
Sorry guys for not updating...hehe..I'm  not having writers block it's just I'm trying to organize everything cause believe it or not the conflicts in the story haven't even started to happen yet (there are a few hints). Well enough with me talking here is the special.

                   Zoe Relatable Moments

'Me most of the year: Want this. Want that.

Me during my birthday or Christmas: IDK!!'


Mid May

"Wow~ look at those Jin! I want them to bad I'm too lazy to try them on" A sigh escaped Zoe's lips. "Hurry up Zoe the fans are starting to crowd around too much!" Jimin whispered in her ear. And just like an anime she was pulled away her eyes looking at the shoes as if they were the love of her life.

"Noooooooooooooo!" She yelled as she was dragged.

June 16

"Remember Jimin you got to be smooth about it, okay?" Jungkook and Taehyung gave Jimin a pep talk in their little huddle.

"Jimin being smooth, surprising, you know what's not surprising, how much you can save when you switch to GEICO."

(This book is not being sponsored)

Jimin and Jungkook turn their heads over to the boy that just spoke with a 'wtf' face. The Alien just giggled. "Okay I'll go now?" Jimin breathed in deeply before heading over to the couch where Zoe was situated.

'Zoe I still can't believe he asked me to be with him forever and ever and ever! I feel like my heart is about to explode!! He even got me-'

"Mmmhmm yes Bria unnie that's real nice." Zoe stated with a bored look while reading a book clearly not paying attention. Jimin whisper her name making her look at him.

"Oh Of course I will help you clean your room Jimin! Sorry unnie go to go! Bye!" The girl quickly ended the call and let out a sigh. "Was I this loud when I got together with-"

"Yes, yes you were!" Jungkook interrupted Zoe before she could finish.

Zoe looked him up and down as he fixed his collar and hair in the hall mirror with keys in his hand. "Where are you going all dressed up?"

"Well I have a date with-OH MAN HOLY SHIT! I'm going to be late! Bye!"

"O-kay, anyway what did you want?" Zoe turned her attention back to her book.

"What would you want for your birthday?"

"Smooth~ Jimin. That's why you got no jams!!" Taehyung jumped up from behind the couch pointing an accusing finger at his hyung.

"Well~~~~ there's that- there's this-uhhhhhh.... I don't know...hehe.."


That 'fail at life' moment when you try to pull up the covers but punch your face instead


"Storm why do you always lay on top of the covers!! Now my shoulders are cold" Zoe whined. Storm made no movements instead just kept on sleeping. "Ugh HHH, fine I'll just pull them!"

In the kitchen Jin was cooking calmly when he heard a bunch of curse words get yelled from on of the upper floors. He grabbed a spatula but not before saying under his breath, "who in the hell thinks they can live under this roof and be cursing like a sailor.'



When you are late for class and when you enter everyone states like you just killed someone


"Shit! Shitshitshitshitshit" Zoe ran with all her might until she was in front of her classroom. She opened the door and let out a sigh to see the teacher was absent that day. She walked in completly and all eyes were on her. " May I help you?" She sassed and everyone went back to whatever they were doing.

She walked towards the back where her seat was right next to Chenle who was talking with his friends. "Hi best friend!!" The boy yelled before giving her a hug. "Hey"

"What's that" the boy pointed to the girls shirt. She scratched her neck. "Umm...ketchup"

"Oh, by the way have you seen Jisung?"


"That's ketchup you said, right"

"Yup ketchup"




'I need to stop' I whisper as I click 'next episode'


"Oh a new drama!? Nope a throw back! Boys over flowers, yes!" Zoe yelled making Storm jump like a cat and fall of the bed from the after bounce Zoe created. 

Spongebob narrator: "Three hours later"

"Oh god, it's already two in the morning. But just one more episode."

Spongebob narrator: The next day

"Zoe are you okay?" Lisa asked her 'little sister'. Zoe snapped and wipped something from her mouth which would be drool. "Yep I'm okay!" The girl yelled cheerfully but with eyes ¾ closed.

"Okay everyone into places!!!" Blackpink looked at each other before hearing a 'thump' come from the direction Zoe went.

"I'm okay!"


We all have that one friend that things everything in a a dirty way


"So I was laying next to him right-"

"Oh so you were laying next to him unnie" Zoe snickered with a wink. Bria rolled her eyes before continuing her story.

" and out of no where he grabs one of my pillows-" Bria Stopped once again because of the snickering Zoe. "Unnie just call them by the name Doctors use." Zoe got another eye roll.

"Well while he grabbed the pillow I had sat up already and he hit me from the back-" Zoe bursted out laughing. Lisa just giggled behind her hand along with Nishi.

"You know what Momo unnie you can tell your story instead I'm done with these girls" Bria sighed while taking a sip of her drink.

"Okay so I was in the living room when I heard this sound come from upstairs. I went up and saw Chae banging on the door-" Zoe laughed even harder gather attention from the other customers. Jenni hit her shoulder lightl making the girl straighten up a bit and quiet down.

"Well she was banging" Zoe bit her lip trying to not let out her laugh that was coming out at a snicker.

"Yes, I'm all refreshed now!" Rose spoke standing in front of the their table since she had just come back from the bathroom. "Oh unnie there's a hole on your jeans!" Lisa spotted the hole on Rose's jeans right next to the ring of where your belt or supposed to go.

"Who pulled on your jeans unnie" Zoe exclaimed before laughing out loud getting un amused expressions from her unnies.


That moment you realize you aren't the smart one

" Zoe! ZOE!"

"What do you want!"

"Okay hear this, Annie's father has eight kids-

" Damn was his turn on diming the lights and his wife didn't know!?"

"Like I was saying, Annie's father has eight kids January, February, March, April, May, June, and July. What was the name of the eighth kid?" Everyone looked in Zoe's direction to see with what she responded.

"Trick question!" Zoe exclaimed and J-hope gave her a weird look.


"Because Annie was an orphan!"

*Cue Tomorrow*


That awkward (shy) moment when you are dancing then turn around and see someone had been watching you the whole time


Zoe layed in bed scrolling through her Instagram before something popped in her head.

"Can I twerk?" Well she was Hispanic and not to brag but she thought she had a good amount of ass. "Well, why not check?"

She stood up from her bed and walked over to her mirror phone in head. She quickly picked a song once it started she got the hang of the bed and started trying to twerk. The music wasnt that loud but she still didn't hear the door open.

"Nice dancing you got there princess." Zoe's eyes widened and she quickly stood up straight. "When did you get here-

How did you guys like that!!! Well I promise to try to update soon I'll try my best fighting.


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