Two - Stare
I wanted to kill Alec Rainey.
The entire class I could feel his eyes trained on the back of my head.
It was as if he was waiting for me to disappear into thin air, or do some magical trick that could happen the moment his eyes wavered off of me.
It was highly annoying.
In fact, it was so annoying that when the teacher had to take a call from the front office, I whipped my head around to him, glaring daggers at his stupidly perfectly sculpted face.
Sure enough, I had been right. He was staring directly at me and as we made eye contact he decided to give me a seemingly innocent smirk. But oh, that smirk was not innocent. The simple movement made all hell break loose in my stomach. It was worse than just "butterflies". It was like a tornado had been born in my stomach. Which, was not okay with me. At all.
'Dumbass would you stop staring at me,' I mouthed, eyes narrowed at his shuttered green ones.
His damn smirk intensified, not helping my poor insides, 'no can do, princess.'
If I hadn't been in the middle of class, I would've let out the loudest growl anyone in this school would ever hear. Sadly, the only thing I was able to do was enhance my glare and respond with some very anger filled mouthed words.
At least that was what I was gonna do until I made eye contact with the innocent kid sitting in front of Alec. He had his eyebrows drawn together with his eyes widened, making him look extremely scared as he stared back at me.
The poor kid had thought I'd been glaring and mouthing things to him throughout the whole interaction with Alec.
My cheeks warmed and I gave the kid an apologetic look and a smile. I had completely forgotten that Alec wasn't the only person in that direction. Anyone could have mistaken me talking to Alec as me talking to them.
I winced at the thought before turning myself around as our teacher called our attention back to the front of the room, continuing to teach.
However, as hard as I tried, the rest of the class I couldn't focus on any of the words coming out of my teacher's mouth. I couldn't stop focusing on the fact that Alec was still staring at me.
The damn idiot was going to make me fail the class.
I took a deep breath and let it out slowly as I clenched my poor pencil tightly. What was his problem? The only time I had ever come into any sort of contact with him was at the door of the classroom earlier. Plus I had only said like eleven words, and only two of them were moderately offensive, and not even all that interesting.
As far as I was concerned he had no right to be boring a hole straight through my poor, innocent head.
"Okay everyone, no homework for today, but I would recommend looking back at this lesson before tomorrow. The rest of this week will have a lot of work cut out for you, so be prepared. Have a nice rest of the day," my teacher nodded goodbye to us as he sat down at his desk, most likely grateful to be done with us for the day.
I groaned, thanks to Alec, I would definitely have to look at the lesson online when I got home. As annoyed as I was, I was still extremely grateful for the fact my that my teacher posted the lessons. It was probably one of the only reasons I wasn't failing this class.
I packed my stuff back into my book bag and left the room with speed I didn't know I had. All I knew was that Alec was always slow while walking to classes, so if I got out of the room fast enough there was a chance I wouldn't have to deal with him for the rest of the day.
Apparently, I had thought wrong. As soon as I exited the room my feet decided to do a quick dance with one another, causing me to fall straight to my doom.
And by doom, I mean Alec Rainey's arms.
Why did the universe hate me so much?
As soon as I realized what had happened, I practically flew out of his arms. When I collected myself together I looked up to see him with that annoying smirk on his face once more.
"Wow princess, you sure fell for me fast."
I clenched my hand around my book bag strap. My heart was beating a million beats per second, but I didn't let it show. Instead, I rolled my eyes at him, "I'd agree with you, but then we'd be both be wrong, and would you stop calling me princess."
He looked me up and down and looked like he was about to say something when someone over my shoulder called for him, "Yo, Alec! Common man, we got some stuff to do, if ya know what I mean."
I rolled my eyes at the comment. Most of the guys at my school only thought about sex. And when they weren't thinking about sex, they were thinking about something related to sex.
I sighed and made to pass by Alec, but he put stepped in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. Before I had the chance to tell him off, he lent down to my ear. His warm breath hitting my cold skin sent shivers down my spine, "I'll see you later, princess."
He pulled away and chuckled as he walked past me, brushing my shoulder with his.
I shook my head in disbelief. What had I gotten myself into?
If you have ever seen a parents face when a child does something they don't know whether to be proud of or disappointed in, then you'd understand how Ever's face looked by the time I finished telling her what had happened first period.
Ever and I were in our only class together, third period, which was study hall. It was perfect for us because we got to talk as much as we wanted without getting in trouble with a teacher- most of the time.
In the past we had been talking about that time of the month struggles when a freshman boy at the table next to us cut into our conversation, asking if either of us had a pencil he could borrow.
The poor kid didn't know that asking the innocent question would cause that time of the month Ever to flip out at him, accusing him of being sexist and expecting us to give him everything he wanted just because he was a guy. Ever had gotten a little too riled up and had caused a little too much commotion that had gotten us awarded with detention for three days. The poor freshmen that had received Ever's period rage had never sat at a table near us ever again. In fact, I'm pretty sure he avoided us entirely, for we never caught sight of him again, leaving Ever unable to apologize.
"You're telling me that you continuously insulted Alec Rainey, the schools most widely known bad butt, and nothing happened?"
I resisted the urge to laugh at Ever's term 'bad butt'. You see, Ever refuses to swear. Out of the eleven years I had known her, I had never once heard her even mutter any sort of term that would be considered a 'bad word'. Which was surprising considering how much just about everyone around her swore.
When she was younger she decided to filter swearing out of her vocabulary because of the fact that her parents had swore a lot while they fought, up until they had gotten a divorce. Her little seven-year-old brain had taken that as 'swearing means bad things happen'. And so from there on out, being the innocent angel she has always been, she refused to swear in an attempt to stop bad things from happening.
It was a sweet thought, but totally unlogical.
"Ever," I shook her shoulders, "I told you! Something did happen. He had the nerve to stare at me the entire class, catch me when my stupid feet tripped me, continue to call me princess and," I held out the word 'and' longer than necessary, "told me he'd see me later. That's so creepy!"
As I finished my explanation, Ever's face showed no trace of sympathy. Instead, her eyes narrowed at me before she quickly turned her body back towards the work that was sitting in front of her.
I rolled my eyes at her and tapped her on the shoulder, too which she turned towards me, eyes still narrowed. I raised one eyebrow at her, "Go ahead Ever, say what you wanna say."
She took a deep breath, then began her rant, " Ivy! When I said nothing happened, I meant nothing bad happened! Getting starred at, falling into his arms, being called princess, and any stuff like that is what most girls dream of happening to them! Especially by the boy in this school who is supposed to be a butthole! So either you got lucky, or you better keep your eyes peeled because he's bound to pounce and get payback at any moment!"
She took deep breaths as she finished, staring at me with a mix of worry and excitement on her face.
"Ev, I doubt anything is going to happen. He's probably going to forget about it," I paused, "in fact, he's probably already forgotten about it and has found some other girl to mess with."
Ever chuckled at me, shaking her head, "Oh Ivy, you don't understand. You're the kind of person that makes forgetting you, a task that is extremely hard to complete."
I looked her dead in the eyes, "Is it my hair?"
Ever shrugged, "Your hair, but more than that. Even before you dyed it everyone was drawn to you, whether you liked it or not," she laughed, "I remember in second grade how like five boys told you they liked you on valentines day, and you screamed and didn't come back to school until the next week, claiming you had gotten sick from the cooties."
I laughed at the memory. Growing up I had tried to shy away from attention. Fleeing from it like it was the plague. By the time we got to middle school the attention I had received from others died down, probably due to the fact that we were going to a new school, where the older kids seemed a lot more interesting then they had been when they were in elementary. I had been grateful for it and laid low for all of middle school and most of high school. Until junior year when, stuff, had happened and I dyed my hair the bright red that it is today. Apparently, dying your hair a color in the middle of the school year makes you a definite target for attention and whispers. Eventually, it got rid of Ivory Blair and created Ivy, the girl who gives the most deathly glares and cold looks when stared at for too long. At least that's what Ever says anyway.
"Anyway," Ever started, "I'd still keep an eye out if I were you, you never know when Alec Rainey could pounce," she made the motion of a cat pouncing and hissed.
I laughed at her, throwing my head back and lightly hitting her on the shoulder.
However, as I laughed a little bit of worry nagged me on the inside.
What if Ever was right?
What if Alec didn't forget?
What if he did decide to pounce?
I hope you enjoyed chapter two!
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