kill pile.

"Sure." RoseHeart purred and singled BubbleDream to lead the way...


RoseHeart is finally a warrior!

BubbleDream has now forgiven Ripple heart and are best friends again! HooraY!

The exciting part of the story is near, sit tight and may StarClan light your paths!

By SassyTrio

Words (3466)

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